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  1. Carta de Foción a los prudentes ciudadanos de Nueva York.Alexander Hamilton - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (42).
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  2. Defensa plena de las medidas del Congreso.Alexander Hamilton - 2018 - Araucaria 20 (40).
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    In Search of the Blue Flower: Alexander Hamilton and the Art of Cyanotype.Alexander Hamilton - 2023 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Alexander Hamilton presents his early formative years, sharing the way his engagement with the cyanotype process has informed his art practice, from his time at Edinburgh College of Art, to his program of exhibitions and residencies, through to his work within the field of public arts. This personal history is combined with essays by academics, scholars and curators who engage with the intellectual roots of his work and practice. A comprehensive selection of Hamilton’s photography, including his unique plant-based cyanotypes, completes (...)
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  4. Segunda carta de Foción a los prudentes ciudadanos de NuevaYork, [Abrilde1784].Alexander Hamilton - 2020 - Araucaria 22 (43).
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    The Continentalist / El Continentalista.Alexander Hamilton - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    Seríamos extremadamente presuntuosos si no fuéramos conscientes de que comenzamos esta revolución con nociones muy vagas y limitadas sobre la práctica de gobierno. Para la mayor parte de nosotros era algo nuevo. De aquellos que bajo la anterior constitución habían tenido oportunidades de adquirir experiencia, una gran parte se adhirió al lado contrario, y del resto sólo cabe suponer que sus ideas estaban adaptadas a la estrecha esfera colonial en la que estaban acostumbrados a moverse, distinta de esa otra que, (...)
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  6. The Works of Alexander Hamilton: Comprising His Most Important Official Reports; An Improved Edition of the Federalist, on the New Constitution, Written in 1788; And Pacificus, on the Proclamation of Neutrality, Written in 1793.Alexander Hamilton - 1971 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 4 (3):178-180.
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    The World of the Founding Fathers: Their Basic Ideas on Freedom and Self-government.Saul Kussiel Padover & Alexander Hamilton - 1960 - New York: T. Yoseloff.
    "One of the outstanding authorities on the early days of the Republic, Saul K. Padover offers in this volume a generous sampling of the letters, essays, speeches, discourses, and personal documents--many of them previously unpublished--of the men who made America. Included are extensive selections from the papers and speeches of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. There are also copious extracts from the private and public utterances of secondary, but important, figures of the (...)
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