Results for 'Evil, Divine Providence'

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  1.  8
    Divine Providence: Portable: The Portable New Century Edition.George F. Dole (ed.) - 2009 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    _Divine Providence_ is one of the major works of the Enlightenment scientist and religious seer Emanuel Swedenborg. It provides a coherent and satisfying solution to what has been called “the problem of evil”: How are God’s goodness and power reconcilable with evil’s presences in the larger world and in the human mind and heart? By tackling an array of issues that commonly undermine belief in God, including war, suffering, and inequality—and by revealing the wise and loving laws that lie hidden (...)
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    Divine Providence.William F. Wunsch (ed.) - 2008 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    In Divine Providence, Swedish visionary Emanuel Swedenborg describes how God works in our lives to turn us away from evil and toward him while still allow us to make our own choices. Swedenborg addresses a number of questions that challenge people of faith, such as why accidents and disasters happen, and why evil people seem to prosper while others suffer. This edition is a reprint of a 1963 translation by William F. Wunsch.
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  3. Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil: A Translation of St. Augustine's DeOrdine. [REVIEW]Kuhn Kuhn - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4:569.
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    Divine Providence: Fine-Grained, Coarse-Grained, or Something in Between?Jean-Baptiste Guillon - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (3):71-109.
    Dariusz Łukasiewicz has investigated in depth the “Argument from Chance” which argues that the data revealing chance in the world are incompatible with Divine Providence. Łukasiewicz agrees that these data undermine the traditional model of Providence—a fine-grained model in which every single detail is controlled by God—but maintains that they are not incompatible with a coarse-grained model—in which God leaves to chance many aspects of history (including some horrendous evils). Furthermore, Łukasiewicz provides independent reasons to prefer this (...)
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  5. Gratuitous evil and divine providence.Alan R. Rhoda - 2010 - Religious Studies 46 (3):281-302.
    Discussions of the evidential argument from evil generally pay little attention to how different models of divine providence constrain the theist's options for response. After describing four models of providence and general theistic strategies for engaging the evidential argument, I articulate and defend a definition of 'gratuitous evil' that renders the theological premise of the argument uncontroversial for theists. This forces theists to focus their fire on the evidential premise, enabling us to compare models of providence (...)
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    Divine Providence: Portable: The Portable New Century Edition.Emanuel Swedenborg - 2009 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    This book undertakes the difficult task of bridging the transcendent vision of a perfectly loving God with the sometimes unloving world where we all live. It explores the classic problem of why evil exists, and shows how our inner life connects directly to the conflicts between heaven and hell.
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    Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil.Helmut Kuhn - 1944 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (4):569-571.
  8.  11
    Divine Providence.Emanuel Swedenborg & George F. Dole - 2003 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    _Divine Providence_ is one of the major works of the Enlightenment scientist and religious seer Emanuel Swedenborg. It provides a coherent and satisfying solution to what has been called “the problem of evil”: How are God’s goodness and power reconcilable with evil’s presences in the larger world and in the human mind and heart? By tackling an array of issues that commonly undermine belief in God, including war, suffering, and inequality—and by revealing the wise and loving laws that lie hidden (...)
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    Divine providence and natural contingency.Ignacio Silva - 2020 - In Ignacio Alberto Silva & Simon Maria Kopf, Divine and Human Providence: Philosophical, Psychological and Theological Approaches. London, UK: Routledge. pp. 59-74.
    This chapter analyses how natural contingency refers both to the planning and the execution aspects of divine providence. For doing so, Silva contrasts the perspectives of some current trends within science and religion circles to find natural causal gaps in the created order to allow for God’s providence, with a typically Thomist approach within classical theistic circles. Silva suggests that classical theism offers a better understanding of the relation between natural contingency and divine providence than (...)
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  10. Free will, evil, and divine providence.Derk Pereboom - 2005 - In Andrew Dole & Andrew Chignell, God and the Ethics of Belief: New Essays in Philosophy of Religion (Festschrift for Nicholas Wolterstorff). New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil. [REVIEW]Bakewell Morrison - 1942 - Modern Schoolman 20 (1):52-53.
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    Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil. [REVIEW]Rudolph Arbesmann - 1942 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 17 (3):555-557.
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    Divine Providence and the Problem of Evil. [REVIEW]Charles A. Hart - 1943 - New Scholasticism 17 (1):68-69.
  14.  23
    (1 other version)Divine Providence and Chance in the World: Replies.Dariusz Łukasiewicz - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (3):249-273.
    Opatrzność Boża a przypadek w świecie: odpowiedzi W artykule przedstawiam odpowiedzi do zarzutów, zawartych w innych artykułach tego numeru, wobec proponowanej przeze mnie w artykule otwierającym oraz monografii z roku 2014 koncepcji opatrzności i przypadku. Argumentuję, że istnienie różnie rozumianych zdarzeń przypadkowych nie implikuje tezy, że Bóg Stwórca świata nie interesuje się losem indywidualnych bytów stworzonych, w tym istot ludzkich. Staram się w swoich odpowiedziach pokazać, że powodem, dla którego Bóg może dopuszczać występowanie zdarzeń przypadkowych jest Boża wola stworzenia świata (...)
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  15. COVID 19 PANDEMIC AND THE QUESTION OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE IN A DIGITALIZED AGE.Justin Nnaemeka Onyeukaziri - 2021 - In Digitalization of society and the future of Christianity. On the issue of transformation of the value-normative system of the society. Moscow, Russia: pp. 176-192.
    This paper attempts to bring the traditional theodicy on the question of evil and the Divine Providence, to its logical conclusion, in such a way that a believer is challenged to totally accept the implication of his or her faith in God. To have faith is to completely surrender to Divine Providence. It is to completely surrender ones free will to the rational conclusions or consequences of faith in the Divine Providence. Hence, this paper (...)
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  16. Epistemic Evil, Divine Hiddenness, and Soul-Making.Benjamin McCraw - 2015 - In Benjamin McCraw & Robert Arp, The Problem of Evil: New Philosophical Directions. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. pp. 109-126.
    J. L. Schellenberg’s Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason offers an argument for the non-existence of God. He argues that God’s existence isn’t evident and, thus, there exist cases of “reasonable nonbelief”. But, such nonbelief is inconsistent—Schellenberg argues—with the existence of a loving God desiring a personal relationship with others. In short, if (a perfectly loving) God exists, then reasonable nonbelief must be impossible. But, since there is such belief, we have good reason to think God doesn’t exist. In this (...)
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  17. Divine Love & Wisdom/ Divine Providence.George F. Dole (ed.) - 2003 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    _Divine Love and Wisdom_ has been called the most profound work of the Enlightenment scientist and seer Emanuel Swedenborg. It demonstrates how God’s love, wisdom, and humanity are reflected in creation and in ourselves, and suggests that the act of Creation is not a mystery of the past, but a miracle ongoing in every instant of the present. Like a blueprint of things unseen, _Divine Love and Wisdom_ makes visible the hidden design of the universe, as well as the qualities (...)
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  18. ‘When will the wickedness of man have an end?’ The Problem of Divine Providence in Cugoano’s Thoughts and Sentiments.Benjamin Randolph - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology:1-17.
    This essay presents a systematic reconstruction of the problem of divine providence in Quobna Ottobah Cugoano’s Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery. I argue that reading Thoughts and Sentiments in this frame allows interpreters to take Cugoano at his word without compromising on the religious and political sophistication of his argument. Cugoano, I show, develops an innovative account of providence’s relationship to slavery by engaging both contemporary apologies for slavery and abolitionist arguments for divine (...)
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    A Four-Case Defense of the Authorial Model of Divine Providence.James N. Anderson - 2024 - Journal of Analytic Theology 12:47-60.
    Some advocates of the doctrine of meticulous (“risk-free”) divine providence, in response to the charge that such a strong view of divine providence makes God the “author of evil,” have appealed to an authorial model according to which the relationship of God to his creation is analogous to that of a human author and his or her literary creation. This response appears vulnerable to the objection that there is a critical _disanalogy_ between the two kinds of (...)
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    A Swedenborg Sampler: Selections From Heaven and Hell, Divine Love and Wisdom, Divine Providence, True Christianity, and Secrets of Heaven.George F. Dole, Lisa Hyatt Cooper & Jonathan S. Rose (eds.) - 2011 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    Swedish scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg wrote volumes upon volumes based on the understanding he gained through visits to the spiritual world and from conversations with its inhabitants. For new readers of Swedenborg, knowing where to start and what to read can present an insurmountable task. This volume is a good starting point and provides samples of some of his most powerful writings, now available in new, contemporary translations. What happens to our souls after we die? What is the afterlife (...)
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  21. Divine Foreknowledge and Providence: Trade–offs between Human Freedom and Government of the Universe.Ciro De Florio & Aldo Frigerio - 2020 - Theologica 1:1-21.
    In this paper, we aim to examine the relationships between four solutions to the dilemma of divine foreknowledge and human freedom—theological determinism, Molinism, simple foreknowledge and open theism—and divine providence and theodicy. Some of these solutions—theological determinism and Molinism, in particular—highlight God’s government of the world. Some others—simple foreknowledge and open theism—highlight human autonomy and freedom. In general, the more libertarian human freedom is highlighted, the less God’s government of the history of the world seems possible. However, (...)
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    A Swedenborg Sampler: Selections From Heaven and Hell, Divine Love and Wisdom, Divine Providence, True Christianity, and Secrets of Heaven.Emanuel Swedenborg - 2011 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    Swedish scientist-turned-seer Emanuel Swedenborg developed a deep theology that emphasized personal growth as the path to heaven and the presence of God in all of life. This book brings together key sections from Swedenborg's most popular writings in one place. What happens to us after we die? Why is there evil and suffering in the world? What is our purpose in life? Swedenborg answers all these questions and more.
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  23. God, Evil, and Meticulous Providence.Bruce Reichenbach - 2022 - Religions 13.
    James Sterba has constructed a powerful argument for there being a conflict between the presence of evil in the world and the existence of God. I contend that Sterba’s argument depends on a crucial assumption, namely, that God has an obligation to act according to the principle of meticulous providence. I suggest that two of his analogies confirm his dependence on this requirement. Of course, his argument does not rest on either of these analogies, but they are illustrative of (...)
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  24. Providence and Divine Mercy in Kant’s Ethical Cosmopolitanism.Patrick R. Frierson - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (2):144-164.
    For Kant, cosmopolitan ethical community is a necessary response to humans’ radical evil. To be cosmopolitan, this community must not depend on particular historical religions. But Kant’s defense of ethical community uses Christian concepts such as providence and divine mercy. This paper explores two ways—one more liberal and the other more religious—to relate the theological commitments underlying ethical cosmopolitanism with the non-dogmatic nature of Kantian religion.
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    Providence, Evil and the Openness of God.William Hasker - 2004 - Routledge.
    _Providence, Evil and the Openness of God_ is a timely exploration of the philosophical implications of the rapidly-growing theological movement known as open theism, or the 'openness of God'. William Hasker, one of the philosophers prominently associated with this movement, presents the strengths of this position in comparison with its main competitors: Calvinism, process theism, and the theory of divine middle knowledge, or Molinism. The author develops alternative approaches to the problem of evil and to the problem of (...) action in the world. In particular, he argues that believers should not maintain the view that each and every evil that occurs is permitted by God as a means to a 'greater good'. He contends that open theism makes possible an emphasis on the personalism of divine-human interaction in a way that traditional views, with their heavy emphasis on divine control, cannot easily match. The book concludes with a section of replies to critics, in which many of the objections levelled against open theism are addressed. (shrink)
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  26. "The evidential argument from evil: a second look Extracts from Religion in the Public Square [Liberal democracy and the place of religion in politics] Divine foreknowledge and human freedom are compatible Extract from Religion in the Public Square [Audi on religion9 politics, and liberal democracy] Why we should reject what liberalism tells us about speaking and acting in public for religious reasons Extract from" The Molinist account of providence'A new cosmological argument The being that knew too ...Alexander R. Pruss - 1998 - In William L. Rowe & William J. Wainwright, Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings. Oup Usa. pp. 1.
  27. Creation as Divine Absence: A Metaphysical Reframing of the Problem of Evil.Megan Fritts - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    The philosophical “problem of evil” goes back at least as far as Epicurus and has remained a powerful argument against the existence of God in contemporary philosophy. The argument is rooted in apparent contradictions between God’s divine attributes and various conditions of human existence. But these contradictions arise only given certain assumptions of what we should expect both God and the world to be like given God’s existence. In this paper, I argue that we can utilize the work of (...)
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  28. (1 other version)The Divine Transcendence and Relation to Evil in Hartshorne's Dipolar Theism.Edgar A. Towne - 2011 - The Pluralist 6 (1):196-198.
    The title above identifies two issues in Charles Hartshorne's panentheistic understanding of God that, in my judgment, have not been sufficiently clarified. The purpose of this paper is to provide additional clarification, that the adequacy of this type of theism may be more carefully judged by its admirers and by its detractors from their respective perspectives. The first part will identify central elements of Hartshorne's reasoning about God's relation to the world. The second part examines how Hartshorne speaks of a (...)
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  29. Divine Intentions and the Problem of Evil.Justin Mooney - 2019 - Religious Studies 55 (2):215-234.
    I develop a model of providence on which God brings about good states of affairs by means of evil states of affairs, but without intending the latter. The model's key ingredient is a backward-looking counterpart of the distinction between intended and merely foreseen consequences of an action: namely, a distinction between intended and merely foreseen means to an end. The model enables greater-good theodicies to avoid worries about whether a perfect being could intend evil.
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    Gratuitous Evil and Divine Existence.Keith Yandell - 1989 - Religious Studies 25 (1):15 - 30.
    God, who is an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent Creator and Providence, exists and There is evil are logically compatible claims. God exists, If God exists, then He has a morally sufficient reason for allowing any evil that He does allow , and There is evil is a consistent triad of propositions. Thus any pair from that triad is also consistent. Thus God exists and There is evil are logically compatible. But this does not settle the question as to whether (...)
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  31. Providence, Evil and the Openness of God. [REVIEW]William Hasker - 2008 - Faith and Philosophy 25 (3):350-356.
    Providence, Evil and the Openness of God is a timely exploration of the philosophical implications of the rapidly-growing theological movement known as open theism, or the 'openness of God'. William Hasker, one of the philosophers prominently associated with this movement, presents the strengths of this position in comparison with its main competitors: Calvinism, process theism, and the theory of divine middle knowledge, or Molinism. The author develops alternative approaches to the problem of evil and to the problem of (...)
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  32. Could God Do Something Evil? A Molinist Solution to the Problem of Divine Freedom.R. Zachary Manis - 2011 - Faith and Philosophy 28 (2):209-223.
    One important version of the problem of divine freedom is that, if God is essentially good, and if freedom logically requires being able to do otherwise, then God is not free with respect to willing the good, and thus He is not morally praiseworthy for His goodness. I develop and defend a broadly Molinist solution to this problem, which, I argue, provides the best way out of the difficulty for orthodox theists who are unwilling to relinquish the Principle of (...)
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    The Providence of God.Paul Helm - 1993 - Intervarsity Press.
    Paul Helm introduces the doctrine of divine providence--focusing on metaphysical and moral aspects and especially noting divine control, providence and evil, and the role of prayer. In the Contours of Christian Theology.
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  34. Divine Freedom and Free Will Defenses.W. Paul Franks - 2015 - Heythrop Journal 56 (1):108-119.
    This paper considers a problem that arises for free will defenses when considering the nature of God's own will. If God is perfectly good and performs praiseworthy actions, but is unable to do evil, then why must humans have the ability to do evil in order to perform such actions? This problem has been addressed by Theodore Guleserian, but at the expense of denying God's essential goodness. I examine and critique his argument and provide a solution to the initial problem (...)
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  35. Exaltation and atrocity: why kenotic humility can’t justify divine concurrence of evil.Jill Hernandez - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (5):493-506.
    ABSTRACT‘Exaltation views’ of humility are grounded on a kenotic view of humility, such that divine blessing comes proportionate to the extent to which an agent humbles herself. This article rejects exaltation views of humility which define humility kenotically, justify their arguments from a divine hiddenness perspective, and which conclude that divine concurrence with evil is justified as long as all humble believers eventually are exalted and blessed. Rather, I will contend that exaltation views misunderstand the meaning of (...)
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    Providence and Theodicy.Thomas P. Flint - 2014 - In Justin P. McBrayer & Daniel Howard-Snyder, The Blackwell Companion to The Problem of Evil. Wiley. pp. 251–265.
    This chapter describes the three main theories of divine providence (what the author calls the Molinist, the Thomist, and the Open Theist views) and considers the implications that endorsing one or another theory might have for what kind of theodicy (and what kind of defense) one can offer in response to arguments from evil. The chapter also briefly considers the author's reasons for thinking that the Molinist position leaves one the best equipped to deal with such arguments.
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  37. Personalistic Theism, Divine Embodiment, and a Problem of Evil.Chad Meister - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (2):119-139.
    One version of the problem of evil concludes that personalistic forms of theism should be rejected since the acts that one would expect a God with person-like qualities to perform, notably acts that would prevent egregious evils, do not occur. Given the evils that exist in the world, it is argued, if God exists as a person or like a person, God’s record of action is akin to that of a negligent parent. One way of responding to this “argument from (...)
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  38. Providence and Evil: Three Theories.William Hasker - 1992 - Religious Studies 28 (1):91 - 105.
    The last two decades have seen an unprecedented amount of philosophical work on the topics of divine foreknowledge, middle knowledge, and timelessness in relation to human freedom. Most of this effort has been directed at logical and metaphysical aspects of these topics – the compatibility of foreknowledge with free will, the existence of true counterfactuals of freedom and the possibility of middle knowledge, the conceivability and metaphysical possibility of divine timelessness, and so on. Far less attention, in contrast, (...)
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    Legitimizing Hope in Divine Grace.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2015 - In Comprehensive commentary on Kant's Religion within the bounds of bare reason. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 179–214.
    We all started out as evil. Immanuel Kant describes and attempts to solve three specific difficulties that arise out of the fact that we are all inevitably corrupted by evil. This chapter presents Kant's treatment of these difficulties as corresponding to three traditional problems in Christian theology: sanctification, eternal security, and justification. That the first difficulty relates to the doctrine of sanctification (how a Christian, following conversion, can become holy) is evident when Kant describes this difficulty in terms of the (...)
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    Divinity in things: religion without myth.Eric Ackroyd - 2009 - Portland, Or.: Sussex Academic Press.
    Is God dead? -- The western split : transcendent, deity, desacralised nature -- The western split : God's otherness, humanity's degradation -- The western split : gender discrimination, its origins, and its consequences -- Energy and divinity -- Divinity within -- The Christian doctrine of incarnation : restricted immanence -- Incarnation and atonement mythology -- Creativity, divine, and human -- Divinity and ethics -- Religion and science -- The problem of evil : providence -- Death and beyond.
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    Molinist Divine Complicity.Robert A. Elisher - 2015 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 89:85-95.
    I argue here that God, as Molinism conceives Him, is complicit in moral evil. This is of course a problem because complicity in evil undermines divine perfection. I argue, however, that it is a problem that Open Theism, as a theory of “general” (as opposed to “meticulous”) providence, avoids. This claim opposes that of Neal Judisch, who has recently (2012) argued that theories of general providence (e.g., Open Theism) are in no better position to answer the problem (...)
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    The Challenges of Divine Determinism: A Philosophical Analysis.Peter Furlong - 2019 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume, Peter Furlong delves into the question of divine determinism - the view that God has determined everything that has ever happened or will ever happen. This view, which has a long history among multiple religious and philosophical traditions, faces a host of counterarguments. It seems to rob humans of their free will, absolving them of all the wrongs they commit. It seems to make God the author of sin and thus blameworthy for all human wrongdoing. Additionally, (...)
  43. Providence lost.Genevieve Lloyd - 2008 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Genevieve Lloyd.
    Introduction -- Euripides, philosopher of the stage -- The world of men and gods -- Agreeing with nature : fate and providence in stoic ethics -- Augustine : divine justice and the "ordering" of evil -- The philosopher and the princess : Descartes and the philosophical life -- Living with necessity : Spinoza and the philosophical life -- Designer worlds -- Providence as progress -- Providence lost.
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    4. Augustine Divine Justice and the “Ordering” of Evil.Genevieve Lloyd - 2008 - In Providence lost. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 129-159.
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    Gersonides on Providence: A Jewish Chapter in the History of the General Will.Steven M. Nadler - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (1):37-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.1 (2001) 37-57 [Access article in PDF] Gersonides on Providence: A Jewish Chapter in the History of the General Will Steven Nadler The notion of the "general will" has proven to be one of the more influential and at the same time enduringly perplexing concepts in the history of ideas. Its most famous appearance is of course, in Rousseau's political philosophy as (...)
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    Évangile et Providence: Une théologie de l’action de Dieu by Emmanuel Durand.O. P. Michael J. Dodds - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (1):133-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Évangile et Providence: Une théologie de l’action de Dieu by Emmanuel DurandMichael J. Dodds, O.P.Évangile et Providence: Une théologie de l’action de Dieu. By Emmanuel Durand. Paris: Cerf, 2014. Pp. 345. €35.00 (paper). ISBN: 978-2-204-10201-8.Emmanuel Durand offers a refreshing perspective on the question of divine action, so much discussed in recent years in the dialogue between theology and science. While not neglecting the fruit of (...)
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    The Problem of Evil: Does Open Theism Have a Better Response?A. S. Antombikums - 2024 - Acta Theologica 44 (1):32-50.
    Open theism argues that traditional responses to the problem of evil fail to provide comfort amidst suffering because of their notion of metaphysical determinism and over-dependence on Greek philosophy. Open theists argue that the best solution to the problem of evil lies in our understanding of the nature of God’s power, which has been relinquished due to his love, the open nature of creation, and the creatures’ inherent powers. This study argues that the open-theistic notion of divine power is (...)
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  48. Providence and Mystery: From Open Theism to New Approaches.Damiano Migliorini - 2022 - Segni E Comprensione 36 (103):134-158.
    In the recent debate on Christian theism, the position called Open Theism (OT) tries to solve the dilemma of omniscience and human freedom. In OT, the key word of the human-divine relationship is “risk”: in his relationship with us, God is a risk-taker in that he adapts his plan to human decisions and to the situations that arise from them. “Risk” is the fundamental characteristic of any true love relationship. According to OT, God has no exhaustive knowledge of how (...)
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    Philosophical Theology.T. M. Rudavsky - 2010-02-12 - In Steven Nadler, Maimonides. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 137–160.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Evil and Theodicy Divine Providence, Evil, and Human Choice Divine Omniscience and Human Freedom Conclusion: Maimonides' Legacy further reading.
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    Opaque Theism and Divine Testimony.Erik Wielenberg - 2024 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 9 (1).
    A much-discussed objection to skeptical theism is that skeptical theism implies that divine testimony cannot provide us with knowledge. Here I argue that it is not skeptical theism that raises doubts about the trustworthiness of divine testimony; rather, the vast amount of inscrutable evil in our world together with God’s track record of deception is the source of the trouble. I draw on that insight to develop further my divine deception argument (Wielenberg 2014). The argument I will (...)
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