Results for 'Enrigo Castelli'

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  1.  38
    Le démoniaque dans l'art Par Enrico castelli.Enrico Castelli & Jeanne Parain-Vial - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (1):131 - 132.
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    Benedetto Castelli: Early Systematic Experiments and Theory of the Differential Absorption of Heat by Colors.Piero Ariotti & Benedetto Castelli - 1972 - Isis 63 (1):79-87.
  3. Esistenza, mito, ermeneutica: scritti per Enrico Castelli.Enrico Castelli (ed.) - 1980 - Padova: CEDAM.
    v. 1. Demoniaco e problema del male. Umanesimo e pensiero simbolico. Tempo e temporalità -- v. 2. Ermeneutica e demitizzazione. Storia della filosofia. Filosofia della religione.
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    La philosophie de l'histoire de la philosophie: articles de E. Castelli, A. Dempf, M. de Corte... [et al.].Enrico Castelli - 1956 - Istituto di Studi Filosofici, Università di Roma.
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    Le Temps harcelant: par Enrico Castelli. [Traduit de l'italien.] Préface de René Le Senne,..Enrico Castelli - 1952 - Presses universitaires de France.
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  6. L'infallibilità l'Aspetto Filosofico E Teologico; Atti Del Convegno Indetto Dal Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici E Dall'istituto di Studi Filosofici, Roma 5-12 Gennaio 1970. A Cura di Enrico Castelli.Enrico Castelli - 1970 - Istituto di Studi Filosofici.
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    La forza dei dettagli: estetica, filosofia, storia, epistemologia da Warburg a Deleuze.Enrico Castelli Gattinara - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  8. Pensamientos y días (Pensieri e giornate), Diario íntimo (traducción de Humberto Giannini).Enrico Castelli - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 9 (1-2):109-149.
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    Love, Politics, and Public/Private Porosity.Federica Castelli - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (1).
    This article examines the political and theoretical life of Jane Addams and the women of Hull House, who gave rise to a constellation of new subjects and practices in nineteenth-century Chicago. In particular, the article highlights the importance of women’s relations in the settlement in Halsted Street, which were a fundamental part of the group’s political practice and reflection on democracy, society, and justice: on the one hand, they reconfigured the traditional dichotomy between private and public space, revealing its inherent (...)
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    The Nietzschean dimension of Chinese traditional Aesthetics.Alberto Castelli - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (4):353-366.
    In ancient China, art has never been a substitute for the category of ‘truth’ in the sense of Western aestheticism, but a mimic for goodness and beauty. The image in traditional Chinese aesthetics never transcended the idea to the level of Western abstraction, and that is because the artistic expression bore a social synthesis, rather than metaphysical, between human beings, reality, and the world. However, the Ming Dynasty introduces a Dionysian discourse that challenges the Apollonian tradition.
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    Il titolo taciuto. Sull’epigramma IX, 198 dell’Anthologia Palatina e la trasmissione dei Dionysiaca di Nonno di Panopoli.Emanuele Castelli - 2017 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 110 (3):631-644.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 110 Heft: 3 Seiten: 631-644.
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  12. Introduction à une phénoménologie de notre époque.Enrico Castelli - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:134-136.
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    La Chiesa, la cattedra, il rotolo.Emanuele Castelli - 2008 - Augustinianum 48 (2):305-322.
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  14. L'Ermeneutica della filosofia della religione.Enrico Castelli (ed.) - 1977 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    The skills of Hecamede. Women as caregivers in archaic and classical Greece.Hélène Castelli - 2019 - Clio 49:23-42.
    Aux périodes archaïques et classiques, les femmes grecques pourvoyaient des soins aux moments les plus importants de la vie, comme la naissance et la mort : pourtant ce n’est pas ce care qu’a mis en avant l’historiographie de la médecine, mais bien le cure masculin des médecins hippocratiques. À rebours, cet article met en avant ce care féminin. Fondée sur les documents textuels, épigraphiques et iconographiques, l’étude aborde la figure d’Hécamède, femme pourvoyeuse de soins efficaces mais non techniques aux guerriers (...)
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  16. L'indagine quotidiana.Enrico Castelli - 1956 - [Roma]: Fratelli Bocca.
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    Scambiarsi le arti: arte e antropologia.Anna Castelli - 2022 - Firenze - Italia: Bompiani. Edited by Franco La Cecla.
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    The Nietzschean dimension of Chinese traditional Aesthetics.Alberto Castelli - 2024 - Journal for Cultural Research 28 (4):353-366.
    In ancient China, art has never been a substitute for the category of ‘truth’ in the sense of Western aestheticism, but a mimic for goodness and beauty. The image in traditional Chinese aesthetics never transcended the idea to the level of Western abstraction, and that is because the artistic expression bore a social synthesis, rather than metaphysical, between human beings, reality, and the world. However, the Ming Dynasty introduces a Dionysian discourse that challenges the Apollonian tradition.
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  19.  16
    Alexander and adverbs.Laura M. Castelli - 2023 - Philosophie Antique 23 (23):7-25.
    Dans son Commentaire au Traité De l’interprétation d’Aristote, Ammonius réfute une position, qu’il attribue à Alexandre d’Aphrodise, d’ après laquelle les « adverbes » ( epirrhêmata ) appartiennent à l’espèce des onomata. Bien qu’il soit malaisé de reconstruire la position exacte d’Alexandre sur la base du Commentaire d’Ammonius, je souhaite montrer qu’on peut en offrir une version cohérente en recourant principalement au commentaire d’Alexandre aux Topiques, à propos des différentes sortes d’adverbes. À l’inverse, semble-t-il, d’Ammonius, Alexandre aurait distingué deux classes (...)
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  20. L'infaillibilité Son Aspect Philosophique Et Théologique; Actes du Colloque Organisé Par le Centre International d'Études Humanistes Et Par l'Institut d'Études Philosophiques de Rome, Rome, 5-12 Janvier 1970, aux Soins de Enrico Castelli [Et Al.].Enrico Castelli - 1970 - Aubier, Montaigne.
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  21. Disentangling defining and demonstrating: Notes on an. post. II 3-7.Laura M. Castelli - 2019 - Manuscrito 42 (4):243-281.
    : In APo II 3-7 Aristotle discusses a series of difficulties concerning definition, deduction, and demonstration. In this paper I focus on two interrelated but distinct questions: firstly, what are exactly the difficulties emerging from or alluded to in the discussion in II 3-7; secondly, whether and in what sense the discussion in II 3-7 can be considered an aporetic discussion with a specific role to play in the development of the argument in APo II.
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    On Aristotle, Topics 2.Laura M. Castelli - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Laura Maria Castelli.
    Aristotle's Topics is a handbook for dialectic, which can be understood as a philosophical debate between a questioner and a respondent. In book 2, Aristotle mainly develops strategies for making deductions about 'accidents', which are properties that might or might not belong to a subject (for instance, Socrates has five fingers, but might have had six), and about properties that simply belong to a subject without further specification. In the present commentary, here translated into English for the first time, Alexander (...)
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    Between Patriotism and Pacifism. Ernesto Teodoro Moneta and the Italian conquest of Libya.Alberto Castelli - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (3):324-329.
    In 1911, the prominent Italian Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ernesto T. Moneta and, with him, a number of Italian “pacifists” actively supported the invasion of Libya (carried out) by the Italian army. On the columns of “La Vita Internazionale”, journal edited by Moneta since 1898, Italian “pacifists” not only agreed that it was good and convenient for Italy to conquer a part of North Africa, but showed an enthusiasm they had never manifested before in support of pacifist initiatives. The question (...)
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    Dati storici e aspetti romanzeschi nelle prime due Visioni del Pastore di Erma. Una riconsiderazione del problema alla luce di nuove scoperte testuali.Emanuele Castelli - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (2):321-340.
    The aim of the paper is to reconsider the content of first two Visions of the Shepherd of Hermas and to decode some ficticious elements offered by the author at the beginning of his work. The study takes into consideration some recent textual discoveries concerning the first sentence of the Shepherd.
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  25. El Primer Congreso Nacional de Filosofía.Enrico Castelli - 1949 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 2 (3):60.
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    Il Solipsismo. Alterità e Comunicazione.Enrico Castelli, Louis Lavelle, Martin Heidegger, Annibale Pastore, Paolo Filiasi-Carcano & Vito A. Bellezza - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (15):484-484.
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  27. L'existentialisme: Philosophie De La Crise.Enrico Castelli - 1949 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 3 (9):247-254.
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    "Religione e marxismo" nel pensiero di M. Machovec, L. Kolakowski e J.M. Lochman.Luigi Castelli - 1984 - Roma: Pontificia Università lateranense.
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    Social Perception in Schizophrenia: Evidence of Reduced Prejudiced Attitudes Among People With a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia.Luigi Castelli, Luciana Carraro, Alessia Valmori, Chiara Uliana & Massimiliano Paparella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Only recently research in social psychology has started to systematically investigate intergroup attitudes among members of stigmatized minority groups. In particular, the study of the way people with mental health problems perceive the social groups around them is so far very scarce. In this work, we focused on people with schizophrenia, analyzing their attitudes toward another stigmatized group, namely Black individuals. In Study 1, the attitudes toward White and Black people were assessed in a sample of respondents with a diagnosis (...)
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    The taste of contemporaneity: is the west kitsch?Alberto Castelli & Barbara Sonzogni - 2022 - Journal for Cultural Research 26 (2):166-183.
    As the twenty-first century begins, Benjamin’s aura as the quality of an authentic-art-object might be outdated, but the notion of kitsch remains essential in a post-Warholian world. The following discussion is an attempt to assess Western contemporaneity. By using a few examples, so to dissect problems into their smallest components, I suggest that the current popularity of kitsch inclinations and behaviours in Western societies are not a means to resist cultural and aesthetic elitism, but an implication of widespread bad taste.
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  31. Aristotle's Metaphysics: Form, Matter and Identity.Laura M. Castelli - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (5):941-943.
  32. Errata.Enrico Castelli - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (1):159.
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    L’idée de la synthèse: Henri Berr et les crises du savoir dans la première moitié du xxe siècle.Enrico Castelli Gattinara - 1996 - Revue de Synthèse 117 (1-2):21-38.
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    Les présupposés d'une théologie de l'histoire.Enrico Castelli - 1954 - Vrin.
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  35. La Philosophie de la Religion l'Herméneutique de la Philosophie de la Religion.Enrico Castelli - 1977 - Aubier-Montaigne.
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    Zeitlichkeit und Entfremdung in Hermeneutik und Theologie.Enrico Castelli & Franz Theunis (eds.) - 1976 - Hamburg-Bergstedt: H. Reich.
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    Épistémologie 1900 la tradition Française.Castelli Gattinara - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (2-4):347-365.
    L'article s'interroge sur la tradition française en matière d'épistémologie et analyse la réaction du milieu philosophique du début du xxe siècle face à la crise des acquis philosophiques traditionnels provoquée par le développement des sciences. Les interventions au premier congrès international de Philosophie de 1900 montrent que la philosophie essaie de continuer à exercer une hégémonie sur les sciences, mais que, pour réagir à la crise, elle doit s'engager dans l'histoire des sciences. L'histoire des sciences devient alors le moyen employé (...)
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    Stances on Assisted Suicide by Health and Social Care Professionals Working With Older Persons in Switzerland.Dolores Angela Castelli Dransart, Elena Scozzari & Sabine Voélin - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (7):599-614.
    This qualitative study investigated the personal and professional stances of 40 health and social care professionals confronted with assisted suicide of older persons living in nursing homes or supported by social welfare or home care and support services in French-speaking Switzerland. Requests of assisted suicide triggered questions with regard to the professional mission, the quality of accompaniment, values, and ethical principles. Four types of stances emerged from the analysis performed according to the principles of the grounded theory: favorable in principle, (...)
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  39.  32
    Problems and paradigms of unity: Aristotle’s accounts of the one.Laura Maria Castelli - 2010 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
    One', Aristotle says, can be said in many ways and each being is one. Through a comprehensive analysis of the passages in which Aristotle makes sense of these claims, the book provides a detailed account of how the different ways of being one permeate the domain of being and explores Aristotle's approach to the notion of unity from the ontological, cosmological and dialectical point of view. In rejecting what he regards as an 'archaic' conception of being, Aristotle rejects a corresponding (...)
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    Démythisation et démystification.Enrico Castelli - 1979 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 4:387.
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  41. Gilles Deleuze e la pittura.E. Castelli Gattinara - 1987 - Rivista di Estetica 27 (25):124-133.
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    (1 other version)I presupposti di una teologia della storia.Enrico Castelli - 1952 - Milano,: Fratelli Bocca.
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  43. Il tempo inqualificabile: contributi all'ermeneutica della secolarizzazione.Enrico Castelli - 1975 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Introduction à une Phénoménologie de notre Epoque.Enrico Castelli - 1949 - Hermann.
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    Laberthonnière.Enrico Castelli - 1931 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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  46. Le démoniaque dans l'art.Enrico Castelli & Enrichetta Valenziani - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (3):359-359.
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  47. Le temps harcelant.Enrico Castelli & René Le Senne - 1953 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 15 (2):349-349.
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  48. Matter, Necessity and the Middle Term: Some Comments on Aristotle, «An. Post.», B, 11.Laura Castelli - 2009 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 20:1-21.
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  49. Umanesimo e Machiavellismo, dans Archivio di filosofia.E. Castelli, G. Marcel, E. Garin, E. Grassi, B. Nardi & E. Massa - 1951 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:599-600.
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  50. Imitating Paul: A Discourse of Power.Elizabeth A. Castelli - 1991
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