Results for 'Hsiao-Mei Huan'

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  1.  21
    Assessing Students’ Translation Competence: Integrating China’s Standards of English With Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Approaches.Huan Mei & Huilin Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While translation competence assessment has been playing an increasingly facilitating role in translation teaching and learning, it still failed to offer fine-grained diagnostic feedback based on certain reliable translation competence standards. As such, this study attempted to investigate the feasibility of providing diagnostic information about students’ translation competence by integrating China’s Standards of English with cognitive diagnostic assessment approaches. Under the descriptive parameter framework of CSE translation scales, an attribute pool was established, from which seven attributes were identified based on (...)
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    Commentary: The dynamics of foreign language enjoyment: An ecological momentary assessment.Ting Hu & Huan Mei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    COVID-19 Induced Economic Slowdown and Mental Health Issues.Yimiao Gong, Xiaoxing Liu, Yongbo Zheng, Huan Mei, Jianyu Que, Kai Yuan, Wei Yan, Shiqiu le ShiMeng, Yanping Bao & Lin Lu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has pressed a pause button on global economic development, and induced significant mental health problems. In order to demonstrate the progressed relationship between the pandemic, economic slowdown, and mental health burden, we overviewed the global-level gross domestic product changes and mental problems variation since the outbreak of COVID-19, and reviewed comprehensively the specific sectors influenced by the pandemic, including international trade, worldwide travel, education system, healthcare system, and individual employment. We hope to provide timely evidence to help (...)
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  4. Mao Tse-Tung Che Hsüeh Ssu Hsiang Yen Chiu Chi Nien Mao Tse-Tung T Ung Chih Chiu Shih Chou Nien Tan Ch En.Huan-Chang Yang, Hsi-yü Chin, Tai Mei & Wei Wang - 1983 - Pei-Ching Ch U Pan She Hsin Hua Shu Tien Pei-Ching Fa Hsing so Fa Hsing.
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    A Solution to Modeling Multilevel Confirmatory Factor Analysis with Data Obtained from Complex Survey Sampling to Avoid Conflated Parameter Estimates.Jiun-Yu Wu, John J. H. Lin, Mei-Wen Nian & Yi-Cheng Hsiao - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Zhongguo huan jing mei xue si xiang yan jiu =.Xiangzhan Cheng (ed.) - 2009 - Zhengzhou Shi: Henan ren min chu ban she.
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    Wan mei de zi ran: dang dai huan jing mei xue de zhe xue ji chu.Feng Peng - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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  8. Mei zai zhao huan: Jing Kening jiao shou yan jiang lu.Kening Jing - 1986 - Xi'an: Shanxi sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  9. Bei huan yu feng liu: chuan tong ren ge xing xiang di dao de mei xue shi jie.Jin Chen - 1988 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing.
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  10. Zai zhen shi yu huan xiang zhi jian: mei xue yu yi shu lun ji.Jia Yan - 2020 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she.
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  11. Zhongguo gu dai sheng tai huan jing mei xue si xiang yan jiu =.Tiandao Li - 2022 - Nanchang Shi: Bai hua zhou wen yi chu ban she.
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    Zhongguo yi shu jing shen: hua ti de ti chu ji qi zhuan huan: Tai Gang ji hai wai xin ru xue de mei xue guan zhao.Qi Sun - 2012 - Beijing: Shi jie tu shu chu ban gong si.
    本书从唐君毅先生提出的“中国艺术精神”开始论述,分析了中国艺术精神的多层面向进而深入分析其阐释的意义;继而,本书对徐复观先生深入的研究进行了解读和探索,一直延续到今日学界的研究和探索,并对“中国艺术精 神”在世纪之交时发生的转向给出了结论.
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    Quan qiu shi ye zhong de sheng tai mei xue yu huan jing mei xue =.Fanren Zeng & Arnold Berleant (eds.) - 2011 - Changchun Shi: Changchun chu ban she.
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    Huan Tan "Xin lun".Tan Huan - 2014 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she. Edited by Zeyu Wu & Shouju Wu.
    是東漢哲學家、思想家桓譚的主要論着,但早己亡佚。今存之輯本有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本,及近人朱謙之輯本,但均有不足。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於1962年着有新輯本,收錄 二百餘條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文。 桓譚,后漢時人,官至給事中。博學多識,破讖緯迷妄,去虛妄偽飾,先於王充、張衡,具有唯物啟蒙學者之學識,是漢時哲學思想家。《新諭》是桓譚主要論着,但早已亡佚。據歷史記載,明有二卷本,清有孫之騌輯本,皆不 傳。另有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本及近人朱謙之輯本。從今日的學術、校勘、編排諸方面來看,諸本均有不足:或短椾零篇,漫無倫紀;或望文歸屬,強系篇名;或條目重復,內容雜陳 迭見;或引用刻本,多有遺漏;或雖沿用十七卷篇目之名稱,但其條目已不能再顯現原書各篇的思想內容。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於一九六二年着有新輯本,收錄二百余條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存 疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文;最后殿以輯校引用書目及版本之詳目,以便於讀者查閱與研究。此書成為目前桓譚《新論》集大成之著作。.
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    Huan jing zheng zhi guo ji bi jiao.Qingzhi Huan - 2007 - Jinan Shi: Shandong da xue chu ban she.
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    Hsin-lun (New treatise), and other writings by Huan Tʻan (43 B.C.-28 A.D.): an annotated translation with index.Tan Huan - 1975 - Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan. Edited by Timoteus Pokora.
    Better known in his own times than later, Huan T'an (43 BCE-25 CE) was a scholar-official, independent in his thought and unafraid to criticize orthodox currents of his time. A practitioner of the Old Text exegesis of the Classics, he maintained a position on the court during a turbulent time of political crises, uprisings, and civil war, spanning the reigns of four emperors. His principal work, Hsin-lun, differs from other books on political criticism in that it does not deal (...)
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    Do portrait artists have enhanced face processing abilities? Evidence from hidden Markov modeling of eye movements.Janet H. Hsiao, Jeehye An, Yueyuan Zheng & Antoni B. Chan - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104616.
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  18.  20
    The ethical and political works of Motse.Yi-Pao Mei - 1929 - Westport, Conn.,: Hyperion Press. Edited by Yibao Mei.
  19.  29
    Cortical Oscillations in Auditory Perception and Speech: Evidence for Two Temporal Windows in Human Auditory Cortex.Huan Luo & David Poeppel - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  20.  28
    Fred Clarke’s Ideals of Liberal Democracy: State and Community in Education.Hsiao-Yuh Ku - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (4):1-15.
  21.  36
    The Relation between Maternal Work Hours and Primary School Students’ Affect in China: The Role of the Frequency of Mother–Child Communication and Maternal Education.Huan Zhou, Bo Lv, Xiaolin Guo, Chunhui Liu, Bing Qi, Weiping Hu, Zhaomin Liu & Liang Luo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  22.  55
    Evolutionary Asiacentrism, Peking Man, and the Origins of␣Sinocentric Ethno-Nationalism.Hsiao-pei Yen - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (4):585-625.
    This paper discusses how the theory of evolutionary Asiacentrism and the Peking Man findings at the Zhoukoudian site stimulated Chinese intellectuals to construct Sinocentric ethno-nationalism during the period from the late 1920s to the early 1940s. It shows that the theory was first popularized by foreign scientists in Beijing, and the Peking man discoveries further provided strong evidence for the idea that Central Asia, or to be more specific, Tibet, Xinjiang, and Mongolia, was the original cradle of humans. Chinese scholars (...)
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  23.  31
    The Philosophical Foundations of Han Fei's Political Theory.Hsiao-po Wang & Leo S. Chang - 1989 - Philosophy East and West 39 (1):83-93.
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    Academic Dishonesty, Self-Control, and General Criminality: A Prospective and Retrospective Study of Academic Dishonesty in a New Zealand University.Mei Wah M. Williams & Matthew Neil Williams - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (2):89 - 112.
    Academic dishonesty is an insidious problem that besets most tertiary institutions, where considerable resources are expended to prevent and manage students' dishonest actions within academia. Using a mixed retrospective and prospective design this research investigated Gottfredson and Hirschi's self-control theory as a possible explanation for academic dishonesty in 264 university students. The relationship between academic dishonesty and general criminality was also examined. A significant but small to moderate relationship between academic dishonesty and general criminality was present, including correlations with general (...)
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  25.  40
    Does Practice Enhance Adaptability? The Role of Personality Trait, Supervisor Behavior, and Career Development Training.Mei Mei, Fu Yang & Mingfeng Tang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Drawing upon career construction theory, we examined the mediating effect of deliberate practice on career adaptability and the effects of learning goal orientation and supervisor incompetence accusations as well as career development training on DP. Using data collected from 204 Chinese PhD students in three waves over a period of 2 months, we found that individuals who were inclined to learn new skills and obtain new knowledge were more likely to deliberately practice professional activities in their fields. When a PhD (...)
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  26. The significance of the concept of 'fa' in Han Fei's thought system.Wang Hsiao-po & L. S. Chang - 1977 - Philosophy East and West 27 (1):35-52.
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  27.  38
    An Experiment-based Methodology for Classical Genetics and Molecular Biology.Hsiao-fan Yeh & Ruey-lin Chen - 2017 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 26:39-60.
    This paper proposes an experiment-based methodology for both classical genetics and molecular biology by integrating Lindley Darden’s mechanism-centered approach and C. Kenneth Waters’s phenomenon-centered approach. We argue that the methodology basing on experiments offers a satisfactory account of the development of the two biological disciplines. The methodology considers discovery of new mechanisms, investigation of new phenomena, and construction of new theories together, in which experiments play a central role. Experimentation connects the three type of conduct, which work as both ends (...)
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  28.  43
    Projection of the supply of and demand for board‐certified nephrologists for ESRD in Taiwan.Huan-Cheng Chang, Yi-Min Liou, Amy Ming-Fang Yen & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):305-315.
  29.  19
    Cosmologie et divination dans la Chine ancienne: le compendium des cinq agents (Wuxing dayi, VIe siècle).Chi Hsiao - 1991 - Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve [distributor]. Edited by Marc Kalinowski.
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    Preservation of Learning.Harry Hsin-I. Hsiao, Yen Yüan, Mansfield Freeman & Yen Yuan - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (2):217.
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  31.  38
    La Dieu de Spinoza.Gabriel Huan - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:110.
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  32.  40
    Prediction of breast cancer and lymph node metastatic status with tumour markers using logistic regression models.Hsiao-Lin Hwa, Wen-Hong Kuo, Li-Yun Chang, Ming-Yang Wang, Tao-Hsin Tung, King-Jen Chang & Fon-Jou Hsieh - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):275-280.
  33. Kʻung hsüeh tʻung chʻüan.Huan Li - 1953
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  34.  19
    Massive Cerebral Infarction Following Facial Injection of Autologous Fat: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.Huan Qian, Yuxiao Ling, Mengwen Zhang, Cameron Lenahan, Chen Wang, Zhe Zheng, Anwen Shao & Jianmin Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Facial fat grafting techniques often offer impressive surgical results. However, fatal complications, such as irreversible cerebral ischemia, blindness, and hemiplegia are associated with them. We have presented a case report of a patient who presented with a massive cerebral infarction, a serious complication of facial autologous fat injection. The patient was a 28-year-old female who experienced motor dysfunction of the left extremities, which was accompanied with loss of consciousness immediately following fat grafting for facial augmentation. Imaging studies suggested that the (...)
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  35.  13
    Who gets to talk? An alternative framework evaluating companion effects in geriatric triads.Mei-Hui Tsai - 2007 - Communications 4 (1):37-49.
    Most studies evaluating companion effects on medical triadic interaction focus on the doctors' part, e.g., how the companion's presence diverts doctors' attention away from the patient. In contrast to this mainstream approach, the current research proposes an alternative framework by focusing on the patient parties—especially on how companion participation reshapes the discourse sequences where patient parties provide information, and how it affects patient full turns and priority in providing complete first-hand information to doctors. By examining fifteen geriatric triadic conversations collected (...)
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  36. Hsien Ch in Fa Chia Ssu Hsiang Shih Lun.Hsiao-po Wang - 1991
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  37.  4
    : The Age of Mammals: International Paleontology in the Long Nineteenth Century.Hsiao-pei Yen - 2024 - Isis 115 (3):669-670.
  38.  22
    Report from china social and ethical influence on pain:The causes of lower incidences of some pain syndromes in chinese Yu-Huan & Fang Neng-yu - 1989 - Bioethics 3 (3):236–244.
  39.  2
    Exploring Strategies to Enhance the Teaching Ability of Chinese Educators in Chinese+Medical Education: A Case Study of Dali University.Huan Zhifeng & Wu Ping - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1393-1403.
    Study explores the core areas that enhance the teaching ability of Chinese teachers in the Chinese+Medical learning program. The participants in the study were 150 students of Dali University and questionnaires were used to collect data from the participants. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), Pearson correlation analysis, and ANOVA test were conducted to determine the relationship of these factors. The results of the Pearson correlation are the following findings: teaching experience (TE) has a small positive correlation with teaching ability (r = (...)
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  40. Against Gun Bans and Restrictive Licensing.Timothy Hsiao - 2015 - Essays in Philosophy 16 (2):180-203.
    Arguments in favor of an individual moral right to keep and bear firearms typically appeal to the value of guns as a reasonable means of self-defense. This is, for the most part, an empirical claim. If it were shown that allowing private gun ownership would lead to an overall net increase in crime or other social harms, then the strength of a putative right to own a gun would be diminished. But would it be defeated completely? I do not think (...)
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  41.  13
    Journalistic engagement patterns and power relations: Corpus evidence from Chinese and Australian hard news reporting.Changpeng Huan - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (2):137-156.
    In this article, I explore the ways in which journalists engage with different news sources in Chinese and Australian hard news. Based on the analysis of a comparable corpus of Chinese and Australian hard news reporting on risk events, the study investigates the cultural variability of engagement patterns and indicates how text patterns point to distinctions in the ways the power relations are reproduced in news production processes. Corpus findings show that Chinese and Australian journalists mediate news sources of different (...)
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  42.  21
    The "visual word form area" is involved in successful memory encoding of both words and faces.L. Mei, G. Xue, C. Chen, F. Xue, M. Zhang & Q. Dong - unknown
    Previous studies have identified the critical role of the left fusiform cortex in visual word form processing, learning, and memory. However, this so-called visual word form area's other functions are not clear. In this study, we used fMRI and the subsequent memory paradigm to examine whether the putative VWFA was involved in the processing and successful memory encoding of faces as well as words. Twenty-two native Chinese speakers were recruited to memorize the visual forms of faces and Chinese words. Episodic (...)
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  43.  48
    Processing relative clauses in Chinese.Franny Hsiao & Edward Gibson - 2003 - Cognition 90 (1):3-27.
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  44.  41
    Fossils and Sovereignty: Science Diplomacy and the Politics of Deep Time in the Sino-American Fossil Dispute of the 1920s.Hsiao-pei Yen - 2024 - Isis 115 (1):1-22.
    In the early twentieth century, with the development of Western scientific imperialism, Asia, South America, and Africa became sites for Western scientific exploration. Many paleontological specimens, including dinosaur bones, were discovered in China by foreign scientists and explorers and exported to museums in France, Sweden, and the United States. After the establishment of the Nationalist Government in Nanjing in 1927, anti-imperialist Chinese intellectuals attempted to prevent foreigners from exporting specimens unearthed on Chinese territory. In the summer of 1928, the fossils (...)
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  45.  74
    Emotional Responses to Visual Art and Commercial Stimuli: Implications for Creativity and Aesthetics.Mei-Chun Cheung, Derry Law, Joanne Yip & Christina W. Y. Wong - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Assessing the effects of audiovisual semantic congruency on the perception of a bistable figure.Jhih-Yun Hsiao, Yi-Chuan Chen, Charles Spence & Su-Ling Yeh - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):775-787.
    Bistable figures provide a fascinating window through which to explore human visual awareness. Here we demonstrate for the first time that the semantic context provided by a background auditory soundtrack can modulate an observer’s predominant percept while watching the bistable “my wife or my mother-in-law” figure . The possibility of a response-bias account—that participants simply reported the percept that happened to be congruent with the soundtrack that they were listening to—was excluded in Experiment 2. We further demonstrate that this crossmodal (...)
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  47.  28
    Can Students’ Computer Programming Learning Motivation and Effectiveness Be Enhanced by Learning Python Language? A Multi-Group Analysis.Hsiao-Chi Ling, Kuo-Lun Hsiao & Wen-Chiao Hsu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Python language has become the most popular computer language. Python is widely adopted in computer courses. However, Python language’s effects on the college and university students’ learning performance, motivations, computer programming self-efficacy, and maladaptive cognition have still not been widely examined. The main objective of this study is to explore the effects of learning Python on students’ programming learning. The junior students of two classes in a college are the research participants. One class was taught Java language and the other (...)
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    Subject and predicate, a grammatical preliminary.Tsu-Lin Mei - 1961 - Philosophical Review 70 (2):153-175.
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    Possibilities at the Formative Stage of the Vernacular Chinese Novel.Huan Jin - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (1):107-126.
    This study centers on a valuable specimen of the early vernacular Chinese novel, San Sui pingyao zhuan, to explore dynamic possibilities at the formative stage of the Chinese novel. Close inspection of the physical aspects of the extant edition of the work suggests it is a reprint bearing traces of multiple earlier editions. The analysis of the obscure chuanqi play Si xi ji shows that the story tradition of “Three Sui quelling the rebels” already existed in the mid-sixteenth century. San (...)
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  50. In Defense of Eating Meat.Timothy Hsiao - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):277-291.
    Some arguments for moral vegetarianism proceed by appealing to widely held beliefs about the immorality of causing unjustified pain. Combined with the claim that meat is not needed for our nourishment and that killing animals for this reason causes them unjustified pain, they yield the conclusion that eating meat is immoral. However, what counts as a good enough reason for causing pain will depend largely on what we think about the moral status of animals. Implicit in these arguments is the (...)
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