Results for 'Emmanuel Swedenborg'

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  1.  10
    Emmanuel Swedenborg's philosophy of the human organism.Violet MacDermot - 1974 - Richmond (114 Richmond Hill, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6RJ): New Atlantis Foundation.
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    Las dos formas de religiosidad del Drömbok de Swedenborg.José Antonio Antón Pacheco - 2023 - Isidorianum 6 (12):501-513.
    En "El libro de los sueños" de Emmanuel Swedenborg podemos encontrar dos tipos de experiencia religiosa: una, que se denomina "yóguica" o "chamante", y otra, específicamente chnstiana, que debe considerarse también como mística. Swedenborg ofrece en su libro una serie de visiones e imágenes que dan pie a un análisis contrastivo de la mística.
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    Viagens aos Infernos: a experiência visionária como ensaio para uma filosofia pré e pós humanista.Tiago Brentam Perencini - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (3):100-122.
    Por que a experiência visionária perturba a filosofia (crítica)? Experimentando uma anarqueologia como procedimento de leitura, argumento que a relação entre filosofia e magia no curso da história ocidental pode ser encenada como uma peça paradoxal. Da mesma maneira que a filosofia racionalista conjura a magia, simultaneamente, tais saberes estiveram presentes de modo polifônico nos bastidores da encenação ilustrada. Para conjurar o demônio é necessário antes evocá-lo. Evoco, assim, o itinerário das viagens aos infernos ao qual certa visão xamanística de (...)
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    Listening eye : postmodernism, paranoia, and the hypervisible.Jerry Aline Flieger - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (1):90-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Listening Eye: Postmodernism, Paranoia, and the HypervisibleJerry Aline Flieger (bio)Jean Baudrillard. The Transparency of Evil: Essays on Extreme Phenomena. Trans. James Benedict. London: Verso, 1993. Trans. of La transparence du mal: Essai sur les phénomènes extrêmes. Paris: Galilée, 1990.Jean-François Lyotard. The Inhuman: Reflections on Time. Trans. Geoff Bennington and Rachel Bowlby. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1991. Trans. of L’inhumain. Paris: Galilée, 1988.Slavoj Zizek. Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques (...)
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  5. Otherwise than being: or, Beyond essence.Emmanuel Levinas - 1974 - Hingham, MA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Boston.
    A sequel to Levinas' Totality and Infinity.
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  6. Ethics and Infinity.Emmanuel Lévinas & Philippe Nemo - 1985 - Duquesne.
    A masterful series of interviews with Levinas, conducted by French philosopher Philippe Nemo, which provides a succinct presentation of Levinas's philosophy.
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    A Swedenborg Sampler: Selections From Heaven and Hell, Divine Love and Wisdom, Divine Providence, True Christianity, and Secrets of Heaven.Emanuel Swedenborg - 2011 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    Swedish scientist-turned-seer Emanuel Swedenborg developed a deep theology that emphasized personal growth as the path to heaven and the presence of God in all of life. This book brings together key sections from Swedenborg's most popular writings in one place. What happens to us after we die? Why is there evil and suffering in the world? What is our purpose in life? Swedenborg answers all these questions and more.
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    God, Death, and Time.Emmanuel Lévinas - 2000 - Stanford University Press.
    This book consists of transcripts from two lecture courses on ethical relation Levinas delivered at the Sorbonne.
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    Swedenborgs Bildungsreise: die Quellen in deutscher Übersetzung.Emanuel Swedenborg - 2012 - Zürich: Swedenborg Verlag. Edited by Thomas Noack & Emanuel Swedenborg.
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  10. From Christian Spirituality To Eco-Friendliness.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2020 - International Journal of Humanities and Innovation (IJHI) 3 (1):34-38.
    Spirituality connotes praxis informed by religious or faith convictions. This can transform the individual and society at large. Christian spirituality is centered on how a person’s relationship with the God of Jesus Christ informs and directs one’s approach to existence and engagement with the world. The ecosystem concerns humanity and relationship with it is invariably influenced by faith or religious informed praxis. The reality of climate change is convincing many people that humankind’s common homeland needs to be treated with care (...)
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  11. Humanism of the Other.Emmanuel Levinas & Nidra Poller - 2003 - University of Illinois Press.
    'Humanism of the Other' argues that it is not only possible but of the highest exigency to understand one's humanity through the humanity of others.".
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    Time and the Other and Additional Essays.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1987
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  13. (2 other versions)Totalité et Infini. Essai sur l'exteriorité.Emmanuel Levinas - 1961 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 68 (4):495-495.
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    The Selective Laziness of Reasoning.Emmanuel Trouche, Petter Johansson, Lars Hall & Hugo Mercier - 2015 - Cognitive Science 40 (8):2122-2136.
    Reasoning research suggests that people use more stringent criteria when they evaluate others' arguments than when they produce arguments themselves. To demonstrate this “selective laziness,” we used a choice blindness manipulation. In two experiments, participants had to produce a series of arguments in response to reasoning problems, and they were then asked to evaluate other people's arguments about the same problems. Unknown to the participants, in one of the trials, they were presented with their own argument as if it was (...)
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    Coronavirus: A Contingency that Eliminates Contingency.Emmanuel Alloa - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (S2):S73-S76.
  16. Christian Military Chaplains as Promoters of the Gospel of Non-Violence and Mutual Co-Existence in Contemporary Nigerian Society: An Ethical Study.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2018 - Journal for Inculturation Theology 5 (1):258-271.
    Contemporary Nigerian society is in its doldrums as regards the culture of violence and distrust among peoples from various ethnic groups that make-up this nation. To an extent, religio-political reasons are fueling this culture of violence and distrust. The thrust of this paper is that: Christian military chaplains are stakeholders as promoters of peace and mutual co-existence in Nigeria with regard to controlling the culture of violence and disunity. The core of this thesis remains Jesus’ convictions concerning non-resistance to the (...)
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    Entre nous: essais sur le penser-à-l'autre.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1991 - Grasset & Fasquelle.
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  18. On Traditional African Consensual Rationality.Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (3):342-365.
    Wiredu’s call for democracy by consensus is illustrated by his description of traditional African consensual rationality. This description contains the attribution of immanence to African consensual rationality. This paper objects to this doctrine of immanence. More importantly, the doctrine of immanence has led to the attribution of pure rationality to traditional African consensual practices. With reference to Aristotle’s three components of persuasion, I object to deliberation as purely rational and impervious to extraneous factors. I further argue that it is because (...)
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  19. De l'Existence à l'Existant.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1949 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 139:230-231.
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    Noms propres.Emmanuel Levinas - 2014 - Fata Morgana.
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  21. Religion, Psychology and Globalisation Process: Attitudinal Appraisal.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2020 - Legon Journal of the Humanities 27 (1).
    A key consequence of globalisation is the integrative approach to reality whereby emphasis is placed on interdependence. Religion being an expression of human culture is equally affected by this cultural revolution. The main objective of this paper is to examine how religious affiliation, among Christians, influences attitudes towards the application of psychological sciences to the assuagement of human suffering. The sociological theory of structural functionalism was deployed to explain attitudinal appraisal. Ethnographic methodology, through quantitative analysis of administered questionnaire, was also (...)
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  22. (1 other version)De l'existence à l'existant.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1947 - Paris,: Fontaine.
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  23. Discovering Existence with Husserl.Emmanuel Levinas, Richard A. Cohen & Michael B. Smith - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 190 (4):532-533.
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  24. Religious Culture in Mental Health Issues: An Advocacy for Participatory Partnership.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2016 - Archive for Psychopathology and Counselling-Psychology 2 (2).
    Religion constitutes an important element in every society as regards coping with the demands as well as vicissitudes of life. Mental health issues are becoming a recurrent decimal in societies overwhelmed by stress and other social factors. This paper examines how the presence of religious beliefs affects how some Christians respond to cases that have to do mental health. At the same time, it surveys how a near absence of religious attitude, that is, clinical medicine approach to mental health issues (...)
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    Defending the Decolonization Trope in Philosophy: A Reply to Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò.Abímbọ́lá Olúwafẹ́mi Emmanuel - 2021 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (2):304-319.
    The Southern Journal of Philosophy, Volume 60, Issue 2, Page 304-319, June 2022.
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  26. Differences in Becoming. Gilbert Simondon and Gilles Deleuze on Individuation.Emmanuel Alloa & Judith Michalet - 2017 - Philosophy Today.
    For a long time, Gilbert Simondon’s work was known only as either a philosophy restricted to the problem of technology or as an inspirational source for Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of difference. As Simondon’s thinking is now finally in the process of being recognized in its own right as one of the most original philosophies of the twentieth century, this also entails that some critical work needs to be done to disentangle it from an all too hasty identification with Deleuzian categories. (...)
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    Altérité et transcendance.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1995
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    On the Non-worshipping Character of the Akan of Africa.Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani - 2019 - Sophia 58 (2):225-238.
    According to Wiredu, the Akan profess secular esteem rather than religious worship to supra-natural beings, who they perceive in an empirical sense. He backs this up by re-reading what he sees as the Akan general ontology in a way that denies them of the concepts of the supernatural, the transcendental, the mental, the spiritual, and an ontologically distinct mind. At the end of denying the three criteria of worship as well as all of these other concepts which might otherwise be (...)
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  29. Ethique et infini. Dialogues avec Philippe Nemo.Emmanuel Levinas - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (1):63-63.
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    Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy.Emmanuel Alloa, Rajiv Kaushik & Frank Chouraqui (eds.) - 2019 - Albany NY: SUNY Press.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty is widely recognized as one of the major figures of twentieth-century philosophy. The recent publication of his lecture courses and posthumous working notes has opened new avenues for both the interpretation of his thought and philosophy in general. These works confirm that, with a surprising premonition, Merleau-Ponty addressed many of the issues that concern philosophy today. With the benefit of this fuller picture of his thought, Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy undertakes an assessment of the philosopher's relevance for contemporary (...)
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    Ethique comme philosophie première.Emmanuel Lévinas & Jacques Rolland - 1998 - Rivages.
    Ce texte d'une conférence prononcée en 1982, l'année de publication du recueil "De Dieu qui vient à l'idée", appartient à la dernière période et à la dernière manière du philosophe. Prolongeant l'inspiration des oeuvres précédentes, il affirme vigoureusement la radicalité de l'éthique qu'il pense, antèrieurement à toute morale, comme philosophie première.
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  32. The Relevance of Pusey’s Eirenicon Today: Intercommunion between Anglicans and Roman Catholics.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2017 - Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research 14 (1):pp.139-156.
    This paper investigates how Edward Pusey, a nineteenth century Anglican clergy and scholar responded to Edward Manning’s claim that the Church of England is not an authentic church. This led the former to write his Eirenicon, as an intellectual justification and a response to apostolicity and catholicity of the Anglican faith. Eirenicon is an example in rigorous dialogue on religious faith claims. The ecumenical rapprochement suggested by Pusey is very insightful: emphasis on the elements that unites Roman Catholics and Anglicans (...)
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    Comfort or safety? Gathering and using the concerns of a participant for better persuasion.Emmanuel Hadoux & Anthony Hunter - 2019 - Argument and Computation 10 (2):113-147.
    Persuasion is an important and yet complex aspect of human intelligence. When undertaken through dialogue, the deployment of good arguments, and therefore counterarguments, clearly has a significant effect on the ability to be successful in persuasion. A key dimension for determining whether an argument is good is the impact that it has on the concerns of the intended audience of the argument ( e.g., the other participant(s) in the dialogue). In this paper, we investigate how we can acquire and represent (...)
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  34. Being jewish.Emmanuel Levinas - 2007 - Continental Philosophy Review 40 (3):205-210.
  35. Critique and Refinement of the Wakefieldian Concept of Disorder: An Improvement of the Harmful Dysfunction Analysis.Emmanuel Smith - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (4):530-539.
    One way in which bioethicists can benefit the medical community is by clarifying the concept of disorder. Since insurance companies refer to the DSM for whether a patient should receive assistance, one must consider the consequences of one’s concept of disorder for who should be provided with care. I offer a refinement of Jerome Wakefield’s hybrid concept of disorder, the harmful dysfunction analysis. I criticize both the factual component and the value component of Wakefield’s account and suggest how they might (...)
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    Partages de la perspective.Emmanuel Alloa - 2020 - Paris: Fayard.
    « C’est une question de point de vue… » On associe aujourd’hui la perspective à l’individualisme, à l’affirmation d’une vérité privée et indépassable. C’est oublier la tradition de la perspectiva communis, celle qui fait de la perspective le vecteur d’un horizon commun. Au croisement de la science, de l’art et de la philosophie, le livre exhume une tradition que l’on se doit de redécouvrir : le point de vue, ce n’est pas seulement ce qui divise, c’est aussi ce qui se (...)
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    Introduction.Steven M. Emmanuel - 2013 - In A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–10.
    The task of producing a comprehensive, single‐volume treatment of Buddhist philosophy presents certain editorial challenges, not the least of which is the problem of how to do justice to the sheer breadth and diversity of a tradition that spans some two and a half millennia. This introductory chapter of A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy sheds some light on the considerations that shaped the structure and content of the book.
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  38. La signification et le sens.Emmanuel Levinas - 1964 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 69 (2):125 - 156.
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  39. The Politics of Shareholder Activism in Nigeria.Emmanuel Adegbite, Kenneth Amaeshi & Olufemi Amao - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (3):389-402.
    Shareholder activism has become a force for good in the extant corporate governance literature. In this article, we present a case study of Nigeria to show how shareholder activism, as a corporate governance mechanism, can constitute a space for unhealthy politics and turbulent politicking, which is a reflection of the country’s brand of politics. As a result, we point out some translational challenges, and suggest more caution, in the diffusion of corporate governance practices across different institutional environments. We contribute to (...)
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  40. Ethique Et Infini Dialogues Avec Philippe Nemo.Emmanuel Lévinas & Philippe Nemo - 1984
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    Les imprévus de l'histoire.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1994
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    A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy.Steven M. Emmanuel (ed.) - 2013 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    _A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy_ is the most comprehensive single volume on the subject available; it offers the very latest scholarship to create a wide-ranging survey of the most important ideas, problems, and debates in the history of Buddhist philosophy. Encompasses the broadest treatment of Buddhist philosophy available, covering social and political thought, meditation, ecology and contemporary issues and applications Each section contains overviews and cutting-edge scholarship that expands readers understanding of the breadth and diversity of Buddhist thought Broad coverage (...)
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    Undergoing an Experience. Sensing, Bodily Affordances and the Institution of the Self.Emmanuel Alloa - 2019 - In Emmanuel Alloa, Rajiv Kaushik & Frank Chouraqui, Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy. Albany NY: SUNY Press. pp. 61-82.
  44. Emerging Religious Marketplace in Nigeria: A Quest for Interpretation.Emmanuel Orok Duke - 2014 - International Journal of Theology and Reformed Tradition 6:47-61.
    In contemporary Nigerian society, the evolving trends in Christian religious culture suggest that neoliberal (social) mind-set is influencing certain practices in many Churches. The objective of this paper is to examine how the above-mentioned contemporary culture influences current religious landscape. The sociological concept of commodification was adopted as a way of ‘reading’ this religious context. The research methodology combines theoretical and ethnographic approaches to this study. The research findings show that neoliberal mind-set is influencing how religious commodification shapes the characteristics (...)
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  45. Du Sacré au Saint Cinq Nouvelles Lectures Talmudiques.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1977
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  46. (2 other versions)The Cartesianism of Desgabets and Arnauld and the Problem of the Eternal Truths.Emmanuel Faye - 2005 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 2:193-209.
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  47. Transcendance et hauteur.Emmanuel Levinas - 1962 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 56 (3):89.
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  48. African Philosophy and the Analytic Tradition.Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze - 2001 - Philosophical Papers 30 (3):205-213.
    Abstract Could the ?analytic? approach take greater roots in the traditions of African Philosophy? In this contribution, I give an affirmative answer to the question. However, I also argue that the process requires a ?political will?, as it involves a clear acknowledgement of the historical impetus animating the very idea?and contemporary institutional existences?of African philosophy.
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  49. « Enigme Et Phénomène ».Emmanuel Lévinas & Elad Lapidot - 2004 - Cahiers d'Études Lévinassiennes 3.
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  50. Sur Maurice Blanchot.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1977 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 167 (1):112-113.
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