Results for 'Hans-Jürgen Diller'

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  1.  10
    Diller über "Emotion" vs. "Passion" bei Descartes – und über zwei grundsätzlich verschiedene Begriffe von "Begriff".Daniel Dohrn - 2012 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 54:85-90.
    Drawing on a rich digitalized corpus of early modern texts, Hans-Juergen Diller argues that the concepts expressed by the English words >passion emotion emotion passion emotion<. But there are two concepts of a concept. According to the first, the meaning of a word expressing a concept is not sharply distinguished from the complete discourse in which it figures. According to the second, meaning is more narrow. For instance, it is restricted to the explicit definition an author provides. I (...)
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    Προϑέλυμνος.Hans Diller - 1948 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 97 (1):361-365.
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    Deep Brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Addiction.Voges Juergen, Müller Ulf, Bogerts Bernhard & Heinze Hans-Joachim - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    In Sachen Tertullian-Minucius Felix.Hans Diller - 1935 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 90 (1-2).
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  5. Probleme des Platonischen Ion.Hans Diller - 1955 - Hermes 83 (2):171-187.
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    Wanderarzt und Aitiologe.W. A. Heidel & Hans Diller - 1935 - American Journal of Philology 56 (1):91.
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    Ausgewählte Schriften.Ernst Kapp & Hans Diller - 1968 - Berlin,: de Gruyter.
  8. Bottom Up Ethics - Neuroenhancement in Education and Employment.Hub Zwart, Márton Varju, Vincent Torre, Helge Torgersen, Winnie Toonders, Han Somsen, Ilina Singh, Simone Seyringer, Júlio Santos, Judit Sándor, Núria Saladié, Gema Revuelta, Alexandre Quintanilha, Salvör Nordal, Anna Meijknecht, Sheena Laursen, Nicole Kronberger, Christian Hofmaier, Elisabeth Hildt, Juergen Hampel, Peter Eduard, Rui Cunha, Agnes Allansdottir, George Gaskell & Imre Bard - 2018 - Neuroethics 11 (3):309-322.
    Neuroenhancement involves the use of neurotechnologies to improve cognitive, affective or behavioural functioning, where these are not judged to be clinically impaired. Questions about enhancement have become one of the key topics of neuroethics over the past decade. The current study draws on in-depth public engagement activities in ten European countries giving a bottom-up perspective on the ethics and desirability of enhancement. This informed the design of an online contrastive vignette experiment that was administered to representative samples of 1000 respondents (...)
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  9. Bottom Up Ethics - Neuroenhancement in Education and Employment.Imre Bard, George Gaskell, Agnes Allansdottir, Rui Vieira da Cunha, Peter Eduard, Juergen Hampel, Elisabeth Hildt, Christian Hofmaier, Nicole Kronberger, Sheena Laursen, Anna Meijknecht, Salvör Nordal, Alexandre Quintanilha, Gema Revuelta, Núria Saladié, Judit Sándor, Júlio Borlido Santos, Simone Seyringer, Ilina Singh, Han Somsen, Winnie Toonders, Helge Torgersen, Vincent Torre, Márton Varju & Hub Zwart - 2018 - Neuroethics 11 (3):309-322.
    Neuroenhancement involves the use of neurotechnologies to improve cognitive, affective or behavioural functioning, where these are not judged to be clinically impaired. Questions about enhancement have become one of the key topics of neuroethics over the past decade. The current study draws on in-depth public engagement activities in ten European countries giving a bottom-up perspective on the ethics and desirability of enhancement. This informed the design of an online contrastive vignette experiment that was administered to representative samples of 1000 respondents (...)
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    How much dentists are ethically concerned about overtreatment; a vignette-based survey in Switzerland.Ali Kazemian, Isabelle Berg, Christina Finkel, Shahram Yazdani, Hans-Florian Zeilhofer, Philipp Juergens & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):43.
    Overtreatment is when medical or dental services are provided with a higher volume or cost than is appropriate. This study aimed to investigate how a group of dentists in Switzerland, a wealthy country known to have high standards of healthcare including dentistry, evaluated the meaning of unnecessary treatments from an ethical perspective and, assessed the expected frequency of different possible behaviors among their peers.
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  11. Hans-Juergen Syberg's Opera Film, Parsifal: Visual Transformation and Philosophical Reconstruction.N. Fischer - forthcoming - Film and Philosophy.
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    Hans Diller; Kleine Schriften zur antiken Literatur. Hrsg. von Hans-Joachim Newiger und Hans Seyffert, C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Mündien, 1971, VII, 646 pp. [REVIEW]Otto Seel - 1973 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 25 (1):85-87.
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    Barbarians in Fact and in Fiction - Hans Schwabl, Hans Diller, Olivier Reverdin, Willy Peremans, H. C. Baldry, Albrecht Dihle: Grecs et barbares. Pp. 259. Geneva: Fondation Hardt , 1962. Cloth, 28 [REVIEW]W. G. Forrest - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (1):88-89.
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    ΠΕΡΙ ΑΕΡΩΝ ΤΔΑΤΩ ΤΟΠΩέ.ΠΕΡΙ - Wanderarzt und Aitiologe: Studien zur hippokratischen Schrift περὶ ἀέρων ὐδάτων τόπων. Von Hans Diller. (Philologus, Supplementband xxvi, Heft 3.) Leipzig: Dieterich, 1934. Paper, M. 7.60. [REVIEW]A. L. Peck - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (02):65-.
  15.  49
    Die Ueberlieferung der hippokratischen Schrift περ ρων δτων τπων. Von Hans Diller. Pp. vi+190. Philologus, Supplementband xxiii. Leipzig: Dietench, 1932. [REVIEW]A. L. Peck - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (4):182-183.
  16. Epistemology of causal inference in pharmacology: Towards a framework for the assessment of harms.Juergen Landes, Barbara Osimani & Roland Poellinger - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 8 (1):3-49.
    Philosophical discussions on causal inference in medicine are stuck in dyadic camps, each defending one kind of evidence or method rather than another as best support for causal hypotheses. Whereas Evidence Based Medicine advocates the use of Randomised Controlled Trials and systematic reviews of RCTs as gold standard, philosophers of science emphasise the importance of mechanisms and their distinctive informational contribution to causal inference and assessment. Some have suggested the adoption of a pluralistic approach to causal inference, and an inductive (...)
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  17. Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities.Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher (eds.) - 2013 - Springer.
    James E. Taylor As the title of this book makes clear, the essays contained in it are unified by their focus on models of God and alternative ultimate realities. But what is ultimate reality, what does 'God' mean, and what would count as a model ...
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  18. Foucault's Lecture On Kant.Juergen Habermas - 1986 - Thesis Eleven 14 (1):4-8.
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    Francis Bacon.Juergen Klein - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  20. Identifying neural correlates of consciousness: The state space approach.Juergen Fell - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):709-29.
    This article sketches an idealized strategy for the identification of neural correlates of consciousness. The proposed strategy is based on a state space approach originating from the analysis of dynamical systems. The article then focuses on one constituent of consciousness, phenomenal awareness. Several rudimentary requirements for the identification of neural correlates of phenomenal awareness are suggested. These requirements are related to empirical data on selective attention, on completely intrinsic selection and on globally unconscious states. As an example, neuroscientific findings on (...)
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    Eine Variante zur Dialectica-Interpretation der Heyting-Arithmetik endlicher Typen.Justus Diller - 1974 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 16 (1-2):49-66.
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    Determining Maximal Entropy Functions for Objective Bayesian Inductive Logic.Juergen Landes, Soroush Rafiee Rad & Jon Williamson - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (2):555-608.
    According to the objective Bayesian approach to inductive logic, premisses inductively entail a conclusion just when every probability function with maximal entropy, from all those that satisfy the premisses, satisfies the conclusion. When premisses and conclusion are constraints on probabilities of sentences of a first-order predicate language, however, it is by no means obvious how to determine these maximal entropy functions. This paper makes progress on the problem in the following ways. Firstly, we introduce the concept of a limit in (...)
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    Supporting One Health for Pandemic Prevention: The Need for Ethical Innovation.Elena R. Diller & Laura Williamson - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):345-352.
    Bioethics is a field in which innovation is required to help prevent and respond to zoonotic diseases with the potential to cause epidemics and pandemics. Some of the developments necessary to fight pandemics, such as COVID-19 vaccines, require public debate on the benefits and risks of individual choice versus responsibility to society. While these debates are necessary, a more fundamental ethical innovation to rebalance human, animal, and environmental interests is also needed. One Health (OH) can be characterized as a strategy (...)
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    Realizability and intuitionistic logic.J. Diller & A. S. Troelstra - 1984 - Synthese 60 (2):253 - 282.
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    Intermediality in the Age of Global Media Networks – Including Eleven Theses on its Provocative Power for the Concepts of "Convergence," "Transmedia Storytelling" and "Actor Network Theory".Juergen E. Mueller - 2015 - Substance 44 (3):19-52.
    Narrative allegory is distinguished from mythology as reality from symbol; it is, in short, the proper intermedium between person and personification. Where it is too strongly individualized, it ceases to be allegory […]. In the community of scholars of intermedia research, the above quoted citation is commonly regarded as Coleridge’s coining of the term “intermedium” or “intermediality”. However, a short glance at the discursive strategy of his argument emphasizes that his notion of “intermedium” must be closely linked to the poetics (...)
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    Investigating subclasses of abstract dialectical frameworks.Martin Diller, Atefeh Keshavarzi Zafarghandi, Thomas Linsbichler & Stefan Woltran - 2020 - Argument and Computation 11 (1-2):191-219.
    dialectical frameworks (ADFs) are generalizations of Dung argumentation frameworks where arbitrary relationships among arguments can be formalized. This additional expressibility comes with the price of higher computational complexity, thus an understanding of potentially easier subclasses is essential. Compared to Dung argumentation frameworks, where several subclasses such as acyclic and symmetric frameworks are well understood, there has been no in-depth analysis for ADFs in such direction yet (with the notable exception of bipolar ADFs). In this work, we introduce certain subclasses of (...)
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    The conceptual focus of ultimism: an object of religious concern for the nones and somes.Jeanine Diller - 2013 - Religious Studies 49 (2):221-233.
    In his recent trilogy, J. L. Schellenberg presents a new religious option: to have beliefless faith in a general object of religious concern that he thinks is referenced at the core of most sectarian religions UUU’. After explaining what UUU is more fully, I argue that the claim that UUU exists should not be, as Schellenberg says, the only focus for philosophy of religion. Still, I argue that such a claim is a good basis for a new form of religion, (...)
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    The Run on Ritalin: Attention Deficit Disorder and Stimulant Treatment in the 1990s.Lawrence H. Diller - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (2):12-18.
    Ritalin use has increased by 500 percent in the last five years. The reasons for this dramatic surge are rooted in changes and pressures in psychiatry and society at large.
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  29. Global and local atheisms.Jeanine Diller - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 79 (1):7-18.
    I introduce a distinction between global and local versions of atheism and theism, where global ones are about all notions of God and local ones are about specific notions. Current expressions of atheism are ambiguous between the two. I argue that global atheism is difficult to enunciate and even more difficult to defend, so much so that global atheism is not yet justified. Until it is, atheists should be local atheists.
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    An Interview with Sébastien Rivat.Juergen Landes - unknown
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    Introduction to Ground, Start and End of Being Theologies.Jeanine Diller - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher, Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 473--481.
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  32. Reasoning in abstract dialectical frameworks using quantified Boolean formulas.Martin Diller, Johannes Peter Wallner & Stefan Woltran - 2015 - Argument and Computation 6 (2):149-177.
    dialectical frameworks constitute a recent and powerful generalisation of Dung's argumentation frameworks, where the relationship between the arguments can be specified via Boolean formulas. Recent results have shown that this enhancement comes with the price of higher complexity compared to AFs. In fact, acceptance problems in the world of ADFs can be hard even for the third level of the polynomial hierarchy. In order to implement reasoning problems on ADFs, systems for quantified Boolean formulas thus are suitable engines to be (...)
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  33. Nichtet das Nichts wirklich nicht? Analyse und Explikation: oder: eine deutsche Vorkriegsdebatte europäisch belichtet.Juergen Ludwig Scherb - 2008 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 115 (1):77-98.
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    The Brazilian contribution of Alcindo Flores Cabral to the periodic classification.Juergen Heinrich Maar & Eder João Lenardão - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (1):5-22.
    This paper presents the contributions of Alcindo Flores Cabral, professor of Chemistry at the Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel, nowadays part of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas, to chemistry teaching. It is a contribution almost unknown to the Brazilian chemical community, although recognized as valuable by several renowned chemists abroad, like W. Hückel, G. Charlot, F. Strong, E. Fessenden and others. Cabral’s innovative helical representation is presented in connection not only with contemporary representations, but also an incursion is made into (...)
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  35. Being Perfect is Not Necessary for Being God.Jeanine Diller - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (2):43-64.
    Classic perfect being theologians take ‘being perfect’ to be conceptually necessary and sufficient for being God. I argue that this claim is false because being perfect is not conceptually necessary for being God. I rest my case on a simple thought experiment inspired by an alternative I developed to perfect being theology that I call “functional theology.” My findings, if correct, are a boon for theists since if it should turn out that there is no perfect being, there could still (...)
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    Theology's epistemological dilemma: how Karl Barth and Alvin Plantinga provide a unified response.Kevin Diller - 2014 - Downers Grove: IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press.
    Karl Barth and Alvin Plantinga are not thought of as theological allies. Barth is famous for his opposition to philosophy's role in theology, while Plantinga is famous for his emphasis on warranted belief. Kevin Diller argues that they actually offer a unified response to the central epistemological dilemma in theology.
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    Testimony from a Popperian perspective.Antoni Diller - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (4):419-456.
    Currently, testimony is studied extensively in Anglo-American philosophy. However, most of this work is done from a justificationist perspective in which philosophers try to justify our reliance on testimony in some way. I agree with Popper that justificationism is radically mistaken. Thus, I construct an account of how we respond to testimony that in no way attempts to justify our reliance on it. This account is not a straightforward exegesis of Popper, as he never tackled testimony systematically. It makes use, (...)
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  38. On Critical and Pancritical Rationalism.Antoni Diller - 2013 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (2):127-156.
    Bartley’s pancritical rationalism is seen by some as being a refinement of Popper’s critical rationalism. I contest this view and argue that pancritical rationalism is obtained from critical rationalism by removing some of its most important and useful features. The remainder consists of a restatement of some of Popper’s key ideas and an interpretation of others that I attempt to show is not entirely faithful to what Popper says.
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    Moral judgments, gender, and antisocial preferences: an experimental study.Juergen Bracht & Adam Zylbersztejn - 2018 - Theory and Decision 85 (3-4):389-406.
    We study questionnaire responses to situations in which sacrificing one life may save many other lives. We demonstrate gender differences in moral judgments: males are more supportive of the sacrifice than females. We investigate a source of the endorsement of the sacrifice: antisocial preferences. First, we measure individual proneness to spiteful behavior, using an experimental game with monetary stakes. We demonstrate that spitefulness can be sizable—a fifth of our participants behave spitefully—but it is not associated with gender. Second, we find (...)
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    Sexual Boundary Violations via Digital Media Among Students.Juergen Budde, Christina Witz & Maika Böhm - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    As digital media becomes more central to the lives of adolescents, it also becomes increasingly relevant for their sexual communication. Sexting as an important image-based digital medium provides opportunities for self-determined digital communication, but also carries specific risks for boundary violations. Accordingly, sexting is understood either as an everyday, or as risky and deviant behavior among adolescents. In the affectedness of boundary violations gender plays an important role. However, it is still unclear to what extent digital sexual communication restores stereotypical (...)
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    Functional interpretations.Justus Diller - 2020 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    This book gives a detailed treatment of functional interpretations of arithmetic, analysis, and set theory. The subject goes back to Gödel's Dialectica interpretation of Heyting arithmetic which replaces nested quantification by higher type operations and thus reduces the consistency problem for arithmetic to the problem of computability of primitive recursive functionals of finite types. Regular functional interpretations, i.e. Dialectica and Diller-Nahm interpretation as well as Kreisel's modified realization, together with their Troelstra-style hybrids, are applied to constructive as well as (...)
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    Functional interpretations of constructive set theory in all finite types.Justus Diller - 2008 - Dialectica 62 (2):149–177.
    Gödel's dialectica interpretation of Heyting arithmetic HA may be seen as expressing a lack of confidence in our understanding of unbounded quantification. Instead of formally proving an implication with an existential consequent or with a universal antecedent, the dialectica interpretation asks, under suitable conditions, for explicit 'interpreting' instances that make the implication valid. For proofs in constructive set theory CZF-, it may not always be possible to find just one such instance, but it must suffice to explicitly name a set (...)
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    Commentary: The Human Default Consciousness and Its Disruption: Insights From an EEG Study of Buddhist Jhāna Meditation.Juergen Fell, Randi von Wrede & Roy Cox - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  44. Emotion and emotionless-Newer contribution to the theory of emotions.Juergen Grosse - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (3):195 - 216.
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  45. Historical philosophy today.Juergen Grosse - 2008 - Philosophische Rundschau 55 (2):123 - 155.
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  46. Philosophy of history today.Juergen Grosse - 2008 - Philosophische Rundschau 55 (3):209 - 236.
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  47. Revitalisation of life philosophy?(Second chapter).Juergen Grosse - 2006 - Philosophische Rundschau 53 (2):108 - 129.
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    El filósofo y formador del lenguaje.Juergen Habermas - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (138):5-16.
    Palabras pronunciadas por Jürgen Habermas en el Memorial a Richard Rorty con motivo de su fallecimiento, ceremonia que tuvo lugar en la Universidad de Stanford el día 2 de noviembre de 2007.
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    Strictly Proper Scoring Rules.Juergen Landes - unknown
    Epistemic scoring rules are the en vogue tool for justifications of the probability norm and further norms of rational belief formation. They are different in kind and application from statistical scoring rules from which they arose. In the first part of the paper I argue that statistical scoring rules, properly understood, are in principle better suited to justify the probability norm than their epistemic brethren. Furthermore, I give a justification of the probability norm applying statistical scoring rules. In the second (...)
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    A contribuição brasileira de Alcindo Flores Cabral à classificação periódica dos elementos.Juergen Heinrich Maar & Eder João Lenardão - 2012 - Scientiae Studia 10 (4):773-798.
    Este artigo apresenta a contribuição de Alcindo Flores Cabral (1907-1982) - professor de química da Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel, hoje incorporada à Universidade Federal de Pelotas - ao ensino de química, uma contribuição quase desconhecida pela própria comunidade química brasileira, embora reconhecida como relevante por diversos químicos estrangeiros importantes, como W. Hückel, G. Charlot, F. Strong, E. Fessenden e outros. A inovadora representação helicoidal de Cabral é apresentada não só em conexão com representações contemporâneas, mas também inclui-se uma incursão (...)
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