Results for 'Gustav Aulén'

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  1.  12
    The drama and the symbols.Gustaf Aulén - 1970 - Philadelphia,: Fortress Press.
    Gustav Aulen's starting point in this book is that God can only reveal himself in the form of symbols; in himself he remains beyond our comprehension. The symbols we use will determine our image of God. A bewildering variety of such images is to be found in modern literature, but the Christian image of God is inseparably linked with the drama of Christ.
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    Is Ransom Enough?Oliver D. Crisp - 2015 - Journal of Analytic Theology 3:1-16.
    In recent systematic theology versions of the Ransom account of the atonement have proliferated. Much of this work uses Gustav Aulén's Christus Victor as a point of departure. In this paper I first distinguish between models and theories of atonement. Then I discuss three recent theological perorations of the Ransom model as a prelude to setting out four interpretive strategies for understanding this view of atonement. I then offer some critical remarks on these strategies, concluding that the Ransom (...)
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    Dramatic Theology of K. Barth, H.U. von Balthasar and R. Schwager.O. Shepetyak - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 69:104-111.
    In the article of Oleh Shepetyak «Dramatic Theology of K. Barth, H.U. von Balthasar and R. Schwager» the analysis of one of the theological concepts of XX - the beginning of XXI century was performed which was developed by Karl Barth, Gustav Aulén, Gans Urs von Balthasar and got the name «dramatic theology». This way of theological reflection appeared as antithesis to liberal theology developed in the dialogue with the Enlightment philosophy. The contribution of main creators of dramatic (...)
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  4. Aspects of Scientific Explanation and Other Essays in the Philosophy of Science.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1965 - New York: The Free Press.
  5. Philosophy of natural science.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1966 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
  6. Fundamentals of Concept Formation in Empirical Science.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1972 - In Hempel Carl Gustav (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. University of Chicago Press.
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    Psychological Types, Or the Psychology of Individuation.Carl Gustav Jung - 2023 - Pantheon Books.
    In the 21st century, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) remains one of the key figures in the field of analytical psychology - and Psychological Types, or The Psychology of Individuation, published in 1921, is one of his most influential works. It was written during the decade after the publication of Psychology of the Unconscious (1912), which effectively ended his friendship and collaboration with Sigmund Freud. Whereas the earlier work had clearly marked Jung's psychoanalytical divergence from Freud it is the Psychology (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Studies in the logic of explanation.Carl Gustav Hempel & Paul Oppenheim - 1948 - Philosophy of Science 15 (2):135-175.
    To explain the phenomena in the world of our experience, to answer the question “why?” rather than only the question “what?”, is one of the foremost objectives of all rational inquiry; and especially, scientific research in its various branches strives to go beyond a mere description of its subject matter by providing an explanation of the phenomena it investigates. While there is rather general agreement about this chief objective of science, there exists considerable difference of opinion as to the function (...)
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  9. The World as Spectacle.Gustav E. Mueller - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54:630.
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    Beiträge zur logischen Analyse des Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriffs.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1934 - Jena,: Universitäts-Buchdruckerei G. Neuenhahn.
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    Schlick und Neurath.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1982 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 16 (1):1-18.
    Schlick schreibt der empirischen Erkenntnis ein unerschütterliches Fundament zu: es bestehe aus "Konstatierungen", d.h. Aussagen, die unmittelbar Erfahrenes ausdrücken und durch die alle empirischen Aussagen hypothetisch-deduktiv überprüfbar sein müssen. Neuraths Auffassung dagegen war diese: (1) Aussagen können logisch nicht durch Vergleich mit "Erfahrungstatsachen" beurteüt werden, sondern nur durch Prüfung ihres Zusammenpassens mit anderen, bereits akzeptierten Aussagen; (2) der Empkismus verlangt, daß die letzteren "Protokollsätze" enthalten müssen, die (etwa von experimentierenden Wissenschaftlern) dkekt akzeptiert wurden; (3) jeder akzeptierte Satz, selbst ein Protokollsatz, (...)
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  12. Apollińskie i Dionizyjskie /Nietzsche: \"Narodziny tragedii\".Carl Gustav Jung - 1985 - Colloquia Communia 20 (3-6):181-190.
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  13. The function of general laws in history.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (2):35-48.
    The classic logical positivist account of historical explanation, putting forward what is variously called the "regularity interpretation" (#Gardiner, The Nature of Historical Explanation), the "covering law model" (#Dray, Laws and Explanation in History), or the "deductive model" (Michael #Scriven, "Truisms as Grounds for Historical Explanations"). See also #Danto, Narration and Knowledge, for further criticisms of the model. Hempel formalizes historical explanation as involving (a) statements of determining (initial and boundary) conditions for the event to be explained, and (b) statements of (...)
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  14. Studies in the logic of confirmation (I.).Carl Gustav Hempel - 1945 - Mind 54 (213):1-26.
  15.  7
    Die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt: neue Grundlegung der Metaphysik.Gustav Teichmüller - 2014 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag. Edited by Heiner Schwenke.
    Das erste systematische Hauptwerk Gustav Teichmüllers, Die wirkliche und die scheinbare Welt. Neue Grundlegung der Metaphysik aus dem Jahr 1882, ist einer der bedeutenden philosophischen Entwürfe seiner Zeit und zugleich eine Gründungsschrift des philosophischen Personalismus. Teichmüller kritisiert darin die Selbstvergessenheit der philosophischen Systeme, die nur die sinnlichen und abstrakten Inhalte des Bewusstseins beachteten, diese durch Projektion externalisierten und zur Realität erklärten und darüber das Ich vergässen, das diese Inhalte denkt und zum Gegenstand seiner Gefühle und Handlungen macht. Er versucht (...)
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    Psychology and Alchemy.Carl Gustav Jung - 1956 - Routledge.
    Alchemy is central to Jung's hypothesis of the collective unconscious. In this volume he begins with an outline of the process and aims of psychotherapy, and then moves on to work out the analogies between alchemy, Christian dogma and symbolism and his own understanding of the analytic process. Introducing the basic concepts of alchemy, Jung reminds us of the dual nature of alchemy, comprising both the chemical process and a parallel mystical component. He also discusses the seemingly deliberate mystification of (...)
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    Die Erkenntnisstheorie von Tetens.Frank Thilly & Gustav Storring - 1903 - Philosophical Review 12 (2):224-225.
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    Science, Perception, and Reality.Logic and Reality.Wilfrid Sellars & Gustav Bergmann - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 25 (3):421-423.
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    A Communication From professor Mueller.Gustav E. Mueller - 1951 - Educational Theory 1 (2):139-142.
  20. Ladd, George Trumbull, 114.Sigmund Exner, Fechner Gustav Theodor, David Ferrier, Theodore Floumoy, Karl Fortlage, Max von Frey, Murray Glanzer, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Goldberg Rube & Albert Goss - 2001 - In Robert W. Rieber & David K. Robinson (eds.), Wilhelm Wundt in History: The Making of a Scientific Psychology. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
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  21. Vorrede von dem Gebrauch der Vernunfft und Welt-Weissheit in der Gottes-Gelahrtheit.Johann Gustav Reinbeck - 2014 - In Johann Gustav Reinbeck & Johann Friedrich Bertram (eds.), Drei Schriften zur Theologie und "praestabilierten Harmonie". New York: George Olms Verlag.
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  22. Religionsphilosophie.Gustav Teichmüller - 2014 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag. Edited by Heiner Schwenke.
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  23. Studies in the logic of confirmation (II.).Carl Gustav Hempel - 1945 - Mind 54 (214):97-121.
  24. The philosophy of Ernest Renan..Herman Gustav Adolph Brauer - 1903 - Madison, Wis.,:
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  25. What Plato Thinks.Gustav E. Mueller - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:334.
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    The Beautiful in Music.Eduard Hanslick, Gustav Cohen & Morris Weitz - 1958 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 19 (1):117-118.
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  27. Amerikanische Philosophie.Gustav E. Muller - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:233.
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  28. Vorlesungen über Ästhetik oder Philosophie des Schönen und der Kunst.Heinrich Gustav Hotho, Immanuel Hegel & Bernadette Collenberg-Plotnikov - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (2):373-375.
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    Amerikanische Philosophie..Gustav Emil Müller - 1936 - Stuttgart: F. Frommann.
  30. A framework for using magic to study the mind.Ronald A. Rensink & Gustav Kuhn - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 5 (1508):1-14.
    Over the centuries, magicians have developed extensive knowledge about the manipulation of the human mind—knowledge that has been largely ignored by psychology. It has recently been argued that this knowledge could help improve our understanding of human cognition and consciousness. But how might this be done? And how much could it ultimately contribute to the exploration of the human mind? We propose here a framework outlining how knowledge about magic can be used to help us understand the human mind. Various (...)
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    Selected philosophical essays.Carl Gustav Hempel - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Richard C. Jeffrey.
    Carl Gustav Hempel (1905-1997) was one of the preeminent figures in the philosophical movement of logical empiricism. He was a member of both the Berlin and Vienna circles, fled Germany in 1934 and finally settled in the US where he taught for many years in New York, Princeton, and Pittsburgh. The essays in this collection come from the early and late periods of Hempel's career and chart his intellectual odyssey from a rigorous commitment to logical positivism in the 1930s (...)
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  32. Festgabe Herrn Dr. Rudolf von Jhering Zum Doktorjubiläum Am 6. August 1892.Rudolf von Jhering, Gustav Hartmann, Heinrich Degenkolb & Friedrich von Thudichum - 1892 - H. Laupp, Jr.
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    The Isenberg memorial lecture series, 1965-1966.Carl Gustav Hempel (ed.) - 1969 - East Lansing]: Michigan State University Press.
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  34. Acht Abhandlungen Herrn Professor Dr. Karl Ludwig Michelet Zum 90. Geburtstag Als Festgruss Dargereicht von Mitgliedern der Philosophischen Gesellschaft.Adolf Lasson, Gustav Engel, Friedrich Kirchner, Wilhelm Paszkowski & Max Runze - 1892 - C.E.M. Pfeffer.
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    Historik: historische-kritische Ausgabe / von Peter Leyh und Horst Walter Blanke.Johann Gustav Droysen - 1977 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Peter Leyh.
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    Beyond epistemology.Frederick Gustav Weiss (ed.) - 1974 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    This book approaches Hegel from the standpoint of what we might call the question of knowledge. Hegel, of course, had no "theory of knowledge" in the narrow and abstract sense in which it has come to be understood since Locke and Kant. "The examination of knowledge," he holds, "can only be carried out by an act of knowledge," and "to seek to know before we know is as absurd as the wise resolution of Scholasticus, not to venture into the water (...)
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  37. Über die Energetik der Seele und andere psychologische Abhandlungen.Carl Gustav Jung - 1928 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 7:165-165.
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  38. La realtà dell'anima, trad. it. di Paolo Santarcangeli, Roma.CarI Gustav Jung - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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    Philosophy of our uncertainties.Gustav Emil Müller - 1936 - Norman,: University of Oklahoma Press.
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  40. Maximal specificity and lawlikeness in probabilistic explanation.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1968 - Philosophy of Science 35 (2):116-133.
    The article is a reappraisal of the requirement of maximal specificity (RMS) proposed by the author as a means of avoiding "ambiguity" in probabilistic explanation. The author argues that RMS is not, as he had held in one earlier publication, a rough substitute for the requirement of total evidence, but is independent of it and has quite a different rationale. A group of recent objections to RMS is answered by stressing that the statistical generalizations invoked in probabilistic explanations must be (...)
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  41. Das Unbewußte im normalen und kranken Seelenleben.Carl Gustav Jung - 1926 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (9):281-281.
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  42. Johann Ludwig Vives und seine Stellung zu Aristoteles..Theodor Gustav Adolf Kater - 1908 - Erlangen,: Universitäts-Buchdr. von E.T. Jacob.
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    Philosophies of science.Albert Gustav Ramsperger - 1942 - New York,: F.S. Crofts & Co..
  44. Grundfragen der philosophischen Ethik.Gustav Wilhelm Störring - 1967 - Meisenheim a Glan,: Hain.
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  45. On the Logical Positivists' Theory of Truth.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1934 - Analysis 2 (4):49 - 59.
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    Reisen und Briefe.Karl Gustav Carus - 1926 - Leipzig,: E. Haberland.
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    Hegel on the values of humanistic education.Gustav E. Mueller - 1955 - Educational Theory 5 (4):230-248.
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    A. Zur erklärung und kritik der schriftsteller.H. Haupt, Gustav Nick & Karl Schirmer - 1881 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 40 (3):378-383.
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    Die ästhetische erscheinungsweise der farben.Gustav Johannes von Allesch - 1925 - Berlin,: J. Springer.
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    Aion: Researches Into the Phenomenology of the Self.Carl Gustav Jung - 1956 - Routledge.
    _Aion_ is one of a number of major works that Jung wrote during his seventies that were concerned with the relations between psychology, alchemy and religion. He is particularly concerned in this volume with the rise of Christianity and with the figure of Christ. He explores how Christianity came about when it did, the importance of the figure of Christ and the identification of the figure of Christ with the archetype of the Self. A matter of special importance to Jung (...)
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