Results for 'Gwen Robinson'

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  1.  52
    Introduction to Model Theory and to the Metamathematics of Algebra.Abraham Robinson - 1963 - Elsevier Publishing Company.
  2. Definition.Richard Robinson - 1950 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    The purpose of this book is to clarify the concept of definition and improve defining activities.
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    Heraclitus.Thomas M. Robinson - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 92:64-71.
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  4. Introduction to Model Theory and the Metamathematics of Algebra.Abraham Robinson - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 29 (1):56-56.
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  5. Achievement.Gwen Bradford - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Gwen Bradford presents the first systematic account of what achievements are, and why they are worth the effort. She argues that more things count as achievements than we might have thought, and offers a new perfectionist theory of value in which difficulty, perhaps surprisingly, plays a central part in characterizing achievements.
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  6. A Machine-Oriented Logic based on the Resolution Principle.J. A. Robinson - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (3):515-516.
  7. Can amoebae divide without multiplying?Denis Robinson - 1985 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 63 (3):299 – 319.
  8. (1 other version)Definability and decision problems in arithmetic.Julia Robinson - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):98-114.
    In this paper, we are concerned with the arithmetical definability of certain notions of integers and rationals in terms of other notions. The results derived will be applied to obtain a negative solution of corresponding decision problems.In Section 1, we show that addition of positive integers can be defined arithmetically in terms of multiplication and the unary operation of successorS(whereSa=a+ 1). Also, it is shown that both addition and multiplication can be defined arithmetically in terms of successor and the relation (...)
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  9. (2 other versions)Dualism.Howard Robinson - 2002 - In Stephen P. Stich & Ted A. Warfield, Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Mind. Blackwell. pp. 85--101.
    This entry concerns dualism in the philosophy of mind. The term ‘dualism’ has a variety of uses in the history of thought. In general, the idea is that, for some particular domain, there are two fundamental kinds or categories of things or principles. In theology, for example a ‘dualist’ is someone who believes that Good and Evil — or God and the Devil — are independent and more or less equal forces in the world. Dualism contrasts with monism, which is (...)
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    Early Mādhyamika in India and China.Richard H. Robinson - 1967 - Motilal Banarsidass.
    This book gives a descriptive analysis of specific Madhyamika texts. It compares the ideology of Kumarajiva (a translator of the four Madhyamika treatises 400 A.D.) with the ideologies of the three Chinese contemporaries - HuiYuan, Seng-Jui and Seng-Chao. It envisages an intercultural transmission of religious and philosophical ideas from India to China.
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  11. Begging the Question, 1971.Richard Robinson - 1971 - Analysis 31 (4):113 - 117.
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    Enhancing Moral Agency: Clinical Ethics Residency for Nurses.Ellen M. Robinson, Susan M. Lee, Angelika Zollfrank, Martha Jurchak, Debra Frost & Pamela Grace - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (5):12-20.
    One antidote to moral distress is stronger moral agency—that is, an enhanced ability to act to bring about change. The Clinical Ethics Residency for Nurses, an educational program developed and run in two large northeastern academic medical centers with funding from the Health Resources and Services Administration, intended to strengthen nurses’ moral agency. Drawing on Improving Competencies in Clinical Ethics Consultation: An Education Guide, by the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, and on the goals of the nursing profession, CERN (...)
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  13. Evolution and epiphenomenalism.William Robinson - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (11):27-42.
    This paper addresses the question whether evolutionary principles are compatible with epiphenomenalism, and argues for an affirmative answer. A general summary of epiphenomenalism is provided, along with certain specifications relevant to the issues of this paper. The central argument against compatibility is stated and rebutted. A specially powerful version of the argument, due to William James (1890), is stated. The apparent power of this argument is explained as resulting from a problem about our understanding of pleasure and an equivocation on (...)
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    After the DNR: Surrogates Who Persist in Requesting Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.Ellen M. Robinson, Wendy Cadge, Angelika A. Zollfrank, M. Cornelia Cremens & Andrew M. Courtwright - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (1):10-19.
    Some health care organizations allow physicians to withhold cardiopulmonary resuscitation from a patient, despite patient or surrogate requests that it be provided, when they believe it will be more harmful than beneficial. Such cases usually involve patients with terminal diagnoses whose medical teams argue that aggressive treatments are medically inappropriate or likely to be harmful. Although there is state-to-state variability and a considerable judicial gray area about the conditions and mechanisms for refusals to perform CPR, medical teams typically follow a (...)
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  15. Epiphenomenalism.William Robinson - 2003 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Epiphenomenalism is the view that mental events are caused by physical events in the brain, but have no effects upon any physical events. Behavior is caused by muscles that contract upon receiving neural impulses, and neural impulses are generated by input from other neurons or from sense organs. On the epiphenomenalist view, mental events play no causal role in this process. Huxley (1874), who held the view, compared mental events to a steam whistle that contributes nothing to the work of (...)
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  16. Definition.Richard Robinson - 1951 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1 (4):333-335.
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  17. Developing Dualism and Approaching the Hard Problem.William Robinson - 2014 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 21 (1-2):156-182.
    Arguments for property dualism offer a strong challenge to materialist views, but even if they are regarded as successful, a large task remains, namely, to develop a positive account of the place of non-physical properties in the world -- one that holds some promise of eventual satisfaction regarding the hard problem. After noting some difficulties in current approaches to this task, this paper outlines one possible line of development for a dualistic view. Like all other suggestions for routes to progress (...)
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  18. Character, Caricature, and Gossip.Brian Robinson - 2016 - The Monist 99 (2):198-211.
    Gossip is rarely praised. There seems little virtuous that is about talking behind someone’s back. Whether there is anything virtuous about gossip, however, depends on the kind of gossip. Some gossip is idle, but some evaluative gossip promulgates and enforces norms. When properly motivated, such gossip effects positive change in society and counts as gossiping well. The virtue of gossiping well even includes some kinds of false gossip, namely the sort that exaggerates a pre-existing trait, thereby creating a caricature of (...)
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    A frugal view of cognitive phenomenology.William S. Robinson - 2011 - In Tim Bayne and Michelle Montague, Cognitive Phenomenology. Oxford University Press. pp. 197.
  20. Aristotelian Dualism.H. M. Robinson - 1983 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 1:123-44.
  21.  30
    Aristotle's Psychology.Daniel N. Robinson - 1882 - Columbia University Press. Edited by Edwin Wallace.
  22.  52
    Musical Meaning and Expression.Jenefer Robinson - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (3):307-309.
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    An introduction to early Greek philosophy.John Mansley Robinson - 1968 - Boston,: Houghton Mifflin.
    Provides translations and interpretations of the texts of works by the great figures of early Greek philosophy.
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    Heraclitus: Fragments.Thomas M. Robinson - 1987 - Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press.
  25.  9
    Brains and People: An Essay on Mentality and its Causal Conditions.William Spencer Robinson - 1988 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
  26. Emotion: Biological fact or social construction.Jenefer Robinson - 2004 - In Robert C. Solomon, Thinking About Feeling: Contemporary Philosophers on Emotions. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
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    After Liberalism in World Politics? Towards an International Political Theory of Care.Fiona Robinson - 2010 - Ethics and Social Welfare 4 (2):130-144.
    This paper explores the potential for an international political theory of care as an alternative to liberalism in the context of contemporary global politics. It argues that relationality and interdependence, and the responsibilities for and practices of care that arise therewith, are fundamental aspects of moral life and sites of political contestation that have been systematically denied and obfuscated under liberalism. A political theory of care brings into view the responsibilities and practices of care that sustain not just ‘bare life’ (...)
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  28. Essays in honour of Gwen Taylor ; [contributors, Ismay Barwell... et al.].Gwen Taylor, Ismay Barwell & R. G. Durrant (eds.) - 1982 - [Dunedin, N.Z.]: Philosophy Dept., University of Otago.
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    Analysis in greek geometry.Richard Robinson - 1936 - Mind 45 (180):464-473.
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  30. Care, gender and global social justice: Rethinking 'ethical globalization'.Fiona Robinson - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):5 – 25.
    This article develops an approach to ethical globalization based on a feminist, political ethic of care; this is achieved, in part, through a comparison with, and critique of, Thomas Pogge's World Poverty and Human Rights. In his book, Pogge makes the valid and important argument that the global economic order is currently organized such that developed countries have a huge advantage in terms of power and expertise, and that decisions are reached purely and exclusively through self-interest. Pogge uses an institutional (...)
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  31. Did nāgārjuna really refute all philosophical views?Richard H. Robinson - 1972 - Philosophy East and West 22 (3):325-331.
  32. Forms and error in Plato's theaetetus.Richard Robinson - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (1):3-30.
  33. Causation, sensations, and knowledge.William S. Robinson - 1982 - Mind 91 (October):524-40.
  34. I Know You Are, But What Am I?: Anti-Individualism in the Development of Intellectual Humility and Wu-Wei.Brian Robinson & Mark Alfano - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (4):435-459.
    Virtues are acquirable, so if intellectual humility is a virtue, it’s acquirable. But there is something deeply problematic—perhaps even paradoxical—about aiming to be intellectually humble. Drawing on Edward Slingerland’s analysis of the paradoxical virtue of wu-wei in Trying Not To Try (New York: Crown, 2014), we argue for an anti-individualistic conception of the trait, concluding that one’s intellectual humility depends upon the intellectual humility of others. Slingerland defines wu-wei as the “dynamic, effortless, and unselfconscious state of mind of a person (...)
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  35. Knowing epiphenomena.William S. Robinson - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (1-2):85-100.
    This paper begins with a summary of an argument for epiphenomenalism and a review of the author's previous work on the self-stultification objection to that view. The heart of the paper considers an objection to this previous work and provides a new response to it. Questions for this new response are considered and a view is developed in which knowledge of our own mentality is seen to differ from our knowledge of external things.
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    Complete Theories.Abraham Robinson - 1977 - North-Holland.
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    A Result on Consistency and Its Application to the Theory of Definition.Abraham Robinson - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (2):174-174.
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  38. Emotion, judgement, and desire.Jenefer Robinson - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy 80 (November):731-740.
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    Can Rules Ground Moral Obligations?Luke Robinson - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    What are the principles that ground our moral obligations? One obvious answer is that they are prescriptive rules that govern conduct by imposing obligations much like (certain) legal rules govern conduct by imposing legal obligations. This "rule conception of moral principles" merits our attention for at least three reasons. It's the obvious and most straightforward way to develop the analogy between morality and law, and between moral principles and legal rules. It appears to fit some prominent theories of morality and (...)
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  40. Dennett on the Knowledge Argument.Howard M. Robinson - 1993 - Analysis 53 (3):174-177.
  41.  87
    Clinical judgment and the rationality of the human sciences.Eugenie Gatens-Robinson - 1986 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 11 (2):167-178.
    Rationality in medicine is frequently construed as hypotheticodeductive. This article argues that such a model gives a distorted view of the rational character of an enterprise that makes judgments about individual human well-being. Medicine as a science is a practical human science. Seen as such, its rational orientation is one that applies general knowledge to particular situations. It is argued that such an orientation is not deductive but interpretative. The Aristotelian concept of practical wisdom (‘phron sis’) is used as a (...)
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  42.  68
    A criticism of Plato's cratylus.Richard Robinson - 1956 - Philosophical Review 65 (3):324-341.
  43.  38
    Forcing in Model Theory.Abraham Robinson, Jon Barwise & J. E. Fenstad - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (4):633-634.
  44. Global care ethics: beyond distribution, beyond justice.Fiona Robinson - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (2):131 - 143.
    This article defends an ethics of care approach to global justice, which begins with an empirically informed account of injustices resulting from the workings and effects of contemporary neo-liberalism and hegemonic masculinities. Dominant distributive approaches to global justice see the unequal distribution of resources or ?primary goods? as the basic source of injustice. Crucially, however, most of these liberal theories do not challenge the basic structural and ideational ?frames? that govern the global political economy. Instead, they seek to ?correct? unjust (...)
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  45. Aristotle's Politics, Books III and IV.Richard Robinson - 1971 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 161:227-229.
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    Does Criminal Law Deter? A Behavioural Science Investigation.Paul H. Robinson & John M. Darley - 2004 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 24 (2):173-205.
    Having a criminal justice system that imposes sanctions no doubt does deter criminal conduct. But available social science research suggests that manipulating criminal law rules within that system to achieve heightened deterrence effects generally will be ineffective. Potential offenders often do not know of the legal rules. Even if they do, they frequently are unable to bring this knowledge to bear in guiding their conduct, due to a variety of situational, social, or chemical factors. Even if they can, a rational (...)
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    Care in nursing as a contested concept? A Bergsonian perspective.Keith Robinson - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12450.
    The concept of care has occupied a central place in nursing philosophy and scholarship since the modern formation of the profession. Perhaps the defining character of the scholarship has been the recognition not only of the complexity of the concept of care, its elusiveness and ambiguity, but also the lack of consensus or agreement regarding its meaning and value. I will make two interconnected arguments: first, I will argue that disputes around care are not an accidental feature or an unfortunate (...)
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  48. Aesthetic Disgust?Jenefer Robinson - 2014 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 75:51-84.
    In paragraph 48 of the Critique of Judgment, Immanuel Kant claimed that ‘only one kind of ugliness cannot be represented in accordance with nature without destroying all aesthetic satisfaction, hence artistic beauty, namely that which arouses disgust.’ However, from Baudelaire to Damien Hirst, there have been artists who delight in arousing disgust through their works, and many of these disgusting works, such as Baudelaire's Une Charogne, have high aesthetic merit. In her splendid new book, Savoring Disgust, Carolyn Korsmeyer rejects Kant's (...)
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    A general definition of interpretation and its application to origin of life research.Andrew Robinson & Christopher Southgate - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (2):163-181.
    We draw on Short’s work on Peirce’s theory of signs to propose a new general definition of interpretation. Short argues that Peirce’s semiotics rests on his naturalised teleology. Our proposal extends Short’s work by modifying his definition of interpretation so as to make it more generally applicable to putatively interpretative processes in biological systems. We use our definition as the basis of an account of different kinds of misinterpretation and we discuss some questions raised by the definition by reference to (...)
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    Attempting neutrality: Disciplinary and national politics in a Cold War scientific controversy.Ann E. Robinson - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (1):84-102.
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