Results for 'Eleatics, Melissus, Aristotle, being, infinity'

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  1. Melissus on Limits and Beginnings.Refik Güremen - 2023 - In Mc Kirahan Richard, Aristotle and the Eleatics: Aristotele e gli Eleati. Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 175-187.
    Reflections on some aspects of Richard McKirahan's 2019 lectures on "An Aristotelianizng Parmenides." This chapter offers a reconstruction of Aristotle's representation of Melissus.
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    Aristotle on Melissus on Infinity.Refik Güremen - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (2):455-469.
    This paper claims that the argument that Aristotle seems to ascribe to Melissus in Physics III.6 about infinity is different from Melissus’ original argument. On scrutiny, it turns out that the Aristotelian version of the argument takes Melissus to suppose that being is unlimited because it is not in contact with anything else. I claim that this is not Melissus’ notion of unlimitedness for being, and that the Aristotelian version hinges on a reversal of Melissus’ own reasoning.
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  3. Eleatic Questions.G. E. L. Owen - 1960 - Classical Quarterly 10 (1-2):84-.
    The following suggestions for the interpretation of Parmenides and Melissus can be grouped for convenience about one problem. This is the problem whether, as Aristotle thought and as most commentators still assume, Parmenides wrote his poem in the broad tradition of Ionian and Italian cosmology. The details of Aristotle's interpretation have been challenged over and again, but those who agree with his general assumptions take comfort from some or all of the following major arguments. First, the cosmogony which formed the (...)
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    (1 other version)On Aristotle's "Physics 1.1-3".John Philoponus & Catherine Osborne - 2006 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Catherine Osborne.
    In this, the first half of Philoponus' analysis of book one of "Aristotle's Physics", the principal themes are metaphysical. Aristotle's opening chapter in the "Physics" is an abstract reflection on methodology for the investigation of nature, 'physics'. Aristotle suggests that one must proceed from things that are familiar but vague, and derive more precise but less obvious principles to constitute genuine knowledge. His controversial claim that this is to progress from the universal to the more particular occasions extensive apologetic exegesis, (...)
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    Aristotle, Dynamics and Proportionality.Andrew Gregory - 2001 - Early Science and Medicine 6 (1):1-21.
    What ought we to make of Aristotle's apparently disparate comments on bodies in motion? I argue that Aristotle is concerned with a higher level project than dynamics and that is the establishment of a coherent theory of change in general. This theory is designed to avoid the paradoxes and infinities that Aristotle finds in Eleatic, Heraclitean and atomist accounts, notably in relation to comparatives such as 'quicker' and 'slower'. This theory relies on a broad application of proportionality to all types (...)
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    Structure and Relevance of the Aristotelian Critic toward the Eleatics.Enrico Volpe - 2016 - Peitho 7 (1):149-166.
    The first book of the Aristotelian Physics may be considered as a sort of general introduction to the whole work. In particular, chapters 2 and 3 result very interesting for the foundation of the science of nature according to Aristotle; indeed, in these two chapters, the Stagirite criticizes the position of the Eleates Parmenides and Melissus. These two philosophers are considered as those who claim that change does not exist because the existence of the not-being is impossible to suppose. For (...)
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  7. Aristotle's Actual Infinities.Jacob Rosen - 2021 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 59.
    Aristotle is said to have held that any kind of actual infinity is impossible. I argue that he was a finitist (or "potentialist") about _magnitude_, but not about _plurality_. He did not deny that there are, or can be, infinitely many things in actuality. If this is right, then it has implications for Aristotle's views about the metaphysics of parts and points.
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    Aristotle and the Eleatic One.Timothy Clarke - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    In this book Timothy Clarke examines Aristotle's response to Eleatic monism, the theory of Parmenides of Elea and his followers that reality is 'one'. Clarke argues that Aristotle interprets the Eleatics as thoroughgoing monists, for whom the pluralistic, changing world of the senses is a mere illusion. Understood in this way, the Eleatic theory constitutes a radical challenge to the possibility of natural philosophy. Aristotle discusses the Eleatics in several works, including De Caelo, De Generatione et Corruptione, and the Metaphysics. (...)
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  9.  34
    Melissus and Eleatic Monism.Benjamin Harriman - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In the fifth century BCE, Melissus of Samos developed wildly counterintuitive claims against plurality, change, and the reliability of the senses. This book provides a reconstruction of the preserved textual evidence for his philosophy, along with an interpretation of the form and content of each of his arguments. A close examination of his thought reveals an extraordinary clarity and unity in his method and gives us a unique perspective on how philosophy developed in the fifth century, and how Melissus came (...)
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  10.  69
    The Eleatic Challenge in Aristotle’s Physics I.8.Scott O’Connor - 2017 - Rhizomata 5 (1):25-50.
    In Physics I.8, Aristotle outlines and responds to an Eleatic argument against the reality of change. I defend a new reading according to which the argu- ment assumes Predicational Monism, the claim that each being can possess only one property. In Phys. I.2, Aristotle responds to Predicational Monism, which he attributes to the Eleatics; I argue that he uses this response to distinguish coin- cidental from non-coincidental becoming, a distinction he employs in Phys I.8 to resolve the argument against the (...)
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  11. Physics, Book I, Chapters 1-3, 7 and 9. Aristotle - 2002 - Phainomena 41.
    In the first book of Physics, Aristotle is concerned with the question “What is Being?” Ti to on? The determinations of Being are obtained from our experience of things in movement: on kinoumenon. His discussion on Being and One, on matter and form, on subject and privation, etc. does not differ from metaphysics. Contents of the translated chapters: 1. Method, 2-3. Theories of the Presocratic physicists on the principles of nature; the essent exists not as one the way Parmenides and (...)
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    Aristotle’s Refutation of the Eleatic Argument in Physics I.8.Takashi Oki - 2021 - Peitho 12 (1).
    In this paper, I show that Aristotle’s refutation of the Eleatic argument in Physics I.8 is based on the idea that a thing at the starting point of coming to be is composite and is made up of what underlies and a priva­tion. In doing so, I clarify how the concept of accidentality as used in his solution should be understood in relation to the composite nature of what comes to be. I also suggest an explanation of why Aristotle’s discus­sion (...)
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    Mathilde Brémond, Lectures de Mélissos. Édition, traduction et interprétation des témoignages sur Mélissos de Samos. [REVIEW]Benjamin Harriman - 2019 - Philosophie Antique 19:172-174.
    Melissus of Samos has long been due an uptick in scholarly attention. His plainly worded, workmanlike Ionic prose offers a welcome contrast to Parmenides’ Epic—and often deeply obscure—hexameters. Melissus, too, seems to have come to be something of a representative for Eleatic thought in antiquity and makes intriguing appearances in Plato’s Theaetetus and, particularly, in Aristotle’s dialectical accounts of his predecessors that have never quite received satisfactory treatment. Happily, th...
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    Actual Infinity: Spinoza’s Substance Monism as a Reply to Aristotle’s Physics.Andrew Burnside - 2023 - Southwest Philosophy Review 39 (1):69-77.
    I conceive of Spinoza’s substance monism as a response to Aristotle’s prohibition against actual infinity for one key reason: nature, being all things, is necessarily infi nite. Spinoza encapsulates his substance monism with the phrase, “Deus sive Natura,” implying that there is only one infinite substance, which also possesses an infi nity of attributes, of which we are but modes. These logical delineations of substance never actually break up God’s reality. Aristotle’s well-known argument against the reality of an actual (...)
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    Aristotle and the Eleatics: Aristotele e gli Eleati.Mc Kirahan Richard - 2023 - Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Richard McKirahan untersucht systematisch die aristotelische Diskussion des Denkens von Parmenides, Zeno und Melissus und bringt Licht in die obskureren und komplexeren Passagen. Er ergänzt seine Studie durch eine neuartige "aristotelisierende" Interpretation des Gedichts von Parmenides. Die Texte werden von einem umfassenden Essay der Herausgeber eingeleitet, der die Grundlinien des Bandes definiert und eine Bestandsaufnahme der Studien über die Beziehung zwischen Aristoteles und der Eleaticis vornimmt. Der zweite Teil des Bandes versammelt die Beiträge von neun Wissenschaftlern, die sich an einer (...)
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  16. Parmenides, Melissus, Gorgias: A Reinterpretation of Eleatic Philosophy. [REVIEW]E. F. A. - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):526-526.
    "What is not" is treated as specifically opposed to eternity and immutability rather than to any other sense of "is." "What is not" refers to Nature, the transient and the mutable. With this hypothesis, Loenen is able to throw light on many of the problematic aspects of Parmenides' poem and save him from the charge of being inconsistent. Melissus and Gorgias are treated together with Parmenides from a single viewpoint.--A. E. F.
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    Parmenides, Melissus, Gorgias. A Reinterpretation of Eleatic Philosophy. [REVIEW]S. B. R. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (1):173-174.
    A patient attempt to get the philological detail of Parmenides' poem precise, by an author who has the virtue of recognizing the inseparability of philosophical considerations and philological technique. The conclusion is offered that the Eleatics were dualists almost in a Platonic sense, but with no causal connection between "being " and phenomena; thus there is no contradiction between the two parts of Parmenides' poem, and a strong historical affinity between Eleaticism and Plato's dualism. There is not quite enough precision (...)
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  18. What’s Eleatic about the Eleatic Principle?Sosseh Assaturian - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31 (3):1-37.
    In contemporary metaphysics, the Eleatic Principle (EP) is a causal criterion for reality. Articulating the EP with precision is notoriously difficult. The criterion purportedly originates in Plato’s Sophist, when the Eleatic Visitor articulates the EP at 247d-e in the famous Battle of the Gods and the Giants. There, the Visitor proposes modifying the ontologies of both the Giants (who are materialists) and the Gods (who are friends of the many forms), using a version of the EP according to which only (...)
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  19. Aristotelian Infinity.John Bowin - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 32:233-250.
    Bowin begins with an apparent paradox about Aristotelian infinity: Aristotle clearly says that infinity exists only potentially and not actually. However, Aristotle appears to say two different things about the nature of that potential existence. On the one hand, he seems to say that the potentiality is like that of a process that might occur but isn't right now. Aristotle uses the Olympics as an example: they might be occurring, but they aren't just now. On the other hand, (...)
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  20. Aristotle’s Resolution of the Aporia about Coming-To-Be in Physics I 8.Gabriela Rossi - 2017 - Eirene 53 (1):247-271.
    In Physica I,8 Aristotle endeavors to show that a long-term Eleatic puzzle about coming-to-be can be resolved by appealing to his own ontological principles of change (substratum, privation, and form). In this paper, I posit that the key to Aristotle’s resolution lies in the introduction of aspectual distinctions within numerical unities. These distinctions within the terminus a quo and the terminus as quem of coming-to-be made it possible for Aristotle to maintain, while answering the puzzle, that there is no coming-to-be (...)
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    Between Eleatics and Atomists: Gorgias’ Argument against Motion.Roberta Ioli - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    The aim of my paper is to investigate Gorgias’ argument against motion, which is found in his Peri tou mē ontos and preserved only in MXG 980a1˗8. I tried to shed new light both on this specific reflection and on the reliability of Pseudo-Aristotle’s version. By exploring the so called “change argument” and the “argument from divisibility", I focused on the particular strategy used by the Sophist in his synthetikē apodeixis, which should be investigated in relation to the dispute between (...)
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    Atomism's Eleatic roots.David Sedley - 2008 - In Patricia Curd & Daniel W. Graham, The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy. Oxford University Press USA.
    Presocratic atomism was one of the most influential of the early theories: both Plato and Aristotle thought of it as a major competing theory, and it was an important source for post-Aristotelian Hellenistic theories. It has been commonplace that the atomism developed first by Leucippus of Abdera and then by Democritus of Abdera was a reaction to the Eleatic arguments of Zeno and Melissus, but the details of that influence have sometimes seemed rather hazy. This article brings them into sharper (...)
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  23. Infinity in science and religion. The creative role of thinking about infinity.Wolfgang Achtner - 2005 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 47 (4):392-411.
    This article discusses the history of the concepts of potential infinity and actual infinity in the context of Christian theology, mathematical thinking and metaphysical reasoning. It shows that the structure of Ancient Greek rationality could not go beyond the concept of potential infinity, which is highlighted in Aristotle's metaphysics. The limitations of the metaphysical mind of ancient Greece were overcome through Christian theology and its concept of the infinite God, as formulated in Gregory of Nyssa's theology. That (...)
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    Melissus, Time and Eternity.Massimo Pulpito - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):107-124.
    The traditional interpretation of Eleatism has it that Melissus was a disciple of Parmenides and that Parmenides believed in the timeless eternity of Being. It seems, on the contrary, that Melissus acknowledged the reality of time by conceiving eternity as infinite time. Failing to justify this particular divergence from Parmenides’ approach, certain authors held that it was necessary to reinterpret the Melissan eternity as a form of infinite timelessness. This paper attempts to demonstrate that this reading is groundless and that (...)
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    Divine Infinity in Thomas Aquinas: I. Philosophico‐Theological Background.Robert M. Burns - 1998 - Heythrop Journal 39 (1):57-69.
    A reassessment of Aquinas’s doctrine of divine infinity, particularly in the light of the previous history of the concept within Western philosophy and theology. From the critical perspective provided by this history the central place which has been claimed for it in Aquinas’s thinking is questioned, as are also its originality and coherence. The notion that the doctrine of divine infinity was introduced to Western thought by Judaeo‐Christianity is rejected; from Anaximander onwards it had been a central concept (...)
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    On a Possible Relation Between Greek Mathematics and Eleatic Philosophy.Ioannis M. Vandoulakis - 2024 - In Jean- Timothy J. Madigan & Jean-Yves Beziau, Universal Logic, Ethics, and Truth. Birkhäuser. pp. 217-230.
    In this paper, we approach the problem of the relationship between Greek mathematics and Eleatic philosophy from a new perspective, which leads us to a reappraisal of Szabó’s hypothesis about the origin of mathematics out of Eleatic philosophy. We claim that Parmenidean philosophy, particularly its semantic core, has possibly been shaped by reflexion on the Pythagoreans’ mathematical practice, particularly in arithmetic. Furthermore, Pythagorean arithmetic originates not from another domain outside mathematics but from counting, i.e., it has its roots in man’s (...)
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    Mathematics in Aristotle.Thomas Heath - 1949 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1949. This meticulously researched book presents a comprehensive outline and discussion of Aristotle’s mathematics with the author's translations of the greek. To Aristotle, mathematics was one of the three theoretical sciences, the others being theology and the philosophy of nature. Arranged thematically, this book considers his thinking in relation to the other sciences and looks into such specifics as squaring of the circle, syllogism, parallels, incommensurability of the diagonal, angles, universal proof, gnomons, infinity, agelessness of the (...)
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  28.  19
    How did Xenophanes Become an Eleatic Philosopher?Mathilde Brémond - 2020 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41 (1):1-26.
    In this paper, I investigate how Xenophanes was ‘eleaticised’, i.e. attributed theses and arguments that belong to Parmenides and Melissus. I examine texts of Plato, Aristotle and Theophrastus in order to determine if they considered Xenophanes as a philosopher and a monist. I show that neither Plato nor Aristotle regarded him as a philosopher, but rather as a pantheist poet who claimed, in a vague way, that everything is one. But Theophrastus interpreted too literally Aristotle’s claims and was the first (...)
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    Melissus and the Problem of the Void: Apology and/or Misapprehension of the Parmenidean Monism?Enrico Volpe - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):91-106.
    With respect to Parmenides’ thought Melissus was regarded as a dissident thinker already in antiquity. His polemical introduction of the concept of void and the relative idea of infinite Being seemed particularly controversial. The aim of the present paper is to examine the origins of the Melissian understanding of void in order to trace its philosophical genesis to the criticism of the Atomist Leucippus. According to the philosopher from Abdera, the Eleatic fundamental principles had to conform to the obviousness of (...)
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  30. Monism and Difference: Syrianus, Aristotle, and the Sophist.Roberto Granieri - 2024 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 24 (2):313-349.
    In Metaphysics N 2, Aristotle criticizes Plato and the Academics for setting up the problem of principles “in an obsolete way”. For they thought all things would be one (viz. Being itself) if they did not demonstrate, against Parmenides, that not-being is. And this assumption, for Aristotle, betrays a more fundamental and questionable Eleatic debt in their ontology, namely their commitment to the obsolete view that being, taken in its own right, is one. By contrast, Aristotle believes being is originally (...)
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  31. Why Spinoza is Not an Eleatic Monist (Or Why Diversity Exists).Yitzhak Y. Melamed - 2011 - In Philip Goff, Spinoza on Monism. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    “Why did God create the World?” is one of the traditional questions of theology. In the twentieth century this question was rephrased in a secularized manner as “Why is there something rather than nothing?” While creation - at least in its traditional, temporal, sense - has little place in Spinoza’s system, a variant of the same questions puts Spinoza’s system under significant pressure. According to Spinoza, God, or the substance, has infinitely many modes. This infinity of modes follow from (...)
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  32.  39
    Infinity in the Presocratics. [REVIEW]H. T. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):547-548.
    "Of the making of many books there is no end" seems reasonable enough when the subject is infinity but after reading this well-organized study one is not so sure; a figure suggested by Zeno speaks of "a fog [which] the incessant labours of modern scholars often cause." Sweeney’s methodology is to use the ever-increasing body of modern critical discussions as a help in interpreting and assessing the presocratic fragments and their ancient commentators. For Anaximander a particularly detailed and nuanced (...)
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    Idealism in Early Greek Philosophy: the Case of Pythagoreans and Eleatics.Andrei Lebedev - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 2 (1):25-35.
    1. There is a commonly held endoxon that idealism did not exist and could not exist before Plato, since the «Presocratics» did not yet distinguish between the material and the ideal etc. This preconception is based on the misleading conception of «Presocratics» as physicalists and the simplistic evolutionist scheme of Aristotle’s Metaph. A. In fact, religious and idealist metaphysics are attested in different archaic traditions before Plato, whereas «simple» physical theories of elements of the Milesian type did not exist before (...)
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    Aristotle on the continuum in presocratic thought.Giovanna Rita Giardina - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of the origin and development of the concept of physical continuity in ancient thought before Aristotle, combining a thorough study of Presocratic philosophy with Aristotle's perspective. The concept of continuity plays a fundamental role in Aristotle's philosophy, particularly in his physics; however, nowhere in his corpus does he present his theory of continuity. In this book, readers gain a solid foundation for understanding Aristotle's theory of the continuum through an in-depth exploration of Presocratic (...)
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    Aristotle on earlier natural science.Edward Hussey - 2012 - In Christopher Shields, The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 17.
    In the field of natural science, Aristotle recognizes as his forerunners a select group of theorists such as Heraclitus of Ephesus, Empedocles of Acragas, Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, and Leucippus and Democritus of Abdera. In addition, he mentions in the same contexts some whose claims to be “natural philosophers” are doubtful, yet who deserve notice in the same context, including Parmenides of Elea, Melissus of Samos, the people called Pythagoreans, and Plato as the author of the Timaeus. Aristotle takes seriously almost (...)
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  36.  63
    On the Problem of Infinity.G. I. Naan - 1966 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 4 (4):30-41.
    It is common knowledge that many problems in contemporary physics, particularly in microphysics and cosmology, present various infinities of which it is difficult to dispose, and that their role in mathematics is so considerable that it is often defined as the discipline of the infinite. Therefore it would be difficult to deny that infinity exists. But it is just as well known that, over the entire history of science, recognition of infinity has resulted in various difficulties, contradictions, aporias, (...)
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  37.  48
    Truth, Objects, Infinity: New Perspectives on the Philosophy of Paul Benacerraf.Fabrice Pataut (ed.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This volume features essays about and by Paul Benacerraf, whose ideas have circulated in the philosophical community since the early nineteen sixties, shaping key areas in the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of language, the philosophy of logic, and epistemology. The book started as a worskhop held in Paris at the Collège de France in May 2012 with the participation of Paul Benacerraf. The introduction addresses the methodological point of the legitimate use of so-called “Princess Margaret Premises” in drawing philosophical (...)
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    Endoxa, epistemological optimism, and Aristotle's rhetorical project.Ekaterina V. Haskins - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 37.1 (2004) 1-20 [Access article in PDF] Endoxa, Epistemological Optimism, and Aristotle's Rhetorical Project Ekaterina V. Haskins Communication Department Boston College Aristotle's crucial role in institutionalizing the art of rhetoric in the fourth century BCE is beyond dispute, but the significance of Aristotle's rhetorical project remains a point of lively controversy among philosophers and rhetoricians alike. There are many ways of reading and evaluating Aristotle's Rhetoric (...)
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    Aristotle. [REVIEW]Deborah K. W. Modrak - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (2):395-396.
    Intended as an introduction to Aristotle's philosophy, this book succeeds in presenting and defending a unified conception of Aristotle's philosophy while at the same time making the discussion accessible to the student approaching the Aristotelian corpus for the first time. Taking Aristotle's mention of a distinctively human desire to understand as the starting point, Lear tackles the analysis of this desire from two perspectives--that of the object of understanding and that of the subject. The first perspective leads to the study (...)
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  40. Worlds apart: On the possibility of an actual infinity.Josh Dever - unknown
    Cosmological arguments attempt to prove the existence of God by appeal to the necessity of a first cause. Schematically, a cosmological argument will thus appear as: (1) All contingent beings have a cause of existence. (2) There can be no infinite causal chains. (3) Therefore, there must be some non-contingent First Cause. Cosmological arguments come in two species, depending on their justification of the second premiss. Non-temporal cosmological arguments, such as those of Aristotle and Aquinas, view causation as requiring explanatory (...)
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  41. Solving Zeno’s Motion Paradoxes: From Aristotle to Continuous to Discrete.Johan H. L. Oud & Theo Theunissen - manuscript
    After reporting in detail Aristotle’s texts and comments on the well-known motion paradoxes Arrow, Dichotomy, Achilles and Stadium, tracking back to the 5th century BCE and credited by Aristotle to Zeno of Elea, we next explain and dis-cuss traditional continuous solutions of the paradoxes, based on Cauchy’s limit concept. Afterward, the heated philosophical debate on supertasks and infinity machines is reported before the paradoxes are examined within the context of modern quantum theory. Already in 1905, Einstein concluded that matter (...)
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    Form and Good in Plato's Eleatic Dialogues: The "'Parmenides," "Theaetetus," "Sophist," and "Statesman" (review). [REVIEW]David Ambuel - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (4):679-680.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Reviews Kenneth Dorter. Form and Good in Plato's Eleatic Dialogues: The "'Parmenides," "Theaetetus," "Sophist," and "Statesman." Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1994. Pp. x + 256. Cloth, $45.00. Dorter's title suggests an engagement with Eieaticism, and, certainly in three of" the dialogues, Parmenides was much on Plato's mind. In a book otherwise sensitive to implications of dramatic setting for the argument, little is said of (...)
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    Aristotle's "Rhetoric": Philosophical Essays (review). [REVIEW]Eugene Garver - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (4):680-683.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:680 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 33:4 OCTOBER 1995 cal advance over the criticisms of the Parmenidesas to say how the Theaetetusshould be called an "Eleatic" dialogue. The Sophist then reintroduces form, but in its epistemological aspect alone. Extensive use is made of the method of division, presented in the commentary as a rigorous method for precise definition, yet the Sophistfails to distinguish sophistry from philosophy. Two reasons (...)
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    The Actual Infinite in Aristotle.John King-Farlow - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (3):427-444.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE ACTUAL INFINITE IN ARISTOTLE Prolegomena: Philosophy and Theology Related HENEVER PHILOSOPHY is taken to be the handmaiden of theology, then the autonomy of reason is destroyed." Such a daim should be distinguished from a still 1stronger thesis. Compare: " A philosopher may not legitimately try to fortify an argument by bringing in new premises from another discipline which has a special aura of authority." Quite how Aristotle would (...)
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    For today, there will be a speech (and a song) tomorrow.Erik Doxtader - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (4):pp. 311-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:For Today, There Will Be a Speech (and a Song) TomorrowErik DoxtaderFor we see that things that are going to be take their start from deliberating and from acting, and equally that there is in general a possibility of being and not being in things that are not always actual. In them, both are open, both being and not being, and so also both becoming and not becoming. And (...)
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  46.  3
    Problems of Being.Evan Rodriguez - 2023 - In Joshua Billings & Christopher Moore, The Cambridge companion to the Sophists. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 200–224.
    Sophists were active participants in ancient discussions about being or what-is at the most general level. This chapter discusses the contributions of Gorgias, Protagoras, Xeniades, and Lycophron in the context of the Eleatic philosophers Parmenides, Zeno, and Melissus. All of these figures share a serious commitment to ontological inquiry as well as a concern with the problems that arise when discussing being or what-is. They also share an approach to these problems that is at times paradoxical and self-undermining. -/- The (...)
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    The gap between Parmenides’ argument on Being and his cosmology in the Aristotelian account.Bruno Loureiro Conte - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03325-03325.
    In some of the Aristotelian accounts, Parmenides’ thesis is construed in opposition to the philosophy of nature; on the other hand, he is also depicted, in a different context, as a cosmologist, to whom the Stagirite (and a long tradition afterwards, ending with Simplicius) ascribes a theory of becoming and its principles. In this paper, I exhibit and analyse the relevant passages from Physics I 1-3, Metaphysics I 3 and 5 and On generation and corruption I 3, providing an interpretation (...)
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    Infinite Regress Arguments as per impossibile Arguments in Aristotle: De Caelo 300a30–b1, Posterior Analytics 72b5–10, Physics V.2 225b33–226a10. [REVIEW]Matthew Duncombe - 2022 - Rhizomata 10 (2):262-282.
    Infinite regress arguments are a powerful tool in Aristotle, but this style of argument has received relatively little attention. Improving our understanding of infinite regress arguments has become pressing since recent scholars have pointed out that it is not clear whether Aristotle’s infinite regress arguments are, in general, effective or indeed what the logical structure of these arguments is. One obvious approach would be to hold that Aristotle takes infinite regress arguments to be per impossibile arguments, which derive an infinite (...)
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    What Kind of Not-Being Is Democritus’ Void?Vasia Vergouli - 2025 - Ancient Philosophy 45 (1):21-38.
    The paper focuses on Democritus’ void (κενόν) as not-being and tackles two interrelated puzzles: (a) whether the two starting-points of the atomic theory, atoms and void, should be considered as equivalent and (b) how nothing can be something. It offers a close examination of the passages concerning emptiness in tandem with the corresponding views of Parmenides and Melissus, and then it reassesses Aristotle’s idea of a link between the notions of void and place.
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  50. (1 other version)The paradox of prime matter.Daniel W. Graham - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (4):475-490.
    The Paradox of Prime Matter DANIEL W. GRAHAM TRADITIONAL INTERPRETATIONS OF Aristotle hold that he posited the existence of prime matter–a purely indeterminate substratum underlying all material composition and providing the ultimate potentiality for all material existence. A number of revisionary interpretations have appeared in the last thirty years which deny that Aristotle had a concept of prime matter, provoking an even larger number of vigorous defenses claiming that he did have the concept? The traditionalists are clearly in the majority, (...)
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