Results for 'Five agents (Chinese philosophy) '

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  1.  6
    The way of the five seasons: living with five elements for physical, emotional and spiritual harmony.John Kirkwood - 2016 - Philadelphia: Singing Dragon.
    Here is a comprehensive and practical guide to using the Five Element model in your daily life in ways that can improve your physical health, foster mental ease and clarity, create more emotional balance, and bring you closer to spirit. Having introduced the philosophical and practical principles of the Five Elements, the author invites you to 'live the book', immersing yourself in the many aspects of each Element during its corresponding season. He offers a range of methods of (...)
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    Cosmologie et divination dans la Chine ancienne: le compendium des cinq agents (Wuxing dayi, VIe siècle).Chi Hsiao - 1991 - Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve [distributor]. Edited by Marc Kalinowski.
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    Take Five: The Five Elements Guide to Health and Harmony.Pamela Ferguson - 2000 - Newleaf.
    Take Five' helps you tap the roots of an ancient diagnostic system of medical philosophy known as 'The Law of the Five Elements', based on Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water and their respective seasons Spring, Summer, Late Summer, Autumn and Winter.
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    In our element: using the five elements as soul medicine to unleash your personal power / Lindsay Fauntleroy L.Ac.Lindsay Fauntleroy - 2022 - Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications.
    All five elements live within you, and experiences like heartache, anxiety, and procrastination are signs that one of them is out of balance. This beginner-friendly book introduces you to each of the elements--Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal--and shows you how to use them to improve your mental, emotional, and spiritual health. In Our Element weaves together Eastern medicine, Western psychology, Indigenous traditions, and African ancestral principles of spirituality. With a practical approach that incorporates journal prompts, flower essences, yoga (...)
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    The five elements of relationships: how to get along with anyone, anytime, anyplace.Vicki Matthews - 2022 - New York: Post Hill Press.
    Do you ever wonder why some people just rub you the wrong way? Or why you automatically click with others? Or maybe you even ask yourself, "Who am I, really?" Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could understand why people are the way they are--and even better understand yourself? Now you can! And it's simple and fun! Based on the ancient Five Elements model from Chinese medicine, Dr. Vicki Matthews has developed a simple way to describe our (...) basic personality types and the predictable ways in which they interact. Take your first step toward happier and more harmonious relationships in every area of your life--including a better relationship with yourself! The result of years of personal and professional experience, this invaluable book can improve every relationship you have and make your life better! -- Publisher. (shrink)
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    The five elements: understand yourself and enhance your relationships with the wisdom of the world's oldest personality type system.Dondi Dahlin - 2016 - New York: TarcherPerigee.
    The Five Elements brings the wisdom of an ancient healing system to the modern reader. Many people today are interested in knowing themselves better, as evidenced by the popularity of personality tests online and in magazines. They want to know the reason behind their responses to situations. In this book, Dondi Dahlin shows us that we are all born with individual rhythms that go beyond the influence of our genes and upbringing. The five elements originated in ancient (...) medicine over 2,000 years ago--when scholars theorized that the universe is composed of five forces: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. Understanding these elements helps us stay in balance physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. By explaining the efficacy of wood, the depth of water, the joy of fire, the compassion of earth, and the wisdom of metal, this book helps people understand themselves and form lasting connections to others, answering the age-old question of why we do what we do. (shrink)
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  7. Shen mi de wu xing =.Xiaohong Liu - 2009 - Nanning Shi: Guangxi ren min chu ban she.
  8. Gogyō taigi zenshaku.Shohachi Nakamura, Tomoko Fujii & Chi Hsiao - 1986 - Tōkyō: Meiji Shoin. Edited by Tomoko Fujii & Ji Xiao.
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  9. Zhu bo "Wu xing" pian jiao zhu ji yan jiu.Pu Pang - 2000 - Taibei Shi: Wan ruan lou du shu you xian gong si.
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    五行大义硏究.Guozhong Liu & Ji Xiao - 1999 - Shenyang Shi: Liaoning jiao you zhu ban she. Edited by Ji Xiao.
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    Zhonghua chuan tong wen hua de ke xue jia zhi tan suo: yi yin yang wu xing he tian gan di zhi wei li = Exploration of the Scientific Value in Chinese Traditional Culture.Yan Wang - 2022 - Guangzhou Shi: Ji nan da xue chu ban she.
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  12. Wu xing da yi yan jiu.Guozhong Liu - 1999 - Shenyang Shi: Liaoning jiao you zhu ban she. Edited by Ji Xiao.
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    Xi Han de yun kao: wu de zhong shi shuo xia de zheng zhi shi.Peijian Li - 2019 - Xian: Shanxi ren min chu ban she.
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  14. Gogyō taigi kōchū.Shōhachi Nakamura - 1984 - Tōkyō: Kyūko Shoin. Edited by Ji Xiao.
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    Wu xing yuan lun: xian Qin si xiang de tai chu cun you lun.Rubin Yang - 2020 - Shanghai: Shanghai gu ji chu ban she.
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    Jin mu shui huo tu: Zhongguo wu xing xue shuo.Huakai Hu - 2012 - Shenzhen Shi: Hai tian chu ban she.
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    Kandai keigaku ni okeru gogyōsetsu no hensen.Ayumu Hirasawa - 2022 - Tōkyō: Kyūko Shoin.
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  18.  4
    Han shu wu xing zhi shu zheng.Shuhao Zhang - 2017 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan xue sheng shu ju you xian gong si.
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    Yoshino Hiroko zenshū.Hiroko Yoshino - 2007 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
    dai 1-kan. Ōgi ; Matsuri no genri -- dai 2-kan. Nihon kodai jujutsu ; Kakusareta kamigami -- dai 3-kan. Inʼyō gogyō shisō kara mita Nihon no matsuri -- dai 4-kan. Hebi ; Kitsune -- dai 5-kan. Nihonjin no shiseikan ; Inʼyō gogyō to Nihon no minzoku -- dai 6-kan. Eki to Nihon no saishi ; Inʼyō gogyō to jidō saishi -- dai 7-kan. Daijōsai ; Jitō Tennō -- dai 8-kan. Yama no kami ; Kamigami no tanjō -- dai 9-kan. Gogyō (...)
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  20. Gogyō junkan.Hiroko Yoshino - 1992 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
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    Zhongguo yin yang jia.Yulin Lu - 1996 - Beijing Shi: Zong jiao wen hua chu ban she. Edited by Youbo Tang.
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    Yin yang wu xing yu Zhong yi xue.Songling Xie - 2008 - Beijing: Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she.
    阴阳五行是中国文化大一统过程中形成的统摄、规范诸文的大象大器。仅仅就此而言,便体会探根寻源释多么困难。但不管阴阳五行起源何处,它已深深地渗入在了中华文化的血脉之中,尤其是中医学,其核心精神和主导思想完 全是由阴阳五行与八卦贯穿起来的。本书由表及里,以通俗易懂的语言分析解读了阴阳五行与中医学、人体学和养生健体的关系。.
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  23. Inʼyō gogyō no saiensu.Tokimasa Takeda (ed.) - 2011 - Kyōto-shi: Kyōto Daigaku Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūjo.
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    Yin yang jia jian shi: yu zhou mo shi de dong fang zhi shi.Jianchun Long - 2008 - Chongqing: Chongqing chu ban she.
    阴阳家出现在春秋战国时期,以阴阳五行学说作为立派基础,并将天象、地物和人事统一起来,形成了“天人合一”的最高哲学。我国古代的科学技术,如天文学、气象学、化学、算学、音乐和医学等,都是在阴阳五行学说的影 响下发展起来的.
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    Kodai Chūgoku inʾyō gogyō no kenkyū.Satoshi Inoue - 1996 - Tōkyō: Kanrin Shobō.
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    Jian bo wen xian "Wu xing" pian yu Si Meng xue pai.Xiguo Sun - 2020 - Haerbin Shi: Heilongjiang ren min chu ban she.
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  27. Yin yang wu xing ji qi ti xi.Zhiren Kuang - 1992 - Taibei Shi: Wen jin chu ban she.
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    Xian Qin yin yang wu xing.Satoshi Inoue - 1996 - Hankou: Hubei jiao yu chu ban she.
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    Huo ben yuan: Zhongguo huo wen hua si xiang de li shi shan bian = Huobenyuan: Zhongguo huowenhua sixiang de lishi shanbian.Zhaoze Sun - 2020 - Taiyuan Shi: Shanxi jiao yu chu ban she.
    本书通过对中国古代文化现象中的火与天文,《周易》,五行,丹道,中医,哲学方面联系的研究,阐述了"火"作为特殊哲学范畴所经历的漫长发展和演变过程.全书再现了中国人传统思维的特点,以及人类文明中独特的中国 智慧.
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    Xian Qin liang Han yin yang wu xing shuo di zheng zhi si xiang.Guangde Sun - 1993 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan shang wu yin shu guan.
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    中國古代思维模式与陰陽五行说探源.Lan Ai, Yü-Chou Fan & T. Ao Wang (eds.) - 1998 - Nanjing Shi: Jing xiao Jiangsu sheng xin hua shu dian.
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    Zhongguo gu dai si wei mo shi yu yin yang wu xing shuo tan yuan.Lan Ai, Tao Wang & Yuzhou Fan (eds.) - 1998 - Nanjing Shi: Jing xiao Jiangsu sheng xin hua shu dian.
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  33. Daruma no minzokugaku: onʼyō gogyō kara toku.Hiroko Yoshino - 1995 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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    Ssuk kwa manŭl: Hanʼgugin ŭi chʻangjo wŏlli: Hanʼguk sinhwa wa ŭmyang ohaeng.Wŏn-hŭng Hwang - 2009 - Sŏul: Chŏngjosa.
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  35. Inʾyō gogyō to Nihon no tennō.Hiroko Yoshino - 1998 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
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  36. Dōmyaku no kenkyū.Issei Sangen - 1990 - Ōsaka-shi: Hatsubaimoto Tōhō Shuppan.
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  37. Yama no kami: eki, gogyō to Nihon no genshi hebi shinkō.Hiroko Yoshino - 1989 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
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    Tian di qian kun: yin yang si xiang qian lun.Yanping Shi - 2001 - [Shenyang Shi]: Liao hai chu ban she.
    Ben shu jie shao le gong zi zhen, wei yuan, yan fu, kang you wei, tan si tong, liang qi chao, chen tian hua, zhang bing lin deng wan qing si xiang jia de zhe xue si xiang.
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  39. Kamigami no tanjō: eki gogyō to Nihon no kamigami.Hiroko Yoshino - 1990 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
  40. Ohaeng saengsik yopŏp.Chʻun-sik Kim - 1992 - Sŏul-si: Yurim.
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    陰陽五行と日本の天皇.Hiroko Yoshino - 1998 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
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