Results for 'Ernesto Jesús Brotóns Tena'

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  1.  22
    Dios y la felicidad en el eudomonismo actual.Ernesto Jesús Brotóns Tena - 2003 - Salmanticensis 50 (2):225-255.
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    Amor y enamoramiento: diferencia entre acción y suceso.Jesús Ernesto Macías Gil - 2012 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 2 (3):34-52.
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    Los celos: relación e influencia con la acción humana.Jesús Ernesto Macías Gil - 2012 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 2 (4):12-29.
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  4. Panorama del teatro peruano contemporáneo. Entrevista a César Ernesto Arenas Ulloa.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2021 - Argus-A. Artes and Humanidades (42):1-15.
    César Ernesto Arenas Ulloa nació el 15 de septiembre de 1988 en Chiclayo (Lambayeque, Perú). Realizó estudios literarios en la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, hasta obtener el grado de licenciado. En el 2012, obtuvo un reconocimiento académico por ocupar el primer puesto a nivel de toda la escuela de Literatura. En el 2018, presentó su tesis titulada Autonomía y especificidad de la obra dramática: una lectura semiológica de El sistema Solar de Mariana de Althaus. Asimismo, tiene intereses (...)
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  5. Notes et lectures Il était l'un des nôtres. La vie de Jésus de Nazareth.Ernesto Rossi di Montelera - 2010 - Nova et Vetera 85 (4):417-422.
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  6. Delimitando a Sosa. Diacronía y Colectividad del Juicio Doxástico.Jesus Navarro & Dani Pino - 2021 - In Modesto Gómez-Alonso & David Perez Chico (eds.), Ernesto Sosa: Conocimiento y Virtud. Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza. pp. 211-244.
    Ernesto Sosa tiene el mérito de haber sido pionero en lo que podría describirse, quizás sin demasiada exageración, como un cambio de paradigma en la epistemología contemporánea: el que supuso el tránsito desde una epistemología centrada en el problema de la estructura de la justificación hasta una nueva concepción del conocimiento enfocada en la naturaleza del agente epistémico. Un aspecto de este cambio que conviene no tratar con negligencia es el cambio de las analogías fundamentales, que pasaron de ser (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Delimitando a Sosa. Diacronía y Colectividad del Juicio Doxástico.Jesus Navarro & Dani Pino - 2021 - In Modesto Gómez-Alonso & David Perez Chico (eds.), Ernesto Sosa: Conocimiento y Virtud. Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza. pp. 211-244.
    Ernesto Sosa tiene el mérito de haber sido pionero en lo que podría describirse, quizás sin demasiada exageración, como un cambio de paradigma en la epistemología contemporánea: el que supuso el tránsito desde una epistemología centrada en el problema de la estructura de la justificación hasta una nueva concepción del conocimiento enfocada en la naturaleza del agente epistémico. Un aspecto de este cambio que conviene no tratar con negligencia es el cambio de las analogías fundamentales, que pasaron de ser (...)
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  8. La psicosis como mecanismo involuntario de interpretación de la realidad en el protagonista de El túnel.Jesús Miguel Delgado Del Aguila - 2023 - Sincronía. Revista Electrónica de Filosofía, Letras y Humanidades 27 (83):142-159.
    Este trabajo tiene la finalidad de fundamentar las razones que conducen al personaje Juan Pablo Castel de la novela de Ernesto Sabato El túnel (1948) a la psicosis, entendida esta como una estrategia involuntaria para interpretar la realidad y actuar en función de la cosmovisión que le genera. Para explicar esa adopción identitaria, retomo la taxonomía elaborada por Donald Shaw con respecto al contexto influyente del boom latinoamericano (que repercute negativamente en la psicología social) y la epistemología psicoanalítica de (...)
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  9. The Leader's Two Bodies: Slavoj Zizek's Postmodern Political Theology.Claudia Breger - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (1):73-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.1 (2001) 73-90 [Access article in PDF] The Leader's Two BodiesSlavoj Zizek's Postmodern Political Theology Claudia Breger Over the course of the last decade, Slavoj Zizek and his "Slovenian Lacanian school" have gained renown in the Western theory market. Academics are fascinated not only by Zizek's performances as a speaker, his nondogmatic approach to issues of genre and (inter)mediality, 1 and the "literary" character of his theoretical texts (...)
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  10. Response to Slavoj Zizek.Claudia Breger - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (1):105-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.1 (2001) 73-90 [Access article in PDF] The Leader's Two BodiesSlavoj Zizek's Postmodern Political Theology Claudia Breger Over the course of the last decade, Slavoj Zizek and his "Slovenian Lacanian school" have gained renown in the Western theory market. Academics are fascinated not only by Zizek's performances as a speaker, his nondogmatic approach to issues of genre and (inter)mediality, 1 and the "literary" character of his theoretical texts (...)
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    Imploding the Mirage: The Yogyakarta Principles and the New Era of Globalization.Diego Santos Vieira de Jesus - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (3).
  12.  17
    (1 other version)Moi et Temps Chez Leibniz.Paulo Jesus - 2011 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (37):59-72.
    La fusion entre la logique et la dynamique déclenche chez G. W. Leibniz une réforme de la notion de substance qui altère profondément le rapport entre le Je et le temps. Prototype de la substantialité, miroir de Dieu et expression du Tout créé, le Je dirait beaucoup, notamment Être, Un, Même: la persistance d’un « sujet » logique, d’un « je ne sais quoi » de métaphysique et d’un « personnage » moral. Sous l’angle de la temporalité, le Je véhicule (...)
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    Counterproductive Academic Behaviors and Academic Performance: A Meta-Analysis and a Path Analysis Model.Jesús F. Salgado, Dámaris Cuadrado & Silvia Moscoso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Counterproductive academic behaviors are a complex phenomenon that affects academic institutions in multiple geographical areas with different cultures, values, and social norms. The high incidence of CAB causes problems of critical importance that transcend the educational domain. The current study aims to contribute to the knowledge of the CAB consequences by focusing on its impact on academic performance. For this purpose, a meta-analysis was conducted in order to examine the relationship between CAB, its facets, and AP. The results show that (...)
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    Creencia narrativa y ciencia positiva.Jesús Becerra Villegas - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (32):77-92.
    Social legitimacy is based on beliefs structured as narratives which derive their efficacy from their capacity to render themselves as homologies of the order they must satisfy. The distinctive feature of an incorrect divulgation of science in audiovisual media is its organization of the world withi..
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    Thinking through enactive agency: sense-making, bio-semiosis and the ontologies of organismic worlds.Paulo Jesus - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (5):861-887.
    According to enactivism all living systems, from single cell organisms to human beings, are ontologically endowed with some form of teleological and sense-making agency. Furthermore, enactivists maintain that: there is no fixed pregiven world and as a consequence all organisms “bring forth” their own unique “worlds” through processes of sense-making. The first half of the paper takes these two ontological claims as its central focus and aims to clarify and make explicit the arguments and motivations underlying them. Our analysis here (...)
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  16.  25
    Meta-Analysis of the Validity of General Mental Ability for Five Performance Criteria: Hunter and Hunter (1984) Revisited.Jesús F. Salgado & Silvia Moscoso - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This paper presents a series of meta-analyses of the validity of general mental ability (GMA) for predicting five occupational criteria, including supervisory ratings of job performance, production records, work sample tests, instructor ratings, and grades. The meta-analyses were conducted with a large database of 467 technical reports of the validity of the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) which included 630 independent samples. GMA showed to be a consistent predictor of the five criteria, but the magnitude of the operational validity was (...)
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    A new chapter in the problem of the reduction of chemistry to physics: the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules.Jesus Alberto Jaimes Arriaga, Sebastian Fortin & Olimpia Lombardi - 2019 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (1):125-136.
    The problem of the reduction of chemistry to physics has been traditionally addressed in terms of classical structural chemistry and standard quantum mechanics. In this work, we will study the problem from the perspective of the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules, proposed by Richard Bader in the nineties. The purpose of this article is to unveil the role of QTAIM in the inter-theoretical relations between chemistry and physics. We argue that, although the QTAIM solves two relevant obstacles to reduction (...)
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  18. No achievement beyond intention: A new defence of robust virtue epistemology.Jesús Navarro - 2015 - Synthese 192 (10):3339-3369.
    According to robust versions of virtue epistemology, the reason why knowledge is incompatible with certain kinds of luck is that justified true beliefs must be achieved by the agent . In a recent set of papers, Pritchard has challenged these sorts of views, advancing different arguments against them. I confront one of them here, which is constructed upon scenarios affected by environmental luck, such as the fake barn cases. My objection to Pritchard differs from those offered until now by Carter (...)
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    Rhetoric, Induction, and the Free Speech Dilemma.Jesus P. Zamora Bonilla - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (2):175-193.
    Scientists can choose different claims as interpretations of the results of their research. Scientific rhetoric is understood as the attempt to make those claims most beneficial for the scientists' interests. A rational choice, game-theoretic model is developed to analyze how this choice can be made and to assess it from a normative point of view. The main conclusion is that `social' interests (pursuit of recognition) may conflict with `cognitive' ones when no constraints are put on the choices of the authors (...)
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  20. Paradigma.Jesús Alcolea - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta. pp. 439--441.
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  21. Identidad y medios de comunicación.Jesús Labrador Fernández - 2005 - Critica 55 (926):49-52.
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    A arte como bálsamo: Pintura E música em Schopenhauer.João Elton Jesus - 2015 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 6 (11):43-53.
    Na obra O mundo como vontade e representação, Arthur Schopenhauer apresenta as manifestações artísticas como forma de objetivação da vontade, que para ele, está associada ao Bem platônico e a Coisa-Em-Si propugnada por Kant. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar a estética construída pelo Cavaleiro Solitário, onde a contemplação da arte, destacando a pintura e, especialmente a música, apresenta-se como bálsamo para o ser humano superar o pessimismo causado pelo mundo passageiro dos fenômenos e assim alcançar, ainda que provisoriamente, (...)
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    Closed Financial Loops: When They Happen in Government, They're Called Corruption; in Medicine, They're Just a Footnote.Kevin Jesus-Morales & Vinay Prasad - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (3):9-14.
    Many physicians are involved in relationships that create tension between a physician's duty to work in her patients’ best interest at all times and her financial arrangement with a third party, most often a pharmaceutical manufacturer, whose primary goal is maximizing sales or profit. Despite the prevalence of this threat, in the United States and globally, the most common reaction to conflicts of interest in medicine is timid acceptance. There are few calls for conflicts of interest to be banned, and, (...)
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  24.  41
    De ingeniosa maledicentia estéváo Rodrigues de Castro ε a recep£ áo de arquíloco no renascimento.Carlos A. Martins De Jesús - 2007 - Humanitas 59:241-256.
  25. Kant, then and now. On the tricentenary of his birth.Pedro Jesús Teruel (ed.) - forthcoming - Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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    Le Je pense comme facteur de vérité: adéquation, cohérence et communauté sémantique.Paulo Jesus - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (2):167-188.
    This article proposes a reading of the Kantian transcendental apperception that attempts both to reinforce the cognitive efficacy of its spontaneity and to determine the modus operandi of its unifying function . Thus, being irreducible to a pure logical form , the I think is meant to constitute the qualitative unity of all possible representational system, insofar as it performs an infinite process of semantic or narrative unification. From this standpoint, the I think denotes the key operation that produces meaning, (...)
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    La concepción suarista del ente y sus implicaciones metafísicas.Jesús García López - 1969 - Anuario Filosófico 2 (1):135-167.
  28. Clasicismo y vanguardia.Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez - 2024 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 21:11-12.
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    The Academy Versus Babel: Fundamental Principles of Philosophical Materialism as Contemporany Literary Theory.Jesús G. Maestro - 2008 - Editorial Academia Del Hispanismo.
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    La formación lexicográfica. Qué conocimientos deben poseer los lexicógrafos del siglo XXI y dónde adquirirlos.Jesús Camacho Niño - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (2):428-442.
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    Modernità infinita: saggio sul rapporto tra spazio e potere.Sferrazza Papa & C. Ernesto - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    La praxis en la teologia pastoral. Narración de una experiencia.Jesús Sastre - 2014 - Salmanticensis 61 (3):497-527.
    El artículo es una reflexión sapiencial sobre la pra-xis pastoral y la enseñanza de la materia de Teología Pastoral que el autor ha realizado a lo largo de su vida en la U. P. de Comillas y en el I. Superior de Pastoral. La finalidad es ofre-cer algunas claves deducidas de la experiencia para repensar la fun-ción de la Teología Pastoral en la vida de la Iglesia. El hilo conductor de estas páginas es el siguiente: el marco para repensar la (...)
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    Teoria del muro.Ernesto Sferrazza Papa - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:155-176.
    In questo articolo l’autore analizza il tema del muro statale a partire da una prospettiva interdisciplinare che connette ontologia, filosofia della tecnologia e filosofia politica. La tesi principale del saggio è che vi sia una differenza ontologica fra il muro e il confine su cui esso si inscrive. Dopo una breve discussione di alcune note teorie ontologiche, l’autore argomenta a favore della tesi per cui il muro non sia un oggetto sociale, bensì un artefatto. Più specificamente, il muro è un (...)
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  34. Un filósofo inquieto y un jurista innovador.Ernesto Jaime Vidal Gil - 2006 - In Ramos Pascua, José Antonio, Rodilla González & A. M. (eds.), El positivismo jurídico a examen: estudios en homenaje a José Delgado Pinto. Salamanca, España: Caja Duero.
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  35. PERCEPTION ON HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING IN CEBU CITY, PHILIPPINES.Jiomarie Jesus - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 21 (5):574-579.
    This study examines the relationship between sustainability and employee perceptions of Human Capital Management (HCM) practices in Cebu City's Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry. The participation of 370 different BPO companies at Cebu I.T. Park indicates their dedication to HCM and highlights areas that require improvement, particularly in labor relations and HRIS deployment. Employee evaluations are influenced by demographic factors such as age, gender, and educational attainment. Suggestions for improvement include implementing employee development plans, streamlining the HRIS, strengthening due process, (...)
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  36. Epistemic ownership and the practical/epistemic parallelism.Jesús Navarro - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):163.
    We may succed in the fulfilment of our desires but still fail to properly own our practical life, perhaps because we acted as addicts, driven by desires that are alien to our will, or as “wantons,” satisfying the desires that we simply happen to have (Frankfurt, 1988 ). May we equally fail to own the outcomes of our epistemic life? If so, how may we attain epistemic ownership over it? This paper explores the structural parallellism between practical and epistemic rationality, (...)
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  37. Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Support as Antecedents to Commitment Among Employees in Visayan Surety and Insurance Corporation in Cebu City, Philippines.Jiomarie Jesus - 2024 - Preo Journal of Business and Management 5 (1):43-54.
    This study looks at the relationship between organizational support, employee commitment, and human resource management (HRM) practices at Visayan Surety & Insurance Corporation in Cebu City, Philippines. This descriptive-correlational study used a survey questionnaire to gather data from 25 employees. The results show that although the company does a great job in areas like leadership development and talent management, employee development initiatives could need some work. The study also emphasizes the importance of organizational support in promoting employee commitment and the (...)
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    Realismo metafísico e relatividade conceitual.Caetano Ernesto Plastino - 2000 - Cognitio 1:79-85.
    Resumo: O fenômeno da relatividade conceitual ocorre, segundo Putnam, quando uma descrição verdadeira a partir de uma perspectiva torna-se incompatível com uma descrição equivalente verdadeira a partir de outra perspectiva. Nosso objetivo será examinar em que sentido é possível conciliar a tese da relatividade conceitual com o princípio realista de que o mundo consiste numa totalidade fixa de objetos que não dependem de nossos pensamentos ou sistemas categoriais. Para o metafísico realista, ainda que nossas conceituações do mundo tenham um caráter (...)
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    How to do philosophy with words. Reflections on the Searle-Derrida debate.Jesús Navarro - 2017 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins Pub. Co..
    Nowadays philosophy is characterized by such heterogeneous intellectual practices that its very unity and coherence seem endangered. What is especially disconcerting is that most authors manage to largely ignore the very existence of methodological positions radically different from their own. Fortunately, there have been exceptions, and the present volume focuses on one of them: the failed debate that took place between John Searle and Jacques Derrida. -/- This book thoroughly analyses that exchange, contextualizing it within the respective philosophical traditions of (...)
  40. REALIZING ORGANIZATIONAL POTENTIAL: CUSTOMIZED TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR IMPROVED WORKPLACE BEHAVIOR.Jiomarie Jesus - 2024 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 21 (6): 629-634.
    This research examines how it is to have tailored training programs to improve behavior at work. It focuses on aspects including interpersonal skills, communication, adaptability, and work ethics. Acknowledging the paucity of empirical research on particular training requirements for these characteristics, the study uses a descriptive-correlational methodology to examine information from ninety production employees at Fine Interiors Trading and Manufacturing Incorporated. To guarantee participation from a range of employment roles, participants were chosen using purposive sampling. Utilizing an extensive survey to (...)
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  41. Desertification.A. Mirzabaev, J. Wu, J. Evans, F. Garcia-Oliva, I. A. G. Hussein, M. H. Iqbal, J. Kimutai, T. Knowles, F. Meza, D. Nedjroaoui, F. Tena, M. Türkeş, R. J. Vázquez & M. Weltz - 2019 - In P. R. Shukla, J. Skeg, E. Calvo Buendia, V. Masson-Delmotte, H.-O. Pörtner, D. C. Roberts, P. Zhai, R. Slade, S. Connors, S. van Diemen, M. Ferrat, E. Haughey, S. Luz, M. Pathak, J. Petzold, J. Portugal Pereira, P. Vyas, E. Huntley, K. Kissick, M. Belkacemi & J. Malley (eds.), Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems.
    IPCC SPECIAL REPORT ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND LAND (SRCCL) -/- Chapter 3: Climate Change and Land: An IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems.
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    Hermenéutica crítica desde la facticidad de la experiencia.Jesús Conill - 2008 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 21:31-40.
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    Enhancing Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A Study of House of Lechon in the Hospitality Industry in Cebu City, Philippines.Jiomarie Jesus - 2024 - Preo Journal of Business and Management 5 (2):89-98.
    For hospitality establishments like the House of Lechon to remain profitable and draw in new clients, maintaining high standards of service quality is essential. Despite this, satisfying and surpassing client expectations is a constant struggle given the dynamic nature of consumer preferences. To evaluate customer satisfaction at the House of Lechon, this study draws on previous research on service quality and examines customers' expectations and experiences in several areas, including responsiveness, tangibility, reliability, assurance, and empathy. This study, which involved a (...)
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    Desinformação, negacionismo e a pandemia.Ernesto Perini-Santos - 2022 - Filosofia Unisinos 23 (1):1-15.
    Para qualquer tema sobre o qual não se é especialista, deve-se deferir a quem sabe mais. A deferência aos outros entra em conflito com expectativas de autonomia epistêmica e de divisão democrática do saber. Uma solução para esta tensão é ceder a estas expectativas, o que é equivalente a abandonar o conhecimento. Uma outra solução consiste em restringir seus efeitos a temas sobre os quais temos algum interesse prático. Esta proposta é instável, porque o interesse prático pode se estender a (...)
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  45. La responsabilidad global de las finanzas. Dos propuestas concretas de inversión socialmente responsable.Jesús Javier Alemán Alonso - 2013 - Dilemata 13:153-165.
    The importance that banks have in our lives goes beyond the simple fact of being guardians of our money. The close relationship they have with political leaders affects us in every facet of life, including work, health, pensions, and social benefits in general. Being aware of this relationship warns us against the interested abuses by those who claim to represent us. Political leaders actually represent big capital. The most palpable evidence is the international refusal to ban tax havens that hide (...)
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    La devoción de la familia real española a San Fernando en la época moderna.Jesús Porres Benavides - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (2):289-326.
    La familia real española ha mantenido una gran devoción hacia su antepasado Fernando III de Castilla prácticamente desde su muerte. Adicionalmente, la monarquía tenía gran interés en tener algún monarca canonizado entre sus miembros al igual que otras casas europeas. En este artículo analizamos especialmente a la casa de Austria y posteriormente el inicio de la dinastía borbónica. Respecto a los Habsburgo, hubo reyes muy implicados en el proceso de canonización como fueron Felipe IV y su hijo Carlos II. También (...)
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    La realidad y mi verdadero yo: (nueva guía para desocupados y perplejos).Ernesto Ballesteros Arranz - 2017 - Toledo: Almud, Ediciones de Castilla-La Mancha.
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  48. Un intento de aproximar las tradiciones en filosofía de la matemática.Jesús Alcolea Banegas - 2006 - Diálogo Filosófico 64:45-62.
    Se analizan y evalúan las dos tradiciones de la filosofía de la matemática, la corriente principal o académica y la corriente disidente, a partir de las contribuciones de algunos de sus partidarios, y se las intenta aproximar a través de la concepción naturalista de P. Maddy y el problema de la objetividad matemática.
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    Heroische Leidenschaften und individuelles Leben.Giordano Bruno & Ernesto Grassi - 1947 - A. Francke.
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    Historia de la filosofía occidental.Jesús Alvarez Calle - 1984 - Madrid: J. Alvarez Calle.
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