Results for 'Harendra Nātha Majumadāra'

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  1. Satya-dharma-bijñāna.Harendra Chandra Gangopadhyay - 1975
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  2. Bhārtīya darśana kī rūparekhā.Harendra Prasad Sinha - 1965 - Kalakattā,: Bukalanḍa.
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  3. R̥shi Arabindera yoga-jībana o sādhanā.Harendra Nātha Majumadāra - 1976 - Kalikātā: Prāptisthāna Śrīarabinda Pāṭha Mandira.
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    Brahma-Vedāntasūtra: Vedavyāsa racita Brahmasūtra kā samasūtrī padya-bhāṣya: mūla sūtra sahita. Bādarāyaṇa & Bhaveśa Nātha Pāṭhaka - 2007 - Dillī: Īsṭarna Buka Liṅkarsa. Edited by Bhaveśa Nātha Pāṭhaka.
    Sanskrit text with verse translation in English and Hindi.
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  5. Allen, rt (1993) the structure of value (aldershot, ashgate publishing). Carter, John Ross (1993) on understanding buddhists: Essays on the theravada tradition in Sri lanka (new York, suny press). Cohen, Robert S.(1993) the birth of meaning in hindu thought (dordrecht, reidl). [REVIEW]Js Cummins, Wb Hallaq, Thomas Hudak, Phillip Olson, Ilkka Pyysianen, Isabelle Robinet, Gilbert Rozman, Paul Arthur Schlipp, Harendra Prasad Sinha & Gareth Sparham - 1994 - Asian Philosophy 4 (1):99.
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    The Natha cult: a philosophical analysis.Ganesh Oli - 2004 - Kathmandu: Dilli Oli.
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    BOUY, Christian, Les Natha-Yogin et les Upanisads. Étude d'histoire de la littérature hindoueBOUY, Christian, Les Natha-Yogin et les Upanisads. Étude d'histoire de la littérature hindoue.André Couture - 1995 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 51 (2):469-470.
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    The Vākyārthamātṛkā of Śālikānatha Miśra with his own vṛtti. Śālikanāthamiśra - 1987 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications. Edited by Rajendra Nath Sharma.
    Verse work, with autocommentary, on semantics according to the Mīmāṃsā school in Indic philosophy.
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    On The Prosody of Haṭha(yoga)pradīpikā (I). 박영길 - 2013 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (39):61-104.
    『하타(요가)쁘라디삐까, Hp』는 나타(Nātha)파 요가의 고전이자 하타요가의 수행 체계를 완성한 문헌이다. 방대한 필사본과 다수의 주석서가 존재한다는 점에서 그리고 Hp에서 제시된 수행 전통이 스승에서 제자로 계속 전수되었다는 점에서 Hp의 영향력과 권위는 여타의 하타요가 문헌과 구별된다. 하지만 Hp 내에서 Hp의 문헌적 권위를 하락시킬 수 있는 요소도 발견되는데 그것은 용어 사용이 느슨할 뿐만 아니라 일관성을 결여하고 있다는 점이다. Hp가, manas와 citta를 거의 구별하지 않고 심지어 동일 게송 내에서조차 혼용하고 있다는 것이 한 예이다. 하지만 Hp가 citta와 manas와 같은 용어를 혼용했던 이유 그리고 수슘나, 꾼달리니와 같은 (...)
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    Philosophy of Gorakhnath with Goraksha-Vacana-Sangraha.Akshaya Kumar Banerjea - 1962 - Gorakhpur: Mahant Dig Vijai Nath Trust.
    The cult of the Kanphata Yogis is a definite unite within Hinduism, and its study is essential for understanding this phase of the religious life of India. the book is divided into three sections. The first two sections comprising chapters 1 - 13 deal with the cult and history of this sec. the third section containing chapters 14 - 16 opens with the Sanskrit Text Goraksastaka and its English rendering and annotations. The book is fully documented. It has a preface, (...)
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    Mahāyogī Gorakhanātha: sāhitya aura darśana.Govinda Rajanīśa - 2017 - Dillī: Amarastya Prakāśana. Edited by Govinda Rajanīśa.
    Selected works of Gorakhanātha, exponent of the Natha sect in Hinduism and Hindi poet; includes study of his life and works.
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    Intellectual History: Pivoting on Historicity in PhilosophyAn Example from Buddhism. 조석효 - 2018 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 54 (54):303-342.
    Historical consciousness of the modern period, which shows a clear distinction from that of the previous periods, is well displayed in intellectual history, which is investigation into the development of ideas and transmission of knowledge. To understand the academic issues that are grappled with in intellectual history, it is necessary to understand how it interacts with other relevant academic disciplines. Firstly, it is connected to classics and philology, in which historicity is regarded as part and parcel of their research. Critical (...)
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    Tirumūlar and the Tamil Yoga Connection.Kanniks Kannikeswaran - 2021 - Journal of Dharma Studies 4 (2):241-260.
    The Tirumantiram, believed to have been written in midfirst millennium CE, is regarded as the tenth of the twelve volumes of the Śaiva Tamil canon Paṇṇiru Tirumuṟai used in worship in Śiva temples all over Tamilnadu. The Tirumantiram is a collection of approximately 3100 verses in lucid Tamil written by Tirumūlar, regarded variously as a ŚaivaSiddhānta yogi, a nātha yogi, and a tāntric. Tirumūlar’s verses form the basis of the Tamil ŚaivaSiddhānta philosophy; they also deal with tantra and yoga. Unlike (...)
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