Results for 'George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel'

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  1. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegels Leben.Karl Rosenkranz & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1844 - Darmstadt,: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Religion: nebst einer Schrift über die Beweise vom Daseyn Gottes.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & D. Philipp Marheineke - 1832 - Duncker U. Humblot.
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus Bolland - 1905 - Leipzig,: Dürr'sche buchhandlung. Edited by Georg Lasson.
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, oder, Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Eduard Gans - 1833
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Wissenschaft der Logik.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & D. Leopold von Henning - 1834 - Dunder Und Humblot.
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  6. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Vorlesungen über die philosophie der religion.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1901 - Leiden,: A. H. Adriani. Edited by G. J. P. J. Bolland & [From Old Catalog].
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  7. Philosophie der Kunst oder Ästhetik.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Hegel, Friedrich Carl Hermann Victor von Kehler, Annemarie Gethmann-Siefert, Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov & Francesca Ianelli - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (2):368-370.
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  8. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1905 - Leipzig,: Dürr'sche buchhandlung. Edited by Georg Lasson.
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: lectures on the philosophy of spirit 1827-8.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Robert R. Williams.
    Why these lectures? -- Hegel between the ancients and the moderns -- Divisions and topics in philosophy of subjective spirit -- Anthropology : slumbering spirit -- Animal magnetism and clairvoyance -- Dementia -- Phenomenology of spirit -- Reciprocal recognition, spirit, and the concept of right -- Recognition and self-actualization -- Psychology : theoretical spirit -- Spirit for itself : from the found to the posited -- Imagination, sign, memory -- Mechanical memory and transcendental deduction -- Psychology : practical spirit (...)
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    The Static & the dynamic philosophy of history & the metaphysics of reason: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1977 - [Albuquerque, N. M.]: American Classical College Press.
  11. Vorlesungen über die Logik. Berlin, 1831.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Karl Hegel, Udo Rameil & Hans-Christian Lucas - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (3):580-581.
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  12. Schriften und Entwürfe (1799–1808). G. W. F. Hegel, Gesammelte Werke, vol. 5.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1998
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    Philosophy of Mind.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 2015 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  14.  41
    (4 other versions)Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1821 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. Edited by Klaus Grotsch.
    Gemessen an Bedeutung, Rang und Wirkung steht die Rechtsphilosophie Hegels heute neben den Politiken von Platon und Aristoteles, dem Leviathan von Hobbes und dem Contrat social von Rousseau.Hegels "Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts" zählen zu den bedeutendsten Werken der neuzeitlichen Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie. In ihnen entwirft er teils unter Rückgriff auf das frühere ›Naturrecht‹, teils im Blick auf die politische und rechtliche Lage nach der Französischen Revolution und zu Beginn der Restaurationsepoche eine Philosophie des objektiven Geistes. Seit ihrer Erstveröffentlichung im (...)
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  15.  8
    Vorlesungen über die geschichte der philosophie.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Karl Ludwig Michelet - 1833 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner. Edited by Hoffmeister, Johannes & [From Old Catalog].
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    (2 other versions)Hegel's philosophy of mind.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & William Wallace - 1894 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. Edited by William Wallace.
    The present reissue of Wallace's translation of Hegel's Philosophy of Mind includes the Zusatze or lecture-notes which, in the collected works, accompany the first section entitled Subjective Mind and which Wallace omitted from his translation. Professor J. N. Findlay has written a Foreword and this replaces Wallace's introductory essays.
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  17.  11
    Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1971
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    Lectures on the proofs of the existence of God.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Hegel Lectures Series Series Editor: Peter C. Hodgson Hegel's lectures have had as great a historical impact as the works he himself published. Important elements of his system are elaborated only in the lectures, especially those given in Berlin during the last decade of his life. The original editors conflated materials from different sources and dates, obscuring the development and logic of Hegel's thought. The Hegel Lectures series is based on a selection of extant and (...)
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  19. Phenomenology of Spirit.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1977 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Arnold V. Miller & J. N. Findlay.
    This brilliant study of the stages in the mind's necessary progress from immediate sense-consciousness to the position of a scientific philosophy includes an introductory essay and a paragraph-by-paragraph analysis of the text to help the reader understand this most difficult and most influential of Hegel's works.
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    Hegel's Philosophy of mind: being part three of the 'Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences' (1830).Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1971 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    Hegel is an immensely important yet difficult philosopher. His Philosophy of Mind is one of the main pillars of his thought. Michael Inwood, highly respected for his previous work on Hegel, presents this central work to the modern reader in an accurate new translation supported by a philosophically sophisticated editorial introduction and elucidating scholarly commentary.
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  21.  59
    Hegel's Philosophy of nature.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1970 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press. Edited by Arnold V. Miller & Karl Ludwig Michelet.
    This is a much-needed reissue of the standard English translation of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature, originally published in 1970. The Philosophy of Nature is the second part of Hegel's Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, all of which is now available in English from OUP (Part I being his Logic, Part III being his Philosophy of Mind). Hegel's aim in this work is to interpret the varied phenomena of Nature from the standpoint of a dialectical logic. Those who (...)
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  22.  11
    (1 other version)Hegel's Lectures on History of Philosophy.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1989 - Humanity Books.
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was not only a great philosopher but a great historian of philosophy. He invented the idea of the philosophical tradition as a discussion among philosophers extending over centuries centering on a few main philosophical problems. The conceptual scheme, widely accepted in histories of philosophy, emerged in Hegel's lectures at the same time as German idealism itself. This new abridgment of a well-known edition makes the main insights of Hegel's famous Lectures on (...)
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  23.  62
    Elements of the philosophy of right.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Allen W. Wood & Hugh Barr Nisbet.
    This book is a translation of a classic work of modern social and political thought. Elements of the Philosophy of Right, Hegel's last major published work, is an attempt to systematize ethical theory, natural right, the philosophy of law, political theory, and the sociology of the modern state into the framework of Hegel's philosophy of history. Hegel's work has been interpreted in radically different ways, influencing many political movements from far right to far left, and is widely (...)
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  24. Selected works of Immanuel Kant & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Immanuel Kant & Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (eds.) - 1952 - Franklin Center, Pa.: Franklin Library.
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    (1 other version)Sämtliche Werke..Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Hermann Glockner - unknown - Leipzig: F. Meiner. Edited by Georg Lasson, Hoffmeister, Johannes & [From Old Catalog].
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  26. The Philosophy of History. With Prefaces by Charles Hegel and the Translator, J. Sibree.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1900 - Colonial Press.
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    Lectures on the philosophy of world history: introduction, reason in history.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1975 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    An English translation of Hegel's introduction to his lectures on the philosophy of history, based directly on the standard German edition by Johannes Hoffmeister, first published in 1955. The previous English translation, by J. Sibree, first appeared in 1857 and was based on the defective German edition of Karl Hegel, to which Hoffmeister's edition added a large amount of new material previously unknown to English readers, derived from earlier editors. In the introduction to his lectures, Hegel lays (...)
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  28. Vorlesungen über die geschichte der philosophie.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Pierre Garniron & Walter Jaeschke - unknown - Leipzig,: F. Meiner. Edited by Hoffmeister, Johannes & [From Old Catalog].
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  29. Proceedings of the Seminar on G.W. Friedrich Hegel & Friedrich Engels, National Auditorium, 27-29 November 1970.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Friedrich Engels (eds.) - 1971 - Calcutta,: Indo-GDR Friendship Society.
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  30. Eigenhändige Randbemerkungen Zu Seiner Rechtsphilosophie Aus der Handschrift Herausgegeben von Georg Lasson.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Georg Lasson - 1930 - F. Meiner.
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    The Encyclopaedia Logic, with the ZusŠTze: Part I of the Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences with the Zusätze.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1991 - Indianapolis, IN, USA: Hackett Publishing Company.
    The appearance of this translation is a major event in English-language Hegel studies, for it is more than simply a replacement for Wallace's translation cum paraphrase. Hegel's Prefaces to each of the three editions of the Enzyklopädie are translated for the first time into English. There is a very detailed Introduction translating Hegel's German, which serves not only as a guide to the translator's usage but also to Hegel's. Also included are a detailed bilingual annotated glossary, (...)
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  32. System der Wissenschaft.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Joseph Anton Goebhart - 1807 - Bey Joseph Anton Goebhardt.
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  33.  15
    Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts oder Naturrechts und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1966 - Hamburg): Fischer-Bücherei.
    Excerpt from Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, oder Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse Unb mit jener eifernen @raft gn (R)tanbe gebraebt toorben bie bor ?i[iem unfern %rennb anbgeicbnete, ibobi aber in ber ?in@fiibrnng, 2[norbnnng nnb in ber gang tonnbérbaren ecbiteftonif, mit ber jebe @eite unb jeber $ranm bebanbeit, in bern %ieif3e, ber jebem qbintet beb (R)ebänbeb angetoanbt ift, in bein einen ebenmiifgigen unb bocb toieber berfcbiebenen (c)tbte, ber bon ber (R)bitg;e bi@ gur (R)rnnbtage ficb bewerten Iäfit, unb ber ba(R) (R)ange (...)
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  34. Encyclopédie des Sciences Philosophiques.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Bernard Bourgeois - 1979
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  35.  15
    Wissenschaft der Logik. 2 Bde. [In 3 Pt.].Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1812 - Meiner. Edited by Wolfgang Wieland.
    Die mit einem Vergleichsapparat zur ersten und zweiten Auflage der Seinslogik versehene Fassung des Textes der historisch-kritischen Ausgabe bildet die Grundlage für diese Studienausgabe. Der Band enthält die Anmerkungen der historisch-kritischen Ausgabe; altsprachlichen Zitaten sind Übersetzungen beigegeben. Erstmalig bietet diese Ausgabe einen Seitenvergleich der ersten (1812) und der zweiten Auflage (1832) im Überblick, so daß Modifikationen und Erweiterungen sich erkennen lassen. Mit Einleitung, Literaturverzeichnis und Personenregister.
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  36.  17
    Lecons Sur La Philosophie De La Religion II: 2e Partie: La Religion Determinee 1: La Religion De La Nature.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1972 - Vrin.
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. II. LA RELIGION DE L'ÉNIGME Cette religion est la dernière forme de la religion de la nature, elle est le degré qui constitue le passage de celle-ci à la religion subjective. Au degré précédent, le Bien est en soi ...
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  37. Hegel.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Friedrich Heer - 1942 - Stuttgart,: A. Kröner. Edited by Friedrich Bülow.
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  38.  47
    Lectures on the philosophy of religion.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1984 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Peter Crafts Hodgson.
    v. 1. Introduction and the concept of religion -- v. 2. Determinate religion -- v. 3. The consummate religion.
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  39.  6
    Vorlesungen über die Philosophie der Kunst.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 2003 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    Mit Hothos Vorlesungsnachschrift aus dem Sommersemester 1823 liegt ein Zeugnis zu Hegels Konzeption der Philosophie der Kunst vor, das für die philosophische Auseinandersetzung um die Bedeutung der Hegelschen Ästhetik noch heute interessant ist. Die Mitschrift gibt Aufschluß über Gegenstand und Entwicklung der Philosophie der Kunst, die Hegel seinen Berliner Studenten vortrug und bis zu seinem Tod ergänzt, erweitert und umstrukturiert hat. Die Studienausgabe zu Hegels Berliner Ästhetikvorlesungen dokumentiert die einzige bekannte Nachschrift der Hegelschen Vorlesung über Ästhetik oder Philosophie der (...)
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  40.  43
    Philosophy of Right.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1896 - Amherst, N.Y.: Oup Usa. Edited by S. W. Dyde.
    Among the most influential parts of the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel (1770-1831) were his ethics, his theory of the state, and his philosophy of history. The Philosophy of Right (Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts) (1821), the last work published in Hegel's lifetime, is a combined system of moral and political philosophy, or a sociology dominated by the idea of the state. Here Hegel repudiates his earlier assessment of the French Revolution as a "a marvelous sunrise" in the (...)
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  41.  10
    G. W. F. Hegel: Theologian of the Spirit.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Peter Crafts Hodgson (eds.) - 1997 - T & T Clark.
    Offering the only anthology of Hegel's religious thought, Vanderbilt University's Professor Peter C. Hodgson provides sympathetic and clear entree to the German philosopher's religious achievement through his major relevant texts starting with early theological writings and culminating with Hegel's1824 lectures on the philosophy of religion.
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    The Hegel reader.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1998 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    The Hegel Reader is the most comprehensive collection of Hegel's writings currently available in English.
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  43.  46
    The Logic of Hegel.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & William Wallace - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  44.  27
    Lectures on the history of philosophy, 1825-6.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Robert F. Brown.
    v. 1.1 Introduction and oriental philosophy, together with the introductions from the other series of these lectures -- v. 3. Medieval and modern philosophy.
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  45.  27
    (2 other versions)Science of Logic.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1969 - New York,: Routledge.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  46.  8
    Sämtliche Werke: Jubiläumsausgabe. Auf Grund des von Ludwig Boumann [and others] besorgten Originaldruckes im Faksimileverfahren.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Hermann Glockner - 1935 - F. Frommann.
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    La phénoménologie de l'esprit.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Jean Hyppolite - 1939 - Paris,: Aubier, Éditions Montaigne. Edited by Jean Hyppolite.
    Il y a exactement deux siècles, Hegel a proposé, dans la Phénoménologie de l'esprit, une reconquête philosophique de la sagesse, c'est-à-dire de l'identification avec soi apaisante de la vie la plus engagée dans un temps dont le bouleversement accéléré semblait l'exclure. Il y est parvenu par une remémoration pensante ordonnant et justifiant, dans la rigueur du concept (phénoméno-logie), l'assomption vraie de tous les moments et aspects essentiels du lien concret, théorique et pratique, naturel et culturel, individuel et communautaire, del'homme (...)
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  48.  9
    The philosophical propaedeutic.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1986 - New York, NY: Blackwell.
  49.  50
    Lectures on the Philosophy of Spirit 1827-8.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This edition of a recently discovered manuscript provides the first full look at Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit. The lectures of 1827 go far beyond Hegel's previously published Encyclopedia outline, and provide a new introduction to the Philosophy of Spirit. Robert Williams's translation will stimulate interest in a neglected area in Hegel scholarship, but one to which Hegel himself attached special importance and significance.
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  50.  7
    Enciclopedia delle scienze filosofiche in compendio.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Benedetto Croce (eds.) - 1932 - Ass. Trentina di Scienze Umane.
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