Results for 'Guiseppe D'acunto'

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  1. La tópica en Vico como método Del razonamiento “aporético”.Giuseppe D'Acunto - 2008 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 21 (22):22.
    Este trabajo analiza el método tópico-retórico, definido por Vico y escogido de la tópica jurídica como modelo de razonamiento filosófico, y estudia su carácter de técnica de ensamiento problematista, necesario en la producción de pruebas argumentativas.PALABRAS CLAVE: Vico, tópica, retórica, método aporético, problematismo, quaestio.This paper deals with the topical-rhetorical method, which Vico borrowed from juridical discourse as a model for philosophical reasoning. It studies it as a technic of problematist thought, requested for the production of argumentative proofs. KEYWORDs: Vico, topical, (...)
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  2. Vico Y la “prueba de Los orígenes”.Giuseppe D'Acunto - 2009 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 23 (24):2010.
    El ensayo argumenta la tesis según la cual en Vico el principio epistemológico del verum-factum nacería en el terreno de la reflexión sobre la lengua en su uso socialmente comunicativo y semánticamente innovativo. Una reflexión, ésta de Vico, que tiene en el Ars poetica de Horacio su punto paradigmático de referencia.Palabras clave: Vico, uso de la lengua, verum-factum, tópica, Platón, Cesarotti, Manzoni.This essay argument the thesis that, up to Vico’s philosophy, the epistemological principle of the verum/ factum would develop itself (...)
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    Alfred Baeumler: per un’estetica dell’individualità.Giuseppe D’Acunto - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (2):31-37.
    This paper, accompanying Baeumler’s 1922 essay on Croce, illustrates the German philosopher’s thesis that modern thought on beauty does lead to aesthetics only when, with Kant, it acquires a notion of taste, understood as the sensible manifestation of the concrete individuality of man.
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    Aa. Vv., Leggere Dante oggi. Interpretare, commentare, tradurre alle soglie del settecentesimo anniversario.Giuseppe D'Acunto - 2011 - Información Filosófica 8 (17):171-172.
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    Concretezza e opposizione in Guardini.Giuseppe D'Acunto - 2011 - Información Filosófica 8 (17):107-120.
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  6. Considerazione giustificativa di un'indagine storica.Giuseppe D'acunto - 2007 - Filosofia Oggi 30 (4):357-382.
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    Dalla ragione vitale alla ragione poetica: José Ortega y Gasset, Julián Marías, María Zambrano.Giuseppe D'Acunto & Aldo Meccariello (eds.) - 2021 - Trieste: Asterios editore.
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    Il nome di ogni cosa. L'ermeneutica dei “luoghi” della poesia di María Zambrano.Giuseppe D'Acunto - 2011 - Información Filosófica 8 (16):81-92.
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  9. II perdono come economia del dono.Giuseppe D'acunto - 2010 - Studium 106 (5):733-737.
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  10. Il realismo filosofico secondo Gilson.Giuseppe D'acunto - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (1-2):221-227.
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  11. Il silenzio e la parola.Giuseppe D'acunto - 2010 - Studium 106 (1):47-50.
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    La prosa del senso: la dinamica della significazione in Merleau-Ponty.Giuseppe D'Acunto - 2006 - [Rome, Italy]: IF.
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  13. La trinità Della parola in Agostino.Giuseppe D'acunto - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (3-4):619-632.
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    Resilience as an Interpretative Key to the Relationship between Man and Nature in the Middle Ages.Nicolangelo D’Acunto - 2018 - In Gert Melville (ed.), Nature and Human: An Intricate Mutuality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 107-116.
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    Solitudine e moltitudine: saggi sulla condizione contemporanea.Giuseppe D'Acunto (ed.) - 2017 - Castel San Pietro Romano (RM): Manifestolibri.
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  16. Un razionalismo dal carattere non analitico: Scaravelli interprete di Cartesio.Giuseppe D'Acunto - 2007 - Filosofia Oggi 30 (120):367-382.
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    Rappresentazioni alle soglie del vuoto: estetiche della sparizione.Agostino De Rosa & Giuseppe D'Acunto (eds.) - 2014 - Venezia: IUAV.
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  18. Presenza-assenza: meccanismi dell'istituzionalità nella 'societas christiana' (secoli IX-XIII): atti del Convegno Internazionale, Brescia, 16-18 settembre 2019.Guido Cariboni, Nicolangelo D'Acunto & Elisabetta Filippini (eds.) - 2021 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
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    Matteo D’Acunto, Il mondo del vaso Chigi. Pittura, guerra e società a Corinto alla metà del VII secolo a. C.Michael Squire - 2016 - Klio 98 (1):315-322.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 1 Seiten: 315-322.
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    The chigi vase. M. d'acunto il mondo Del vaso chigi. Pittura, Guerra E società a corinto Alla metà Del VII secolo A.C. Pp. xlii + 273, ills, colour pls. Berlin and boston: De gruyter, 2013. Cased, €99.95, us$140. Isbn: 978-3-11-031409-0. [REVIEW]Nancy Bookidis - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (1):256-258.
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  21. Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum: InstitucionalizaciÓn, isomorfismo transformaciÓn.Guiseppe Buffon - 2004 - Verdad y Vida 62 (240-41):429-486.
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  22. La democracia de los derechos: Una visión comparada de la Carta Europea de Niza y la constitución venezolana de 1999.Guiseppe Cacciatore - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (6):287-295.
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  23. La fortuna dell'endecasillabo falecio nella poesia latina: dagli esordi preneoterici alle sezioni liriche dell'"Heptateuchos".Guiseppe Flammini - 2006 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 39:121-152.
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    La metafísica de Porfirio como mediación entre la «henología» platónica y la «ontología» aristotélica.Guiseppe Girgenti - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico:151-162.
    Porfirio constitutes an essencial tie in the transition of ancient thought into the Medieval. His writings (he takes in the Enneadas of Plotino and systematically comments the works of Plato and Aristotle), offer a unitary interpretation of both systems which have enormously influenced in the medieval philosophic tradition (Saint Augustine, Boecio, Thomas Aquinas, etc.), a tradition which may be presented as the different forms of Platonism aristotelized, or aristoteleanism platonized.
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    ¿Las reglas constitutivas pueden crear una práctica?Guiseppe Lorini - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 34:139-148.
    El autor investiga el papel desarrollado por las reglas constitutivas en la construcción de la realidad social. En particular, niega que, por ejemplo, las reglas constitutivas del ajedrez sean condición suficiente de la práctica llamada juego del ajedrez. Para crear una nueva práctica, se necesita también la existencia de la gramática de esa práctica, o sea el sentido mismo de la práctica (por ejemplo: el sentido de juego). Es la gramática de una práctica (y no las reglas constitutivas) la que (...)
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  26. Dal tomismo essenziale al tomismo rosminiano. Note e discussioni di autori vari.Guiseppe Muzio - 1967 - Roma,: Libreria editrice salesiana.
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  27. Per un nuovo spiritualismo cristiano.Guiseppe Muzio - 1971 - Roma,: Libreria editrice salesiana.
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    Avvertenza.Guiseppe Nicolaci - 2005 - Giornale di Metafisica 27 (3):565-574.
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  29. L'inno "Ante secula qui manes" di Ilario di Poitiers, ovvero il contributo dell'innografia alla difesa della teologia nicena.Guiseppe Flammini - 2005 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 38:205-242.
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  30. Enseignement scientifique et formation humaine.Guiseppe Catalfamo - 1972 - Paideia 2:49.
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    Restructurations sectorielles et intervention publique en Belgique.Alain Balasse & Guiseppe Pagano - 1993 - Res Publica 35 (1):55-71.
    Since 1974 Belgian traditional sectors have been facing important financial difficulties, which compelled them to seek both increased productivity through more capital intensive techniques, and goods with higher valued added.This twofold evolution implied investments and job-reductions that could hardly have been possible without adequate public policies. As far as steel and textile are concerned those policies used mainly a common scheme based on public financial intervention and social measures. Public financial support required to cover annual losses and investments consisted of (...)
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    Ang SMisasyon ng Lipunang Pinoy.Franz Guiseppe Cortez - 2019 - Kritike 12 (3):113-139.
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    Pananahimik, Pamumuná, Pagtutol, at Pag-asa: Isang Pagdalumat sa Praktis ng Sci-Hub.Franz Guiseppe Cortez - 2022 - Kritike 16 (1):117-143.
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  34. The relation of chemistry to other fields of science: atomism, reductionism, and inversion of reduction.Christoph M. Liegener & Guiseppe Del Re - 1987 - Epistemologia 10 (2):269-284.
  35. Albrecht, Helmuth (ed): Naturwissenschaft und Technik in der Geschichte. 25 Jahre Lehrstuhl ftir Geschichte der Naturwissenschaft und Technik am Historischen Institut der Universit/it Stuttgart, Stuttgart 1993 (Verlag fur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik), 400 Index (DM 40). Boehme, Gernot: Am Ender des Baconschen Zeitalters. Studien zur Wissenschaftsentwicklung. [REVIEW]Francesco Bottin, Luciano Malusa, Guiseppe Micheli, Giovanni Santinello & Ilario Tolomio - 1994 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 25:419-420.
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  36. Truth and truthmakers.D. M. Armstrong - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Truths are determined not by what we believe, but by the way the world is. Or so realists about truth believe. Philosophers call such theories correspondence theories of truth. Truthmaking theory, which now has many adherents among contemporary philosophers, is the most recent development of a realist theory of truth, and in this book D. M. Armstrong offers the first full-length study of this theory. He examines its applications to different sorts of truth, including contingent truths, modal truths, truths about (...)
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    Free public reason: making it up as we go.Fred D'Agostino - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Free Public Reason examines the idea of public justification, stressing its importance but also questioning the coherence of the concept itself. Although public justification is employed in the work of theorists such as John Rawls, Jeremy Waldron, Thomas Nagel, and others, it has received little attention on its own as a philosophical concept. In this book Fred D'Agostino shows that the concept is composed of various values, interests, and notions of the good, and that no ranking of these is possible. (...)
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    Religion and Friendly Fire: Examining Assumptions in Contemporary Philosophy of Religion.D. Z. Phillips - 2017 - Routledge.
    In locating friendly fire in contemporary philosophy of religion, D.Z. Phillips shows that more harm can be done to religion by its philosophical defenders than by its philosophical despisers. Friendly fire is the result of an uncritical acceptance of empiricism, and Phillips argues that we need to examine critically the claims that individual consciousness is the necessary starting point from which we have to argue: for the existence of an external world and the reality of God; that God is a (...)
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  39. Collingwood on re-enactment and the identity of thought.Giuseppina D'Oro - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):87-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 38.1 (2000) 87-101 [Access article in PDF] Collingwood on Re-Enactment and The Identity of Thought Giuseppina D'oro University of Keele Collingwood's The Idea of History is often discussed in the context of the issue of the reducibility/non-reducibility of explanations in the social sciences to explanations in the natural sciences. In the 1950s and 60s, following the publication of Hempel's influential article, "The Function (...)
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    Panpsychism and the religious attitude.D. S. Clarke - 2003 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    In this bold, challenging book, D. S. Clarke outlines reasons for accepting panpsychism and defends the doctrine against its critics.
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    In Praise of Ambivalence.D. Justin Coates - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Ambivalence is a form of inner volitional conflict that we experience as being irresolvable without significant cost. Because of this, very few of us relish feelings of ambivalence. Yet for many in the Western philosophical tradition, ambivalence is not simply an unappealing experience that's hard to manage. According to Unificationists--whose view finds its historical roots in Plato and Augustine and is ably defended by contemporary philosophers such as Harry Frankfurt and Christine Korsgaard--ambivalence is a failure of well-functioning agency. The reasons (...)
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    Guidance for healthcare ethics committees.D. Micah Hester & Toby Schonfeld (eds.) - 2012 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Introduction to healthcare ethics committees / D. Micah Hester and Toby Schonfeld -- Brief introduction to ethics and ethical theory / D. Micah Hester and Toby Schonfeld -- Ethics committees and the law / Stephen Latham -- Cultural and ...
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  43. Kuhn's Risk-Spreading Argument and The Organization of Scientific Communities.Fred D'Agostino - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3):201-209.
    One of Thomas Kuhn's profoundest arguments is introduced in the 1970 “Postscript” to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions . Kuhn is discussing the idea of a “disciplinary matrix” as a more adequate articulation of the “paradigm” notion he'd introduced in the first, 1962, edition of his famous work . He notes that one “element” of disciplinary matrices is likely to be common to most or even all such matrices, unlike the other elements which serve to distinguish specific disciplines and sub-disciplines (...)
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    Erratum: Evolutionary psychology: the emperor's new paradigm (vol 9, pg 277, 2005).D. J. Buller - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (8):366-366.
    Full text of erratum: "In the article by D.J. Buller, on p. 278, the y-axis label to Fig. IIb was incorrect. Instead of 'Percentage choosing "Eats cassava root" and "Tattoo," it should have read: 'Percentage choosing "Eats cassava root" and "No tattoo."' We apologise to readers for this error.".
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    Naming worlds in modal and temporal logic.D. M. Gabbay & G. Malod - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (1):29-65.
    In this paper we suggest adding to predicate modal and temporal logic a locality predicate W which gives names to worlds (or time points). We also study an equal time predicate D(x, y)which states that two time points are at the same distance from the root. We provide the systems studied with complete axiomatizations and illustrate the expressive power gained for modal logic by simulating other logics. The completeness proofs rely on the fairly intuitive notion of a configuration in order (...)
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  46. San Guiseppe da Copertino: Martirio e Santità tra i minori conventuali nel secolo di S. Giuseppe da Copertino (1663).Gennaro Bove - 2003 - Miscellanea Francescana 103 (1-2):153-168.
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    Ceux qui acceptent des Idées de toutes choses.Pieter D’Hoine - 2010 - Philosophie Antique 10:227-254.
    Chez les commentateurs platoniciens de l’époque impériale, l’un des problèmes majeurs liés à la théorie des Idées concernait le domaine d’application de cette doctrine. L’exégèse de la première partie du Parménide de Platon donnait occasion à diverses discussions sur ce sujet. Le Commentaire de Proclus sur le Parménide est sans doute la plus précieuse source qui soit parvenue de l’Antiquité jusqu’à nous pour la reconstitution de ces débats. Alors que la grande majorité des commentateurs anciens étaient convaincus que les Idées (...)
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  48. A Solid-State Maxwell Demon.D. P. Sheehan, A. R. Putnam & J. H. Wright - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (10):1557-1595.
    A laboratory-testable, solid-state Maxwell demon is proposed that utilizes the electric field energy of an open-gap p-n junction. Numerical results from a commercial semiconductor device simulator (Silvaco International–Atlas) verify primary results from a 1-D analytic model. Present day fabrication techniques appear adequate for laboratory tests of principle.
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    Entre l’homme obligé et l’homme capable : la responsabilité de l’entrepreneur social. Éléments de réflexion phénoménologique.Emmanuel D'Hombres & Didier Chabanet - 2020 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 20 (2):105-130.
    L’entreprenariat social nous engage dans deux formes de responsabilité, l’une obligataire, qui ressortit au registre juridique et moral, l’autre mondaine ou cosmologique, qui ressortit au registre de l’action et de la création. La pratique entrepreneuriale en tant que telle honore prioritairement la responsabilité cosmologique, tandis que la dimension sociale de cette pratique réfère, quant à elle, au caractère obligataire. Dans cet article, nous proposons de revenir sur la généalogie de ces deux acceptions fondamentales de la responsabilité, qui ont trouvé dans (...)
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    Dewey, Heidegger, and the Future of Education: Beyondness and Becoming.Vasco D'Agnese - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Drawing on insights into the philosophies of Dewey and Heidegger, this book moves forward the greater philosophical discourse surrounding education. It illuminates deep affinities between the corresponding traditions of Dewey and Heidegger, broadly labeled hermeneutics and pragmatism, and in doing so reveals the potential of the Dewey-Heidegger comparison for the future of education. To accomplish this task, Vasco d’Agnese explores the Deweyan and Heideggerian understanding of existence and experience. Both thinkers believed that humans are vulnerable from the very beginning, delivered (...)
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