Results for 'Emerging Church, neoliberalization, religion, megachurches, postmodernity'

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  1. Emerging Religious Marketplace in Nigeria: A Quest for Interpretation.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2014 - International Journal of Theology and Reformed Tradition 6:47-61.
    In contemporary Nigerian society, the evolving trends in Christian religious culture suggest that neoliberal (social) mind-set is influencing certain practices in many Churches. The objective of this paper is to examine how the above-mentioned contemporary culture influences current religious landscape. The sociological concept of commodification was adopted as a way of ‘reading’ this religious context. The research methodology combines theoretical and ethnographic approaches to this study. The research findings show that neoliberal mind-set is influencing how religious commodification shapes the characteristics (...)
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    Emerging prophet: Kierkegaard and the postmodern people of God.Kyle A. Roberts - 2013 - Eugene, OR: Cascade Books.
    For the first time, this book brings Kierkegaard into a dialogue with various postmodern forms of Christianity, on topics like revelation and the Bible, the atonement and moralism, and the church as an apologetic of witness.
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    Western Protestantism in the Context of Postmodernity: Theological and Sociological Interpretations of Emerging Church Movement.Roman Soloviy - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 77:82-88.
    The purpose of the article is to identify, analyze and summarize the main theological and sociological approaches to the study of the latest trends of the Western Protestant theological inquiry that takes into account the condition of postmodernity, based on the study of the researches of the Emerging church. As a methodological foundation of the research it is employed the interdisciplinary approach, as well as the comparative method, which gives the researcher the opportunity to fully consider the theological (...)
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    Emerging Theology" for "emerging Church.Mychailo M. Cherenkov - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:262-263.
    I cordially congratulate the book of Roman Solovy, a colleague of religious scholars and like-minded people on theological workshop. The author comprehends the mutual influence of culture and the Church on the break of modern-postmodern-post-postmodern. Unfortunately, the last move fell out of the attention of the author, leaving a sense of incompleteness, not-really-topicality. If the researcher is only going to analyze what the theologians of the "emerging Church" are thinking about "the transition from the modern to the postmodern era," (...)
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    The Problem of Denominational Identity of Churches in Modern Protestantism.Цыс А.В - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 6:74-92.
    This article examines the history of denominationalism – the division of Protestantism into a multitude of independent religious associations, freely competing with each other. This approach to typologising religious associations, initially adopted for Protestant communities within the United States, has become a global phenomenon. Since the early 1980s, there has been a vigorous debate in the sociology of religion about the contemporary meaning of denominations. There is a growing number of independent churches that do not wish to be associated with (...)
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  6. Big Religion and 'Prophets for Profit': Whiteness in South African Megachurches, Prosperity Theology, and Economic Inequality.Tristan Kapp - manuscript
    The post-pandemic economy in South Africa has exacerbated significant economic challenges, due to increasing unemployment, political corruption, inflation, and rising poverty, which have worsened the struggles of many (see Francis & Webster 2019:789–791; Arndt et al. 2020:16–22; van Papendorp, Packirisamy & Masike 2024:1-4). However, amid this turmoil, Christian megachurches (especially those promoting prosperity theology), have continued to flourish. Prominent South African pastors continue to espouse that financial success is a sign of divine favour, encouraging congregants to tithe faithfully, in exchange (...)
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    Emerging treason? Politics and identity in the Emerging Church Movement.Randall W. Reed - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (1):66-85.
    The Emerging Church is one of the more interesting new movements in the religious landscape of the United States today. The Emerging Church has come out of US Evangelicalism, which has found itself in crisis, with a diminishing number of young people remaining in the church and a general popular impression of being intolerant, judgmental, and right-wing. Many in the Emerging Church are attempting to construct a vision of Christianity that addresses these problems. However, the Emerging (...)
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  8. Data Over Dogma: A Brief Introduction to Experimental Philosophy of Religion.Ian M. Church - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (6):1-13.
    Experimental philosophy of religion is the project of taking the tools and resources of the human sciences—especially psychology and cognitive science—and bringing them to bear on issues within philosophy of religion toward explicit philosophical ends. This paper introduces readers to experimental philosophy of religion. §1 explores the contours of experimental philosophy of religion by contrasting it with a few related fields: the psychology of religion and cognitive science of religion, on the one hand, and natural theology, on the other. §2 (...)
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    Experimental Philosophy of Religion: Problem of Evil.Ian M. Church - 2023 - In Alexander Max Bauer & Stephan Kornmesser, The Compact Compendium of Experimental Philosophy. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 371-392.
    While experimental philosophy has fruitfully applied the tools and resources of psychology and cognitive science to debates within epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics, relatively little work has been done within philosophy of religion. And this isn’t due to a lack of need! Philosophers of religion frequently rely on empirical claims that can be either verified or disproven, but without exploring whether they are. And philosophers of religion frequently appeal to intuitions which may vary wildly according to education level, theological background, etc., (...)
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  10. Experimental Philosophy of Religion.Ian M. Church - 2023 - In Alexander Max Bauer & Stephan Kornmesser, The Compact Compendium of Experimental Philosophy. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter.
    While experimental philosophy has fruitfully applied the tools and resources of psychology and cognitive science to debates within epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics, relatively little work has been done within philosophy of religion. And this isn’t due to a lack of need! Philosophers of religion frequently rely on empirical claims that can be either verified or disproven, but without exploring whether they are. And philosophers of religion frequently appeal to intuitions which may vary wildly according to education level, theological background, etc., (...)
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  11. New Age: A Modus of Hegemony.Goran Kauzlarić - 2016 - In Mark Losoncz, Igor Krtolica & Aleksandar Matković, Thinking beyond capitalism, conference proceedings. Institute for philosophy and social theory. pp. 175-198.
    To understand fully the contemporary imposition of capitalist class power, we need to consider not only social relations and neoliberal economic doctrines, but also academic and vernacular cultural contexts, including social critique, within which neoliberalism has been ideologically tailored and practically applied. Among the vernacular cultural contexts, religion – related to deepest human identifications, feelings and ideas about the nature of reality – certainly represents such an unavoidable political resource, inseparable from secular ideologies of a given social world. Taking this (...)
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    Anglo-American postmodernity: philosophical perspectives on science, religion, and ethics.Nancey Murphy - 1997 - Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, a member of the Perseus Group.
    The term postmodern is generally used to refer to current work in philosophy, literary criticism, and feminist thought inspired by Continental thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Jacques Derrida. In this book, Nancey Murphy appropriates the term to describe emerging patterns in Anglo-American thought and to indicate their radical break from the thought patterns of Enlightened modernity.The book examines the shift from modern to postmodern in three areas: epistemology, philosophy of language, and metaphysics. Murphy contends that whole clusters of (...)
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  13.  24
    The emergence of international society in the 1920s.Daniel Gorman - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Chronicling the emergence of an international society in the 1920s, Daniel Gorman describes how the shock of the First World War gave rise to a broad array of overlapping initiatives in international cooperation. Though national rivalries continued to plague world politics, ordinary citizens and state officials found common causes in politics, religion, culture and sport with peers beyond their borders. The League of Nations, the turn to a less centralized British Empire, the beginning of an international ecumenical movement, international sporting (...)
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    Postmodern Apologetics?:Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy: Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2013 - Fordham University Press.
    This book provides an introduction to the emerging field of Continental philosophy of religion by treating the philosophical thought of its most important representatives, including its appropriations by several thinkers in the US. Part I provides a context to the field by looking at the religious aspects of the thought of Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Lévinas, and Jacques Derrida. It contends that although the work of these thinkers is not apologetic in nature, it prepares the ground for the more religiously (...)
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    Postmodern Apologetics?: Arguments for God in Contemporary Philosophy.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    This book provides an introduction to the emerging field of continental philosophy of religion by treating the thought of its most important representatives, including its appropriations by several thinkers in the United States. Part I provides context by examining religious aspects of the thought of Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Derrida. Christina Gschwandtner contends that, although the work of these thinkers is not apologetic in nature, it prepares the ground for the more religiously motivated work of more recent (...)
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    Critical Realism and Emergence in a Scaled Geography of Religion.Michael P. Ferber & Trevor M. Harris - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (2):183 - 201.
    Scale is a contested concept in human geography fostering debates and contestation that have escalated to the point where some have argued for the term to be expunged from the geographical lexicon. Yet, despite the importance of scale in the geography of religion, the scalar debates in human geography have only rarely penetrated the conceptual base of the sub-discipline. This article addresses the scale debate through a case study of adherents in three churches in West Virginia, USA. The study explores (...)
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    O Cristianismo diante dos Desafios da Globalização Econômica e Cultural (Christianity before the challenges of economic globalization and cultural) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2009v7n15p110. [REVIEW]Paulo Fernando Carneiro Andrade - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (15):110-121.
    O presente artigo objetiva refletir sobre os impactos da globalização econômica na cultura contemporânea. O processo acelerado de transformação da cultura e das relações sociais distingue-se de outros processos de mudança estrutural porque as mudanças no campo da economia desde a década de 1980 provocaram uma grave crise cultural. O que mais caracteriza os novos tempos é a expansão do mercado que se torna omniabrangente e omnipresente, transformando as relações humanas em relações de mercado. Globalização neoliberal e a expansão do (...)
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    Christians Talk about Buddhist Meditation; Buddhists Talk about Christian Prayer (review).Sarah Katherine Pinnock - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):204-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Christians Talk About Buddhist Meditation; Buddhists Talk About Christian PrayerSarah K. PinnockChristians Talk About Buddhist Meditation; Buddhists Talk About Christian Prayer. Edited by Rita M. Gross and Terry C. Muck. London: Continuum, 2003. 157 pp.It is popularly assumed that meditation enhances well-being and relieves stress. In the West, Asian practices are taught to persons from mainly Christian and Jewish backgrounds as new forms of spirituality, often presented as (...)
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  19. Is Religion a Necessary Condition for the Emergence of Knowledge? Some Explanatory Hypotheses.Viorel Rotila - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (3):202-228.
    By using the general investigation framework offered by the cognitive science of religion (CSR), I analyse religion as a necessary condition for the evolutionary path of knowledge. The main argument is the "paradox of the birth of knowledge": in order to get to the meaning of the part, a sense context is needed; but a sense of the whole presupposes the sense (meaning) of the parts. Religion proposes solutions to escape this paradox, based on the imagination of sense (meaning) contexts, (...)
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    Rahner on Development of Doctrine.Richard Lennan - 2000 - Philosophy and Theology 12 (1):111-130.
    This paper explores the continuing relevance of Karl Rahner’s work on development of doctrine to a church within a world marked by an emerging postmodern consciousness. It focuses primarily on three elements of development as Rahner understands it, theological discussion, the influence of the Spirit and the role of church authority. The discussion of a possible definition of Mary as co-redemptrix and the controversy over the ordination of women are cited as concrete examples of issues of development facing the (...)
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    Rahner on Development of Doctrine.Mary E. Hines - 2000 - Philosophy and Theology 12 (1):111-130.
    This paper explores the continuing relevance of Karl Rahner’s work on development of doctrine to a church within a world marked by an emerging postmodern consciousness. It focuses primarily on three elements of development as Rahner understands it, theological discussion, the influence of the Spirit and the role of church authority. The discussion of a possible definition of Mary as co-redemptrix and the controversy over the ordination of women are cited as concrete examples of issues of development facing the (...)
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    Postcolonial–Postmodern Enquiry for Human Sustainability: Relevance of Santhigiri Model.K. Gopinathan Pillai - 2020 - Journal of Dharma Studies 2 (2):189-198.
    The basic premise of this paper originates from the contention that the hegemony of the West is unsustainable because of its grounding on a way of life and life vision not in conformity with the eternal laws of Mother Nature. It is losing its sheen under the impact of unsustainable lifestyle and consumerist culture and the resultant ecological hazards, violence, wars, racial animosity, and religion-induced extremism. These trends are giving way to the emergence of a new humane civilization, and the (...)
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  23. Karmic darwinism: The emerging alliance between science and religion.Steve Fuller - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (4):697 - 722.
    I argue that the 21st century will be marked by a realignment of science and religion, which I call the “anthropic” versus the “karmic” perspectives. The former is aligned with the major Western religions and was secularized in the 19th century as positivism, with its identification of social science with the religion of humanity. The latter is aligned with the major Eastern religions, but also Epicureanism in the West. It was secularized as the Neo-Darwinian synthesis in the 20th century, since (...)
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    Sacred Interconnections: Postmodern Spirituality, Political Economy, and Art.David Ray Griffin - 1990 - SUNY Press.
    This book shows the interconnections between postmodernism, religion, politics, economics, and art. It shows that the awareness of interconnectedness is at the center of the postmodern sensibility. Sacred Interconnections illustrates the rejection of the modern idea that these subjects can be discussed as separate disciplines. While the term "postmodern" has been widely used for deconstructive, cynical, even nihilistic attitude, especially in the world of art and literature, the book represents the emergence of a reconstructive, reenchanting postmodernism, even within the artistic (...)
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    Got Ethics?: Envisioning and Evaluating the Future of Our Guild and Discipline.Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):195-203.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Got Ethics? Envisioning and Evaluating the Future of Our Guild and DisciplineStacey M. Floyd-Thomas (bio)IN LIGHT OF THE SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN ETHICS’ TWENTY-First Century and 2020 Initiatives, several ad hoc committees and working groups have examined the fate and future of both the Society and the field of Christian ethics. The stated purposes of these initiatives and their correlative task forces were to think about a new era that (...)
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  26. The Prescience of the Untimely: A Review of Arab Spring, Libyan Winter by Vijay Prashad. [REVIEW]Sasha Ross - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):218-223.
    continent. 2.3 (2012): 218–223 Vijay Prashad. Arab Spring, Libyan Winter . Oakland: AK Press. 2012. 271pp, pbk. $14.95 ISBN-13: 978-1849351126. Nearly a decade ago, I sat in a class entitled, quite simply, “Corporations,” taught by Vijay Prashad at Trinity College. Over the course of the semester, I was amazed at the extent of Prashad’s knowledge, and the complexity and erudition of his style. He has since authored a number of classic books that have gained recognition throughout the world. The Darker (...)
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    Identity Discourse in Postmodern Eastern Orthodoxy.Nina Dimitrova - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 66 (1).
    This text will comment on some of the important aspects of the connection between Eastern Orthodoxy and contemporary civilization, the historical development of which has been designated as post-modernity. Being neither modern, nor postmodern, nor anti-modern, Orthodoxy has to answer the question as to whether globalization is analogous to the “cosmic liturgy” sought by the Christian religion as a whole, or to the contrary, is moving away from it. The other basic problem of Orthodoxy – especially in what were formerly (...)
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    Islamic Post-Traditionalism: Postcolonial and Postmodern Religious Discourse in Indonesia.Carool Kersten - 2015 - Sophia 54 (4):473-489.
    Taking a critical view of the dominance of postcolonial studies by South Asian and Latin American scholars and intellectuals, this article presents a newly emerging discourse among young Indonesian Muslim intellectuals, known as ‘Islamic Post-Traditionalism’. The specific question addressed in the present investigation is to establish to what extent this strand of Muslim thought can be considered a contribution to the engagement with postcoloniality and an application of deconstructionist discourse critique developed by postmodern philosophers within the context of rethinking (...)
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    The Logic of Incarnation: James K. A. Smith’s Critique of Postmodern Religion.Neal DeRoo & Brian Lightbody (eds.) - 2008 - Wipf & Stock.
    With his Logic of Incarnation, James K. A. Smith has provided a compelling critique of the universalizing tendencies in some strands of postmodern philosophy of religion. A truly postmodern account of religion must take seriously the preference for particularity first evidenced in the Christian account of the incarnation of God. Moving beyond the urge to universalize, which characterizes modern thought, Smith argues that it is only by taking seriously particular differences--historical, religious, and doctrinal--that we can be authentically religious and authentically (...)
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  30. Evolution, Emergence, and the Divine Creation of Human Souls.Christopher Hauser - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
    In a series of publications spanning over two decades, William Hasker has argued both that (1) human beings have souls and (2) these souls are not directly created by God but instead are produced by (or “emergent from”) a physical process of some sort or other. By contrast, an alternative view of the human person, endorsed by the contemporary Catholic Church, maintains that (1) human beings have souls but that (2*) each human soul is directly created by God rather than (...)
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    Jüngerschaft und Gemeinde: eine praktisch-theologische Studie uber die Erziehung zur Nachfolge in evangelikal-freikirchlichen Gemeinden im postmodern-urbanen Umfeld.Thomas Hoffmann - 2009 - Dissertation, University of South Africa
    The subject of this study is Christian education in the church. This practical-theological work starts from the premise of the relevance of a commitment experience for the faith development of the individual and studies the formats and contents of continuing formal faith education of young Christians in evangelical free churches in a postmodern-urban milieu in Frankfurt. Its aim is to find out how well the New Testament discipleship topics of Jesus are integrated into the faith education in the church, and (...)
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    A Better Hope: Resources for a Church Confronting Capitalism, Democracy, and Postmodernity.Fred Smith - 2001 - Philosophia Christi 3 (1):303-305.
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    Orthodox orthodoxy in the world of religious postmodernity.Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 35:189-207.
    After a long period of apology for the new "symphony" of the Church and the Soviet authorities since the mid-1960s. Ukraine has begun to understand the latest trends in Orthodoxy. At the same time, a current emerged in world culture, which was later dubbed the postmodern. Amorphous at first, a phenomenon that manifested itself more quickly in literature and the visual arts, for several decades, has left its mark on other spheres of human life, including and religious, including Orthodoxy.
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    The Truth about the Truth: De-confusing and Re-constructing the Postmodern World.Walt Anderson - 1995 - TarcherPerigee.
    "One can rarely read or hear commentary on art, popular culture, society, literature, or politics these days without being confronted by the mysterious term 'postmodern.' Unlike any other artistic, critical, or philosophical movement in history, postmodernism has come charging out of the ivory tower and into the minds and mouths of the public. The postmodern lens is now the one through which we all are expected to be able to view the world, but how many of us know what this (...)
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    Religion, water and climate change: Are theologies of African Initiated Churches in Zimbabwe adaptable?Molly Manyonganise & Tawanda Matutu - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):8.
    An eco-theological analysis of African Initiated Churches (AICs) has revealed that most of these churches use water for a myriad of rituals ranging from baptism to consecratory rites. Their affinity with water even qualifies them to be dubbed water-based churches; yet, the world is faced with an imminent scarcity of this natural resource. The United Nations echoed that access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene are the most basic human needs for health and well-being; but it has observed that unless (...)
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    Guarded by Mystery: Meaning in a Postmodern Age.David Walsh - 1999 - Cua Press.
    Clearly we have entered an era of heightened interest in spirituality. The proliferation of books, music, and paraphernalia espousing the way of the spirit is a striking phenomenon. Everywhere there is a new willingness to admit that the categories of rational thought, the authority of science, are no longer adequate to the task of making sense of our lives. A search for meaning has become pervasive. Equally striking has been the rise of experiential religion. Evangelical and fundamentalist churches are the (...)
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    The African Church’s application of anointing oil: An expression of Christian spirituality or a display of fetish ancestral religion?Joel K. Biwul - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):10.
    The content of Christian spirituality that made waves since the inception of the early church soon took on different contours as the faith got adapted to different gentile contexts. The expression of this faith, along with its liturgical symbolism and sacramental observances, is still gaining momentum in African Christianity. The emerging practice of the use of ‘anointing oil’ in its religious expression is receiving more attention than the Christ of the Gospel. In this article, we argue that against its (...)
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    From emergency practice to Christian polemics? Augustine’s invocation of infant baptism in the Pelagian Controversy.Alexander H. Pierce - 2021 - Augustinian Studies 52 (1):19-41.
    In this article, I build upon Jean-Albert Vinel’s account of Augustine’s “liturgical argument” against the Pelagians by exploring how and why Augustine uses both the givenness of the practice of infant baptism and its ritual components as evidence for his theological conclusions in opposition to those of the Pelagians. First, I explore infant baptism in the Roman North African Church before and during Augustine’s ministry. Second, I interpret Augustine’s rhetorical adaptation of the custom in his attempt to delineate the defining (...)
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    Augustine’s Early Theology of the Church: Emergence and Implications, 386–391. By David Alexander. [REVIEW]John Spano - 2013 - Augustinian Studies 44 (1):155-158.
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    The Positive Mind: Its Development and Impact on Modernity and Postmodernity.Evaldas Nekrašas - 2016 - New York: Central European University Press.
    This book is a radical reappraisal of positivism as a major movement in philosophy, science and culture. In examining positivist movement and its contemporary impact, I had the following goals. First, to provide a more precise and systematic definition of the notion of positivism. Second, to describe positivism as a trend of thought concerned not only with the theory of knowledge and philosophy of science, but also with problems of ethics, social, and political philosophy, and show that its representatives usually (...)
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    Traversing the Imaginary: Richard Kearney and the Postmodern Challenge.Peter Gratton & John Panteleimon Manoussakis (eds.) - 2007 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    In recent years, Richard Kearney has emerged as a leading figure in the field of continental philosophy, widely recognized for his work in the areas of philosophical and religious hermeneutics, theory and practice of the imagination, and political thought. This much-anticipated--and long overdue--study is the first to reflect the full range and impact of Kearney's extensive contributions to contemporary philosophy. The book opens with Kearney's own "prelude" in which he traces his intellectual itinerary as it traverses the three imaginaries explored (...)
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    The Church for the World: A Theology of Public Witness by Jennifer McBride.Glen Stassen - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):199-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Church for the World: A Theology of Public Witness by Jennifer McBrideGlen StassenThe Church for the World: A Theology of Public Witness Jennifer McBride New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. 310 pp. $74.00Jennifer McBride offers the brilliant proposal that Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s theme of repentance is the right ingredient for our pluralistic and democratic context, which needs a nontriumphal Christian witness. [End Page 199]My focus on confession and (...)
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    The Re-emergence of African Spiritualities: Prospects and Challenges.Ikenna Paschal Okpaleke & Kizito Chinedu Nweke - 2019 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 36 (4):246-265.
    Indigenous spiritualities among Africans, both in Africa and in the diaspora, are flourishing. In Lagos, Nigeria, for example, shrines compete with churches and mosques in adherents and positions. Beyond Africa, the rise of African spiritualities has become conspicuous. Reasons range from Afrocentrism to anti-religious tendencies to the popular religions, from racial animosity to politico-economic ideologies, yet insufficient attention is being paid to this new Afro-spiritualities. Can this renaissance in African spirituality bring forth or support a renaissance in Africa? Africa arguably (...)
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    Religion and the Rise of Modern Culture.Louis K. Dupré - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _Religion and the Rise of Modern Culture_ describes and analyzes changing attitudes toward religion during three stages of modern European culture: the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Romantic period. Louis Dupré is an expert guide to the complex historical and intellectual relation between religion and modern culture. Dupré begins by tracing the weakening of the Christian synthesis. At the end of the Middle Ages intellectual attitudes toward religion began to change. Theology, once the dominant science that had integrated all others, (...)
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    Basic Views of the Church Fathers on the Church in the Early Christian Period.Mustafa GÜRE - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (61):519-542.
    Church is one of the fundamental terms of Christian theology. It is accepted that the roots of the concept of the church, defined today as “the congregation or community of people who are baptized and adopt the same basic Christian values” are in the Old Testament. The concept of the church has had different usages throughout history. With the emergence of Christianity, the concept began to be used to describe the community of people belonging to this religion. From early Christianity, (...)
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    Catholic religious agency during the Covid-19 emergency: the issue of vaccines.Renzo Pegoraro - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (3):231-239.
    The Catholic Church’s reflection on and assessment of the Covid-19 pandemic has developed in several areas. Inspired by the tradition of its social teaching, specifically by the values of the dignity of the human person, justice, solidarity, and the common good, a strong sense of responsibility—on the part of all to prevent the spread of the pandemic and care for the affected sick—was called for. This resulted in a series of interventions and documents on the various medical and spiritual issues (...)
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    The Role of the Russian Orthodox Church in Shaping the Political Culture of Russia.Marina Gaskova - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):111-122.
    Besides other changes that have taken place in the Russian Federation in our times, the process of constitution of an ideology, which is accompanied by different competing value-systems, is one of the crucial tendencies. This process also occurs in the area of the development and construction of religious institutions and religious consciousness. Historically, the Russian Orthodox Church has had a dominant position among the other religious institutions in the country. Unfortunately, it has not and does not serve the role of (...)
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    The Role of Church in State and Public Affairs During the Kibaki Era, 2002-2013.Makokha Vincent Kinas - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 2 (1):27-40.
    Purpose: The primary objective of this study was to determine the role of church in state and public affairs during the Kibaki Era, 2002-2013Methodology: The methodology employed in this study was qualitative in nature. The study relied mainly on the analysis of an existing dataset from secondary sources. The data was gathered from technical reports, scholarly journals, reference books, past sermons, church publications, official and unofficial doctrine, theologies and from the Kenya National Archives in Nairobi. Other sources of data collection (...)
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    African Initiated Churches.Terence Ranger - 2007 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 24 (2):65-71.
    Idioms of African religion have enabled African men and women to respond to Christianity and to place their hopes in it. The idioms and new ideas of missions had a tremendous influence on the prophetic, spiritual African churches, helping to ensure that they would emerge as Christian churches rather than as re-statements of African religion. Some African churches did advocate the performance of ancestral rituals but stressed the need for dignity and sobriety in worship on the one hand and the (...)
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    The kingdom of God is here and now: Protestant eschatology, in the context of postmodernism.Roman Soloviy - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 68:83-96.
    For modern Protestant theology there is a keen interest in eschatology, which, however, is interpreted not so much as the classical theological doctrine of the completion of history, which includes the theme of the church's takeover, the second coming of Christ and the millennial kingdom, as a teleological doctrine, focused on the questions of the final destination of reality, the achievement the world of its eternal purpose. Taking into account the fact that in modern Ukrainian religious studies there is a (...)
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