Results for 'Graeco-Roman astrology'

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  1.  20
    The Table of Ptolemy’s Terms.Cristian Tolsa - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (2):247-264.
    The paper presents three strong arguments advocating for the exclusion of the table of Ptolemy’s own planetary terms from the original text of the Tetrabiblos. This table was vastly used by Renaissance astrologers, and much work on its rationale and its manuscript variant readings has been published recently. The author argues that the table was the product of the systematic analysis of Ptolemy’s instructions for the terms in the late antique commentary on the Tetrabiblos edited by Wolf in 1559, and (...)
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    Stars and Systems: Two Works on the Astral Sciences.Michael Zellmann-Rohrer - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (2):357-362.
    What moves the stars, and what do their movements mean for life on earth? As conventionally divided, even if the distinction of cognates was complicated already in antiquity, the answers to these questions belong respectively to astronomy and astrology. Graeco-Roman astrology generally dispensed with explanations of causes – perhaps because systems proposed by the likes of Aristotle, the topic of B. and C., were taken as given – to focus on describing and linking effects to the (...)
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    Graeco-Roman Varieties of Self.Richard Sorabji - 2008 - In Pauliina Remes & Juha Sihvola (eds.), Ancient philosophy of the self. London: Springer. pp. 13--34.
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    The Graeco-Roman Trade Fair and the Rabbis.Yehudah B. Cohn - 2011 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 131 (2):187-193.
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    Graeco-Roman Ostraca From Dakka, Nubia.Hugh G. Evelyn White - 1919 - The Classical Review 33 (3-4):49-53.
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  6. a Graeco-Roman town in Egypt.Rescuing Marina El-Alamein - 2003 - Minerva 14 (3):20-23.
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    Graeco-Roman Egypt - De Magistratibus Aegyptiis externas Lagidarum Regni Provincias administrantibus. Scripsit D. Cohen. 8vo. Pp. xii + 114. 's Gravenhage: L. Levisson, n.d. Hfl. 4.50 (M. 8, Frs. 9.50). - Quaestiones Epiphanianae metrologicae et criticae. Scripsit Oscarius Viedebantt. 8vo. Pp. x. + 140. 1 plate and tables. Lipsiae: B. G. Teubner, 1911. M. 6. - Ägyptisches Vereinswesen zur Zeit der Ptolemäer und Römer. DrVon Jur. Mariano San Nicolò. IerBand. 8vo. Pp. 225. München: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1913. - Der Fiskus der Ptolemaeer: I. Seine Spezialbeamten und sein öffentlich rechtlicher Charakter. DrVon. Jur. Alfons Steiner. 8vo. Pp. 66. Leipzig, Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1913. Unbound, M. 2.40; bound, M. 3.60. - Ptolemäisches Prozessrecht: Studien zur ptolemäischen Gerichtsverfassung und zum Gerichtsverfahren. Heft I. DrVon. Jur. Gregor Semeka. 8vo. Pp. v + 311. Munchen: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1913. [REVIEW]H. I. Bell - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (06):198-201.
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    Some folktales in graeco-Roman and far eastern sources.Alex Scobie - 1977 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 121 (1-2):1-23.
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    Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East. By Roger S. Bagnall. [REVIEW]Ian S. Moyer - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (3):523-525.
    Everyday Writing in the Graeco-Roman East. By Roger S. Bagnall. Sather Classical Lectures, vol. 69. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2011. Pp. xiv + 179, illus. $49.95.
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    Graeco-Roman syria. N.j. Andrade syrian identity in the Greco-Roman world. Pp. XXX + 412, ills, maps. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2013. Cased, £70, us$110. Isbn: 978-1-107-01205-9. [REVIEW]Gaëlle Coqueugniot - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (1):187-189.
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    Cotton in Graeco-Roman Egypt.J. G. Winter & H. C. Youtie - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (3):249.
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    The heavens and the Earth: Graeco-Roman, ancient Chinese, and mediaeval Islamic images of the world.Vittorio Cotesta - 2021 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Catherine Mc Carthy & Niall Mac Cárthaigh.
    Vittorio Cotesta's Eurasian Visions of the World traces the origin of the images of the world typical of the Graeco-Roman, Ancient Chinese and Medieval Islamic civilisations. Each of them had its own peculiar way of understanding the universe, life, death, society, power, humanity and its destiny. The comparative analysis carried out here suggests that they all shared a common human aspiration despite their differences: human being is unique; differences are details which enrich its image. Today, the traditions derived (...)
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    Interactions between animals and humans in Graeco-Roman antiquity.Thorsten Fögen (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The contributions to this volume, which take into account literary, visual, and other types of evidence, show that animals and humans in Graeco-Roman antiquity are interconnected on a variety of different levels and that their encounters and interac.
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  14.  3
    Poetry and Number in Graeco-Roman Antiquity.Max Leventhal - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Poetry and mathematics might seem to be worlds apart. Nevertheless, a number of Greek and Roman poets incorporated counting and calculation within their verses. Setting the work of authors such as Callimachus, Catullus and Archimedes in dialogue with the less well-known isopsephic epigrams of Leonides of Alexandria and the anonymous arithmetical poems preserved in the Palatine Anthology, the book reveals the various roles that number played in ancient poetry. Focussing especially on counting and arithmetic, Max Leventhal demonstrates how the (...)
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    The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, Vol. 1The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman Culture, Vol. 2.Yaron Z. Eliav, Peter Schafer & Catherine Hezser - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):132.
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  16.  31
    Graeco-Roman education and the new testament. Hauge, Pitts ancient education and early christianity. Pp. XIV + 210. London and new York: Bloomsbury t&t Clark, 2016. Cased, £65. Isbn: 978-0-567-66027-5. [REVIEW]Dawn Lavalle Norman - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):272-274.
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    Graeco-Roman Egypt Alan K. Bowman: Egypt after the Pharaohs, 332 B.C.–A.D. 642: from Alexander to the Arab Conquest. Pp. 264; 144 illustrations+4 figs. London: British Museum, 1986. £16,95. [REVIEW]Helen Whitehouse - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):257-259.
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    Graeco-Roman geography. D.w. Roller ancient geography. The discovery of the world in classical greece and Rome. Pp. X + 294, maps. London and new York: I.B. Tauris, 2015. Cased, £62, us$99. Isbn: 978-1-78453-076-1. [REVIEW]Nicholas Gresens - 2016 - The Classical Review 66 (2):466-468.
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    Asceticism in the GraecoRoman World. By Richard Finn O.P.Patrick Madigan - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (3):487-488.
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  20. The Noble Death: Graeco-Roman Martyrology and Paul's Concept of Salvation.David Seeley - 1990
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    Sex and Society in Graeco-Roman Egypt. D Montserrat.D. W. Rathbone - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (2):419-420.
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    Leibniz’ Mediterranean Ethics: The Graeco-Roman Foundations of Iustitia Caritas Sapientis.Patrick Riley - 2011 - Studia Leibnitiana 43 (1):5-23.
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    Disclosure and Discretion in Roman Astrology: Manilius and His Augustan Contemporaries by Steven J. Green.Robert Hannah - 2016 - American Journal of Philology 137 (4):737-740.
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  24. Christianity in the graeco-Roman world : Socio-political, philosophical, and religious interactions up to the edict of Milan (313 ad).George H. van Kooten - 2009 - In Dwight Jeffrey Bingham (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Early Christian Thought. Routledge.
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    Political Religions in the Graeco-Roman World.Luca Lorenzon - 2020 - Kernos 33:330-332.
    Cet ouvrage est issu d’un colloque organisé lors du mois de juillet 2014 à Ioannina en Grèce. Il est constitué de quatorze chapitres rédigés en anglais par différents contributeurs et répartis en trois sections de manière à mettre en exergue une série d’approches thématiques distinctes mais complémentaires. La première partie (ch. 1–5 : Discourses, Legitimacy, Charisma) s’intéresse aux processus de créations par les élites gouvernantes de messages politiques invoquant des éléments appartenant...
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    Resemblance and camouflage in Graeco-Roman antiquity.Massimo Leone - 2010 - Sign Systems Studies 38 (1/4):167-184.
    In the twenty-eighth book of the Naturalis Historia Pliny the Elder claims that, if a chameleon’s left leg is roasted together with a herb bearing the same name, and everything is mixed with ointment, cut in lozenges, and stored in a wooden little box, this will bestow on those who own it a perfect camouflage. The ring of Gyges (Plato, etc.), that of Midas (Pliny), the heliotropium (Pliny), the dracontitis (Philostratus): ancient cultures abound with references to objects, recipes, and techniques (...)
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    Graeco-Roman visual culture in egypt - (m.S.) Venit visualizing the afterlife in the Tombs of graeco-Roman egypt. Pp. XVIII + 268, ills, map, colour pls. New York: Cambridge university press, 2016. Cased, £64.99, us$99.99. Isbn: 978-1-107-04808-9. [REVIEW]Rogério Sousa - 2017 - The Classical Review 67 (1):276-278.
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    Disclosure and Discretion in Roman Astrology: Manilius and his Augustan Contemporaries by Steven J. Green.D. Mark Possanza - 2016 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (3):428-430.
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  29. Stoic philosophical theology and graeco-Roman religion.Keimpe Algra - 2009 - In Ricardo Salles (ed.), God and cosmos in stoicism. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Jewish Inscriptions of Graeco-Roman Egypt, with an Index of the Jewish Inscriptions of Egypt and Cyrenaica.Roger S. Bagnall, William Horbury & David Noy - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):324.
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  31. Colour Psychology in the Graeco-Roman World.Katerina Ierodiakonou (ed.) - 2020
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    The Theoretical Possibility of Extensive Infanticide in the Graeco-Roman World.William V. Harris - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (1):114-116.
    We have extremely strong reasons for supposing that the exposure of infants, very often resulting in death, was common in many different parts of the Roman Empire, and that it had considerable demographic, economic and psychological effects. The evidence for the first of these propositions has been reviewed or alluded to in several recent publications.1 However, a thorough new study, covering the whole of Greek and Roman antiquity, would be worth while. In the meantime Donald Engels has declared (...)
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    The Eye of the Beholder: Deformity and Disability in the Graeco-Roman World (review).Thomas A. J. McGinn - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (4):667-670.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Eye of the Beholder: Deformity and Disability in the Graeco-Roman WorldThomas A. J. McGinnRobert Garland. The Eye of the Beholder: Deformity and Disability in the Graeco-Roman World. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995. xviii + 222 pp. 64 pls. Cloth, $39.95.Recent years have witnessed increased attention among ancient historians in the subject of marginal types. What is new is not so much the unearthing (...)
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    The Good Life and Conceptions of Life in Early China and Graeco-Roman Antiquity.R. A. H. King (ed.) - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Chinese and Graeco-Roman ethics influence modern philosophy, yet it is unclear how to compare them. Clustered around the concepts of life and the good life, this volume offers a comparative analysis of the core concepts of both traditions: human nature, virtue, happiness, pleasure, the concept of mind, knowledge, filial piety and deliberation. It is thus an essential contribution to comparative ethics as regards both content and method.
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    Image and Text in Graeco-Roman Antiquity (review).Alexandra Pappas - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 104 (4):513-515.
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    The heavens and the earth: how the Graeco-Roman, ancient Chinese and mediaeval Islamic civilisations saw the world.Vittorio Cotesta - 2021 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Catherine Mc Carthy & Niall Mac Cárthaigh.
    Vittorio Cotesta's Eurasian Visions of the World traces the origin of the images of the world typical of the Graeco-Roman, Ancient Chinese and Medieval Islamic civilisations. Each of them had its own peculiar way of understanding the universe, life, death, society, power, humanity and its destiny. The comparative analysis carried out here suggests that they all shared a common human aspiration despite their differences: human being is unique; differences are details which enrich its image. Today, the traditions derived (...)
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  37.  11
    POETRY OF NUMBERS IN GRAECO-ROMAN LITERATURE - (M.) Leventhal Poetry and Number in Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Pp. xii + 231. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Paper, £29.99, US$39.99 (Cased, £74.99, US$99.99). ISBN: 978-1-009-12417-1 (978-1-009-12304-4 hbk). Open Access. [REVIEW]Markus Asper - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (1):21-23.
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    Tyrtaeus: A Graeco-Roman Tradition.A. W. Verrall - 1896 - The Classical Review 10 (06):269-277.
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    Technicians in Graeco-Roman Cultures (S.) Cuomo Technology and Culture in Greek and Roman Antiquity. Pp. xii + 212, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Paper, £15.99, US$29.99 (Cased, £40, US$80). ISBN: 978-0-521-00903-4 (ISBN: 978-0-521-81073-9 hbk). [REVIEW]Markus Asper - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):269-.
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    Pop Music and Graeco-Roman Erotic Verse: Teaching Thorny Topoi in Lyric Ancient and Modern.T. H. M. Gellar-Goad - 2018 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (1):649-662.
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    From the Graeco-Roman to the Early Medieval Notion of the State. [REVIEW]Konrad Fuchs - 1979 - Philosophy and History 12 (2):234-236.
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    From the Late Graeco-Roman Period to the Early Middle Ages. Topical Problems from the Historical and Archaeological Point of View. [REVIEW]Horst Zettel - 1982 - Philosophy and History 15 (1):87-87.
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    Miracle and Natural Law in Graeco-Roman and Early Christian Thought.Morton S. Enslin & Robert M. Grant - 1955 - American Journal of Philology 76 (2):207.
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    Free-Born and Manumitted Bailiffs in the Graeco-Roman World.Walter Scheidel - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):591-.
    Several times in the past the question has been raised whether in Greece or in Rome there were any free-born citizens who would have been prepared to take over the management of a farm, a business thought to have usually been entrusted to slaves. In this connection the number of sources testifying to the manumission of Roman slave bailiffs has also attracted some attention. It must be said, however, that notwithstanding previous scholarly efforts to assemble the relevant testimonia, important (...)
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    Ars in their ‘I’s: authority and authorship in Graeco-Roman visual culture1.Michael Squire - 2013 - In Anna Marmodoro & Jonathan Hill (eds.), The Author's Voice in Classical and Late Antiquity. Oxford University Press. pp. 357.
    This chapter investigates the hermeneutics of the signature in Greek and Roman visual culture. Ancient artists, it argues, exploited artistic agency as a meaning-making mechanism. The chapter focusses on the common practice of craftsmen working under the name of a more celebrated artist, taking as a particular case study the Iliac tablets. Created in the first century AD, several associate themselves with the ‘Theodorean techne’. This chapter argues that this is a form of pseudonymity: the creator wished to imbue (...)
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  46.  60
    R. Garrison: The Graeco-Roman Context of Early Christian Literature. (Journal for the Study of the New Testament, Supplement 137.) Pp. 123. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1997. £24.50/$35. ISBN: 1-85075-646-5. [REVIEW]M. J. Edwards - 1998 - The Classical Review 48 (1):208-209.
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    Palm Trees and Palm Branches in Graeco-Roman Iconography.Johannes Nussbaum - 2021 - História 70 (4):463.
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    The Anatomy of Dance Discourse: Literary and Philosophical Approaches to Dance in the Later Graeco-Roman World.Karin Schlapbach - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    The Anatomy of Dance Discourse offers a fresh, original perspective on ancient perceptions of dance. Focusing on the second century CE, it provides an overview of the dance discourse of this period, juxtaposing philosophical and literary conceptualizations of dance and exploring how they interacted with different areas of cultural expression.
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    A contribution to a study of Egyptian literature in Graeco-Roman times.A. A. E. Reymond - 1983 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 65 (2):208-229.
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    The Oxyrhynchus Papyri - E. Lobel and C. H. Roberts: The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Part xxii. (Graeco-Roman Memoirs, No. 31.) Pp. xiv+182; 11 plates. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 1954. Boards, £5 net.J. A. Davison - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (01):12-.
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