Results for 'God Name.'

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  1.  13
    The Name of God in Jewish Thought: A Philosophical Analysis of Mystical Traditions From Apocalyptic to Kabbalah.Michael T. Miller - 2015 - London: Routledge.
    One of the most powerful traditions of the Jewish fascination with language is that of the Name. Indeed, the Jewish mystical tradition would seem a two millennia long meditation on the nature of name in relation to object, and how name mediates between subject and object. Even within the tide of the 20th century's linguistic turn, the aspect most notable in - the almost entirely secular - Jewish philosophers is that of the personal name, here given pivotal importance in the (...)
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    The names of God and Meditative summaries of the divine perfections.Leonardus Lessius - 1912 - New York,: The America press. Edited by Thomas J. Campbell.
    Excerpt from The Names of God and Meditative Summaries of the Divine Perfections Hence following the example of St. Denis the Areopagite whose works have for fifty years ex ercised on me a most marvellous charm, I have resolved to explain very briefly the divine perfec tions or attributes ascribed to God by the Holy Books. In this short exposition I omitted de signedly the testimony of the Scriptures and the Fathers and also all theological proofs in order that the (...)
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    Naming God: Moses Maimonides and Thomas Aquinas.Neil A. Stubbens - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):229-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NAMING GOD: MOSES MAIMONIDES AND THOMAS AQUINAS NEIL A. 8TUBBENS The Methodist Ohurch Barnsley Oircuit, South Yorkshire MOSES MAIMONIDES (1135-U04) and Thomas Aquinas (c. U~5-1274), two of the greatest theologians of the Jewish and Christian faiths, had much in oommon.1 Like other Ohristian.writers, Aquinas made several criticisms of Maimonides' views on divine predication. In this article l will discuss these criticisms and evaluate them by means of a detailed (...)
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    God of Many Names: Play, Poetry, and Power in Hellenic Thought from Homer to Aristotle.Mihai Spariosu - 1991 - Duke University Press.
    Tracing the interrelationship among play, poetic imitation, and power to the Hellenic world, Mihai I. Spariosu provides a revisionist model of cultural change in Greek antiquity. Challenging the traditional and static distinction made between archaic and later Greek culture, Spariosu's perspective is grounded in a dialectical understanding of values whose dominance depends on cultural emphasis and which shifts through time. Building upon the scholarship of an earlier volume, Dionysus Reborn, Spariosu her continues to draw on Dionysus--the "God of many names," (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Naming the Unnameable God: Levinas, Derrida, and Marion. [REVIEW]Anselm K. Min - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1/3):99 - 116.
    In this essay I present the postmodern phenomenological approach of Levinas, Derrida, and Marion to the problem of naming the unnameable God. For Levinas, God is never experienced directly but only as a third person whose infinity is testified to in the infinity of responsibility to the hungry. For Derrida, God remains the unnameable "wholly other" accessible only as the indeterminate term of pure reference in prayer. For Marion, God remains the object of "de-nomination" through praise. In all three, the (...)
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    The Name of God and the Linguistic Theory of the Kabbala: (Part 2).G. Scholem & S. Pleasance - 1972 - Diogenes 20 (80):164-194.
    The linguistic theory of the Kabbala, as it is explained in the writings of the Kabbalists of the 13th century—or at least basically implied in them—comes to rest upon a combination of the above-mentioned interpretations of the Book of Yetsira with the doctrine of the Name of God as a basis of that language. What is essentially new in this is the way in which the scope and range of a divine language—as understood by the Kabbalists—is brought into unique prominence (...)
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    Lowalangi: From the name of an ethnic religious figure to the name of God.Sonny E. Zaluchu - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):6.
    This article shows the success of local cultural adaptation strategies in communicating the gospel to people of the Nias ethnicity in North Sumatra, Indonesia. This adaptation is the name Lowalangi, the name of the god of the pre-Christian era, to become the name of God, the creator and saviour of the world incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ. As a result, the use of this name was not limited to a translation process. Still, the whole concept of divinity for (...)
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    On God’s Names and Attributes.Mohamad Nasrin Nasir - 2009 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 5:59-74.
    This article examines ḥikma as it was practiced by Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī, or Mullā Ṣadrā (d. 1640), in explaining the connection between the divine names and the attributes of God. This is done via a translation of the fourth part of his al-Maẓāhir al-ilāhiyya fī asrār al-ʿulūm al-kamāliyya [The loci of divine manifestations in the secrets of the knowledge of perfection]. Ḥikma, philosophy, as it is defined here, is the combination of rational demonstrations and spiritual unveiling. Shīrāzī’s philosophy is a (...)
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  9. 'God' the name.Earl Stanley Bragado Fronda - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (1):91.
    The word ‘God’ is typically thought to be a proper name, a name of a defined entity. From another position it appears to be a description that is fundamentally synonymous to ‘the first of all causes’, or ‘the font et origo of the structure of possibilities’, or ‘the provenience of being’, or ‘the generator of existence’. This lends credence to the view that ‘God’ is a truncated definite description. However, this article proposes that ‘God’ is a name given to whatever (...)
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    Naming God today.Herman-Emiel Mertens & Lieven Boeve (eds.) - 1994 - Leuven, Belgium: Uitgeverij Peeters.
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    The God Who Likes His Name: Holy Trinity, Feminism, and the Language of Faith.Alvin F. Kimel - 1991 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 45 (2):147-158.
    Notwithstanding the protest of contemporary theologians, substantive changes in the language by which the church names God must result in an alienation from the gospel.
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    Are Names Said of God and Creatures Univocally?Richard Cross - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (2):313-320.
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    Naming God: Or Why Names are not Attributes.Janet Soskice - 2020 - New Blackfriars 101 (1092):182-195.
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    Naming God’s presence in preaching.Gerrit Immink - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-7.
    Does preaching bring God on stage? Protestants assume an intimate relationship between the ‘Word of God’ and preaching. However, the principle that ‘preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God’ caused intense debates about the status of God language. The author highlights the classic disputes of the 19th and 20th centuries and argues that the old dilemma must be overcome. Sermons address the subjective-contextual conditions of the listeners, and this in no way precludes the attention for divine (...)
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    Playing God and the ethics of divine names: An islamic paradigm for biomedical ethics.Qaiser Shahzad - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (8):413–418.
    ABSTRACT The notion of ‘playing God’ frequently comes to fore in discussions of bioethics, especially in religious contexts. The phrase has always been analyzed and discussed from Christian and secular standpoints. Two interpretations exist in the literature. The first one takes ‘God’ seriously and playing ‘playfully’. It argues that this concept does state a principle but invokes a perspective on the world. The second takes both terms playfully. In the Islamic Intellectual tradition, the Sufi concept of ‘adopting divine character traits’ (...)
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    Naming the Gods of Others in the Septuagint: Lexical Analysis and Historical-Religious Implications.Anna Angelini - 2019 - Kernos 32.
    This paper discusses the representation of foreign gods as demons found in the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. It investigates the category of δαιμόνιον in some Septuagint texts against the background of the Hellenistic literature, and the relationship between the notion of demon and that of idol. In doing this, it shows the relevance of the Septuagint for a better understanding of religious notions emerging during the Hellenistic period. Moreover, focusing on some uses of εἴδωλον in the Pentateuch, the (...)
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    The name of God.Jerome I. Gellman - 1995 - Noûs 29 (4):536-543.
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    The Name and the Vow: Reflections on the Name of God in Light of Buddhist Teachings.James L. Fredericks - 2022 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1):315-328.
    Abstractabstract:The disclosure of the Name of God in Exodus 3 as YHWH has had a long history of effects in Christian tradition. The Name (YHWH) is based on ancient Hebraic notions of Being and figures prominently in the development of Christian ontotheology. Exodus 3 also figures prominently in current debates about ontotheology. This essay seeks to contribute to the discussion of ontotheology by interpreting Exodus 3 and the theology of the Name of God in light of Pure Land Buddhist teachings (...)
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    Can God Be Named by Us? Prolegomena to Thomistic Philosophy of Religion.Ralph McInerny - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (1):53 - 73.
    The context is the first part of the Summa theologiae, and it is question 13 of that part which takes up the topic of the names of God. Since God has been the subject of discussion throughout the preceding twelve questions, we might think that the concerns of question 13 are tardily introduced. Should not problems associated with talking about God preface the Summa? Does not my subtitle, by suggesting that we are concerned with matters on the threshold of philosophy (...)
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  20.  18
    The God who is beauty: beauty as a divine name in Thomas Aquinas and Dionysius the Areopagite.Brendan Thomas Sammon - 2013 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    When in the sixth century Dionysius the Areopagite declared beauty to be a name for God, he gave birth to something that had long been gestating in the womb of philosophical and theological thought. In doing so, Dionysius makes one of his most pivotal contributions to Christian theological discourse. It is a contribution that is enthusiastically received by the schoolmen of the Middle Ages, and it comes to permeate the thought of scholasticism in a multitude of ways. But perhaps nowhere (...)
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  21.  33
    Are Names Said of God and Creatures Univocally?Brian Davies - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (2):321-327.
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    Reality in the Name of God, or, divine insistence: an essay on creation, infinity, and the ontological implications of Kabbalah.Noah Horwitz - 2012 - Brooklyn, NY: Punctum books.
    What should philosophical theology look like after the critique of Onto-theology, after Phenomenology, and in the age of Speculative Realism? What does Kabbalah have to say to Philosophy? Since Kant and especially since Husserl, philosophy has only permitted itself to speak about how one relates to God in terms of the intentionality of consciousness and not of how God is in himself. This meant that one could only ever speak to God as an addressed and yearned-for holy Thou, but not (...)
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  23. The names of God and the being of names.Mark D. Jordan - 1983 - In Alfred J. Freddoso (ed.), The Existence and Nature of God. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 161--90.
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    Naming, and Naming God.Jerome I. Gellman - 1993 - Religious Studies 29 (2):193 - 216.
    In what follows I wish to make a contribution to the clarification of the logic of the name . I will do so in two stages. In the first stage I will be investigating the meaning of names in general, and how names refer. In the second stage I will attempt to apply the findings of the first stage to the name , in light of the way that name functions in religious discourse.
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  25. Names for the ineffable God: St. gregory of Nyssa's explanation.James Le Grys - 1998 - The Thomist 62 (3):333-354.
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    God Has Many Names.John Hick - 1982 - Westminster John Knox Press.
    Analyzes the attitudes of Christians toward other religions and examines how the major religions of the world establish a relationship with God.
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    Christ the ‘Name’ of God: Thomas Aquinas on Naming Christ by Henk J. M. Schoot.Edward Krasevac - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):503-506.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 503 sufferings of Job, which she finds instructively different from the sort of account which would come naturally to people of our own time. We are apt to wonder how a good God could possibly permit the many and frightful evils which infest the world. Aquinas, however, believed that all human beings are afflicted with "a terminal cancer of soul," for which pain and suffering are the (...)
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    On Calling the Gods by the Right Names.Catherine Rowett - 2013 - Rhizomata 1 (2):168-193.
    Do you need to know the name of the god you're praying to? If you get the name wrong what happens to the prayer? What if the god has more than one name? Who gets to decide whether the name works (you or the god or neither)? What are names anyway? Are the names of the gods any different in how they work from any other names? Is there a way of fixing the reference without using the name so as (...)
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    On Naming the Present: Reflections on God, Hermeneutics, and Church.David Tracy - 1994
    Essays reveals dimensions of Tracy's thought on Catholicism, pluralism, mission, other topics.
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    The Name of God and the Linguistic Theory of the Kabbala.Gershom Scholem & Simon Pleasance - 1972 - Diogenes 20 (79):59-80.
    “Thy word (or: essence) is true from the beginning”; thus reads the Psalmist's passage, oft quoted in kabbalistic literature (Psalm 119: 160). According to the originally conceived Judaistic meaning, truth was the word of God which was audible both acoustically and linguistically. Under the system of the synagogue, revelation is an acoustic process, not a visual one; or revelation at least ensues from an area which is metaphysically associated with the acoustic and the perceptible (in a sensual context). This is (...)
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  31. Christ is God's middle name.Edward Seccomb Fox - 1971 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday. Edited by Elizabeth H. Fox.
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    Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilites, Imaginaries.Julien Dechevez - 2023 - Kernos 36:252-254.
    Les deux volumes sont issus d’une conférence organisée en février 2021 dans le cadre de l’ERC Advanced Grant Project « Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency » (MAP). L’ouvrage qui en résulte prend la forme de 51 contributions, organisées en trois grands axes thématiques : nommer et situer les dieux ; cartographier le divin ; la relation entre divinités et cités. Au sein de chacune des sections, un classement géographique régit, e...
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    Poetry as the Naming of the Gods.Phyllis Zagano - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):340-349.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:POETRY AS THE NAMING OF THE GODS by Phyllis Zagano There have been many attempts to define poetry, and there is copious advice to would-be poets. Horace writes somewhere "Sit quod vis, simplex dumtaxat et unum" which can be comfortably rendered as "make anything at all, so long as it hangs together." The hanging together is the quality most writers point to as evidence of success: simply, it works. (...)
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    The Names of God in the Catalan Works Francesc Eiximensis.D. Viera - 1994 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 61:42-53.
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    Arabic Names in the Chanson De Roland: Saracen Gods, Frankish Swords, Roland's Horse, and the Olifant.James A. Bellamy - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):267-277.
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    God by Any Other Name?J. Andrew Fullerton - 2002 - Modern Theology 18 (2):171-181.
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  37. Our Naming of God: Problems and Prospects of God-Talk Today.Carl E. Braaten - 1989
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    Love, Sex and the Gods: Why things have divine names in Empedocles’ poem, and why they come in pairs.Catherine Rowett - 2016 - Rhizomata 4 (1):80-110.
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    Naming the silences: God, medicine, and the problems of suffering.David Short - 1992 - Journal of Medical Ethics 18 (4):221-222.
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    Deleuze and the naming of God: post-secularism and the future of immanence.Daniel Colucciello Barber - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Deleuze’s philosophy of immanence, because it vigorously rejects every appeal to the beyond, is often presumed to be indifferent to the concerns of religion. This book argues against such a presumption. It does so, first of all, by emphasising how both Deleuze’s thought and the notion of religion are motivated by a demand to create new modes of existence, or to imagine and enact a future that would substantively break with the present configuration of being. If Deleuze’s thought and the (...)
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  41.  27
    Semantics of divine names: Tabatabai’s principle of ‘focal meaning’ and Burrell’s grammar of God-talk.Javad Taheri - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (2):157-177.
    In the present paper, I investigate the ways in which the grammar of God-talk in David B. Burrell’s philosophical theology comes to meet Muhammad Husiyn-i Tabatabai’s account of divine names, which has been developed in his theory of religious language. I begin the first part of the paper by introducing Tabatabai’s innovative articulation of the concept of Mental Construct and its relevance to his account of language and meaning. I, then, clarify how he proceeds to elucidate his conception of religious (...)
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  42.  12
    The Name and Nature of the Sumerian God Uttu.W. F. Albright - 1922 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 42:197-200.
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    Naming God: Addressing the Divine in Philosophy, Theology and Scripture. By Janet Soskice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Pp. ix, 247–256. £30.00. [REVIEW]S. J. Matthew Dunch - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (3):330-331.
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    NAMES OF GODS - (T.) Galoppin, (E.) Guillon, (A.) Lätzer-Lasar, (S.) Lebreton, (M.) Luaces, (F.) Porzia, (E.R.) Urciuoli, (J.) Rüpke, (C.) Bonnet (edd.) Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries. In two volumes. Pp. x + 1069, colour figs, b/w & colour ills, b/w & colour maps. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2022. Cased, £170, €189.95, US$195.99. ISBN: 978-3-11-079649-0. Open access. [REVIEW]Stefano Acerbo - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (2):560-563.
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  45. In Search of God: The Meaning and Message of the Everlasting Names.Tryggve Mettinger - 1988
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    Returning to God through His Names: Cosmology and Dhikr in a Fourteenth-Century Sufi Treatise.Ahmed El Shamsy - 2016 - In Alireza Korangy, Wheeler M. Thackston, Roy P. Mottahedeh & William Granara (eds.), Essays in Islamic Philology, History, and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 204-228.
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    Gathered in God's Name: New Horizons in Australian Religious Life, Carmel Leavey and Rosalie O'Neill.Terence Veling - forthcoming - The Australasian Catholic Record.
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  48. The beautiful names of God: Theology and philosophy in Al-Gazali.M. Campanini - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (1).
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  49. On the naming of the gods in Holderlin and rilke.Stanley Romaine Hopper - 1956 - In Carl Michalson (ed.), Christianity and the existentialists. New York,: Scribner.
  50. Be Healed in the Name of God!James Randi - 1986 - Free Inquiry 6 (2):8-19.
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