Results for 'Donald Davidson, meaning, truth, Truth-Conditional Semantics'

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  1. Donald Davidson's Truth-theoretic semantics.Ernest Lepore & Kirk Ludwig - 2007 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kirk Ludwig.
    This book is an examination of the foundations and applications of the program of truth-theoretic semantics for natural languages introduced in 1967 by Donald Davidson in his classic paper “Truth and Meaning.” This is the second of two books on Donald Davidson’s central philosophical project. The first, Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language and Reality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), dealt with the basic framework of Davidson’s truth-theoretic approach to providing a meaning theory (...)
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    Davidson on Truth.Bogdan Oprea - forthcoming - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:11-22.
    Truth-conditional semantics is by far the best-known philosophical contribution of Donald Davidson. The main idea of this approach is to explain the concept of meaning by appeal to the concept of truth. Accordingly, we understand a sentence s of a natural language L, if and only if, we know its truth-conditions. Challenging in its nature, this proposal immediately caught the attention of the philosophical community, being equally appreciated and criticized. The aim of this paper (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Theories of Meaning and Truth Conditions.Kathrin Glüer - 2012 - In Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Max Kolbel, The Continuum companion to the philosophy of language. New York: Continuum International.
    Or, in Donald Davidson’s much quoted words: “What is it for words to mean what they do?” (Davidson 1984, xiii). Davidson himself suggested approaching this matter by asking two different questions: What form should a formal semantics take? And: What is it that makes a semantic theory correct for a particular language, i.e. what determines meaning? The second question concerns the place of semantic facts in a wider metaphysical space: How do these facts relate to non-semantic facts? Can (...)
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    Passing theories through topical heuristics: Donald Davidson, Aristotle, and the conditions of discursive competence.Stephen R. Yarbrough - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (1):72-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 37.1 (2004) 72-91 [Access article in PDF] Passing Theories through Topical Heuristics: Donald Davidson, Aristotle, and the Conditions of Discursive Competence Stephen R. Yarbrough Department of English The University of North Carolina at Greensboro What are the conditions of discursive competence? In "A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs" Donald Davidson explains how it is possible that in practice we can, with little effort, understand and (...)
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  5. Donald Davidson: meaning, truth, language, and reality.Ernest LePore & Kirk Ludwig - 2003 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kirk Ludwig.
    Ernest Lepore and Kirk Ludwig present the definitive critical exposition of the philosophical system of Donald Davidson. Davidson 's ideas had a deep and broad influence in the central areas of philosophy; he presented them in brilliant essays over four decades, but never set out explicitly the overarching scheme in which they all have their place. Lepore's and Ludwig's book will therefore be the key work, besides Davidson 's own, for understanding one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth (...)
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    'Meaning and Truth' and 'Truth and Meaning'.Miguel Hoeltje - 2016 - Dialectica 70 (2):201-215.
    Donald Davidson suggested that, in attempting to give meaning theories, we should proceed via giving truth theories. For the programme of truth-theoretic semantics to be successful, two tasks need to be accomplished. First, it has to be shown that natural languages are actually amendable to truth theoretic treatment. The second task is to show how we can bridge the gap between a truth theory and a genuine meaning theory. This second task is necessitated by (...)
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  7. PHIL 470: Seminar: Metaphysics & Epistemology Truth and Reality.Donald Davidson - unknown
    Course Outline: § Main Goals: 1. To construct a theory of meaning (a semantics) as Tarski does with a theory of truth. 2. To argue that the meaning of a sentence is nothing but its truth conditions. 3. To argue that a characterization of a truth predicate describes the required kind of structure, and provides a clear and testable criterion of an adequate semantics for a natural language.
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  8. Davidson’s Account Of Truth And Fictional Meaning.Michael Bourke - 2012 - Praxis 3 (2):1-27.
    Fictional and non-fictional texts rely on the same language to express their meaning; yet many philosophers in the analytic tradition would say, with reason, that fictional texts literally make no truth claims, or more modestly that the rhetorical and literary devices to which fiction and non-fiction writers alike have recourse are unconnected to truth or have no propositional content. These related views are associated with a doctrine in the philosophy of language, most notably advanced by the late (...) Davidson, which holds that we understand the semantic structure of a language by applying to it a theory of truth, which involves discovering the truth conditions of its sentences. This approach to semantic theory raises several seemingly intractable problems, such as the problem of stating the meaning of non-declarative sentences, e.g. questions and imperatives. The chief aim of this paper will be to try to dispel these problems by suggesting an adjustment in Davidson’s account of the relation of truth to meaning, one which will also allow us to picture such troublesome linguistic items as metaphor within a semantic theory, and to expand the range of objects which can be brought into a general theory of meaning. (shrink)
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    Metaphor and Truth-conditional Semantics: Meaning as Process and Product.Finn Collin & Anders Engstrøm - 2001 - Theoria 67 (1):75-92.
    A criticism is offered of the chief argument employed by Davidson to debunk the notion of “metaphorical meaning”, which exploits the static nature of standard truth-conditional semantics. We argue, first, that Davidson's argument fails, and go on to suggest, secondly, that truth-conditional semantics would profit if the static feature were abandoned and were replaced by a processual, dynamic conception of meaning. We try to show that this processual aspect can be captured without making the (...)
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  10. Lepore and Ludwig on 'explicit meaning theories'.Miguel Hoeltje - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 165 (3):831-839.
    The fundamental problem proponents of truth conditional semantics must face is to specify what role a truth theory is supposed to play within a meaning theory. The most detailed proposal for tackling this problem is the account developed by Ernest Lepore and Kirk Ludwig. However, as I will show in this paper, theories along the lines of Lepore and Ludwig do not suffice to put someone into the position to understand the objectlanguage. The fundamental problem of (...)
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  11. From the Tarskian Definition of Truth to the Davidsonian Theory of Meaning and to Intensional Semantics: An Evaluative Perspective.Wilson Mendonça & Julia Telles de Menezes - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (3).
    According to a dominant approach in philosophy of language and theoretical linguistics, the main task of semantic theory is to provide a recursive definition of truth at points of evaluation for the declarative sentences that make up the language under examination. A specific type of theory of truth (the definition of truth originally proposed by Alfred Tarski) is reinterpreted here as a theory of meaning. The idea of using definitions of truth to explain the meaning of (...)
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  12. Was Davidson's Project a Carnapian Explication of Meaning?Kirk Ludwig - 2015 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 3 (4):1-55.
    There are two main interpretive positions on Davidson’s project in the theory of meaning. The Replacement Theory holds that Davidson aimed to replace the theory of meaning with the theory of truth on the grounds that meaning is too unclear a notion for systematic theorizing. The Traditional Pursuit Theory, in contrast, holds that Davidson aimed to pursue the traditional project with a clever bit of indirection, exploiting the recursive structure of a truth theory to reveal compositional semantic structure (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Truth in the Theory of Meaning.Ernie Lepore & Kirk Ludwig - 2013 - In Ernie Lepore & Kurt Ludwig, Blackwell Companion to Donald Davidson. Blackwell. pp. 173–190.
    In this chapter, we defend the view that Davidson aimed not to replace the theory of meaning with the theory of truth, or to capture only certain features of the ordinary notion of meaning for certain theoretical purposes, but rather to pursue the traditional project of explaining in the broadest terms “what it is for words to mean what they do” through a clever bit of indirection, namely, by exploiting the recursive structure of a Tarskian‐style truth theory, which (...)
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    Meaning and Truth‐Conditions.David Wiggins - 1997 - In Bob Hale, Crispin Wright & Alexander Miller, A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 27–48.
    In the transition from logical positivism to modern analytical philosophy, the idea that to understand a sentence came near to being mislaid entirely. It was brought back into a new prominence in the late 1960s by Donald Davidson. In advance of considering more recent claims about meaning, it will be useful to mark certain moments in the formulation and reformulation of the original insight of the truthconditional theory. The Fregean idea was destined to be rediscovered for philosophy (...)
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    Donald Davidson on truth, meaning, and the mental.Gerhard Preyer (ed.) - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume offers a reappraisal of Donald Davidson's influential philosophy of thought, meaning, and language, Twelve specially written essays by leading philosophers in the field illuminate a range of themes and problems relating to these ...
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  16. Semantic competence and truth-conditional semantics.Howard G. Callaway - 1988 - Erkenntnis 28 (1):3 - 27.
    Davidson approaches the notions of meaning and interpretation with the aim of characterizing semantic competence in the syntactically characterized natural language. The objective is to provide a truth-theory for a language, generating T-sentences expressed in the semantic metalanguage, so that each sentence of the object language receives an appropriate interpretation. Proceeding within the constraints of referential semantics, I will argue for the viability of reconstructing the notion of linguistic meaning within the Tarskian theory of reference. However, the view (...)
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  17. The expressive role of truth in truth-conditional semantics.Claire Horisk - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (229):535–557.
    I define 'skim semantics' to be a Davidson-style truth-conditional semantics combined with a variety of deflationism about truth. The expressive role of truth in truth-conditional semantics precludes at least some kinds of skim semantics; thus I reject the idea that the challenge to skim semantics derives solely from Davidson's explanatory ambitions, and in particular from the 'truth doctrine', the view that the concept of truth plays a central (...)
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  18. Davidsonian Semantics and Anaphoric Deflationism.David Löwenstein - 2012 - Dialectica 66 (1):23-44.
    Whether or not deflationism is compatible with truth-conditional theories of meaning has often been discussed in very broad terms. This paper only focuses on Davidsonian semantics and Brandom's anaphoric deflationism and defends the claim that these are perfectly compatible. Critics of this view have voiced several objections, the most prominent of which claims that it involves an unacceptable form of circularity. The paper discusses how this general objection applies to the case of anaphoric deflationism and Davidsonian (...) and evaluates different ways of responding to it (Williams 1999, Horisk 2008 and Lance 1997). Then, three further objections to the compatibility of these theories are assessed and eventually dismissed (Horisk 2007, Patterson 2005 and Collins 2002). It is shown how these considerations shed light on core issues of the debate. (shrink)
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  19. What is the Role of a Truth Theory in a Meaning Theory?Kirk Ludwig - 2015 - In Sorin Costreie & Mircea Dumitru, Meaning and Truth. Pro Universitaria. pp. 142-163.
    This chapter argues that Davidson's truth-theoretic semantics was not intended to replace the traditional pursuit of providing a compositional meaning theory but rather to achieve the same aim indirectly by placing conditions on a truth theory that would enable someone who understood it to understand its object language. The chapter argues that by placing constraints on the axioms of a Tarski-style truth theory, namely, that they interpret the terms for which they give satisfaction conditions, and specifying (...)
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    Donald Davidson: Truth, Meaning and Knowledge.Urszula M. Żegleń (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Donald Davidson has made enormous contributions to the philosophy of action, epistemology, semantics and philosophy of mind and today is recognized as one of the most important analytical philosophers of the late twentieth century. _Donald Davidson: Truth, Meaning and Knowledge_ addresses * Davidson's writings on epistemology and theory of language with their implications of ontology and philosophy of mind * the central issue of whether truth is the ultimate goal of enquiry, challenged by contributions from Richard (...)
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  21. There’s A Nice Knockdown Argument For You: Donald Davidson And Modest Intentionalism.Kalle Puolakka - 2006 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 3 (1):15-24.
    It might come as a surprise for someone who has only a superficial knowledge of Donald Davidson’s philosophy that he has claimed literary language to be ‘a prime test of the adequacy of any view on the nature of language’.1 The claim, however, captures well the transformation that has happened in Davidson’s thinking on language since he began in the 1960’s to develop a truth-conditional semantic theory for natural languages in the lines of Alfred Tarski’s semantic conception (...)
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  22. (2 other versions)What Metaphors Mean.Donald Davidson - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 5 (1):31-47.
    The concept of metaphor as primarily a vehicle for conveying ideas, even if unusual ones, seems to me as wrong as the parent idea that a metaphor has a special meaning. I agree with the view that metaphors cannot be paraphrased, but I think this is not because metaphors say something too novel for literal expression but because there is nothing there to paraphrase. Paraphrase, whether possible or not, inappropriate to what is said: we try, in paraphrase, to say it (...)
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  23. Truth-Theoretic Semantics and Its Limits.Kirk Ludwig - 2017 - Argumenta (3):21-38.
    Donald Davidson was one of the most influential philosophers of the last half of the 20th century, especially in the theory of meaning and in the philosophy of mind and action. In this paper, I concentrate on a field-shaping proposal of Davidson’s in the theory of meaning, arguably his most influential, namely, that insight into meaning may be best pursued by a bit of indirection, by showing how appropriate knowledge of a finitely axiomatized truth theory for a language (...)
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    The Structure of Truth.Donald Davidson - 2020 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by Domenico Cameron Kirk-Giannini & Ernest LePore.
    Donald Davidson was one of the most famous and influential philosophers of the twentieth century. The Structure of Truth presents his 1970 Locke Lectures in print for the first time. They comprise an invaluable historical document which illuminates how Davidson was thinking about the theory of meaning, the role of a truth theory therein, the ontological commitments of a truth theory, the notion of logical form, and so on, at a pivotal moment in the development of (...)
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    Donald Davidson: truth, meaning, and knowledge.N. Urszula M. Zegle (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    Donald Davidson has made enormous contributions to the philosophy of action, epistemology, semantics and philosophy of mind and today is recognized as one of the most important analytical philosophers of the late twentieth century. Davidson's philosophy is characterised not only by its rigour and intellectual integrity but also by its continued interest in dialogue and re-evaluation of its paradigms. In the spirit of this openness, this volume brings together essays on the major themes of Davidson's thought by leading (...)
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  26. The History and Prehistory of Natural-Language Semantics.Daniel W. Harris - 2017 - In Sandra Lapointe & Christopher Pincock, Innovations in the History of Analytical Philosophy. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 149--194.
    Contemporary natural-language semantics began with the assumption that the meaning of a sentence could be modeled by a single truth condition, or by an entity with a truth-condition. But with the recent explosion of dynamic semantics and pragmatics and of work on non- truth-conditional dimensions of linguistic meaning, we are now in the midst of a shift away from a truth-condition-centric view and toward the idea that a sentence’s meaning must be spelled out (...)
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    Truth and Meaning.Donald Davidson - 2005 - In José Medina & David Wood, Truth. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 69–79.
    This chapter contains section titled: Notes.
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  28. Knowledge of Meaning: An Introduction to Semantic Theory.Richard K. Larson & Gabriel M. A. Segal - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Current textbooks in formal semantics are all versions of, or introductions to, the same paradigm in semantic theory: Montague Grammar. Knowledge of Meaning is based on different assumptions and a different history. It provides the only introduction to truth- theoretic semantics for natural languages, fully integrating semantic theory into the modern Chomskyan program in linguistic theory and connecting linguistic semantics to research elsewhere in cognitive psychology and philosophy. As such, it better fits into a modern graduate (...)
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  29. Truth Meaning and Essays in Semantics.Gareth Evans & J. H. McDowell - 1976 - Clarendon Press.
    Truth and Meaning is a classic collection of original essays on fundamental questions in the philosophy of language. It was first published in 1976, and has remained essential reading in this area ever since. The contributors include leading figures in late twentieth-century philosophy, such as Donald Davidson, Saul Kripke, P. F. Strawson, and Michael Dummett.
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    Minimalist Semantics: Davidson and Derrida on Meaning, Use, and ConventionInquiries into Truth and InterpretationLimited Inc: A B C. [REVIEW]S. Pradhan, Donald Davidson, Jacques Derrida & Samuel Weber - 1986 - Diacritics 16 (1):65.
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    Lexical Meaning in Truth-Conditional Semantics.Luca Gasparri - 2014 - Diametros 39:182-202.
    The paper offers a critical review of the role played by lexical meaning in the earlier stages of philosophical semantics and truth-conditional semantics. I shall address, both historically and theoretically, the relative neglect of lexical semantics within these fields, and argue that the approach to word meaning fostered in extensional frameworks is overall inconsistent with the customary assumption that truth-theoretic semantics can be considered a semantic theory proprio sensu.
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    Antirealism, Meaning and Truth-Conditional Semantics.Neil Kennedy - 2012 - In Mathieu Marion, Shahid Rahman & Laurent Keiff, The Realism-Antirealism Debate in the Age of Alternative Logics. pp. 119-140.
    In this paper, I re-examine Dummett's arguments against realism and, most notably, those against truth conditional semantics. Dummett claims that a (realist) truth conditional meaning theory will invariably encounter limitations when accounting for the meanings of the statements of the so-called "disputed class", and so must be rejected in favour of a theory of meaning couched in terms of proof or verification. The first part of this paper seeks to faithfully reconstruct Dummett's position on meaning. (...)
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  33. Semantics for Natural Languages / Semantika za prirodne jezike (Bosnian translation by Nijaz Ibrulj).Nijaz Ibrulj & Donald Davidson - 1997 - Odjek 1 (1-3):71-73.
    The essay "Semantics for Natural Languages" is here translated from a collection of Davidson's essays published under the title "Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation", Claredon Press, Oxford 1984.
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  34. Radical Interpretation or Communicative Action: Holism in Davidson and Habermas.Barbara Fultner - 1995 - Dissertation, Northwestern University
    I focus on holism in philosophy of language, particularly in Donald Davidson's truth-conditional semantics and Jurgen Habermas's formal pragmatics. An adequate semantics must take account of three dimensions: the subjective, the social, and the objective. It must, in this sense, be holistic. All three aspects are mutually irreducible and interdependent. Yet holistic approaches lack a clear sense of how they are related. Both Habermas and Davidson recognise that language is spoken by individuals whose intentions it (...)
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  35. A Davidsonian Truth-theoretic Semantics Treatment of an EkeGusii Proverb.Evans Gesura Mecha & Isaac Nilson Opande - 2021 - Macrolinguistics 9 (2):68-94.
    The paper examines some doctrines of the Davidsonian Programme of truth conditional Semantics that relates truth to meaning using Tarski’s T-Convention, in relation to its efficacy in a semantic valuation of the EkeGusii proverb: Nda ’indongi ereta morogi ereta moibi which exemplifies a kind of complex sentence that a given system of Semantics is meant to account for. The coverage of Davidsonian truth-conditional notion of T-convention and that of compositionality are considered to have (...)
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  36. Donald Davidson.Simon Evnine - 1991 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Donald Davidson is unquestionably one of America's greatest living philosophers. His influence on Anglo-American philosophy over the last twenty years has been enormous, and his work is an unavoidable reference point in current debates in the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mind. This book offers a systematic and accessible introduction to Davidson's work. Evnine begins by discussing Davidson's contribution to the philosophy of mind, including his views on action, events and causation. He then examines Davidson's work in (...)
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  37. Reply to Foster.Donald Davidson - 1976 - In Gareth Evans & John McDowell, Truth and meaning: essays in semantics. Oxford [Eng.]: Clarendon Press. pp. 33--41.
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  38. Truth and Interpretation: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson.Ernest LePore (ed.) - 1986 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    Each of these 28 essays is part of a comprehensive program to address questions about language, mind, action, and their interconnections. (Philosophy).
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  39. Truth conditions and communication.Ian Rumfitt - 1995 - Mind 104 (416):827-862.
    The paper addresses itself to the "Homeric struggle" in the theory of meaning between those (e.g., Grice) who try to analyze declarative meaning in terms of an intention to induce a belief and those (e.g., Davidson) for who declarative meaning consists in truth conditions. (The point of departure is Strawson's celebrated discussion of this issue, in his Inaugural Lecture.) I argue that neither style of analysis is satisfactory, and develop a "hybrid" that may be-although what I take from the (...)
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  40. Truth and meaning redux.Ernie Lepore & Kirk Ludwig - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 154 (2):251-77.
    In this paper, we defend Davidson's program in truth-theoretical semantics against recent criticisms by Scott Soames. We argue that Soames has misunderstood Davidson's project, that in consequence his criticisms miss the mark, that appeal to meanings as entities in the alternative approach that Soames favors does no work, and that the approach is no advance over truth-theoretic semantics.
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  41. Truth Conditions Without Interpretation.John Collins - 2001 - Sorites 13:52-71.
    Davidson has given us two theses: Tarski's format for truth definitions provides a format for theories of meaning and that the justification for a theory of language L as one of meaning is based upon the theory affording an informative interpretation of L-speakers. It will be argued, on the basis of a consideration of compositionality, that the Tarski format can indeed be re-jigged in line with . On the other hand, in opposition to , I shall commend a cognitive (...)
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    Conditionals, Meaning, and Mood.William Starr - 2010 - Dissertation, Rutgers University
    This work explores the hypothesis that natural language is a tool for changing a language user's state of mind and, more specifically, the hypothesis that a sentence's meaning is constituted by its characteristic role in fulfilling this purpose. This view contrasts with the dominant approach to semantics due to Frege, Tarski and others' work on artificial languages: language is first and foremost a tool for representing the world. Adapted to natural language by Davidson, Lewis, Montague, et. al. this dominant (...)
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  43. Meaning and Truth.Greg Ray - 2014 - Mind 123 (489):79-100.
    This paper concerns a key point of decision in Donald Davidson's early work in philosophy of language — a fateful decision that set him and the discourse in the area on the path of truth-theoretic semantics. The decision of moment is the one Davidson makes when, in the face of a certain barrier, he gives up on the idea of constructing an explicit meaning theory that would parallel Tarski's recursive way with truth theory. For Davidson there (...)
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    Truth theories, competence, and semantic computation.Peter Pagin - 2012 - In Gerhard Preyer, Donald Davidson on truth, meaning, and the mental. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 49.
    The paper discusses the question whether T-theories explain how it is possible to understand new sentences, or learn an infinite language, as Davidson claimed. I argue against some commentators that for explanatory power we need not require that T-theories are implicitly known or mirror cognitive structures. I note contra Davidson that the recursive nature of T-theories is not sufficient for explanatory power, since humans can work out only what is computationally tractable, and recursiveness by itself allows for intractable computational complexity. (...)
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  45. Why Truth-Conditional Semantics in Generative Linguistics is Still the Better Bet.Toby Napoletano - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (3):673-692.
    In his “Meaning and Formal Semantics in Generative Grammar” (Erkenntnis 2015, 61–87), Stephen Schiffer argues that truth-conditional semantics is a poor fit with generative linguistics. In particular, he thinks that it fails to explain speakers’ abilities to understand the sentences of their language. In its place, he recommends his “Best Bet Theory”—a theory which aims to directly explain speakers’ abilities to mean things by their utterances and know what others mean by their utterances. I argue that (...)
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  46. Truth conditional semantics and meaning.Ernest Lepore - manuscript
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    Review: Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language, and Reality. [REVIEW]S. Evnine - 2007 - Mind 116 (462):446-453.
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    Contemporary Philosophy in Focus: Donald Davidson.Kirk Ludwig (ed.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Written by a distinguished roster of philosophers, this volume includes chapters on truth and meaning; the philosophy of action; radical interpretation; philosophical psychology; knowledge of the external world; other minds and our own minds; and the implications of Davidson's work for literary theory. Donald Davidson has been one of the most influential figures in modern analytic philosophy and has made significant contributions to a wide range of subjects. Embodied in a series of landmark essays stretching over nearly 40 (...)
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  49. Meaning, modulation, and context: a multidimensional semantics for truth-conditional pragmatics.Guillermo Del Pinal - 2018 - Linguistics and Philosophy 41 (2):165-207.
    The meaning that expressions take on particular occasions often depends on the context in ways which seem to transcend its direct effect on context-sensitive parameters. ‘Truth-conditional pragmatics’ is the project of trying to model such semantic flexibility within a compositional truth-conditional framework. Most proposals proceed by radically ‘freeing up’ the compositional operations of language. I argue, however, that the resulting theories are too unconstrained, and predict flexibility in cases where it is not observed. These accounts fall (...)
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    Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language, and Reality. [REVIEW]Peter Hanks - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (2):245-246.
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