Results for 'Hamid Khalil'

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  1.  78
    The effect of the recent insider-trading scandal on stock prices of securities firms.Khalil M. Torabzadeh, Dan Davidson & Hamid Assar - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (4):299 - 303.
    This paper addresses the impact of the unethical business conduct of a few individuals that shook the financial market in 1986. Specifically, in the study undertaken for this paper, the wealth status of the shareholders of securities firms was examined in relation to the public disclosure of the insider-trading scandals involving Dennis Levine, Ivan Boesky, and their confederates. It was hypothesized that the expected market-adjusted stock returns for the securities firms would be negative as a result of the scandals. The (...)
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    Knowledge and Power in the Philosophies of Ḥamīd al-Dīn Kirmānī and Mullā Ṣadrā Shirazi by Sayeh Meisami.S. Khalil Toussi - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 68 (4):1-6.
    The book is the first dedicated volume in English on some aspects of Ḥamīd Dīn Kirmānī's and Mullā Ṣadrā's political thought.Kirmānī was a key Isma'ili figure who represented and advocated "moderate" Isma'ili thought during the imamate of the Fatimid imam/caliph in Cairo, al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allah. Mullā Ṣadrā is the most eminent Shi'Imami philosopher in the last four hundred years and the founder of the school of transcendent philosophy who has received huge attention in Muslim and in Western academia.In her extremely (...)
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  3. Energy Efficiency Prediction using Artificial Neural Network.Ahmed J. Khalil, Alaa M. Barhoom, Bassem S. Abu-Nasser, Musleh M. Musleh & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 3 (9):1-7.
    Buildings energy consumption is growing gradually and put away around 40% of total energy use. Predicting heating and cooling loads of a building in the initial phase of the design to find out optimal solutions amongst different designs is very important, as ell as in the operating phase after the building has been finished for efficient energy. In this study, an artificial neural network model was designed and developed for predicting heating and cooling loads of a building based on a (...)
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    Imam Abu Hamid Ghazali: an exponent of Islam in its totality: a lecture.Hamid Algar - 2001 - Oneonta, N.Y.: iPi.
  5.  74
    Philosophical Expertise and Philosophical Methodology.Hamid Seyedsayamdost - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (1-2):110-129.
    In recent years a new discussion on the nature of philosophical expertise has emerged: whether philosophers possess a special kind of expertise, what such expertise would entail, how to measure it, and related concerns. The aim of the present article is to clarify certain related points across these debates in the hope of paving a clearer path forward, by addressing the following. (1) The expertise defense, which seems central to many discussions on methodology and expertise, has been misconstrued at times. (...)
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  6. Wellbeing and Happiness.Elias L. Khalil - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (4):627-652.
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  7.  75
    Practical beliefs vs. scientific beliefs: two kinds of maximization.Elias L. Khalil - 2013 - Theory and Decision 74 (1):107-126.
    Abstract There are two kinds of beliefs. If the ultimate objective is wellbeing (util- ity), the generated beliefs are “practical.” If the ultimate objective is truth, the generated beliefs are “scientific.” This article defends the practical/scientific belief distinction. The proposed distinction has been ignored by standard rational choice theory—as well as by its two major critics, viz., the Tversky/Kahneman program and the Simon/ Gigerenzer program. One ramification of the proposed distinction is clear: agents who make errors with regard to scientific (...)
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  8.  51
    Nurses’ experience of providing ethical care following an earthquake: A phenomenological study.Khalil Moradi, Alireza Abdi, Sina Valiee & Soheila Ahangarzadeh Rezaei - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):911-923.
    Background Ethical care provided by nurses to earthquake victims is one of the main subjects in nursing profession. Objectives Given the information gap in this field, the present study is an attempt to explore the nurses’ experience of ethical care provided to victims of an earthquake. Research design and method A hermeneutic phenomenological study was performed. The participants were 16 nurses involved in providing care to the injured in Kermanshah earthquake, Iran. They were selected using purposeful sampling, and in-depth and (...)
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  9.  19
    A theory of instrumental and existential rational decisions: Smith, Weber, Mauss, Tönnies after Martin Buber.Elias L. Khalil & Alain Marciano - 2020 - Theory and Decision 90 (1):147-169.
    This paper proffers a dialogical theory of decision-making: decision-makers are engaged in two modes of rational decisions, instrumental and existential. Instrumental rational decisions take place when the DM views the self externally to the objects, whether goods or animate beings. Existential rational decisions take place when the DM views the self in union with such objects. While the dialogical theory differs from Max Weber’s distinction between two kinds of rationality, it follows Martin Buber’s philosophical anthropology. The paper expounds the ramifications (...)
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  10.  53
    The epistemology of belief.Hamid Vahid - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Truth and the aim of belief -- Belief, interpretation, and Moore's paradox -- Belief, sensitivity, and safety -- Basic beliefs and the problem of non-doxastic justification -- Experience as reason for beliefs -- The problem of the basing relation -- Basic beliefs, easy knowledge, and the problem of warrant transfer -- Belief, justification, and fallibility -- Knowledge of our beliefs and privileged access.
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  11. Hamid Vahid Dispositions and the problem of the basing relation.Hamid Vahid - 2022 - In Adam Carter (ed.), Well-Founded Belief New Essays on the Epistemic Basing Relation. Routledge.
    The basing relation is a relation that obtains between a belief and the evidence or reason for which it is held. It is a highly controversial question in epistemology how such a relation should be characterized. Almost all epistemologists believe that causation must play a role in articulating the notion of the basing relation. The causal account however faces the serious problem of the deviant causal chains. In this paper, I will be particularly looking at the philosophers’ appeal to the (...)
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  12.  55
    What Determines the Boundary of Civil Society? Hume, Smith and the Justification of European Exploitation of Non-Europeans.Elias L. Khalil - 2013 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 60 (134):26-49.
    Civil society consists of members obligated to respect each other’s rights and, hence, trade with each other as equals. What determines the boundary, rather than the nature, of civil society? For Adam Smith, the boundary consists of humanity itself because it is determined by identification: humans identify with other humans because of common humanness. While Smith’s theory can explain the emotions associated with justice (jubilance) and injustice (resentment), it provides a mushy ground for the boundary question: Why not extend the (...)
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  13.  31
    Other-Regarding Preferences.Elias L. Khalil & Alain Marciano - 2021 - Social Theory and Practice 47 (2):265-298.
    The category “other-regarding preferences” is a catch-all phrase based on a self/other dichotomy. While the self/other might be useful when the motive is self-interest or altruism, it fails when the motive involves bonding. This article identifies three motives that involve bonding: i) the preferences regarding friendship and community; ii) the preferences that amalgamate communal bonding with self-interest; and iii) the preferences for distinction and status. These three types of preferences unify the self and other—usually aided by ceremonies of gift exchange (...)
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  14.  24
    Are addictions “biases and errors” in the rational decision process?Elias L. Khalil - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):449-450.
    Redish et al. view addictions as errors arising from the weak access points of the system of decision-making. They do not analytically distinguish between addictions, on the one hand, and errors highlighted by behavioural decision theory, such as over-confidence, representativeness heuristics, conjunction fallacy, and so on, on the other. Redish et al.'s decision-making framework may not be comprehensive enough to capture addictions.
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  15. On Normativity and Epistemic Intuitions: Failure of Replication.Hamid Seyedsayamdost - 2015 - Episteme 12 (1):95-116.
    In one of the earlier influential papers in the field of experimental philosophy titled Normativity and Epistemic Intuitions published in 2001, Jonathan M. Weinberg, Shaun Nichols and Stephen Stich reported that respondents answered Gettier type questions differently depending on their ethnic background as well as socioeconomic status. There is currently a debate going on, on the significance of the results of Weinberg et al. (2001) and its implications for philosophical methodology in general and epistemology in specific. Despite the debates, however, (...)
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  16.  85
    The nature and significance or transcendental arguments.Hamid Vahid - 2002 - Kant Studien 93 (3):273-290.
  17.  32
    The information inelasticity of habits: Kahneman’s bounded rationality or Simon’s procedural rationality?Elias L. Khalil - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-40.
    Why would decision makers adopt heuristics, priors, or in short “habits” that prevent them from optimally using pertinent information—even when such information is freely-available? One answer, Herbert Simon’s “procedural rationality” regards the question invalid: DMs do not, and in fact cannot, process information in an optimal fashion. For Simon, habits are the primitives, where humans are ready to replace them only when they no longer sustain a pregiven “satisficing” goal. An alternative answer, Daniel Kahneman’s “mental economy” regards the question valid: (...)
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  18.  14
    Deciphering mirror neurons: Rational decision versus associative learning.Elias L. Khalil - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (2):206-207.
    The rational-decision approach is superior to the associative-learning approach of Cook et al. at explaining why mirror neurons (MNs) fire or do not fire – even when the stimulus is the same. The rational-decision approach is superior because it starts with the analysis of the intention of the organism, i.e., with the identification of the specific objective or goal that the organism is trying to maximize.
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  19.  28
    Does Each of Us Think Our Own Universal? An Averroean Challenge for (Aquinas and) Hervaeus Natalis.Hamid Taieb - 2022 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 39 (4):339-354.
    This paper aims to address a problem faced by any philosopher who treats universals as intentional objects: in defending this thesis, aren't they committed to the view that each of us thinks an individuated universal, since each of us, when thinking of a universal, must have our own intentional object? This problem, which is mentioned by Brentano at the turn of the twentieth century, originated in the Middle Ages in debates initiated by Averroes about the nature of the intellect. It (...)
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  20.  70
    Skepticism and Varieties of Transcendental Argument.Hamid Vahid - 2011 - Logos and Episteme 2 (3):395-411.
    Transcendental arguments have been described as disclosing the necessary conditions of the possibility of phenomena as diverse as experience, self-knowledge and language. Although many theorists saw them as powerful means to combat varieties of skepticism, this optimism gradually waned as many such arguments turned out, on examination, to deliver much less than was originally thought. In this paper, I distinguish between two species of transcendental arguments claiming that they do not actually constitute distinct forms of reasoning by showing how they (...)
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  21. Varieties of epistemic conservatism.Hamid Vahid - 2004 - Synthese 141 (1):97 - 122.
    According to the thesis of epistemic conservatism it would be unreasonable to change one's beliefs in the absence of any good reasons. Although it is claimed that epistemic conservatism has informed and resolved a number of positions and problems in epistemology, it is difficult to identify a single representative view of the thesis. This has resulted in advancing a series of disparate and largely unconnected arguments to establish conservatism. In this paper, I begin by casting doubt on the claim of (...)
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  22.  20
    The Last Muslim Intellectual: The Life and Legacy of Jalal Al-E Ahmad.Hamid Dabashi - 2021 - Edinburgh University Press.
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  23. Understanding the epistemic nature of teachers' reasoning behind their practices from an Aristotelian perspective.Khalil Gholami - 2017 - In Gregory J. Schraw, Jo Brownlee & Lori Olafson (eds.), Teachers' personal epistemologies: evolving models for informing practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc,..
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  24. A Study on Digital Marketing Strategies of the Edutainment Sector: A Case Study of Giggle Town.Adnan Khalil, Raza Khan & Sarah Rashid - 2024 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 63 (2):15-47.
    _With the growth of the edutainment industry, developing countries in Asia have seen a significant increase in this sector in recent years. Although Pakistan has been a latecomer to this emerging industry, it faces challenges in effective marketing strategies, limiting its appeal to potential customers. The concept of edutainment is still relatively unknown, making it crucial to raise awareness of its potential benefits. Pakistan requires more initiatives to build children's confidence, enhance communication skills, foster cognitive growth, and support overall mental (...)
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  25.  15
    Does identity fusion give rise to the group – or the reverse? Politics- versus community-based groups.Elias L. Khalil - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Ibn Taymiyyah on Reason and Revelation in Ethics.Mohammad Hassan Khalil - 2006 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 2 (1):103-132.
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  27.  76
    Sufism in Western Historiography: A Brief Overview.Atif Khalil & Shiraz Sheikh - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (1):194-217.
    When the Taliban destroyed the famous statues of the Buddha in the Bamiyan Valley in Afghanistan more than a decade ago, the outrage of the global community, including that of prominent Muslim religious leaders, was matched perhaps only by the pious euphoria of Afghanistan’s hardliners. They had finally succeeded in removing visible signs of idolatry from their landscape, and fulfilled, at least in their own eyes, a long overdue religious mission. In the words of the Taliban leader Mullah Omar, “Muslims (...)
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  28.  51
    Tawba in the Sufi Psychology of Abu Talib Al-MakkI.Atif Khalil - 2012 - Journal of Islamic Studies 23 (3):294-324.
    The article examines the nature of tawba, usually translated as ‘repentance’, in the thought of Abū Țālib al-Makkī . Makkī’s most comprehensive discussion of this topic appears in the thirty-second chapter of his Qūt al-qulūb , one of the most widely reads works of the early Sufi tradition. It is the longest single sustained treatment of tawba, written from the perspective of Sufi spiritual psychology, currently available to us from the first four centuries of Islam. By drawing on Revelation as (...)
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    Automatic Detection of Performance Bottlenecks Using a Case-Based Reasoning Approach.Khalil Shihab & Haider A. Ramadhan - 2001 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 11 (6):385-408.
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    Arabic Linguistics.Khalil I. Semaan & M. G. Carter - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (4):812.
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    Islamic Jurisprudence: Shāfi'ī's RisālaIslamic Jurisprudence: Shafi'i's Risala.Khalil I. Semaan & Majid Khadduri - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (3):423.
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  32. Brentano on the Characteristics of Sensation.Hamid Taieb - 2021 - In Thomas Binder & Mauro Antonelli (eds.), The Philosophy of Franz Brentano. Brill. pp. 192-208.
    In this paper, I present Brentano’s account of sensation. In the first part, I focus on Brentano’s positive views on sensation, according to which it is an intuitive fundamental presentation of a real physical phenomenon. In the second part, I discuss the way Brentano distinguishes sensation from other mental acts, namely, outer perception, inner perception, acts of interest, proteraesthesis, memory, conceptual presentations, and imagination.
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    The internalism/externalism controversy: The epistemization of an older debate.Hamid Vahid - 1998 - Dialectica 52 (3):229–246.
    Despite the increasing sophistication of the arguments used by the proponents of the internalist and externalist accounts of justification, the dispute shows no sign of abating. This paper aims at providing an explanation for the current stalemate by showing how the controversy relates to an older debate between the idealists and realists. The two disputes, it will be argued, are fuelled by the same concerns and motivations to an extent that the internalism/externalism controversy may be regarded as the epistemization of (...)
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  34. Wege zur Kommunikation, Theorie und Praxis interkultureller Toleranz.Hamid Reza Yousefi, Klaus Fischer & Ina Braun - 2006 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 59 (3):249.
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    Is “willpower” a scientific concept? Suppressing temptation contra resolution in the face of adversity.Elias L. Khalil - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    The distinction that Ainslie draws among the triple-phenomena “suppression,” “resolve,” and “habit” is a great advance in decision making theory. But the conceptual machinery “willpower,” and its underpinning distinction between small/soon rewards as opposed to large/later rewards, provides a faulty framework to understand the triple-phenomena.
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  36. Alston on belief and acceptance in religious faith.Hamid Vahid - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):23-30.
    In this paper, I shall examine William Alston's influential view that the cognitive element in religious faith should be identified with ‘acceptance’ rather than ‘belief’. Although I am sympathetic to Alston's reluctance to regard belief as essential to faith, I shall argue that one can redescribe the cases that Alston invokes in support of his claim in terms of the standard notion of degrees‐of‐belief without loss. It will be further argued that, given Alston's constraints, his notion of acceptance, if not (...)
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  37. Skepticism, A Priori Skepticism, and the Possibility of Error.Hamid Vahid - 2013 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 3 (4):235-252.
  38. Brentano on Properties and Relations.Hamid Taieb - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 156-162.
  39. On gender and philosophical intuition: Failure of replication and other negative results.Hamid Seyedsayamdost - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (5):642-673.
    In their paper titled “Gender and philosophical intuition,” Buckwalter and Stich argue that the intuitions of women and men differ significantly on various types of philosophical questions. Furthermore, men's intuitions, so the authors claim, are more in line with traditionally accepted solutions of classical problems. This inherent bias, so the argument goes, is one of the factors that leads more men than women to pursue degrees and careers in philosophy. These findings have received a considerable amount of attention and the (...)
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  40.  76
    Making Sense of Self-Deception: Distinguishing Self-Deception from Delusion, Moral Licensing, Cognitive Dissonance and Other Self-Distortions.Elias L. Khalil - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (4):539-563.
    There has been no systematic study in the literature of how self-deception differs from other kinds of self-distortion. For example, the term ‘cognitive dissonance’ has been used in some cases as a rag-bag term for all kinds of self-distortion. To address this, a narrow definition is given: self-deception involves injecting a given set of facts with an erroneous fact to make anex antesuboptimal decision seem as if it wereex anteoptimal. Given this narrow definition, this paper delineates self-deception from deception as (...)
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  41.  56
    The Philosophy of Cosmology.Khalil Chamcham, John Barrow, Simon Saunders & Joe Silk (eds.) - 2017 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Following a long-term international collaboration between leaders in cosmology and the philosophy of science, this volume addresses foundational questions at the limit of science across these disciplines, questions raised by observational and theoretical progress in modern cosmology. Space missions have mapped the Universe up to its early instants, opening up questions on what came before the Big Bang, the nature of space and time, and the quantum origin of the Universe. As the foundational volume of an emerging academic discipline, experts (...)
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  42.  24
    (1 other version)Mystical Dimensions of Islam.Hamid Algar & Annemarie Schimmel - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):485.
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    (1 other version)Faith: intention to form theistic beliefs.Hamid Vahid - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 93 (1):39-50.
    Despite the important role of faith in a religious way of life, there is no consensus on how this notion is to be understood. It is nevertheless widely believed that faith is a multifaceted concept possessing affective, evaluative, practical, and cognitive aspects. My goal in this paper is to provide an account of the nature of propositional faith (in religious contexts) that is flexible enough to encompass different strengths or grades of faith. To do so, I focus on Howard-Snyder’s account (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Realism and the epistemological significance of inference to the best explanation.Hamid Vahid - 2001 - Dialogue (Canadian Philosophical Association) 40 (3):487-507.
    RÉSUMÉMalgré son usage très répandu, l'inférence à la meilleure explication a souvent été considérée avec suspicion par des théoriciens d'allégeances diverses. On lui a reproché à maintes reprises defaire reposer son recours à la simplicité et ses autres vertus explicatives sur des présuppositions métaphysiques douteuses. J'aborde ces questions, dans le présent article, dans le contexte d'une discussion large de l'usage de l'IME pour fonder notre croyance au monde extérieur. Distinguant entre la légitimité et l'efficacité de l'IME, je soutiendrai qu'elle constitue (...)
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  45. Experience and the Space of Reasons: The Problem of Non-Doxastic Justification.Hamid Vahid - 2008 - Erkenntnis 69 (3):295-313.
    It is not difficult to make sense of the idea that beliefs may derive their justification from other beliefs. Difficulties surface when, as in certain epistemological theories, one appeals to sensory experiences to give an account of the structure of justification. This gives rise to the so-called problem of ‘nondoxastic justification’, namely, the problem of seeing how sensory experiences can confer justification on the beliefs they give rise to. In this paper, I begin by criticizing a number of theories that (...)
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    Symbolic Products: Prestige, Pride and Identity Goods.Elias L. Khalil - 2000 - Theory and Decision 49 (1):53-77.
    The paper distinguishes between two kinds of products, `symbolic' and `substantive'. While substantive products confer welfare utility in the sense of pecuniary benefits, symbolic products accord self-regarding utility. Symbolic products enter the utility function in a way which differs from substantive ones. The paper distinguishes among three kinds of symbolic products and proposes that each has a distorted form. If symbolic products result from forward-looking evaluation, they act as `prestige goods' which please admiration or, when distorted, as `vanity goods' which (...)
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  47.  48
    Persecution and the Art of Freedom: Alexis de Tocqueville on the Importance of Free Press and Free Speech in Democratic Society.Khalil M. Habib - 2020 - Social Philosophy and Policy 37 (2):190-208.
    According to Tocqueville, the freedom of the press, which he treats as an extension of the freedom of speech, is a primary constituent element of liberty. Tocqueville treats the freedom of the press in relation to and as an extension of the right to assemble and govern one’s own affairs, both of which he argues are essential to preserving liberty in a free society. Although scholars acknowledge the importance of civil associations to liberty in Tocqueville’s political thought, they routinely ignore (...)
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  48.  22
    Božanska jednostavnost i mit o modalnom kolapsu.Khalil Andani - 2022 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 18 (2):7-33.
    Ovaj rad odgovara na argument modalnog kolapsa protiv božanske jednostavnosti ili klasičnog teizma koji nude neoklasični ili kompleksni teisti. Argument modalnog kolapsa tvrdi da ako je Bog apsolutno jednostavan i apsolutno neophodan, tada je Božji čin stvaranja apsolutno neophodan, pa je stoga postojanje stvorenog svijeta također apsolutno neophodno. To znači da se Bog i njegova kreacija urušavaju u jednu modalnu kategoriju apsolutne nužnosti bez ikakvih kontingentnih bića. Moj odgovor je utemeljen na islamskoj neoplatonstičkoj filozofiji Ibn Sine i islamskoj tradiciji. Nudim (...)
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    The Rise of Humanism in Islam and the West, with Special Reference to Scholasticism.Hamid Dabashi & George Makdisi - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):135.
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  50. Marksistsko-leninskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ i estestvoznanie.Khalil' Magomedovich Fataliev - 1960 - Moskva,: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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