Results for 'Doctrina Christiana'

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  1.  16
    De Doctrina Christiana.St Augustine - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The De Doctrina Christiana is one of Augustine's most important works on the classical tradition. Undertaken at the same time as the Confessions, is sheds light on the development of Augustine's thought, especially in the areas of ethics, hermeneutics, and sign-theory. What is most interesting, however, is its careful attempt to indicate precisely what elements of a classical education are valuable for a Christian, and how the precepts of Ciceronian rhetoric may be used to communicate Christian truth. An (...)
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  2. De doctrina christiana şi traducerile rămâneşti–recenzie la Sf. Augustin, De doctrina christiana, traducere de Marian Ciucă, ed.Sfântul Augustin - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    De Doctrina Christiana.Giuseppe Casati - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (1):18-44.
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    La caridad como criterio hermenéutico. Una aproximación a la comprensión de la unidad del De doctrina christiana de San Agustín.Biviana Unger Parra - 2015 - Universitas Philosophica 32 (64):329-341.
    The De Doctrina Christiana is one of St. Augustine´s most important works, not only because of the reflection and hermeneutic exposed, but because of its special nature, since their composition realizes the vital and intellectual development of the author over two decades. A large section of the specialized reviews say that this work should be understood as a set of two irreconcilable parts, that one written in 396, with a hermeneutical character, the other finished by 426 devoted to (...)
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    «La lengua de la gente común y no los priores de la gramática arábiga». La Doctrina Christiana en lengua arábiga (1566) de Martín Pérez de Ayala.Teresa Soto González - 2021 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 24:125-141.
    Despite the abundant production of catecismos in 16th century Spain, few of them were addressed directly to the new converted population, and fewer still were translated into or written in Arabic. Given the dimension of the Morisco question within Catholicism at the time, this scarcity is striking. Archbishop of Valencia and attending member of the Council of Trent, Martín Pérez de Ayala, commissioned one of these rare texts, the Doctrina Christiana en Lengua Arauiga y Castellana, written in Valencian (...)
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  6. Manuscritos del De doctrina christiana existentes en Europa.M. Avilés - 1986 - Augustinus 31 (123-124):379-390.
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    Nota sul De doctrina christiana.Alessandra Pollastri - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):527-536.
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    Aplicaciones catequéticas del De doctrina christiana.Rodolfo Víctor Pérez Velázquez - 1997 - Augustinus 42 (166-167):353-390.
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    El De doctrina christiana, ¿una obra catequetica?Rodolfo Víctor Pérez Velázquez - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):327-387.
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    Sabiduría en 'De doctrina christiana' de Agustín.Frances Young - 2007 - Augustinus 52 (204):239-244.
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    Discurso de San Pablo en Atenas (Hch 17,22-34). Estudio histórico-filosófico y análisis retórico a la luz de De Doctrina Christiana[REVIEW]Antonio Bueno Ávila - 2023 - Isidorianum 18 (35):241-266.
    El discurso que San Pablo dirige a los atenienses en el Areópago constituye el más claro ejemplo de inculturación que aparece en el Nuevo Testamento. Siendo el precedente inmediato de todo el esfuerzo que los Padres de la Iglesia realizarán por establecer un diálogo fecundo entre la filosofía y la revelación, entre la fe y la razón. Bajo un esquema histórico de «predicación kerigmática a los gentiles», San Lucas crea un relato donde vierte todo su saber filosófico y retórico. Aspecto (...)
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  12. Augustine's Modification of Liberal Education: Reflections on 'De doctrina Christiana'.Matthew Walz - 2013 - Arts of Liberty 1 (1):51-97.
    In this article, I first show in what way Augustine's 'De doctrina Christiana' actually concerns liberal education, or at least includes it within its scope. Second, I articulate the new 'modus' of education, its new “mode” or “measure,” presented in 'De doctrina'. Third, I exemplify the modification of education by briefly considering Augustine’s treatment of rhetoric in Book IV of 'De doctrina'. Fourth and finally, I conclude with general remarks that attempt to situate the sort of (...)
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    The Fruit of Charity: Using the Neighbor in "De doctrina christiana".Helmut David Baer - 1996 - Journal of Religious Ethics 24 (1):47-64.
    Augustine's treatment of neighbor - love in De doctrina Christiana has been the subject of much criticism in twentieth-century scholarship. Specifically, Augustine is criticized for reducing neighbor - love to an instrumental "use" of the neighbor as a tool in one's personal project of salvation. This paper argues that careful attention to the relationship between Christ and the uti-frui distinction in book 1 of De doctrina reveals a much different conception of "use." Far from advancing an instrumental (...)
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    Per homines hominibus : charité et herméneutique dans le prologue du De doctrina christiana.Patrick Thériault - 2006 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 62 (2):369-380.
    Le bien-fondé de l’herméneutique d’Augustin dans son De doctrina christiana est d’ordre communautaire, plus qu’épistémologique. Occasion d’enseigner et d’apprendre, de se parler et de s’entendre, l’activité herméneutique se révèle toute désignée à la pratique de la charité; les médiations humaines qu’elle met en jeu, et qu’elle structure à l’intérieur d’un certain cadre éthique, sont propres à affermir les liens communautaires. Le De doctrina christiana veut promouvoir la double économie du sens et de l’amour. Il s’y essaie (...)
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  15. Augustine: De Doctrina Christiana[REVIEW]James O'donnell - 1996 - The Medieval Review 3.
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    La destination communautaire de l'interprétation, le De doctrina christiana d'Augustin.Patrick Thériault - 2006 - Dialogue 45 (2):233-256.
    In theDe doctrina christianaAugustine lays the foundations of a type of hermeneutics more community oriented than epistemological. Likewise, the rules he formulates have jurisdiction beyond the sole domain of semiotics; as I shall argue, they are applicable, in like (even congruent) manner, to the world of social relations. More fundamentally, these rules are intended to moderate an economy of desire, in which semiotics and social relations find a common origin and, above all, the principles of their harmonious organization. I (...)
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  17. The Theory of Signs in St. Augustine's De doctrina christiana.B. Darrel Jackson - 1969 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 15 (1-2):9-50.
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    The Subject and Structure of Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana.Gerald A. Press - 1980 - Augustinian Studies 11:99-124.
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    Doctrina In Augustine'S De Doctrina Christiana.Gerald A. Press - 1984 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 17 (2):98-120.
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    Algunos problemas fundamentales del De doctrina christiana.Montserrat Avilés Bartina - 1975 - Augustinus 20 (77):83-105.
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    Biblical hermeneutics and rhetoric of love developed in Augustine’ 『de doctrina christiana』. 문영식 - 2016 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 84:157-175.
    아우구스티누스는 해석학이나 수사학이라는 표제로 책을 저술하지는 않았다. 그럼에도 중세 해석학이나 수사학에 나타난 아우구스티누스의 영향은 적지 않다. 본 논문을 통해 필자는 아우구스티누스가 『그리스도교 교양』이라는 책을 저술한 목적을 해석학과 수사학의 측면에서 고찰할 것이다. 30년이라는 간극을 두고 책의 해석학과 수사학의 내용이 저술되었는데, 한 책에서 해석학과 수사학을 다루고 있는 이유는 무엇인가? 아우구스티누스는 해석학과 수사학을 서로 독립된 분야가 아니라, 해석학이 수사학의 토대가 된다는 입장에서 있다. 성서 해석을 통한 성서 수사학으로의 전개를 염두에 두고 책을 썼던 것이다. 그러니까 『그리스도 교양』을 제대로 읽기 위해서는 해석학 원리만을 탐구하거나 수사학 (...)
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    Body Language in Augustine’s Confessiones and De doctrina christiana.Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):1-23.
    This article examines the role of bodily expressions within Augustine’s theory of signs and language. Philosophical reflection, rhetorical practice, and his own homiletical experience all led Augustine to consider the role played by the body in communicative acts. The invesitgation is sharpened via careful analysis of the rhetorical category of actio and close readings of particular passages that are relevant for Augustine’s understanding of the process of learning language in general and of learning the catechism in particular. The centrality of (...)
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  23.  23
    Milton’s scriptural theology: confronting De Doctrina Christiana.Simon J. G. Burton - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (4):716-718.
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    Defences of classical learning in St. Augustine's De Doctrina Christiana and Erasmus's Antibarbari.Edmund Campion - 1983 - History of European Ideas 4 (4):467-471.
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    Teoría del signo: lectura alegórica e impulsos del alma en" De doctrina Christiana".J. David Dawson - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):63-81.
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    Milton's strange pantheon: The apparent tritheism of the de doctrina christiana.S. J. Dayton Haskin - 1975 - Heythrop Journal 16 (2):129–148.
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    Metafisica del Dio-Amore nel «De Doctrina Christiana».Alberto di Giovanni - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (2):294-300.
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    Evaluation on Augustine's 『De Doctrina Christiana』. 문영식 - 2019 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 96:189-208.
    본 논문은 아우구스티누스의 『그리스도교 교양』에 대한 다양한 평가를 고찰하고 자리매김하는 데 있다. 수사학의 역사에서 아우구스티누스는 『그리스도교 교양』을 집필하며 그리스도교 설교학의 지침서를 제공하고 그리스도교 수사학을 정초한 인물이다. 1928년 찰스 발드윈(Charles Baldwin)을 시작으로 현대 조지 케네디(G. A. Kennedy)에 이르기까지 아우구스티누스의 『그리스도교 교양』에 대한 논의와 평가가 진행되고 있다. 최근에는 아우구스티누스가 실행했던 설교에 나타난 수사학에 대한 분석이 시도되고 있다. 본 논문은 아우구스티누스 수사학 이론에 대한 관심보다 『그리스도교 교양』에 대한 평가에 집중하고자 한다. 1920년 대 이후부터 현대까지에 이르는 평가를 살펴보면서 수사학 역사에서 아우구스티누스의 위상을 정립하고자 한다. (...)
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  29. Textual Notes on Augustine's "De doctrina christiana".William Green - 1962 - Revue d' Etudes Augustiniennes Et Patristiques 8 (3):225-232.
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    Words and Word: Incarnation and Signification in Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana.Mark D. Jordan - 1980 - Augustinian Studies 11:177-196.
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    This Great Argument: A Study of Milton's De Doctrina Christiana as a Gloss Upon Paradise Lost.Maurice Kelley - 1962 - Princeton University Press H. Milford London.
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    Superstición, ciencia y ”narratio histórica” en el De doctrina christiana de san Agustín.Hans Reinhard Seeliger & M. Piñón - 1981 - Augustinus 26 (103-104):227-237.
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    Note sul testo del De doctrina christiana di Agostino.Manlio Simonetti - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):549-565.
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    The Human Being as Sign in Augustine’s De doctrina christiana.Susannah Ticciati - 2013 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 55 (1).
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    Augustine on the “Communicative Gaps” in Book Two of De doctrina Christiana.Tarmo Toom - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (2):213-222.
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    Augustine’s Principles of Biblical Exegesis, De doctrina christiana Aside.Frederick Van Fleteren - 1996 - Augustinian Studies 27 (2):107-128.
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    Basevi, C., San Agustín. La interpretación deI Nuevo Testamento. Criterios exegéticos propuestos por S. Agustín en el ‘De Doctrina Christiana’ en el ‘Contra Faustum’ y en el ‘De Consensu Evangelistarum’. [REVIEW]Primo Ciarlantini - 1977 - Augustinianum 17 (3):585-587.
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    Comments on a Recent Edition of De doctrina christiana La Doctrine Chrétienne/De Doctrina Christiana[REVIEW]Frederick Van Fleteren - 2003 - Augustinian Studies 34 (1):126-137.
  39. (1 other version)Hermeneutics and the Ancient Philosophical Legacy: Hermeneia and Phronesis.Jussi Backman - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 22-33.
    Hermeneutics as we understand it today is an essentially modern phenomenon. The chapter presents observations that illustrate some of the central ways in which the modern and late modern phenomena of philosophical hermeneutics relate to the ancient philosophical legacy. First, the roots of hermeneutics are traced to ancient views on linguistic, textual, and sacral interpretation. The chapter then looks at certain fundamentally unhermeneutic elements of the Platonic, Aristotelian, and Augustinian “logocentric” theory of meaning that philosophical hermeneutics and its heirs sought (...)
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    Augustine and his practical advices on education and teaching.Zuzana Svobodová - 2024 - Paideia: Philosophical e-Journal of Charles University 19 (1):1-12.
    Augustine and his practical advices on education and teaching. – Based on De doctrina christiana, Augustine is presented as a teacher, an educator of other educators and teachers, namely speakers in the Church in his time. The paper starts with the question of whether Augustine’s distinction between enjoyment and utility and Augustine’s principles of exegetical work and preaching can be inspirational for educators today. The text aims to show Augustine’s conception of the education of fundamental values and thus (...)
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  41. Augustine; a collection of critical essays.R. A. Markus - 1972 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    Introduction, by R. A. Markus.--St. Augustine and Christian Platonism, by A. H. Armstrong.--Action and contemplation, by F. R. J. O'Connell.--St. Augustine on signs, by R. A. Markus.--The theory of signs in St. Augustine's De doctrina Christiana, by B. D. Jackson.--Si fallor, sum, by G. B. Matthews.--Augustine on speaking from memory, by G. B. Matthews.--The inner man, by G. B. Matthews.--On Augustine's concept of a person, by A. C. Lloyd.--Augustine on foreknowledge and free will, by W. L. Rowe.--Augustine on (...)
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    Words, ideas, and representation: the genesis of the definition of a sign in the Port-Royal Logique.Martine Pécharman - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    L’addition, dans la cinquième édition en 1683 de La Logique ou L’Art de penser, d’un chapitre consacré à la définition générale du signe et de plusieurs chapitres relevant spécifiquement d’une analyse des signes linguistiques, a été parfois interprétée comme une apparition tardive du “problème du langage” dans le traité d’Arnauld et Nicole. Parce que la plupart de ces chapitres supplémentaires sont la transposition de passages auparavant destinés dans la Perpétuité de la foi (1669-1674) à réfuter le sens calviniste de Ceci (...)
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  43. Fray Luis de León y la interpretación de la Sagrada Escritura. La influencia de San Agustín.María Martín Gómez - 2011 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 18:211-222.
    On March 27, 1572 Fray Luis de Leon was imprisoned, among other reasons, because according to his informers, fray Luis, in addition to «be a friend of novelties» has argued that to understand the Sacred Scripture is not necessary the scholastic Theology. Fray Luis, who was always opposed to this view, will try to defend himself on the basis of the work De doctrina christiana of St.Augustine and putting forward that to correctly interpret Scripture is necessary the scholastic (...)
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    Knocking on the Doors of Scripture.Brendan Augustine Baran - 2023 - Augustinian Studies 54 (2):203-230.
    Several times, when faced with a difficult passage of scripture in Sermones ad populum, Augustine implores his audience, “knock and it shall be opened” (Matt. 7:7c; par. Luke 11:9c). Augustine uses this phrase to stress humility and the human need for God’s activity when interpreting scripture. Studying the archeological record of domestic architecture of locked doors in Roman North Africa elucidates Augustine’s message. Knowledge of the material culture shows that Augustine calls upon Christians to “knock” upon scripture as if it (...)
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    Los límites del lenguaje humano en la retórica agustiniana.Valeria Victoria Rodríguez Morales - 2024 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 27 (53):93-106.
    Este artículo sostiene que los límites del verbum vocis, paradójicamente, le dan sentido al esfuerzo del docere humano en la retórica agustiniana. Se espera ilustrar a lo largo de la investigación que esta hipótesis se sigue del análisis del concepto de docere en libro IV de De doctrina christiana a la luz del De Magistro. Se pretende alcanzar este objetivo a través de tres etapas. En primer lugar, se analizarán las funciones de la retórica agustiniana, en especial, la (...)
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    Augustine on the True Presence and the Eucharist as Sacrament of Unity.Elizabeth Klein - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1325-1336.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Augustine on the True Presence and the Eucharist as Sacrament of UnityElizabeth KleinAugustine's understanding of the Eucharist has been a thorny topic for theologians (both within the academy and without) since the Reformation.1 Ulrich Zwingli cited Augustine as an authority in favor of his merely symbolic understanding of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist at the colloquy of Marburg, to which Martin Luther reportedly conceded: "You have Augustine (...)
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    Resisting Idolatry and Instrumentalisation in Loving the Neighbour: The Significance of the Pilgrimage Motif for Augustine’s Usus–Fruitio Distinction.Sarah Stewart-Kroeker - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (2):202-221.
    This article addresses Augustine’s distinction between usus and fruitio—and O’Donovan’s critique of it—in order to consider the dangers of disordered love in the forms of idolatry and instrumentalisation in neighbourly relations on earth. Examining the christological heart of the pilgrimage image as articulated in De doctrina christiana addresses O’Donovan’s critique that the pilgrimage image instrumentalises one’s relationships to others in the progress of one’s own journey to God. In fact, this image presents a christological dialectic that establishes the (...)
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    Augustine's Intellectual Conversion: The Journey from Platonism to Christianity (review).Travis E. Ables - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):137-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Augustine's Intellectual Conversion: The Journey from Platonism to ChristianityTravis E. AblesBrian Dobell. Augustine's Intellectual Conversion: The Journey from Platonism to Christianity. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Pp. xvii + 250. Cloth, $82.00.The question of Augustine's Platonism is famously vexed. Since Peter Brown, the standard reading holds that Augustine did not move beyond the Neoplatonism of his early dialogues until he studied the writings of the apostle Paul (...)
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    Defense y vindicación agustinianas del cuerpo.Kelly E. Arenson - 2015 - Augustinus (236-239):5-14.
    Contemporary critics of Augustine, including many feminists, have often charged him with debasing the body by considering it to be the seat of sin, worthy of enmity and neglect. I argue that in several texts Augustine displays a marked effort to liberate his readers from precisely that position. I attempt to show that in De doctrina christiana and City of God, Augustine defends the body by shifting the blame for sin from the flesh to the soul. I contend (...)
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    Illocutionary acts and the uncanny: On Nicholas Wolterstorff's idea of divine discourse.F. B. A. Asiedu - 2001 - Heythrop Journal 42 (3):283–310.
    Nicholas Wolterstorff's Divine Discourse attempts to give philosophical warrant to the claim that ‘God speaks’. While Wolterstorff's argument depends largely on his appropriation of J.L. Austin's speech act theory, he also uses two narratives that for him demonstrate how ‘God speaks’. The first is the story of Augustine's conversion in the Confessions and the second is a story that Wolterstorff recounts about a certain ‘Virginia’. This study argues that what Wolterstorff claims to derive from Augustine's narrative for his view of (...)
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