Results for 'Intiutionistic and classical modal logics'

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  1. One-step Modal Logics, Intuitionistic and Classical, Part 1.Harold T. Hodes - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (5):837-872.
    This paper and its sequel “look under the hood” of the usual sorts of proof-theoretic systems for certain well-known intuitionistic and classical propositional modal logics. Section 1 is preliminary. Of most importance: a marked formula will be the result of prefixing a formula in a propositional modal language with a step-marker, for this paper either 0 or 1. Think of 1 as indicating the taking of “one step away from 0.” Deductions will be constructed using marked (...)
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  2. A New S4 Classical Modal Logic in Natural Deduction.Maria Da Paz N. Medeiros - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):799 - 809.
    We show, first, that the normalization procedure for S4 modal logic presented by Dag Prawitz in [5] does not work. We then develop a new natural deduction system for S4 classical modal logic that is logically equivalent to that of Prawitz, and we show that every derivation in this new system can be transformed into a normal derivation.
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    Olivier Gasquet and Andreas Herzig.From Classical to Normal Modal Logics - 1996 - In Heinrich Wansing (ed.), Proof theory of modal logic. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    On Combining Intuitionistic and S4 Modal Logic.João Rasga & Cristina Sernadas - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (3):321-344.
    We address the problem of combining intuitionistic and S4 modal logic in a non-collapsing way inspired by the recent works in combining intuitionistic and classical logic. The combined language includes the shared constructors of both logics namely conjunction, disjunction and falsum as well as the intuitionistic implication, the classical implication and the necessity modality. We present a Gentzen calculus for the combined logic defined over a Gentzen calculus for the host S4 modal logic. The semantics (...)
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  5. First order classical modal logic.Horacio Arló-Costa & Eric Pacuit - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (2):171-210.
    The paper focuses on extending to the first order case the semantical program for modalities first introduced by Dana Scott and Richard Montague. We focus on the study of neighborhood frames with constant domains and we offer in the first part of the paper a series of new completeness results for salient classical systems of first order modal logic. Among other results we show that it is possible to prove strong completeness results for normal systems without the Barcan (...)
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    Label-free natural deduction systems for intuitionistic and classical modal logics.Didier Galmiche & Yakoub Salhi - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (4):373-421.
    In this paper we study natural deduction for the intuitionistic and classical (normal) modal logics obtained from the combinations of the axioms T, B, 4 and 5. In this context we introduce a new multi-contextual structure, called T-sequent, that allows to design simple labelfree natural deduction systems for these logics. After proving that they are sound and complete we show that they satisfy the normalization property and consequently the subformula property in the intuitionistic case.
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    Modular Sequent Calculi for Classical Modal Logics.David R. Gilbert & Paolo Maffezioli - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):175-217.
    This paper develops sequent calculi for several classical modal logics. Utilizing a polymodal translation of the standard modal language, we are able to establish a base system for the minimal classical modal logic E from which we generate extensions in a modular manner. Our systems admit contraction and cut admissibility, and allow a systematic proof-search procedure of formal derivations.
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  8. Supervaluationism, Modal Logic, and Weakly Classical Logic.Joshua Schechter - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (2):411-61.
    A consequence relation is strongly classical if it has all the theorems and entailments of classical logic as well as the usual meta-rules (such as Conditional Proof). A consequence relation is weakly classical if it has all the theorems and entailments of classical logic but lacks the usual meta-rules. The most familiar example of a weakly classical consequence relation comes from a simple supervaluational approach to modelling vague language. This approach is formally equivalent to an (...)
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    A new S4 classical modal logic in natural deduction.Maria Paz N. Medeirodas - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):799-809.
    We show, first, that the normalization procedure for S4 modal logic presented by Dag Prawitz in [5] does not work. We then develop a new natural deduction system for S4 classical modal logic that is logically equivalent to that of Prawitz, and we show that every derivation in this new system can be transformed into a normal derivation.
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    Non-adjunctive inference and classical modalities.Horacio Arló Costa - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 34 (5/6):581 - 605.
    The article focuses on representing different forms of non-adjunctive inference as sub-Kripkean systems of classical modal logic, where the inference from □A and □B to □A ∧ B fails. In particular we prove a completeness result showing that the modal system that Schotch and Jennings derive from a form of non-adjunctive inference in (Schotch and Jennings, 1980) is a classical system strictly stronger than EMN and weaker than K (following the notation for classical modalities presented (...)
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  11. Hyperboolean Algebras and Hyperboolean Modal Logic.Valentin Goranko & Dimiter Vakarelov - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (2):345-368.
    Hyperboolean algebras are Boolean algebras with operators, constructed as algebras of complexes (or, power structures) of Boolean algebras. They provide an algebraic semantics for a modal logic (called here a {\em hyperboolean modal logic}) with a Kripke semantics accordingly based on frames in which the worlds are elements of Boolean algebras and the relations correspond to the Boolean operations. We introduce the hyperboolean modal logic, give a complete axiomatization of it, and show that it lacks the finite (...)
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    IF Modal Logic and Classical Negation.Tero Tulenheimo - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (1):41-66.
    The present paper provides novel results on the model theory of Independence friendly modal logic. We concentrate on its particularly well-behaved fragment that was introduced in Tulenheimo and Sevenster (Advances in Modal Logic, 2006). Here we refer to this fragment as ‘Simple IF modal logic’ (IFML s ). A model-theoretic criterion is presented which serves to tell when a formula of IFML s is not equivalent to any formula of basic modal logic (ML). We generalize the (...)
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    Algebraic semantics for quasi-classical modal logics.W. J. Blok & P. Köhler - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):941-964.
    A well-known result, going back to the twenties, states that, under some reasonable assumptions, any logic can be characterized as the set of formulas satisfied by a matrix 〈,F〉, whereis an algebra of the appropriate type, andFa subset of the domain of, called the set of designated elements. In particular, every quasi-classical modal logic—a set of modal formulas, containing the smallest classical modal logicE, which is closed under the inference rules of substitution and modus ponens—is (...)
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    Superintuitionistic companions of classical modal logics.Frank Wolter - 1997 - Studia Logica 58 (2):229-259.
    This paper investigates partitions of lattices of modal logics based on superintuitionistic logics which are defined by forming, for each superintuitionistic logic L and classical modal logic , the set L[] of L-companions of . Here L[] consists of those modal logics whose non-modal fragments coincide with L and which axiomatize if the law of excluded middle p V p is added. Questions addressed are, for instance, whether there exist logics with (...)
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  15. Classical modal display logic in the calculus of structures and minimal cut-free deep inference calculi for S.Rajeev Gore - manuscript
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    Modal logic, fundamentally.Wesley H. Holliday - 2024 - In Agata Ciabattoni, David Gabelaia & Igor Sedlár (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 15. London: College Publications.
    Non-classical generalizations of classical modal logic have been developed in the contexts of constructive mathematics and natural language semantics. In this paper, we discuss a general approach to the semantics of non-classical modal logics via algebraic representation theorems. We begin with complete lattices L equipped with an antitone operation ¬ sending 1 to 0, a completely multiplicative operation ◻, and a completely additive operation ◊. Such lattice expansions can be represented by means of a (...)
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    Elementary definability and completeness in general and positive modal logic.Ernst Zimmermann - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (1):99-117.
    The paper generalises Goldblatt's completeness proof for Lemmon–Scott formulas to various modal propositional logics without classical negation and without ex falso, up to positive modal logic, where conjunction and disjunction, andwhere necessity and possibility are respectively independent.Further the paper proves definability theorems for Lemmon–Scottformulas, which hold even in modal propositional languages without negation and without falsum. Both, the completeness theorem and the definability theoremmake use only of special constructions of relations,like relation products. No second order (...)
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    On combinations of propositional dynamic logic and doxastic modal logics.Renate A. Schmidt & Dmitry Tishkovsky - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 17 (1):109-129.
    We prove completeness and decidability results for a family of combinations of propositional dynamic logic and unimodal doxastic logics in which the modalities may interact. The kind of interactions we consider include three forms of commuting axioms, namely, axioms similar to the axiom of perfect recall and the axiom of no learning from temporal logic, and a Church–Rosser axiom. We investigate the influence of the substitution rule on the properties of these logics and propose a new semantics for (...)
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  19. Modal logic and classical logic.Johan van Benthem - 1983 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Distributed in the U.S.A. by Humanities Press.
  20. Intuitionism and the Modal Logic of Vagueness.Susanne Bobzien & Ian Rumfitt - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (2):221-248.
    Intuitionistic logic provides an elegant solution to the Sorites Paradox. Its acceptance has been hampered by two factors. First, the lack of an accepted semantics for languages containing vague terms has led even philosophers sympathetic to intuitionism to complain that no explanation has been given of why intuitionistic logic is the correct logic for such languages. Second, switching from classical to intuitionistic logic, while it may help with the Sorites, does not appear to offer any advantages when dealing with (...)
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    Paranormal modal logic – Part II: K?, K and Classical Logic and other paranormal modal systems.R. Silvestre - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (1):89-130.
    In this two-part paper we present paranormal modal logic: a modal logic which is both paraconsistent and paracomplete. Besides using a general framework in which a wide range of logics – including normal modal logics, paranormal modal logics and classical logic – can be defined and proving some key theorems about paranormal modal logic (including that it is inferentially equivalent to classical normal modal logic), we also provide a philosophical (...)
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    Paranormal modal logic–Part I: The system K? and the foundations of the Logic of skeptical and credulous plausibility.Ricardo S. Silvestre - 2012 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 21 (1):65-96.
    In this two-parts paper we present paranormal modal logic: a modal logic which is both paraconsistent and paracomplete. Besides using a general framework in which a wide range of logics  including normal modal logics, paranormal modal logics and classical logic can be defined and proving some key theorems about paranormal modal logic (including that it is inferentially equivalent to classical normal modal logic), we also provide a philosophical justification (...)
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    Categorial inference and modal logic.Natasha Kurtonina - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (4):399-411.
    This paper establishes a connection between structure sensitive categorial inference and classical modal logic. The embedding theorems for non-associative Lambek Calculus and the whole class of its weak Sahlqvist extensions demonstrate that various resource sensitive regimes can be modelled within the framework of unimodal temporal logic. On the semantic side, this requires decomposition of the ternary accessibility relation to provide its correlation with standard binary Kripke frames and models.
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    Modal logic and model theory.Giangiacomo Gerla & Virginia Vaccaro - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (3):203 - 216.
    We propose a first order modal logic, theQS4E-logic, obtained by adding to the well-known first order modal logicQS4 arigidity axiom schemas:A → □A, whereA denotes a basic formula. In this logic, thepossibility entails the possibility of extending a given classical first order model. This allows us to express some important concepts of classical model theory, such as existential completeness and the state of being infinitely generic, that are not expressibile in classical first order logic. Since (...)
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    Binary modal logic and unary modal logic.Dick de Jongh & Fatemeh Shirmohammadzadeh Maleki - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Standard unary modal logic and binary modal logic, i.e. modal logic with one binary operator, are shown to be definitional extensions of one another when an additional axiom |$U$| is added to the basic axiomatization of the binary side. This is a strengthening of our previous results. It follows that all unary modal logics extending Classical Modal Logic, in other words all unary modal logics with a neighborhood semantics, can equivalently be (...)
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  26. Modal logic.Alexander Chagrov - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Michael Zakharyaschev.
    For a novice this book is a mathematically-oriented introduction to modal logic, the discipline within mathematical logic studying mathematical models of reasoning which involve various kinds of modal operators. It starts with very fundamental concepts and gradually proceeds to the front line of current research, introducing in full details the modern semantic and algebraic apparatus and covering practically all classical results in the field. It contains both numerous exercises and open problems, and presupposes only minimal knowledge in (...)
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    Modal Logics That Are Both Monotone and Antitone: Makinson’s Extension Results and Affinities between Logics.Lloyd Humberstone & Steven T. Kuhn - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (4):515-550.
    A notable early result of David Makinson establishes that every monotone modal logic can be extended to LI, LV, or LF, and every antitone logic can be extended to LN, LV, or LF, where LI, LN, LV, and LF are logics axiomatized, respectively, by the schemas □α↔α, □α↔¬α, □α↔⊤, and □α↔⊥. We investigate logics that are both monotone and antitone (hereafter amphitone). There are exactly three: LV, LF, and the minimum amphitone logic AM axiomatized by the schema (...)
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    Modalities as interactions between the classical and the intuitionistic logics.Michał Walicki - 2006 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 15 (3):193-215.
    We give an equivalent formulation of topological algebras, interpreting S4, as boolean algebras equipped with intuitionistic negation. The intuitionistic substructure—Heyting algebra—of such an algebra can be then seen as an “epistemic subuniverse”, and modalities arise from the interaction between the intuitionistic and classical negations or, we might perhaps say, between the epistemic and the ontological aspects: they are not relations between arbitrary alternatives but between intuitionistic substructures and one common world governed by the classical (propositional) logic. As an (...)
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  29. Modal Logics Between Propositional and First Order.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    One can add the machinery of relation symbols and terms to a propositional modal logic without adding quantifiers. Ordinarily this is no extension beyond the propositional. But if terms are allowed to be non-rigid, a scoping mechanism (usually written using lambda abstraction) must also be introduced to avoid ambiguity. Since quantifiers are not present, this is not really a first-order logic, but it is not exactly propositional either. For propositional logics such as K, T and D, adding such (...)
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    The lattice of Belnapian modal logics: Special extensions and counterparts.Sergei P. Odintsov & Stanislav O. Speranski - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (1):3-33.
    Let K be the least normal modal logic and BK its Belnapian version, which enriches K with ‘strong negation’. We carry out a systematic study of the lattice of logics containing BK based on: • introducing the classes of so-called explosive, complete and classical Belnapian modal logics; • assigning to every normal modal logic three special conservative extensions in these classes; • associating with every Belnapian modal logic its explosive, complete and classical (...)
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    Subintuitionistic logics and their modal companions: a nested approach.Matteo Tesi - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (4):493-526.
    In the present paper we deal with subintuitionistic logics and their modal companions. In particular, we introduce nested calculi for subintuitionistic systems and for modal logics in the S5 modal cube ranging from K to S4. The latter calculi differ from standard nested systems, as there are multiple rules handling the modal operator. As an upshot, we get a purely syntactic proof of the Gödel-McKinsey-Tarski embedding which preserves the structure and the height of the (...)
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    Predicate counterparts of modal logics of provability: High undecidability and Kripke incompleteness.Mikhail Rybakov - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    In this paper, the predicate counterparts, defined both axiomatically and semantically by means of Kripke frames, of the modal propositional logics $\textbf {GL}$, $\textbf {Grz}$, $\textbf {wGrz}$ and their extensions are considered. It is proved that the set of semantical consequences on Kripke frames of every logic between $\textbf {QwGrz}$ and $\textbf {QGL.3}$ or between $\textbf {QwGrz}$ and $\textbf {QGrz.3}$ is $\Pi ^1_1$-hard even in languages with three (sometimes, two) individual variables, two (sometimes, one) unary predicate letters, and (...)
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    Compatibility and accessibility: lattice representations for semantics of non-classical and modal logics.Wesley Holliday - 2022 - In David Fernández Duque & Alessandra Palmigiano (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 14. College Publications. pp. 507-529.
    In this paper, we study three representations of lattices by means of a set with a binary relation of compatibility in the tradition of Ploščica. The standard representations of complete ortholattices and complete perfect Heyting algebras drop out as special cases of the first representation, while the second covers arbitrary complete lattices, as well as complete lattices equipped with a negation we call a protocomplementation. The third topological representation is a variant of that of Craig, Haviar, and Priestley. We then (...)
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    Displaying Modal Logic.Heinrich Wansing - 1998 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The present monograph is a slightly revised version of my Habilitations schrift Proof-theoretic Aspects of Intensional and Non-Classical Logics, successfully defended at Leipzig University, November 1997. It collects work on proof systems for modal and constructive logics I have done over the last few years. The main concern is display logic, a certain refinement of Gentzen's sequent calculus developed by Nuel D. Belnap. This book is far from offering a comprehensive presentation of generalized sequent systems for (...)
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  35. One-Step Modal Logics, Intuitionistic and Classical, Part 2.Harold T. Hodes - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (5):873-910.
    Part 1 [Hodes, 2021] “looked under the hood” of the familiar versions of the classical propositional modal logic K and its intuitionistic counterpart. This paper continues that project, addressing some familiar classical strengthenings of K and GL), and their intuitionistic counterparts. Section 9 associates two intuitionistic one-step proof-theoretic systems to each of the just mentioned intuitionistic logics, this by adding for each a new rule to those which generated IK in Part 1. For the systems associated (...)
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    A proof-theoretic study of the correspondence of classical logic and modal logic.H. Kushida & M. Okada - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (4):1403-1414.
    It is well known that the modal logic S5 can be embedded in the classical predicate logic by interpreting the modal operator in terms of a quantifier. Wajsberg [10] proved this fact in a syntactic way. Mints [7] extended this result to the quantified version of S5; using a purely proof-theoretic method he showed that the quantified S5 corresponds to the classical predicate logic with one-sorted variable. In this paper we extend Mints' result to the basic (...)
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    Truth diagrams for some non-classical and modal logics.Can Başkent - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (4):527-560.
    This paper examines truth diagrams for some non-classical, modal and dynamic logics. Truth diagrams are diagrammatic and visual ways to represent logical truth akin to truth tables, developed by Peter C.-H. Cheng. Currently, it is only given for classical propositional logic. In this paper, we establish truth diagrams for Priest's Logic of Paradox, Belnap–Dunn's Four-Valued Logic, MacColl's Connexive Logic, Bochvar–Halldén's Logic of Non-Sense, Carnielli–Coniglio's logic of formal inconsistency as well as classical modal logic and (...)
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  38. Modal logic and philosophy.Sten Lindström & Krister Segerberg - 2006 - In Patrick Blackburn, Johan van Benthem & Frank Wolter (eds.), Handbook of Modal Logic. Elsevier. pp. 1149-1214.
    Modal logic is one of philosophy’s many children. As a mature adult it has moved out of the parental home and is nowadays straying far from its parent. But the ties are still there: philosophy is important to modal logic, modal logic is important for philosophy. Or, at least, this is a thesis we try to defend in this chapter. Limitations of space have ruled out any attempt at writing a survey of all the work going on (...)
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  39. Modal Logics for Parallelism, Orthogonality, and Affine Geometries.Philippe Balbiani & Valentin Goranko - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (3-4):365-397.
    We introduce and study a variety of modal logics of parallelism, orthogonality, and affine geometries, for which we establish several completeness, decidability and complexity results and state a number of related open, and apparently difficult problems. We also demonstrate that lack of the finite model property of modal logics for sufficiently rich affine or projective geometries (incl. the real affine and projective planes) is a rather common phenomenon.
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    Unified Interpretation of Quantum and Classical Logics.Kenji Tokuo - 2012 - Axiomathes (1):1-7.
    Quantum logic is only applicable to microscopic phenomena while classical logic is exclusively used for everyday reasoning, including mathematics. It is shown that both logics are unified in the framework of modal interpretation. This proposed method deals with classical propositions as latently modalized propositions in the sense that they exhibit manifest modalities to form quantum logic only when interacting with other classical subsystems.
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    Modal logic and invariance.Johan Van Benthem & Denis Bonnay - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (2-3):153-173.
    Consider any logical system, what is its natural repertoire of logical operations? This question has been raised in particular for first-order logic and its extensions with generalized quantifiers, and various characterizations in terms of semantic invariance have been proposed. In this paper, our main concern is with modal and dynamic logics. Drawing on previous work on invariance for first-order operations, we find an abstract connection between the kind of logical operations a system uses and the kind of invariance (...)
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    On Modal Logics of Partial Recursive Functions.Pavel Naumov - 2005 - Studia Logica 81 (3):295-309.
    The classical propositional logic is known to be sound and complete with respect to the set semantics that interprets connectives as set operations. The paper extends propositional language by a new binary modality that corresponds to partial recursive function type constructor under the above interpretation. The cases of deterministic and non-deterministic functions are considered and for both of them semantically complete modal logics are described and decidability of these logics is established.
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    Classical linear logics with mix separation principle.Norihiro Kamide - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (2):201-209.
    Variants of classical linear logics are presented based on the modal version of new structural rule !?mingle instead of the known rules !weakening and ?weakening. The cut-elimination theorems, the completeness theorems and a characteristic property named the mix separation principle are proved for these logics.
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    Modal logics for reasoning about infinite unions and intersections of binary relations.Natasha Alechina, Philippe Balbiani & Dmitry Shkatov - 2012 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 22 (4):275 - 294.
    (2012). Modal logics for reasoning about infinite unions and intersections of binary relations. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics: Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 275-294. doi: 10.1080/11663081.2012.705960.
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    Modal logics with Belnapian truth values.Serge P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2010 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 20 (3):279-304.
    Various four- and three-valued modal propositional logics are studied. The basic systems are modal extensions BK and BS4 of Belnap and Dunn's four-valued logic of firstdegree entailment. Three-valued extensions of BK and BS4 are considered as well. These logics are introduced semantically by means of relational models with two distinct evaluation relations, one for verification and the other for falsification. Axiom systems are defined and shown to be sound and complete with respect to the relational semantics (...)
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  46. Johan van Benthem, Modal Logic and Classical Logic. [REVIEW]Graeme Forbes - 1987 - Philosophy in Review 7:88-90.
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    Back and Forth Between Modal Logic and Classical Logic.Hajnal Andreka, Johan van Benthem & Istvan Nemeti - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (5):685-720.
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    Classically complete modal relevant logics.Edwin D. Mares - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):165-177.
    A variety of modal logics based on the relevant logic R are presented. Models are given for each of these logics and completeness is shown. It is also shown that each of these logics admits Ackermann's rule γ and as a corollary of this it is proved that each logic is a conservative extension of its counterpart based on classical logic, hence we call them “classically complete”. MSC: 03B45, 03B46.
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    Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 2: Papers From the Second Aiml Conference, Held at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, October 1998.Michael Zakharyaschev, Krister Segerberg, Maarten de Rijke & Heinrich Wansing (eds.) - 2001 - Stanford, CA, USA: Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    Modal Logic, originally conceived as the logic of necessity and possibility, has developed into a powerful mathematical and computational discipline. It is the main source of formal languages aimed at analyzing complex notions such as common knowledge and formal provability. Modal and modal-like languages also provide us with families of restricted description languages for relational and topological structures; they are being used in many disciplines, ranging from artificial intelligence, computer science and mathematics via natural language syntax and (...)
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    Abstract modal logics.Ramon Jansana - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (2):273 - 299.
    In this paper we develop a general framework to deal with abstract logics associated with a given modal logic. In particular we study the abstract logics associated with the weak and strong deductive systems of the normal modal logicK and its intuitionistic version. We also study the abstract logics that satisfy the conditionC +(X)=C( in I n X) and find the modal deductive systems whose abstract logics, in addition to being classical or (...)
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