Results for 'Gómez Canseco'

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  1. Tarski on Logical Consequence.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (1):125-151.
    This paper examines from a historical perspective Tarski's 1936 essay, "On the concept of logical consequence." I focus on two main aims. The primary aim is to show how Tarski's definition of logical consequence satisfies two desiderata he himself sets forth for it: (1) it must declare logically correct certain formalizations of the -rule and (2) it must allow for variation of the individual domain in the test for logical consequence. My arguments provide a refutation of some interpreters of Tarski, (...)
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  2. Perceptual Variation, Color Language, and Reference Fixing. An Objectivist Account.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2016 - Noûs 50 (1):3-40.
    I offer a new objectivist theory of the contents of color language and color experience, intended especially as an account of what normal intersubjective variation in color perception and classification shows about those contents. First I explain an abstract account of the contents of color and other gradable adjectives; on the account, these contents are certain objective properties constituted in part by contextually intended standards of application, which are in turn values in the dimensions of variation associated with the adjectives. (...)
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    Quotation revisited.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 102 (2):123-153.
    The main aim of this paper is to point out that Davidsonian and Fregean theories of quotation do not accommodate certain facts about disquotation. A second aim is to dispel some errors of interpretation in a common Davidsonian reading of Tarski's claims about quotation. This allows a correct exegesis of Tarski's view, which is then seen not to be affected by the arguments usually adduced against the view wrongly attributed to Tarski. Finally, a Tarskian view is proposed of some problems (...)
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  4. Logical truth and tarskian logical truth.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 1998 - Synthese 117 (3):375-408.
    This paper examines the question of the extensional correctness of Tarskian definitions of logical truth and logical consequence. I identify a few different informal properties which are necessary for a sentence to be an informal logical truth and look at whether they are necessary properties of Tarskian logical truths. I examine arguments by John Etchemendy and Vann McGee to the effect that some of those properties are not necessary properties of some Tarskian logical truths, and find them unconvincing. I stress (...)
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  5. Vagueness and Margin for error principles.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64 (1):107-125.
    Timothy Williamson’s potentially most important contribution to epistemicism about vagueness lies in his arguments for the basic epistemicist claim that the alleged cut-off points of vague predicates are not knowable. His arguments for this are based on so-called ‘margin for error principles’. This paper argues that these principles fail to provide a good argument for the basic claim. Williamson has offered at least two kinds of margin for error principles applicable to vague predicates. A certain fallacy of equivocation seems to (...)
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    The evolution of pretence: From intentional availability to intentional non-existence.Juan-Carlos Gómez - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (5):586-606.
    Abstract: I address the issue of how pretence emerged in evolution by reviewing the (mostly negative) evidence about pretend behaviour in non-human primates, and proposing a model of the type of information processing abilities that humans had to evolve in order to be able to pretend. Non-human primates do not typically pretend: there are just a few examples of potential pretend actions mostly produced by apes. The best, but still rare, examples are produced by so-called 'enculturated' apes (reared by humans) (...)
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    Does respect for embryos entail respect for gametes?Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (3):199-208.
    Respect for human embryos is often defended on the basis of the potentiality argument: embryos deserve respect because they already possess potentially the features that in adults are fully actualized. Opponents of this argument challenge it by claiming that if embryos should be respected because they are potentially adults, then gametes should be respected because they are potentially embryos. This article rejects this reductio ad absurdum argument by showing that there are two different types of potentiality involved so that the (...)
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  8. Two problems for an epistemicist view of vagueness.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 1997 - Philosophical Issues 8:237-245.
    This paper presents some difficulties for Timothy Williamson's epistemicist view of vagueness and for an argument he gives in its defense. First, I claim that the argument, which uses the notion of an "omniscient speaker", is question-begging. Next, I argue that some presumably true scientific hypotheses, which postulate certain relations between everyday vague predicates and scientific predicates, make the central theses of epistemicism highly implausible. Finally, I show that the "margin for error principles" used by Williamson to explain away the (...)
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  9. Comentário a “Un materialismo que insiste: la ontología en su vivo peso”.Alberto Edmundo Fabricio Canseco - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400342.
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    El humanismo después de 1600: Pedro de Valencia.Gómez Canseco & Luis María - 1993 - [Sevilla]: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla.
  11. Escribir la lectura : consideraciones para un abordaje teórico-crítico de la obra poética.Adriana Canseco - 2014 - In María Gabriela Milone & Silvana Santucci, Violencia y método: de lecturas y críticas. CABA, Argentina: Letranómada.
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    Matrices y marcos: dos figuras del funcionamiento de las normas en la obra de Judith Butler.Alberto Canseco - 2018 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 30 (1):125-146.
    “Matrixes and Frames: Two Figures of Norm Functioning in the Work of Judith Butler”. The concepts of “intelligibility matrix” and “frame”, each corresponding to different periods in the thought of the feminist philosopher Judith Butler, seem to converge in so many aspects that one is tempted to hold that they may be used indistinctly. Nevertheless, the problem this paper deals with is the possible uniqueness the usage of the latter concept involves, thus pointing to the differences between both concepts. I (...)
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    Politizando la escena ética. La lectura butleriana de la propuesta levinasiana.Alberto Edmundo Canseco - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 44:253-263.
    Resumen Este artículo ofrece una lectura de la pintura renacentista según los principios establecidos por Leon Battista Alberti, uno de los primeros teóricos de la perspectiva en cuyo Tratado de pintura se refiere al cuadro como “una ventana abierta a la historia”. El concepto de historia empleado por Alberti, que se presta a numerosas interpretaciones, es abordado a partir de las reflexiones de Erwin Panofsky en torno a la perspectiva como “forma simbólica”, avanzando hacia una hipótesis en torno al carácter (...)
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    Resistencia moral en los centros de prisión política y tortura en Chile. Una mirada desde Immanuel Kant.Francisco Canseco - 2016 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 26 (2):217-228.
    El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo central el análisis de comportamientos y experiencias individuales y/o colectivas que permitan avalar la existencia de una moral de la resistencia contraria a los distintos mecanismos de violencia que operan al interior de los campos de tortura. Dicho análisis se llevará cabo a partir de la segunda formulación del imperativo categórico kantiano, incorporando las nociones de dignidad y humanidad manejadas por el filósofo alemán. La concordancia entre los distintos testimonios de los prisioneros políticos con (...)
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    Utopía y realidad: nociones sobre el estándar lingüístico en la esfera intelectual y educativa peruana.Heros Diez Canseco & Susana de los - 2012 - Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
    Reflexiona sobre cómo las ideologías lingüísticas en el mundo hispano surgen y se transmiten a las prácticas sociales Estudia las ideas de intelectuales en Perú y analiza los discursos en el ámbito escolar.
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    Semantics vs. Pragmatics in Impure Quotation.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2017 - In Paul Saka & Michael Johnson, The Semantics and Pragmatics of Quotation. Cham: Springer. pp. 135-167.
    I defend a semantic theory of quotation marks, according to which these are ambiguous, as they have several different acceptations involving corresponding different conventional indications. In particular, in allusion (“mixed”) uses, the corresponding conventional indication is one with an adverbial or prepositional content, roughly equivalent to “using the quoted expression or an appropriate version of it”. And in “scare” uses, the corresponding conventional indication is that the enclosed expression should be used not plainly but in some broadly speaking distanced way, (...)
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    El Kafka de Foucault y las habitaciones del sí mismo. Tejidos biosemióticos.C. Gómez Herrera - 2024 - In Mónica María Martínez Sariego & Gabriel Laguna Mariscal, Avances en investigación sobre literatura: teoría y crítica. Dykinson. pp. 151-166.
  18.  91
    A note on formality and logical consequence.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 29 (5):529-539.
    Logic is formal in the sense that all arguments of the same form as logically valid arguments are also logically valid and hence truth-preserving. However, it is not known whether all arguments that are valid in the usual model-theoretic sense are truthpreserving. Tarski claimed that it could be proved that all arguments that are valid (in the sense of validity he contemplated in his 1936 paper on logical consequence) are truthpreserving. But he did not offer the proof. The question arises (...)
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  19.  80
    Herencias y apropiaciones en la filosofía moral de Michel Foucault.Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2024 - In Elisabet Marco Arocas & Aina Faus Bertomeu, Cuerpos en tránsito: explorando intersecciones emergentes y raíces culturales. Dykinson. pp. 691-707.
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  20. On potentiality and respect for embryos: A reply to Mary Mahowald.Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (2):105-110.
    In order to understand the nature of human embryos I first distinguish between active and passive potentiality, and then argue that the former is found in human gametes and embryos (even in embryos in vitro that may fail to be implanted) because they all have an indwelling power or capacity to initiate certain changes. Implantation provides necessary conditions for the actualization of that prior, active potentiality. This does not imply that embryos are potential persons that do not deserve the same (...)
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  21.  69
    El cuerpo ¿campo de batalla o inteligencia sentiente? Diálogo entre Foucault y Zubiri.Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2024 - In Elisabet Marco Arocas & Aina Faus Bertomeu, Cuerpos en tránsito: explorando intersecciones emergentes y raíces culturales. Dykinson. pp. 656-673.
  22.  32
    Latinos and Structural Racism.Laura E. Gómez - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):83-85.
    Maya Sabatello and coauthors, in “Structural Racism in the COVID-19 Pandemic,” have called our attention to how preexisting systemic racism in the United States has produced exactly the racial disp...
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    Some aspects of the free-will question in the nikāyas.Luis O. Gomez - 1975 - Philosophy East and West 25 (1):81-90.
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    The indefinability of truth in the “Wahrheitsbegriff”.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):27-37.
    Contrary to what often seems to be the implicit belief, Tarski's 1933 version of the theorem on the indefinability of truth did not mention semantic notions, either defined or intuitive. I state this version in a somewhat modernized form and explain briefly the self-imposed mathematico-philosophical constraints that led Tarski to formulate it as he did. I also point out that close attention to its content suggests a refined view of the exact contrast between Tarski's achievement and Gödel's achievement in his (...)
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    A clash of Umwelts: Anthropomorphism in behavioral neuroscience.Alex Gomez-Marin - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Brains enjoy a bodily life. Therefore animals are subjects with a point of view. Yet, coding betrays an anthropomorphic bias: we can, therefore they must. Here I propose a reformulation of Brette's question that emphasizes organismic perception, cautioning for misinterpretations based on external ideal-observer accounts. Theoretical ethology allows computational neuroscience to understand brains from the perspective of their owners.
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    Lo patológico y lo existencial. Los peligros de la medicalización de la condición humana.Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2024 - In Luís Robledo Díaz & Arantxa Grau I. Muñoz, Cuerpos en diálogo: tejiendo ecos de diversidad e identidad. Dykinson. pp. 388-407.
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  27. Proto-mādhyamika in the pāli canon.Luis O. Gómez - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (2):137-165.
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    Strangers and Orphans: Knowledge and mutuality in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.Claudia Rozas Gómez - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (4):360-370.
    Paulo Freire consistently upheld humanization and mutuality as educational ideals. This article argues that conceptualizations of knowledge and how knowledge is sought and produced play a role in fostering humanization and mutuality in educational contexts. Drawing on Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, this article focuses on the two central characters who ‘ardently’ pursue knowledge at all costs. It will be argued that the text suggests two possible outcomes from the pursuit of knowledge. One is mutuality; the other is social disconnectedness.
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    "Satis amplam libertatem": una interpretación sobre el Tratado Político de Spinoza.Cristian Andrés Tejeda Gómez & Mario Patricio Sobarzo Morales - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):355-382.
    Dentro de la obra madura de Spinoza, la _Ética_ y el _Tratado Teológico-Político _ se han analizado ampliamente. Sin embargo, el _Tratado Político_ ha sido menormente estudiado por ser una obra inconclusa y con problemas estructurales. Nosotros afirmamos que la teoría política más acabada de Spinoza se encuentra en el TP. En esta obra se sacan todas las consecuencias de guiarse por una noción estrictamente inmanente de la política. En ese sentido, el TP sigue de manera más coherente el programa (...)
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  30. On the Essence and Identity of Numbers.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2015 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 30 (3):317-329.
    Taking as premises some reasonable principles about the essences of natural numbers, pluralities and sets, the paper offers two types of argument for the conclusions that the natural numbers could not be the Zermelo numbers, the von Neumann numbers, the “Kripke numbers”, or the positions in the ω-structure, among other things. These conclusions are thus Benacerrafian in form, but it is emphasized that the two kinds of argument offered in the paper are anti-Benacerrafian in substance, as they are perfectly compatible (...)
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    (1 other version)La ética de Sócrátes.Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 1989 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 39:173-174.
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  32. Logical Consequence and Logical Expressions.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2003 - Theoria 18 (2):131-144.
    The pretheoretical notions of logical consequence and of a logical expression are linked in vague and complex ways to modal and pragmatic intuitions. I offer an introduction to the difficulties that these intuitions create when one attempts to give precise characterizations of those notions. Special attention is given to Tarski’s theories of logical consequence and logical constancy. I note that the Tarskian theory of logical consequence has fared better in the face of the difficulties than the Tarskian theory of logical (...)
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    On quoting the empty expression.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 148 (3):439 - 443.
    Roy Sorensen has argued that a certain technical use of quotation marks to name the empty string supports a revised version of Davidson’s theory of quotation. I point out that Sorensen’s considerations provide no support for Davidson’s original theory, and I show that at best they support the revised Davidsonian theory only to the same extent that they support a simpler revised version of a Tarskian theory.
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    (1 other version)The ontogeny of triadic cooperative interactions with humans in an infant gorilla.Juan-Carlos Gómez - 2010 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 11 (3):353-379.
    This paper reports a longitudinal study on the ontogeny of triadic cooperative interactions in a hand-reared lowland gorilla from 6 months to 36 months of age. Using the behavioural categories developed by Hubley and Trevarthen to characterize the origins of “secondary intersubjectivity” in human babies between 8–12 months of age, I chart the emergence of comparable coordinations of gestures and actions with objects and acts of dyadic communication. The findings show that the categories and concepts of secondary intersubjectivity are applicable (...)
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    Crítica de la imagen moral del pensamiento a partir del principio de inmanencia y la teoría de los afectos de Spinoza.Cristian Andrés Tejeda Gómez & Rodrigo Guillermo Martínez Reinoso - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (1):37-50.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo esclarecer la relación entre juicio y deseo en el pensamiento de Gilles Deleuze y destacar la importancia de Spinoza para la resolución de este problema. La concepción negativa del deseo es la base de la cultura y el pensamiento de Occidente; sin embargo, Spinoza nos propone una concepción afirmativa e inmanente. Estos elementos son fundamentales para esclarecer el sentido teórico y práctico de la propuesta de Gilles Deleuze en su obra, donde una concepción afirmativa del (...)
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    ¿Qué es la argumentación práctica?Julder Gómez - 2017 - Co-herencia 14 (27):215-243.
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    Racionalidad.y normatividad en el conocimiento científico.Amparo Gómez - 1995 - Isegoría 12:148-159.
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    Facing biology's open questions.Alex Gomez-Marin - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (6):2100055.
    Despite the triumphant rhetoric of mechanistic materialism, current biology has no shortage of unsolved fundamental problems. In 1981, seeking a way forward, Rupert Sheldrake proposed the hypothesis of “formative causation” as a unifying organizing principle of life. Expanding the concept of morphogenetic fields, Sheldrake posited a spatio‐temporal connection termed “morphic resonance” whereby the more often a self‐organizing process takes place, the easier it will be for it to take place in the future. After initial acclaim, his project was quickly met (...)
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    (1 other version)Rigidity and necessary application.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2025 - Noûs 59 (1):269-288.
    The question whether the notion of rigidity can be extended in a fruitful way beyond singular terms has received a standard answer in the literature, according to which non‐singular terms designate kinds, properties or other abstract singular objects, and generalized rigidity is the same thing as singular term rigidity, but for terms designating such objects. I offer some new criticisms of this view and go on to defend an alternative view, on which non‐singular terms designate extensions in general, and generalized (...)
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    Faith and Rationality: The Epistemological Foundations of Religious Belief Systems.Carlos Gómez - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):377-393.
    He maintained that there are two main categories of truth: those that are a result of natural laws and those that are completely necessary since their opposite suggests contradiction. God can dispense solely with the latter rules, such as the law of human mortality. Although a doctrine of faith may conflict with second-type realities, it can never contradict first-type truths. Therefore, reason may not be able to completely understand an article of religion, even though it cannot be self-contradictory. Simply put, (...)
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    Otto Neurath: lenguaje, ciencia y valores. La incidencia de lo político.Ricardo J. Gómez - 2011 - Arbor 187 (747):81-87.
    El proyecto de Neurath incluyó centralmente la tesis de la ciencia unificada por su funcionalidad para la acción política en aras de una humanidad mejor. Esto era así, porque la ciencia unificada era el instrumento fundamental para adoptar una unidad de acción, y ésta, a su vez, requería de una comunicación fluida la cual dependía de una cierta unidad del lenguaje de la ciencia. El resultado fue el convencionalismo radical anti-fundacional de Neurath de acuerdo al cual los científicos deben tomar (...)
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    La muerte en José Luis L. Aranguren.Carlos Gómez Sánchez - 2020 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 12 (1):369-390.
    Tras delinear los intereses y líneas básicas del pensamiento de Aranguren, se consideran sus reflexiones sobre el tema de la muerte, principalmente en su Ética de 1958, pero también en artículos y obras posteriores.
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    (1 other version)Women’s proper place and student-centered pedagogy.Doris Santoro Gómez - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (5):313-333.
    Student-centered pedagogy has been embraced by many feminist practitioners and educational theorists as an antidote to more “traditional” or “masculinist” forms of classroom relations, epistemological constructs, and theories of self. I will show that the margin-center schema, student-centered pedagogy’s foundational metaphor, undermines feminist projects when applied to teacher-student relations. Although the margin-center schema has been a useful diagnostic tool in feminist theory, it operates prescriptively in student-centered pedagogy. Student-centered pedagogy designates teachers’ “proper place” at the margins of classroom life, a (...)
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    La experiencia de la aporía en la lectura heideggeriana de Hölderlin.Pablo Bernardo Sánchez Gómez - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):495-515.
    En este texto se estudia la lectura que Heidegger lleva a cabo en torno a la obra de Hölderlin tomando como eje la noción de “aporía”. Por ésta se comprende la imposibilidad de una respuesta o resolución con respecto a la cuestión del ser. Sin embargo, lejos de resultar paralizante, esta aporía leída y expresada a través de Hölderlin conduce a Heidegger a la afirmación de la experiencia de esa aporía, de su necesidad y de su dignidad cuestionante. De este (...)
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    La humanidad es bíblica. Emmanuel Lévinas.Rafael Stockebrand Gómez - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):557-566.
    La presente traducción fue realizada del original “Die Menschheit ist biblisch”, publicado en _Jüdisches Denken in Frankreich. Gespräche mit Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Jacques Derrida, Rita Thalmann, Emmanuel Lévinas, Léon Poliakov, Jean-François Lyotard, Luc Rosenzweig_ por Jüdischer Verlag. Frankfurt am Main en 1994, páginas 117-131. Agradezco a la profesora Elisabeth Weber, editora y traductora de la obra, por la autorización para publicar esta traducción. Asimismo agradezco a Sara Bertschik por sus agudos comentarios. Esta traducción fue realizada en el marco del proyecto Fondecyt (...)
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    On the mobility of dislocations in germanium and silicon.A. M. Gómez & P. B. Hirsch - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (1):169-179.
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    Sobre el mal radical. Ensayo de la heterodoxia kantiana.José Gómez Caffarena - 2004 - Isegoría 30:41-54.
    La teoría del «mal radical en la naturaleza humana», expuesta por Kant en La religión dentro de los límites de la mera razón, hace contraste con el optimismo antropológico que empapa el Criticismo. Constituyó, sin duda, una importante denuncia frente a la banalidad de muchos optimismos ilustrados. Pero su letra (acto de libertad pre-individual) tiene una obvia dificultad. El artículo propone una reinterpretación que la evitaría, aunque desdramatizando un tanto el tentador alcance enigmático de la propuesta kantiana.
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    Psicoanálisis y filosofía: la gestación del inconsciente en torno a las "ambivalencias" de Freud.Alfonso A. Gracia Gómez - 2018 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 45:261-279.
    El término “ambivalencia” cumple con varias de las funciones teóricas más relevantes tanto para el psicoanálisis como para su tesis fundacional: la del inconsciente. Este artículo se plantea la necesidad de elaborar una revisión somera que sea capaz de enlazar los condicionantes socio-históricos de la disciplina freudiana con los antecedentes teóricos más relevantes de su objeto de estudio. En este nexo surge la historia de la filosofía y sus contribuciones a la constitución de su concepto de inconsciente, comportándose como si (...)
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  49. Políticas de la subjetividad urbana. Baudelaire Y Benjamin.Juan José Gómez Gutiérrez - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 46:277-286.
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  50. Fray Luis de León y la interpretación de la Sagrada Escritura. La influencia de San Agustín.María Martín Gómez - 2011 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 18:211-222.
    On March 27, 1572 Fray Luis de Leon was imprisoned, among other reasons, because according to his informers, fray Luis, in addition to «be a friend of novelties» has argued that to understand the Sacred Scripture is not necessary the scholastic Theology. Fray Luis, who was always opposed to this view, will try to defend himself on the basis of the work De doctrina christiana of St.Augustine and putting forward that to correctly interpret Scripture is necessary the scholastic Theology, but (...)
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