Results for 'Francisca Montilla'

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  1. Dialectical Profiles and Indicators of Argumentative Moves.A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans, Peter Houtlosser, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren - 2015 - In Scott Jacobs, Sally Jackson, Frans Eemeren & Frans H. van Eemeren (eds.), Reasonableness and Effectiveness in Argumentative Discourse: Fifty Contributions to the Development of Pragma-Dialectics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    (1 other version)What the States of Truthmaker Semantics Could (Not) Be.Francisca Silva - forthcoming - Topoi:1-14.
    Developments in truthmaker semantics for the most part stay clear of the metaphysical issue of what sort of entities serve as the truthmakers and falsitymakers for sentences. It is assumed that perhaps facts or states of affairs (Fine 2017a ; Jago 2020 ), with these taken sometimes as concrete particulars (Hawke 2018 ) could serve for the job, but nonetheless that some such entities would do. In this paper I take a closer look at the issue of what entities could (...)
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    Gestión del conflicto por el recurso hídrico.Francisca Silva Hernández - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (3):1-8.
    El agua como bien vital de todo ser vivo, ante un estado de vulnerabilidad, daño y/o riesgo puede manifestarse como conflicto socio ambiental. En el mapeo del conflicto se identifican diversos actores, sin embargo, un actor imprescindible son los miembros de la comunidad en el que emergen conflictos que deben ser gestionados para llevar a un consenso de bien común. El estudio de caso expuesto, aborda y describe elementos esenciales que deben ser previstos en la gestión y acuerdos de conflicto (...)
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    Perspectivas filosóficas a partir del problema del suicidio.Francisca Reyes Arellano - 2021 - Persona y Bioética 25 (1):2514-2514.
    Many of the actual bioethical discussions start from the assumption that we have absolute dominance/disposition over our body. Based on the thesis of autonomy, control over one's own life and the freedom to do anything, at least with one's body, the goodness or legitimacy of acts such as suicide and euthanasia are often justified. Considering the last statements, this paper seeks to approach the question of the nature of the disposition –main attribute of dominion or property– over the body. It (...)
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    The Funny Thing about Secularism: Christian and Buddhist Versions Compared.Francisca Cho - 2017 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 4 (1):74.
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    Fenómeno de la Mirada.Francisca Hill - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 123:87-104.
    En fenomenología generalmente se habla de dos aproximaciones al abordar el fenómeno de la intersubjetividad: la aproximación cartesiana o neohegeliana ¾representada por Sartre¾; y la aproximación ontológico-social ¾representada por el Mitsein heideggeriano. Merleau-Ponty es conocido por seguir una corriente fuertemente influenciada por Heidegger, influencia que se extiende también en el área de la intersubjetividad. Pero, a pesar de la preponderancia heideggeriana, Merleau-Ponty integra aspectos importantes de la teoría intersubjetiva sartreana a su filosofía. En base a ello, cabe preguntarse, ¿cómo puede (...)
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    Masculinidad y clase social en dos novelas de Cristián Huneeus: El rincón de los niños y Una escalera contra la pared.Francisca Lange - 2013 - Aisthesis 54:319-334.
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    Why Change Habits? Early Modern Medical Innovation Between Medicalisation and Medical Culture.Francisca Loetz - 2010 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32 (4).
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  9. Etnografía del Rito: Sintaxis e isotopía funeraria del velorio en Maracaibo.Aura M. Montilla & José Enrique Finol - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 7 (2):159-175.
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    Los cursos de economía doméstica y educación para el hogar en la educación femenina. Chile 1920-1960.Francisca Pérez Pallares - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12 (2).
    The following article analyzes the development of education plans in home economics and home education between 1920 and 1960 in the case of Chile. From this perspective, it is interesting to investigate the impact on female pedagogical training of the manuals and education programs in home economics and home education between 1920 and 1960, promoted by the different Chilean governments of the period. The results show that these plans and programmes enhanced the training of women in domestic work, contributing to (...)
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    Una contribución para el diálogo intercultural: algunas interpretaciones entorno a la cosmovisión amerindia.María Del Pilar Quintero-Montilla - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (45):117-125.
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    Feasibility study of the culture of Mithrax spinosissimus (Lamarck), in closed circuit aquariums with water of the Caribbean and of the Pacific of Panama.Francisca de Sousa, Magaly de Chial & Marta Arauz - 1988 - Scientia 3.
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    Introducción al debate: Monumentos en Latinoamérica: Entre la épica patria y la insurrección.Francisca Márquez - 2021 - Corpus.
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    Testimonio y práctica artística en el Campo de Prisioneros de Chacabuco 1973-1974. El teatro de Mario Molina.Francisca Carolina Durán Mateluna - 2021 - Aisthesis 69.
    El presente artículo aborda la experiencia de la sobrevivencia de los presos políticos en el Campo de Prisioneros de Chacabuco durante la dictadura cívico-militar chilena, a través de la práctica artística teatral, entre 1973 y 1974. A modo de hipótesis se plantea que el teatro permitió a los presos mermar el drama y construir transitoriamente realidades diferentes, suspendiendo la realidad impuesta y creando otras alternativas. La pregunta principal es de qué manera el corpus dramático de Mario Molina, escrito durante su (...)
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  15. Comparing stories about the origin, extent, and future of life : an Asian religious perspective.Francisca Cho - 2009 - In Constance M. Bertka (ed.), Exploring the Origin, Extent, and Future of Life: Philosophical, Ethical and Theological Perspectives. Cambridge University Press.
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    The Effect of Transformational Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Organizational Learning on Manufacturing Industry Performance.Francisca Sestri Goestjahjanti, Sahala Benny Pasaribu, Tatang Iman Sadewo, Srinita Srinita, Isyak Meirobie & Agustinus Purna Irawan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    James B. Freeman,dialectics and the macrostructure of arguments. A theory of argument structure.Francisca Snoeck Henkemans - 1994 - Argumentation 8 (3):319-321.
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  18. Crónica de una vida anunciada.Francisca Rosique Navarro - 2004 - Critica 54 (912):62-69.
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    Communicating the garífuna culture in contemporary church music.Francisca Norales - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 45 (1):74-88.
    The manner in which a person views the universe originates from her/his culture. If someone were asked of the predominant element found in every culture that has for centuries given people their perspective of the universe, certainly, the answer would be, Religion! The responsibility of generating and preserving the elements of one’s perspective of the universe has rested with religious institutions such as Methodist, Protestant, or Roman Catholic churches or spiritual leaders such as the Buddha. Whether the element is developed (...)
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    L’épigramme de Posidippe sur la statue de Kairos, AP XVI ( Plan.) 275: Image, texte, réalité.Francisca Pordomingo - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (1):17-33.
    Epigram AP XVI 275, by Posidippus, contains an ecphrasis of a statue created by the sculptor Lysippus that is an allegory of Kairos – not in expository form but rather in the form of a dialogue of questions and answers, with the aim of revealing the hidden meaning of its peculiar iconographic features. Lysippus’ statue and Posidippus’ epigram are the oldest testimonies existing in art and in the literary sources for Kairos, which was the subject of other descriptions and of (...)
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  21. La escala de los seres en la filosofía de Tomás de Aquino.Francisca Tomar Romero - 1993 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval:225-238.
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    Chronicity: a key concept to deliver ethically driven chronic care.Francisca Stutzin Donoso - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):447-448.
    Chronic diseases are the main disease burden worldwide, leading to premature deaths and poor individual and population health outcomes. Although modern medicine has made significant progress in developing effective treatments, only around 50% of people follow long-term treatment recommendations in high-income countries and presumably even less in low-income and middle-income countries.1 Health outcomes for chronic diseases follow a social gradient across socioeconomic groups, suggesting that the 50% adherence rate distributes unequally across social groups, affecting those who live in disadvantage the (...)
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  23. Epistemic logic with partial grasp.Francisca Silva - 2024 - Synthese 204 (92):1-27.
    We have to gain from recognizing a relation between epistemic agents and the parts of subject matters that play a role in their cognitive lives. I call this relation “grasping”. Namely, I zone in on one notion of having a partial grasp of a subject matter—that of agents grasping part of the subject matter that they are attending to—and characterize it. I propose that giving up the idealization that we fully grasp the subject matters we attend to allows one to (...)
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    Onde está a literatura?: seus espaços, seus leitores, seus textos, suas leituras / Celia Abicalil Belmiro, Francisca Izabel Pereira Maciel, Mônica Correia Baptista, Aracy Alves Martins, organizadoras.Celia Abicalil Belmiro, Francisca Maciel, Mônica Correia Baptista & Aracy Alves Martins (eds.) - 2014 - Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG.
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  25. Being a woman and wanting to be a woman: an application of subject matters, questions and FDE.Francisca Silva - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Logic.
    I provide a new way of thinking of questions using an expanded space of FDE worlds. This allows both for non-exclusive and non-exhaustive answers to questions concerning one’s gender identity. Further, and most crucially for the purposes of this paper, it allows for a new, more general definition of question-inclusion that makes it possible to identify a new form of hermeneutical injustice. This form of injustice, I argue, affects trans people by keeping them in a prolonged state of gender questioning (...)
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    The Limits of the Buddhist Embrace of Science: Commentary on “Compassion, Ethics, and Neuroscience: Neuroethics through Buddhist Eyes”.Francisca Cho - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (3):539-542.
    The readiness of Buddhists to dialogue with and embrace modern science has caused some to worry that this encounter will deform Buddhist traditions for the sake of acceptance by the West. But their strong tradition of epistemological skepticism and intellectual pluralism makes it unlikely that Buddhists will embrace scientific positivism. Given the tensions between religion and science in contemporary western society, it is perhaps this feature of Buddhism that can make the most fruitful contribution in its dialogue with science.
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    (1 other version)Normatividad en filosofia de la ciencia: El Caso de la ciencia reguladora (normativity in the philosophy of science: The case of regulatory science).Alcázar Francisca Javier Rodríguez - 2004 - Theoria 19 (2):173-190.
    En este articulo se examina la tradicional caracterización de la filosofía de la ciencia como una disciplina normativa. Se discuten varias concepciones de esta disciplina, cada una de las cuales ofrece una respuesta diferente a la pregunta de si es posible, y cómo, una filosofía de la ciencia genuinamente normativa. De entre esas concepciones, se opta por una forma de naturalismo que se diferencia de otras en la exigeneia de que la normatividad de la filosofía de la ciencia inc!uya la (...)
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    The concept of self-regulation and the ethics council of the media federation of Chile.Francisca Greene Gonzalez & María José Lecaros - 2020 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (4):481-496.
    Purpose This paper reviews the origins of the Ethics Council of the Federation of Social Communication Media of Chile and looks into the historical circumstances surrounding its creation, the concept of self-regulation as understood by its founders, and the criteria that initially ruled its operation. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative survey of nine contemporary witnesses and the confrontation with the scientific literature. Findings The results reveal a significant coincidence with the academic literature both in the description of the concept of self-regulation and (...)
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  29. Los mayores, otros planteamientos: Entrevista a Ángeles Galino.Francisca Rosique Navarro - 2006 - Critica 56 (936):96-98.
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  30. La memoria como "conocimiento" y "amor de sí".Francisca Tomar Romero - 2001 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 8:95-110.
    En este trabajo se propone una síntesis de la concepción agustiniana trinitaria de la mens con la teoría dual de las relaciones intencionales y de los géneros de potencias del alma que profesa la tradición aristotélica. En este sentido, se analiza el conocimiento existencial y esencial del alma en San Agustín, la "duplex cognitio" en Tomás de Aquino, así como alarmas de las aportaciones y claves interpretativas del agustinismo tomista de Jaime Bofill relativas a su concepto de "memoria de sí" (...)
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    Rossomyrmex, the slave-maker ants from the arid steppe environments.Francisca Ruano, Olivia Sanllorente, Alain Lenoir & Alberto Tinaut - 2013 - Psyche: A Journal of Entomology 2013.
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  32. Entre la utopía y la realidad.Francisca Tomar - 2002 - Espíritu 51 (125):37-58.
  33. Analysing complex argumentation: the reconstruction of multiple and coordinatively compound argumentation in a critical discussion.Snoeck Henkemans & Arnolda Francisca - 1992 - Amsterdam: SicSat.
    Snoeck, A. F. (1997) Analysing Complex Argumentation. The reconstruction of Multiple and Coordinatively Argumentation in a Critical Discussion.
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    estabelecimento do caráter primordial da ἀλήθεια, e a determinação fundamental do λόγος no 'mbito da Filosofia grega.Francisca Tânia Rutigliano - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 123:105-138.
    O breve ensaio de Heidegger O que é isto - a Filosofia? guarda em si as questões essenciais sobre os fundamentos, perspectivas norteadoras e finalidades que possibilitaram o surgimento da filosofia como forma eminente do conhecimento ocidental. Contemplando o modo como Parmênides, Heráclito, Platão e Aristóteles estabelecem o sentido do Ser, Heidegger mostra em que sentido os filósofos gregos depuseram no νoεῖν e no λόγος fundamento essencial de ἀλήθεια. Na exposição que Heidegger faz das continuidades e distinções características de cada (...)
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  35. Question-relative knowledge for minimally rational agents.Francisca Silva - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-31.
    Agents know some but not all logical consequences of what they know. Agents seem to be neither logically omniscient nor logically incompetent. Yet finding an intermediate standard of minimal rationality has proven difficult. In this paper, I take suggestions found in the literature (Lewis, 1988; Hawke, Özgün and Berto, 2020; Plebani and Spolaore, 2021) and join the forces of subject matter and impossible worlds approaches to devise a new solution to this quandary. I do so by combining a space of (...)
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    La performativididad del pacto social: la «invención teórica de Rousseau» según Étienne Balibar.Francisca Gómez Germain - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e08.
    Quizá no sea desacertado destacar que cuando Étienne Balibar afirma que el sujeto-ciudadano rousseauniano constituye una «figura propiamente revolucionaria», no está simplemente mencionándolo desde una perspectiva teórico-política, pues está haciendo ver que la dualidad que comporta supone una figura revolucionaria en un sentido lingüístico y especulativo. En este artículo, nuestro propósito no es otro que analizar el triple alcance de la «invención teórica de Rousseau». Que las significaciones conceptuales no puedan ser simples o unívocas, es lo que en buena medida (...)
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    A Brief Argument For Consciousness Without Access.Nicholas D'Aloisio-Montilla - 2018 - Ratio 31 (2):119-136.
    This paper proposes a new argument in favour of the claim that phenomenal consciousness overflows – that is, has a far higher capacity than – cognitive access. It shows that opponents of overflow implicate a necessary role for visual imagery in the change detection paradigm. However, empirical evidence suggests that there is no correlation between visual imagery abilities and performance in this paradigm. Since the use of imagery is not implicated in the performance strategy of subjects, we find a new (...)
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    Os saltos de Heidegger desde sua retomada do pensamento grego clássico em vista da edificação de um novo princípio para a abordagem do Ser.Francisca Soares Rutigliano - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 111:115-162.
    A crítica enérgica de Heidegger à Metafísica moderna, a qual funda a possibilidade de determinação do Ser na Subjetividade, levou-o a começar a sua investigação do sentido do Ser voltando-se para a Filosofia grega. Com Aristóteles Heidegger procurou solo conceitual para demonstrar na facticidade do existir, antes que na Consciência, o fundamento da compreensividade de todo, e com Platão, o Filósofo buscou um ponto de partida fundado para legitimar uma investigação positiva do não-Ser – aqui o seu intuito foi precisamente (...)
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    Framing of social protest news in Web portals in Chile and Colombia during 2019.Francisco Tagle, Francisca Greene, Alejandra Jans & Germán Ortiz - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (4):424-439.
    Purpose Late in 2019, massive protest demonstrations rocked both Chile and Colombia. They were an expression of discontent with the economic model and social policies implemented in both countries in recent decades. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Chilean and Colombian news websites framed these social protests and what aspects of the social movements promoted these media to public opinion. Design/methodology/approach The methodology of this research is empirical; the authors use quantitative and discourse analysis techniques to study (...)
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    Memorias sonoras, prisión política y dictaduras en el Cono Sur. Reflexiones trasandinas sensibles.Francisca Cornejo, Analía Lutowicz & Victoria Polti - 2022 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (24):e134.
    El coloquio-conversatorio Memorias sonoras, prisión política y dictaduras en el Cono Sur. Reflexiones trasandinas sensibles se desarrolló el día 11 de septiembre de 2021, día de conmemoración de las víctimas de violencias políticas durante la dictadura militar chilena. Fue organizado por la línea Arte y Política del Núcleo de Sociología del Arte y las Prácticas Culturales de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Chile, y contó con la participación de expositoras chilenas y argentinas: Analía Lutowicz, Victoria Polti, (...)
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    Cierre.Francisca Márquez - 2021 - Corpus.
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  42. Imagery and overflow: We see more than we report.Nicholas D’Aloisio-Montilla - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (5):545-570.
    The question of whether our conscious experience is rich or sparse remains an enduring controversy in philosophy. The “overflow” account argues that perceptual consciousness is far richer than cognitive access: when perceiving a complex scene, subjects see more than they can report. This paper draws on aphantasia to propose a new argument in favor of overflow. First, it shows that opponents of overflow explain subjects’ performance in a change detection paradigm by appealing to a type of “internal imagery.” Second, it (...)
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    Argumentative Use and Strategic Function of the Expression ‘Not for Nothing’.Henrike Jansen & Francisca Snoeck Henkemans - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (2):143-162.
    In English discourse one can find cases of the expression ‘not for nothing’ being used in argumentation. The expression can occur both in the argument and in the standpoint. In this chapter we analyse the argumentative and rhetorical aspects of ‘not for nothing’ by regarding this expression as a presentational device for strategic manoeuvring. We investigate under which conditions the proposition containing the expression ‘not for nothing’ functions as a standpoint, an argument or neither of these elements. It is also (...)
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    Interview with Gonzalo Torrente Ballester on the Subject of His Literary Debts to G. K. Chesterton.Francisca Miller & Stephen Miller - 1986 - The Chesterton Review 12 (4):472-491.
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    Desde Chile.Francisca Massardo, Andrés Mansilla, Juan J. Armesto & Ricardo Rozzi - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (9999):7-8.
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    Persona y amor: el personalismo de Jaime Bofill.Francisca Tomar Romero - 1993 - Barcelona: PPU.
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    Chronic disease as risk multiplier for disadvantage.Francisca Stutzin Donoso - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (6):371-375.
    This paper starts by establishing a prima facie case that disadvantaged groups or individuals are more likely to get a chronic disease and are in a disadvantaged position to adhere to chronic treatment despite access through Universal Health Coverage. However, the main aim of this paper is to explore the normative implications of this claim by examining two different but intertwined argumentative lines that might contribute to a better understanding of the ethical challenges faced by chronic disease health policy. The (...)
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    Phillips on Unconscious Perception and Overflow.Nicholas D’Aloisio-Montilla - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (3):649-662.
    Phillips argues that Block faces a “serious internal challenge” in defending the claim that unconscious perception is of the same fundamental kind as conscious perception. This challenge is said to result from Block’s commitment to phenomenal overflow. However, in this paper, I demonstrate that Phillips’ rejection of overflow likewise renders his view on unconscious perception “internally challenged” and therefore equally problematic.
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    Entrevista com professoras(es) de filosofia do ensino médio do ceará (bloco I).Debora Klippel Fofano, Francisca Evanice Mourão Lima, John Karley de Sousa Aquino, Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa & Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):319-333.
    ENTREVISTA COM PROFESSORAS(ES) DE FILOSOFIA DO ENSINO MÉDIO DO CEARÁ – BLOCO ICom: Debora Klippel Fofano, Francisca Evanice Mourão Lima, John Karley de Sousa AquinoPor: Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa, Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima.
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    Un Seminario conciliar en una época de restauración: San Pelagio mártir de Córdoba (1851-1868).Manuel Montilla Caballero - 2024 - Isidorianum 3 (5):125-180.
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