Results for 'G. Terán'

964 found
  1.  55
    Agroecology from the ground up: a critical analysis of sustainable soil management in the highlands of Guatemala.Nathan Einbinder, Helda Morales, Mateo Mier Y. Terán Giménez Cacho, Bruce G. Ferguson, Miriam Aldasoro & Ronald Nigh - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (3):979-996.
    A persistent problem in the dominant agricultural development model is the imposition of technologies without regard to local processes and cultures. Even with the recent shift towards sustainability and agroecology, initiatives continue to overlook local knowledge. In this article we provide analysis of agroecological soil management in the Maya-Achi territory of Guatemala. The Achí, subject to five decades of interventions and development, present an interesting case study for assessing the complementarities and tensions between traditional, generally preventative practices and external initiatives (...)
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    Agroecological management of spontaneous vegetation in Bachajón’s Tseltal Maya milpa: a preventive focus.Betsabe Guillen Pasillas, Helda Morales, Bruce G. Ferguson, Evelio Gómez Hernández, Guadalupe del Carmen Álvarez Gordillo & Mateo Mier Y. Terán Giménez Cacho - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (1):331-344.
    In recent years, a great deal of evidence has accumulated on the health risks and environmental impacts of some herbicides. Both conventional agriculture and agroecology are searching for alternatives to address the challenges posed by the consequences of herbicide use. In this search, peasant and indigenous agroecosystems have much to contribute since their crops evolved thousands of years ago together with diverse communities of weeds, and farmers have carried out sophisticated strategies to manage them. Through participant observation, semi-structured interviews, free (...)
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  3. Libertad de expresión y "libertad cómica" - Free speech and "comical liberty".Jose Gonzalez - 2007 - Dikaiosyne 18 (10):23-42.
    SUMARIO Artículos ¿Por qué democracia? Referencia a los derechos humanos y a la ciudadanía. Why democracy? Reference to human rights and citizenship. Bozo de Carmona, Ana Julia Libertad de expresión y "libertad cómica". Free speech and "comical liberty".Calvo González, José La justicia según J. Finnis. Justice according to John Finnis. Hocevar G., Mayda G. El lenguaje sagrado y su escritura. The sacred language and its writing. Lizaola, Julieta Del carácter coactivo de la μετηνεστασζ en Tucídides. On cornening to compelling nature (...)
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    Crimen, conexión y castigo: una objeción a la perspectiva retribucionista de la pena de muerte.Dayrón Terán - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 88:23-36.
    This paper raises an objection to the retributive view of the death penalty. If we take a psychological approach about what morally mat-ters, our intuitions on retribution and merit could be significantly modified. The claim that death penalty is the fair retribution to certain kind of crimes presuppose in the executed the existence of an underlying entity which would remain identic to itself troughth all the diachronic subjective changes. If this entity does not exist, or if its continuity is not (...)
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    Philosophical Explorations for a Concept of Emerging Technologies.Mauricio Villaseñor Terán - 2018 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 22 (1):28-50.
    The term “emerging technologies” is greatly used nowadays in scientific publications, but its conceptual competence is not clear. The term remains poorly studied, especially from a philosophical stance. The following text aims to bring clarity and discussion about the term. First, I critique previous usages of the term. Thereafter, I conduct a lexico-hermeneutical analysis by questioning what it means for technologies to be qualified as “emerging.” Finally, I contrast the term with the akin terms of invention, innovation, and new and (...)
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    Impact of Contact With Nature on the Wellbeing and Nature Connectedness Indicators After a Desertic Outdoor Experience on Isla Del Tiburon.Glenda Garza-Terán, Cesar Tapia-Fonllem, Blanca Fraijo-Sing, Daniela Borbón-Mendívil & Lucía Poggio - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Nature connectedness is determined by the representation individuals have about themselves within nature. This concept is often studied in relation to the direct contact individuals have with natural environment, which according to some studies have demonstrated to generate positive effects by fostering a feeling of connecting and bonding with nature, as well as improving their wellbeing. The main focus of this study was to calculate and assess the relation between Nature Connectedness and wellbeing of participants. The methodological approach of this (...)
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    Self-improvement of the teacher of Physical Education for the aquatic rehabilitation of the elderly, from a vision of science, technology and society.Valeria Rubí González Terán & Ángel Luis Gómez Cardoso - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):144-159.
    RESUMEN El artículo constituye una propuesta encaminada a dar respuesta a la necesidad social de la superación del profesor de Educación Física del Centro de Experiencia del Adulto Mayor. Se propone como objetivo fundamentar la estrategia para la superación del profesor de Educación Física dirigida a la rehabilitación acuática de los adultos mayores con limitaciones articulares, desde una visión de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Se reconoce la oportunidad que representa el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías como elemento que contribuye a (...)
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    La experiencia de Dios en personas que viven con vih/Sida.Nelson Mafla Terán & Edith González Bernal - 2018 - Franciscanum 60 (169):273.
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  9. Die Geschichte des Terminus «Analogia Entis» und das Werk Erich Przywaras.Julio Terán-Dutari - 1970 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 77 (1):163-179.
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    El alcance de las objeciones presentistas al largoplacismo.Dayrón Terán - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 71:363-383.
    La mayor parte del total de individuos existentes en el conjunto de la historia probablemente existirá en el futuro distante. Si nuestras decisiones son capaces de influir en el bienestar de estos individuos, se puede argumentar que habría razones para preocuparnos por el largo plazo. La perspectiva que aboga por esto último es conocida como largoplacismo. No obstante, si, como sostiene el presentismo deóntico, los intereses de quienes no existen en el presente cuentan menos, o no cuentan en absoluto, se (...)
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  11. La presencia de la filosofía en la universidad Marco historiográfico contemporáneo en hispanoamérica (argentina Y méxico.Benjamín Terán & Coriolano Alberini - 2002 - Humanitas 29:173.
  12.  40
    From Realism to "Realicism": The Metaphysics of Charles Sanders Peirce.Rosa Maria Perez-Teran Mayorga - 2007 - Lexington Books.
    From Realism to "Realicism" is a unique critical study of Peirce's metaphysics, and his repeated insistence on the realism of the medieval schoolman as the key to understanding his own system. By tracing the problem of universals beginning with its Greek roots, Rosa Maria Perez-Teran Mayorga provides the necessary yet underrepresented background of moderate realism and Peirce's eventual revision of metaphysics.
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  13. Reducing Wild Animal Suffering Effectively: Why Impracticability and Normative Objections Fail Against the Most Promising Ways of Helping Wild Animals.Oscar Horta & Dayron Teran - 2023 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 26 (2):217-230.
    This paper presents some of the most promising ways wild animals are currently being helped, as well as other ways of helping that may be implemented easily in the near future. They include measures to save animals affected by harmful weather events, wild animal vaccination programs, and projects aimed at reducing suffering among synanthropic animals. The paper then presents other ways of helping wild animals that, while noncontroversial, may reduce aggregate suffering at the ecosystem level. The paper argues that impracticability (...)
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  14.  20
    The negative impact of ad hoc committees for ethical evaluation: The case of COVID‐19‐related research in Ecuador.Ivan Sisa, Belen Mena & Enrique Teran - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (1):3-6.
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  15.  14
    Lewis, Sophie, Abolish the Family, Londres, Verso Books, 2022, 122 pp. [REVIEW]Ira Terán - 2023 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 56 (2):383-386.
    Abolish the Family [abolid la familia] es la incendiaria consigna con la que la pensadora transfeminista y socialista Sophie Lewis titula su último ensayo. Tras la publicación del también controvertido Otra subrogación es posible (2019), la hija intelectual y queer de Shulamith Firestone ha regresado dispuesta a derribar el teatro edípico de la sociedad capitalista desde sus cimientos. Para tal fin, Lewis organiza un desfile de genealogías radicales en el que se dan cita filosofías políticas, experimentos revolucionarios, diversas tradiciones militantes (...)
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  16.  10
    Individual, Sociodemographic, and Environmental Factors Related to Physical Activity During the Spring 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown. [REVIEW]Claudia Teran-Escobar, Cyril Forestier, Clément Ginoux, Sandrine Isoard-Gautheur, Philippe Sarrazin, Anna Clavel & Aïna Chalabaev - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Research has shown important between-individual variations in physical activity during the COVID-19 lockdown.Objectives: The objectives of this is study are to examine the individual, sociodemographic, and environmental factors related to PA during the spring 2020 COVID-19 lockdown in France and to explore the mediating and moderating role of intention and self-efficacy toward PA in the relationships between sociodemographic/environmental variables and PA.Design: In this cross-sectional study, participants living in France completed an online survey between March 30 and April 10, 2020.Method: (...)
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    (1 other version)La importancia del futuro lejano: un examen de algunas de las principales objeciones al largoplacismo.Dayrón Terán Pintos - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid):1-19.
    Según el largoplacismo, los efectos a largo plazo de nuestras acciones son un aspecto crucial de las mismas. Esto se debe a que el futuro, dada su extensión, presumiblemente contendrá a la mayor parte de los seres que alguna vez existan. Hay, sin embargo, distintas objeciones que cuestionan la viabilidad de la propuesta largoplacista, señalando que tendríamos razones para priorizar el corto plazo. Estas objeciones apuntan a problemas relacionados con la representación de individuos que todavía no existen, la situación de (...)
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  18.  16
    Una aproximación a la formación de la propiedad urbana eclesiástica en la Sevilla bajomedieval.Antonio Collantes de Terán Sánchez - 2021 - Isidorianum 30 (2):149-180.
    Este trabajo analiza las fórmulas predominantes para la formación de la propiedad inmobiliaria eclesiástica en Sevilla entre los siglos xiii y xv, a partir de los datos de instituciones, como la Catedral, la colegial del Salvador, conventos y hospitales. En la citada formación tuvieron un papel importante las donaciones, pero en algunos casos predominaron las compras o las transmisiones hereditarias. En el caso de las donaciones, se analiza la procedencia social de los donantes.
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  19. El paradigma no-dual de las filosofías unitivas.Inmaculada Teran Sierra - 1998 - Estudios Filosóficos 47 (135):215-246.
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  20. La Feminidad del Ser.María Inmaculada Terán Sierra - 2000 - Estudios Filosóficos 49 (141):287-308.
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  21. An Integrated Framework for Ethical and Sustainable Digitalization.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Luis Teran, Edy Portmann, Hanna Schübel & Johnny Pincay - 2021 - 2021 Eighth International Conference on eDemocracy and eGovernment (ICEDEG).
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  22. A Literature Review on Digital Ethics from a Humanistic and Sustainable Perspective.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Luis Teran, Jhonny Pincay & Edy Portmann - 2021 - In Euripidis Loukis, Marie Anne Macadar, Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen & Mário Peixoto (eds.), 14th International Conference on Theory. pp. 57-64.
    The rapid technological transition requires the adoptive approach to the digital conduct of public and private institutions. Countries and companies strive to integrate a balanced understanding of digital ethics and sustainability concepts from various standpoints, which results in a dispersed and uncategorized knowledge base. This work presents a literature review on digital ethics published from 2010 to 2020 in three technical libraries and one library maintained by the community of philosophers. The investigation process integrates a thorough review of digital ethics (...)
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  23.  78
    The Definition of Consequentialism: A Survey.Oscar Horta, Gary David O'Brien & Dayron Teran - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (4):368-385.
    There are different meanings associated with consequentialism and teleology. This causes confusion, and sometimes results in discussions based on misunderstandings rather than on substantial disagreements. To clarify this, we created a survey on the definitions of ‘consequentialism’ and ‘teleology’, which we sent to specialists in consequentialism. We broke down the different meanings of consequentialism and teleology into four component parts: Outcome-Dependence, Value-Dependence, Maximization, and Agent-Neutrality. Combining these components in different ways we distinguished six definitions, all of which are represented in (...)
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  24. The Difference between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy.G. W. F. Hegel, H. S. Harris & Walter Cerf - 1977. - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (2):138-138.
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  25.  27
    Is visual information integrated across successive fixations in reading?G. W. McConkie & D. Zola - 1979 - Perception and Psychophysics 25:221-24.
  26.  49
    The α-finite injury method.G. E. Sacks & S. G. Simpson - 1972 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 4 (4):343-367.
  27.  53
    Los Derechos de la Infancia y El Papel de Las Familias En Su Protección: Perspectiva Ética y Jurídica.Olaya Fernández Guerrero, María Isabel Martínez López, Remedios Álvarez Terán, Noelia Barbed Castrejón & Iratxe Suberviola Ovejas - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-24.
    Los derechos de la infancia son de formulación reciente, y hasta el siglo XX no surgen los primeros intentos de reconocerlos y regularlos. Además de revisar los textos jurídicos que formulan y protegen esos derechos a nivel mundial, este estudio promueve una lectura filosófica de los derechos de la infancia y del papel de las familias con respecto a esos derechos. La ética del cuidado proporciona un marco de reflexión muy oportuno para plantear la responsabilidad ética que las familias, y (...)
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  28.  46
    Dreaming and the default network: A review, synthesis, and counterintuitive research proposal.G. William Domhoff & Kieran C. R. Fox - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:342-353.
  29.  18
    Planetary Boundaries.Ulrich Brand, Barbara Muraca, Éric Pineault, Marlyne Sahakian, Anke Schaffartzik, Andreas Novy, Christoph Streissler, Helmut Haberl, Viviana Asara, Kristina Dietz, Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari, Tone Smith, Clive Spash, Alina Brad, Melanie Pichler, Christina Plank, Giorgos Velegrakis, Thomas Jahn, Angela Carter, Qingzhi Huan, Giorgos Kallis, Joan Martínez Alier, Gabriel Riva, Vishwas Satgar, Emiliano Teran Mantovani, Michelle Williams, Markus Wissen & Christoph Görg - 2023 - In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer. pp. 91-97.
    The planetary boundaries concept has profoundly changed the vocabulary and representation of global environmental issues. The article starts by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of planetary boundaries from a social science perspective. It is argued that the growth imperative of capitalist economies, as well as other particular characteristics detailed below, are the main drivers of the ecological crisis and exacerbated trends already underway. Further, the planetary boundaries framework can support interpretations that do not solely emphasize technocratic operational approaches and costs, (...)
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    Societal Boundaries.Ulrich Brand, Barbara Muraca, Éric Pineault, Marlyne Sahakian, Anke Schaffartzik, Andreas Novy, Christoph Streissler, Helmut Haberl, Viviana Asara, Kristina Dietz, Miriam Lang, Ashish Kothari, Tone Smith, Clive Spash, Alina Brad, Melanie Pichler, Christina Plank, Giorgos Velegrakis, Thomas Jahn, Angela Carter, Qingzhi Huan, Giorgos Kallis, Joan Martínez Alier, Gabriel Riva, Vishwas Satgar, Emiliano Teran Mantovani, Michelle Williams, Markus Wissen & Christoph Görg - 2023 - In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer. pp. 1647-1653.
    The notion of societal boundaries aims to enhance the debate on planetary boundaries. The focus is on capitalist societies as a heuristic for discussing the expansionary dynamics, power relations, and lock-ins of modern societies that impel highly unsustainable societal relations with nature. While formulating societal boundaries implies a controversial process – based on normative judgments, ethical concerns, and socio-political struggles – it has the potential to offer guidelines for a just, social-ecological transformation.
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  31.  14
    School Environments and Elementary School Children’s Well-Being in Northwestern Mexico.César Tapia-Fonllem, Blanca Fraijo-Sing, Victor Corral-Verdugo, Glenda Garza-Terán & Melanie Moreno-Barahona - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:514190.
    School environment refers to the set of relationships that occur among members of a school community that are determined by structural, personal, and functional factors of the educational institution, which provide distinctiveness to schools. The school environment is an important factor when evaluating student well-being. Previous findings have shown that variables such as physical, academic, and social dimensions influence school environments. This research seeks to explain the relationship between school environment and the well-being of primary education students. To carry out (...)
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  32.  15
    Juristas parlamentarias en la Transición: Las herederas de una larga historia.María Cruz Díaz de Terán Velasco - 2023 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 38.
    El presente trabajo busca establecer una relación entre el marcado carácter masculino que durante siglos ha tenido la actividad política y el veto a la mujer en el acceso a los estudios de Derecho. Partiendo de la explicación de la regla prohibitiva y el recuerdo de las juristas parlamentarias pioneras de principios del siglo xx, el estudio se centra en las juristas parlamentarias de la Transición, en concreto, en las que formaron parte de las Cortes Constituyentes de 1977-1979. El objetivo (...)
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  33.  18
    An Essay in Modal Logic.G. P. Henderson - 1953 - Philosophical Quarterly 3 (12):287-287.
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  34. The Existentialist Critique of Freud. The Crisis of Autonomy.G. N. Izenberg - 1976
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  35.  99
    Second thoughts around some of göde's writings:.G. Kreisel - 1998 - Synthese 114 (1):99-160.
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    Concepts of Intention in German Criminal Law.G. Taylor - 2004 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 24 (1):99-127.
    In German criminal law, intention is the label used not only for cases of knowledge and desire; it also includes cases of what the common law would call recklessness. German criminal law calls its approximation of recklessness dolus eventualis. It is on that concept that the article concentrates. After a brief review of the historical development of the German concept of intention, the author shows that dolus eventualis consists of two components: the cognitive element, which (as in the common law) (...)
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  37.  16
    The Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce: A Critical Introduction.G. Lynn Stephens - 1983 - Noûs 17 (4):707-711.
  38.  28
    Primitive iteration and unary functions.G. Germano & S. Mazzanti - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 40 (3):217-256.
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    African Philosophy.G. Salemohamed - 1983 - Philosophy 58 (226):535 - 538.
  40. Motivational Internalism and Externalism.G. F. Schueler - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 293-300.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References.
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  41.  41
    Escape learning as a function of amount of shock reduction.G. H. Bower, H. Fowler & M. A. Trapold - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 58 (6):482.
  42.  21
    Youth: Its Education, Regimen and Hygiene.G. Stanley Hall - 1907 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 4 (8):218-219.
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  43. (4 other versions)Einführung in die Metaphysik auf Grundlage der Erfahrung.G. Heymans - 1905 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 13 (3):6-6.
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    Experience Machines: The Philosophy of Virtual Worlds, edited by Mark Silcox.G. M. Trujillo - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (4):468-470.
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  45. Les dènominations du diable et des dèmons chez Grègoire le Grande.G. J. M. Bartelinik - 1998 - Humanitas 50:337-346.
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    Richard Bruce Wernham (1906-1999).G. W. Bernard - 2004 - In Bernard G. W. (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 124. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, III. pp. 375-396.
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  47. Realismo e fenomenismo nella fisica moderna.G. Blandino - 1990 - Aquinas 33 (1):149-156.
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  48. Essai sur l'évolution de la pensée économique.G. Bousquet - 1930 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 37 (1):10-10.
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    Sur quelques points relatifs à l’intervention des collections infinies en analyse mathématique.G. Bouligand - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 6:174-180.
    Devant l’intuitionisme, on conçoit un cours d’analyse amputé du nombre irrationnel. Des théorèmes qui semblent liés à l’arithmétisation du continu subsistent pourtant, dans le style finitiste, remplaçant le style totalitaire. Le trait d’union est le critère de convergence de Cauchy. Cette idée révèle des domaines de non-contradiction et favorise les efforts de coordination, par exemple pour les problèmes d’une infinité d’équations à une infinité d’inconnues.
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    Sur une affinité dans les textes de Descartes.G. Bouligand - 1963 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 153:363 - 364.
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