Results for 'Georges Saber'

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  1.  15
    El saber práctico y la vida teorética. Sobre el concepto aristotélico de acción.Georg Zenkert - 1995 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 12:151-172.
    Existe una conexión interna de teoría y praxis que se pone de manifiesto en la acción. Ésta no es el resultado de un traspaso dialéctico de un determinado saber a un actuar cualquiera, sino un movimiento que implica un saber que, en sí mismo, es práctico, por cuanto contiene de suyo el momento de la ejecución del fin que se propone. Vida teorética y vida práctica no constituyen una alternativa, sino una gradación: en ello consiste el Ethos de (...)
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    Saber y universidad.George Uscatescu - 1975 - Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Políticos.
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    Phenomenology Is A Humanism: Husserl’s Hermeneutical- Historical Struggle to Determine the Genuine Meaning of Human Existence in "The Crisis of the European Sciencies and Transcendental Phenomenology".George Hefferman - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:213.
    In The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, Husserl expands his philosophical horizon to include the question about the genuine meaning of human existence. Understanding the crisis of the European sciences as a symptom of the crisis of European philosophy and as an expression of the life-crisis of European humanity, and interpreting European science, philosophy, and humanity as representative of their global-historical counterparts, Husserl argues that the life-crisis of European humanity is reflective of the critical condition of global-historical (...)
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    Wie viel Substanz braucht Kant?Georg Sans - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3/4):707 - 730.
    Na primeira analogia da experiência, o locus classicus da sua teoria da substancialidade, Kant introduz a substância como algo que permanece através do tempo, como para compensar a alteração dos estados de consciência. O conflito de interpretações a propósito desta questão é provocado sobretudo pela questão de saber até que ponto Kant identifica este substrato permanente de todas as manifestações com a matéria no sentido físico do termo. Nesse sentido, o autor do presente artigo desenvolve um argumento em ordem (...)
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    Dissertatio philosophica de orbitis planetarum =.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 2009 - Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco. Edited by Gotzon Arrizabalaga.
    De Orbitis Planetarum, tesis presentada por Hegel en 1801 para acceder a la Universidad de Jena, es el texto menos conocido del filósofo alemán. Considerado un inmaduro ejercicio de juventud, este libro muestra no sólo el pensamiento del joven Hegel, sino que también refleja el ambiente que enmarcaba el idealismo alemán en torno a la filosofía de la naturaleza. Sin embargo Hegel mantuvo un concepto referido al funcionamiento y legitimidad de los procesos científicos que aparece esbozado en este texto. Esta (...)
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    Kerferd, G. B. O movimento sofista. São Paulo: Edições loyola, 2003. Isbn: 85-15- 02688-0.Marcílio Bezerra Cruz - 2015 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 6 (11):93-100.
    George Kerferd inicia seu livro fazendo um levantamento dos principais problemas que surgem quando tentamos compreender aquilo que foi “o movimento sofista”. Além de não possuirmos qualquer obra completa de algum desses pensadores, a tradição nos deixou um legado profundamente pejorativo que acabou por ser aceito e propagado nos manuais da história da filosofia através dos tempos modernos e contemporâneos. Isso se dá, sobretudo, pelo fato de conhecermo-los apenas por intermédio dos escritos daqueles o retratavam de maneira hostil. A (...), os diálogos de Platão e os tratados esotéricos de Aristóteles formam as principais obras que engendraram a visão negativa desse movimento. (shrink)
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    Dialética, experiência E intuição: Entre hermenêutica filosófica E filosofia budista.Luiz Rohden & Leonardo Marques Kussler - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (133):261-282.
    RESUMO Hans-Georg Gadamer retomou e elevou a atividade hermenêutica ao status de filosofia. Uma das suas idiossincrasias consiste em entrelaçar, no seu discurso, experiências de ordem ética, política, metafísica e estética. A hermenêutica filosófica pauta-se pela prática do diálogo sobre questões relativas ao pensar e à conduta humana. O presente artigo tem por meta realizar um exercício dialógico entre o projeto filosófico de Gadamer e o pensamento oriental - mais especificamente, o budismo zen da tradição da escola de Kyoto, representada (...)
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  8. O outro Bispo Berkeley: um exercício de reencantamento, de Costica Bradatan.Jaimir Conte - 2023 - Editora Argos, Editora da UFSC:
    Este livro propõe uma nova maneira de olhar para a filosofia do bispo e filósofo irlandês George Berkeley (1685-1753), mais conhecido pela negação da existência da matéria e pela defesa do idealismo e de teses empiristas. O autor, Costica Bradatan, aborda o pensamento de Berkeley do ponto de vista de suas raízes e influências em vez de como ele passou a ser interpretado posteriormente. Como o título sugere, o livro constitui um retrato alternativo de Berkeley, diferente da imagem predominante formada (...)
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    El dolor en primera persona. La experiencia de la enfermedad en Une mort très douce (S. De Beauvoir) en diálogo con Merleau-Ponty, Canguilhem y Foucault.Mónica Andrea Ogando - 2022 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 19:139-158.
    A partir de la lectura de Une mort très douce, novela autobiográfica de Simone De Beauvoir, me propondré en este trabajo reflexionar sobre la noción merleau-pontiana de cuerpo vivido, particularmente en la experiencia del dolor. Más allá de las diferencias filosóficas específicas que la autora posee con Merleau-Ponty, me centraré en los préstamos que, efectivamente, ha tomado del fenomenólogo francés. Considero que Une mort très douce es un relato ejemplar que permite iluminar y profundizar algunas cuestiones que no han sido (...)
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    Knowledge of Life.Georges Canguilhem - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    As the work of thinkers such as Michel Foucault, François Jacob, Louis Althusser, and Pierre Bourdieu demonstrates, Georges Canguilhem has exerted tremendous influence on the philosophy of science and French philosophy more generally. In Knowledge of Life, a book that spans twenty years of his essays and lectures, Canguilhem offers a series of epistemological histories that seek to establish and clarify the stakes, ambiguities, and emergence of philosophical and biological concepts that defined the rise of modern biology. How do (...)
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    Um "além" que vem do passado: o evolucionismo e o caráter regressivo e patológico das pulsões.Vinícius Armiliato & Francisco Verardi Bocca - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (2):175-194.
    Este artigo traz uma reflexão sobre a influência que a Biologia evolutiva exerceu sobre Sigmund Freud no tocante à teoria das pulsões e à noção de patologia que a acompanha. Também, notadamente quanto às suas tendências regressivas, conforme apresentado em Além do princípio do prazer, publicação pródiga de referenciais evolucionários, especialmente da compreensão filogenética da espécie humana, ou seja, da teoria da recapitulação de Ernst Haeckel, articulada aos fenômenos clínicos e culturais. Amparados em Georges Canguilhem, observamos que a mesma (...)
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    Precarious and normative, life is a critique of psychology.Vinícius Armiliato - 2024 - Alpha (Osorno) 58:289-302.
    Resumen: La psicología como saber constituido recibe una importante problematización a partir del texto ¿Qué es la psicología? del filósofo francés Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995). Su crítica se refuerza cuando consideramos el concepto de vida explorado por el autor, es decir, como algo precario y errante. Así, se revela un impasse epistémico de la psicología: la fragilidad en aprehender lo viviente como creador de normas, dada su precariedad esencial. La psicología, al ignorar la comprensión de la vida en estos (...)
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    Remembering Jerry Fodor and his work.Georges Rey - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (4):321-341.
    This is a reminiscence and short biographical sketch of the late philosopher and cognitive scientist Jerry Fodor. It includes a summary of his main proposals about the mind: his “Language of Thought” hypothesis; his rejection of analyticity and conceptual role semantics; his “mad dog nativism”; his proposal of mental modules and—by contrast—his skepticism about a computational theory of central cognition; his anti‐reductionist, but still physicalist, views about psychology; and, lastly, his attacks on selectionism. I conclude with some discussion of his (...)
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    Les derniers moments de David Hume d'après Les papiers intimes de Boswell : Compte rendu de ma derniére conversation aveg David Hume.Georges Beaulavon & DAVID HUME - 1939 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 46 (3):471 - 476.
  15.  21
    (8 other versions)Notes de lecture.Georges Daux - 1957 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 81 (1):391-395.
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    Le Val des Muses, et les Muses chez les auteurs anciens.Georges Roux - 1954 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 78 (1):22-48.
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  17. Extending the antilogism.Ru Michael Sabre - 1987 - Logique Et Analyse 30 (17):103-111.
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  18. Searle's misunderstandings of functionalism and strong AI.Georges Rey - 2002 - In John Mark Bishop & John Preston (eds.), Views Into the Chinese Room: New Essays on Searle and Artificial Intelligence. London: Oxford University Press. pp. 201--225.
  19. Descartes and the Meditations.Georges Dicker - 2005 - Philosophical Review 114 (1):122-125.
  20.  7
    Études de philosophie grecque.Georges Rodier - 1926 - Paris,: J. Vrin. Edited by René Hubert.
    C'est dans l'esprit des travaux d'Octave Hamelin que se situent ces Etudes de philosophie grecque: l'activite propre de l'historien de la philosophie s'y manifeste comme une reconstruction des pensees du dedans, a partir d'une minutieuse preparation historique. Ces essais donnent une idee assez precise de l'ampleur des travaux de Georges Rodier dans le domaine de la philosophie grecque: le volume s'ouvre en effet sur une etude approfondie de la figure emblematique qu'est Socrate, envisage ensuite de maniere chronologique certains aspects (...)
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    On Nietzsche.Georges Bataille - 1992 - New York: Paragon House.
    I live — if I choose to see things this way- — among a curious race that sees earth, its chance events and the vast interconnectedness of animals, mammals, ...
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  22. Resisting normativism in psychology.Georges Rey - 2007 - In Brian P. McLaughlin & Jonathan Cohen (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Mind. Wiley-Blackwell.
    “Intentional content,” as I understand it, is whatever serves as the object of “propositional” attitude verbs, such as “think,” “judge,” “represent,” “prefer” (whether or not these objects are “propositions”). These verbs are standardly used to pick out the intentional states invoked to explain the states and behavior of people and many animals. I shall take the “normativity of the intentional,” or “Normativism,” to be the claim that any adequate theory of intentional states involves considerations of value not essentially involved in (...)
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  23.  13
    Les métamorphoses du cercle.Georges Poulet - 2016 - Plon.
    Dans Les Métamorphoses du cercle, ouvrage incontournable de l'histoire des idées, Georges Poulet propose une analyse lumineuse et pénétrante des variations innombrables de la figure du cercle à travers les penseurs et poètes depuis la Renaissance. Le cercle apparaît alors comme une métaphore fondamentale qui de tout temps servit aux hommes à penser le inonde et la vie tout court. Sa simplicité et sa perfection en font la première de ces formes privilégiées qui se retrouvent au fond de toutes (...)
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    Chomsky, Intentionality, and a CRTT.Georges Rey - 2003 - In Louise M. Antony & Norbert Hornstein (eds.), Chomsky and His Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 105–139.
    This chapter contains section titled: Introduction Chomsky's Commitment to CRTT Prospects and Problems of CRTT Technical Notions? Does Chomsky Need Intentionality? Chomsky's Dilemma.
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    Discussion Notes on the Lecture by Dr. Gooddy.Georges Schaltenbrand - 1972 - In J. T. Fraser, F. C. Haber & G. H. Mueller (eds.), The Study of Time. Springer Verlag. pp. 547--550.
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  26. Les conséquences socialistes de la Révolution française.Georges Sorel & Elodia Baldelli - 2013 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 90 (1):1-24.
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  27. Strajk proletariacki.Georges Sorel - 1983 - Colloquia Communia 6 (1):59-82.
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    The Problem of Consciousness: Essays Towards a Resolution.Georges Rey & Colin McGinn - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (2):274.
  29.  21
    Mathematics and Peirce’s semiotic.Ru Michael Sabre - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (207):175-183.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 207 Seiten: 175-183.
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    An explanatory budget for connectionism and eliminativism.Georges Rey - 1991 - In Terence E. Horgan & John L. Tienson (eds.), Connectionism and the Philosophy of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 219--240.
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    La révolution industrielle.Georges Bourgin - 1953 - Revue de Synthèse 74 (1):25-40.
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  32. Toward a projectivist account of conscious experience.Georges Rey - 1995 - In Thomas Metzinger (ed.), Conscious Experience. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schoningh. pp. 123--42.
  33. (1 other version)A narrow representationalist account of qualitative experience.Georges Rey - 1998 - Philosophical Perspectives 12:435-58.
  34. Sensational sentences.Georges Rey - 1993 - In Martin Davies & Glyn W. Humphreys (eds.), Consciousness: Philosophical and Psychological Essays. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
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    Removal of plastic instabilities by reversal of the applied stress.Georges Saada & Tomas Kruml - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (1-3):256-271.
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    What has philosophy ever done for nursing: A discursive shift from margins to mainstream.Jane M. Georges - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12451.
    This paper is a personal dialogue of maneuvering the landscape of scholarship in the United States as a nurse faculty. The principal thesis of this paper is that a discursive shift from margins to mainstream literature has occurred within nursing discourse during the past 20 years as the result of a growing body of work by nurse philosophers. I utilize my own work in nursing philosophy as an exemplar and provide a narrative situated in a feminist‐critical paradigm. This paper: (1) (...)
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  37. Monstrosity and the Monstrous.Georges Canguilhem & Therese Jaeger - 1962 - Diogenes 10 (40):27-42.
    The existence of monsters throws doubt on life's ability to teach us order. This doubt is immediate, no matter for how long a time we have had confidence, no matter how accustomed we have been to see honeysuckle grow on honeysuckle vines, tadpoles become frogs, mares suckle colts, and in general to see like engender like. It is sufficient that this confidence be shaken once by a morphological variation, by a single equivocal appearance, for a radical fear to possess us. (...)
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  38. L'ordre des pensées : I. Les valeurs ; II Les réalités ; III. Autrui.Georges Bénézé - 1970 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 160:484-485.
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  39. La Causalité des théries mathématiques.Georges Bouligand - 1934 - Hermann & Cie.
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    Thomas Hobbes et J. J. Rousseau.Georges Davy - 1953 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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  41. Jakie elementy zachodniego etosu zarządzania mogą być \"eksporotowane\".Georges Enderle - 2001 - Prakseologia 141 (141):359-372.
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    EMTALA: Duty Extends to Even Non-Transferring Emergency Patients.Sabre B. Kaszynski - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 29 (1):102-103.
  43.  31
    Completing the square of opposition.Ru Michael Sabre - 1989 - Argumentation 3 (1):97-107.
    In this paper a set of categorical sentences called an antilogistic tetrad is presented as a perspective on Aristotle's square of opposition. An antilogistic tetrad is formed by collecting the premises of a pair of valid syllogisms the conclusions of which are contradictory categorical sentences. A set of such premises serves to bring together Aristotle's concern with debate and the syllogism, and as such may be seen as a way of “completing” Aristotle's analysis of the square of opposition.The debate context (...)
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    Holism: A Consumer Update.Georges Rey (ed.) - 1993 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  45. Innate a nd Learned: Carey, Mad Dog Nativism, and the Poverty of Stimuli and Analogies.Georges Rey - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (2):109-132.
    In her recent (2009) book, The Origins of Concepts, Susan Carey argues that what she calls ‘Quinean Bootstrapping’ and processes of analogy in children show that the expressive power of a mind can be increased in ways that refute Jerry Fodor's (1975, 2008) ‘Mad Dog’ view that all concepts are innate. I argue that it is doubtful any evidence about the manifestation of concepts in children will bear upon the logico-semantic issues of expressive power. Analogy and bootstrapping may be ways (...)
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    (1 other version)The unavailability of what we mean: A reply to Quine, Fodor and Lepore.Georges Rey - 1986 - In Abraham Zvie Bar-On (ed.), Grazer Philosophische Studien. Distributed in the U.S.A. By Humanities Press. pp. 61-101.
    Fodor and LePore's attack on conceptual role semantics relies on Quine's attack on the traditional analytic/synthetic and a priori/a posteriori distinctions, which in turn consists of four arguments: an attack on truth by convention; an appeal to revisability; a claim of confirmation holism; and a charge of explanatory vacuity. Once the different merits of these arguments are sorted out, their proper target can be seen to be not the Traditional Distinctions, but an implicit assumption about their superficial availability that we (...)
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    Hume's Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Introduction.Georges Dicker - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    David Hume's _Treatise on Human Nature_ and _Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding_ are amongst the most widely-studies texts on philosophy. _Hume's Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Introduction_ presents in a clear, concise and accessible manner the key themes of these texts. Georges Dicker clarifies Hume's views on meaning, knowledge, causality, and sense perception step by step and provides us with a sharp picture of how philosophical thinking has been influenced by Hume. Accessible to anyone coming to Hume for the first time, (...)
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    Revisiting the Fact/Value Dichotomy: A Speech Act Approach to Improve the Integration of Ethics in Health Technology Assessment.Georges-Auguste Legault, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Christian A. Bellemare, Jean-Pierre Béland, Louise Bernier, Pierre Dagenais, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Hubert Gagnon, Monelle Parent & Johane Patenaude - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (5):578-593.
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    Bachelard et la conscience de soi.Georges Poulet - 1965 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 70 (1):1 - 26.
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  50. Le repérage de la pensée mathématique.Georges Bouligand - 1956 - [Alençon, Orne,:
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