Results for 'Fang Tung-Mei Hsien Sheng Ch Üan Chi Pien Tsuan Wei Yüan Hui'

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  1. Fang Tung-mei hsien sheng yen chiang chi.Tung-mei Fang & Fang Tung-Mei Hsien Sheng Ch Üan Chi Pien Tsuan Wei Yüan Hui - 1978 - Li Ming Wen Hua Shih Yeh Kung Ssu.
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  2. Sheng sheng chih te.Tung-mei Fang - 1979
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  3. Ju Chia Ch Uan T Ung Ti Hsien Tai Chuan Hua Tu Wei-Ming Hsin Ju Hsüeh Lun Chu Chi Yao.Wei-Ming Tu & Hua Yüeh - 1992
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  4. Chê hsüeh san hui.Tung-mei Fang - 1971 - 60 i.: E..
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  5. Chung-kuo jen sheng che hsüeh kai yao.Tung-mei Fang - 1974 - Hsien Chih Ch U Pan She.
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  6. Mei-Kuo Hsüeh Che Lun Chung-Kuo Fa Lü Ch Uan T Ung.Wei-Fang Ho, Hung-chün Kao & Karen Turner - 1994
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  7. Mao Tse-Tung Che Hsüeh Ssu Hsiang Yen Chiu Chi Nien Mao Tse-Tung T Ung Chih Chiu Shih Chou Nien Tan Ch En.Huan-Chang Yang, Hsi-yü Chin, Tai Mei & Wei Wang - 1983 - Pei-Ching Ch U Pan She Hsin Hua Shu Tien Pei-Ching Fa Hsing so Fa Hsing.
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    Can Hospital Competition Really Affect Hospital Behavior or Not? An Empirical Study of Different Competition Measures Comparison in Taiwan.Tsung-Hsien Yu, Yu-Chi Tung & Chung-Jen Wei - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801769028.
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    A Brief Discourse on Wang Ch'uan-Shan's Political Ideology.Liu Hsien-mei - 1968 - Chinese Studies in History 1 (3):39-52.
  10. Hsien Chʻin chu tzu mei hsüeh ssu hsiang shu pʻing.Chʻang-Tung Shih - 1979
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  11. Hsiung Shih-li hsien sheng hsüeh chi.Shih-chʻing Pʻan - 1979
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  12. Chü pien yü chʻuan tʻung.Cheng-tʻung Wei - 1978
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  13. Ming Wang Chʻuan-shan hsien sheng Fu-chih nien piao.Hsi-tʻang Chang - 1978
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  14. Hsien tai tzu chʻan chieh chi ti shih yng chu i che hsüeh.Yüan-hui Chʻen - 1973
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  15. Kʻung-tsŭ pien nien chi.Chüeh-hui Fang - 1958
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  16. Tang Tai Ju Hsüeh Lun Chi Ch Uan T Ung Yü Ch Uang Hsin.Shu-Hsien Liu - 1995
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  17. Wei wu pien cheng fa pʻing lun chi.Ning-shu Fang (ed.) - 1974
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  18. Tʻang Chün-i hsien sheng chi nien chi.Ai-chʻün Feng (ed.) - 1979
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    Cong sheng tai shi jian dao sheng tai shen mei: shi jian mei xue de sheng tai wei du yan jiu = A study on the ecological dimension of practical aesthetics.Fang Ji - 2011 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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  20. Chung-kuo lun li.Chʻuan-chi Tʻang - 1958
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  21. Pien chêng wei wu chu i ti chi pên chih shih. Chʻün-shêng - 1956
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  22. Fa lü ta i: tung lun pien, hsien fa pien.Chʻing-fêng Liu - 1954
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  23. Yü chʻieh tui jên lei ti wei ta kung hsien.Hui-tʻing Mai - 1967
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    Zhen zheng de zheng zhi: hui da yi zhong mei hao sheng huo fang shi: Falabi zheng zhi zhe xue yan jiu.Junfeng Ma - 2013 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
  25. Chʻiu Han-pʻing hsien sheng fa lü ssu hsiang han hsien fa wen tʻi lun chi.Hanping Qiu - 1973 - Edited by Hong-yee Chʻiu.
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  26. Kuochi Jênch'üan Kungyüeh Chih Neikuo Hsiaoli I Kungmin Yü Chêngchih Ch'üan Kungyüeh Chi Chingchi Shêhui Wênhuach'üan Kungyüeh Shihhsingfa Weili [The Domestic Applicability of International Human Rights Law─ Take ICCPR and ICESCR as Examples].Y. K. Chen - forthcoming - T’Ai Wan Fa Hsiao Hui [Taiwan Law Society](Ed.), Taiwan Fasyue Sinketi [the Future Issue of Law in Taiwan].
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  27. Pʻin Su-lien ho "Hsi fang Ma-kʻo-ssu chi i che" ti pien cheng fa li lun.Chʻung-wen Hsü - 1979
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  28. Pien chêng wei wu chu i hsüeh hsi fang fa ti chi ko wên tʻi.Hung-lin Li - 1958
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  29. Ju Hsüeh Fa Chan Ti Hung Kuan T Ou Shih Hsin-Chia-Po 1988 Nien Ju Hsüeh Ch Ün Ying Hui Chi Shih.Wei-Ming Tu - 1997
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    Factors impacting the demonstration of relational autonomy in medical decision-making: A meta-synthesis.Thi Dung Le, Shih-Chun Lin, Mei-Chih Huang, Sheng-Yu Fan & Chi-Yin Kao - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):714-738.
    Background Relational autonomy is an alternative concept of autonomy in which an individual is recognized as embedded into society and influenced by relational factors. Social context, including social location, political structure, and social forces, significantly influence an agent to develop and exercise autonomy skills. The relational approach has been applied in clinical practice to identify relational factors impacting patient autonomy and decision-making, yet there is a knowledge gap in how these factors influence the demonstration of relational autonomy in the context (...)
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  31. Evaluating the immediate and delayed effects of psychological need thwarting of online teaching on Chinese primary and middle school teachers’ psychological well-being.I.-Hua Chen, Xiu-mei Chen, Xiao-Ling Liao, Ke-Yun Zhao, Zhi-Hui Wei, Chung-Ying Lin & Jeffrey Hugh Gamble - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent studies on the effects of mandatory online teaching, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, have widely reported low levels of satisfaction, unwillingness to continue online teaching, and negative impacts on the psychological well-being of teachers. Emerging research has highlighted the potential role of psychological need thwarting, in terms of autonomy, competence, and relatedness thwarting, resulting from online teaching. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immediate and delayed effects of PNT of online teaching on teachers’ well-being, intention to (...)
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  32. Hsiung Shih-li chuan chi tzu liao.Chʻuan-yü Chu (ed.) - 1979
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  33. Liang Shu-ming chuan chi tzu liao.Chʻuan-yü Chu (ed.) - 1979
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  34. Hsüeh hsi wei wu pien cheng fa ti chi pen fan chʻou.Chieh-pʻing Kʻung - 1978
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  35. Chung-kuo hsien Chʻin ssŭ wei fang fa.Kung-hsüan Têng - 1969
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  36. Ho chʻing nien pʻêng yu tʻan chi ko hsiu yang wên tʻi.Hao-chʻuan Ting - 1951
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  37. Tʻan pien chêng fa.Chʻuan-chʻi Wu - 1958
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    Social Entrepreneur’s Psychological Capital, Political Skills, Social Networks and New Venture Performance.Li Xin Guo, Chi-Fang Liu & Yu-Sheng Yain - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  39. Measuring the process of quality of care for ST‐segment elevation acute myocardial infarction through data‐mining of the electronic discharge notes.Sheng-Nan Chang, Jou-Wei Lin, Shi-Chi Liu & Juey-Jen Hwang - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):116-120.
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    Building an Application-Oriented Pharmaceutical Laboratory Safety and Ethics Education System Based on EHS Principles: Challenges and Strategies.Bin Hui, Liyou Cui, Ruifeng Guo, Mei Zhao, Yanjuan Huang & Wei Chen - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-10.
    Laboratory safety ethics education is paramount for the success of modern pharmacy education, cultivating responsible professionals who prioritize safety and ethical conduct. In applied pharmacy programs, laboratories serve as crucial learning environments, but they also present inherent risks. While Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) principles offer a robust framework for promoting laboratory safety and ethical conduct, their current integration within pharmacy curricula remains inconsistent and fragmented. This study analyzes the existing gaps in laboratory safety ethics education within applied pharmacy programs. (...)
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    Chinese Philosophers.Laurence C. Wu, Shu-Hsien Liu, David L. Hall, Francis Soo, Jonathan R. Herman, John Knoblock, Chad Hansen, Kwong-Loi Shun & Warren G. Frisina - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington, A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 39–107.
    Some of the authors of the essays on Chinese philosophers prefer the pin yin system of romanization for Chinese names and words, while others prefer the Wade‐Giles system. Given that both systems are in wide use today, important names and words are given in both their pin yin and Wade‐Giles formulations. The author's preference is printed first, followed by the alternative romanization within brackets.
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    The Effect of Religion on Psychological Resilience in Healthcare Workers During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic.Mei-Chung Chang, Po-Fei Chen, Ting-Hsuan Lee, Chao-Chin Lin, Kwo-Tsao Chiang, Ming-Fen Tsai, Hui-Fang Kuo & For-Wey Lung - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Healthcare workers in the front line of diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 are at great risk of both infection and developing mental health symptoms. This study aimed to investigate the following: whether healthcare workers in general hospitals experience higher mental distress than those in psychiatric hospitals; the role played by religion and alexithymic trait in influencing the mental health condition and perceived level of happiness of healthcare workers amidst the stress of the COVID-19 pandemic; (...)
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    Costs and Utilities Perspective of Consumers' Intentions to Engage in Online Music Sharing: Consumers' Knowledge Matters.Mei-Fang Chen & Ya-Hui Yen - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (4):283 - 300.
    Online music sharing, deemed illegal for invading intellectual property rights under current laws, has become a crucial issue for the music industry in the modern digital age, but few have investigated the potential costs and utilities for individuals involved in such online misbehavior. This study aimed to fill in this gap to predict consumers' intentions to engage in online music sharing and further consider consumers' online music sharing knowledge as a moderator in the research model. The results of repeated measures (...)
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    Han Social Structure.Chi-yun Chen, Tʿung-Tsu Chʿü, Jack L. Dull & Tung-Tsu Chu - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):215.
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    Predictive survival model with time‐dependent prognostic factors: development of computer‐aided SAS Macro program.Li-Sheng Chen, Ming-Fang Yen, Hui-Min Wu, Chao-Sheng Liao, Der-Ming Liou, Hsu-Sung Kuo & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (2):181-193.
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    哲学新意境的求索: 评《物质·意识·场》.Chi Chou, Ch Eng-Keng Tung & Ping-K. Uei Wu (eds.) - 1998 - Shanghai Shi: Xue lin chu ban she.
  47. Mao Tse-Tung Ssu Hsiang Yü Chung-Kuo Ti Chüeh Ch I.Tsu-Wang Hsü, I. Liu & Ch Üan-Hsing Li - 1993
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  48. Hsüeh hsi pein cheng wei wu chu i.Sheng Hu & Hsien-Chen Yang (eds.) - 1971
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    Using paper chart based clinical reminders to improve guideline adherence to lipid management.Chi-Sheng Hung, Jou-Wei Lin, Juey-Jen Hwang, Ru-Yi Tsai & Ai-Tzu Li - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):861-866.
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    Jian ming xi fang mei xue shi du ben =.Xin Ru (ed.) - 2014 - Beijing: Zhong guo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu yi jian ming e yao de bi chu xiang du zhe ti gong le yi fu quan jing shi de xi fang mei xue li shi hua juan.Qi nei rong han gai cong gu xi la,Luo ma zhi dao 20 shi ji de xi fang mei xue si xiang he li lun cheng guo,Qi zhong yi li lun xing tai de mei xue si xiang wei zhu gan,Tong shi she ji wen xue yi shu yi ji (...)
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