Results for 'Islam Study and teaching (Higher)'

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  1.  40
    Hadith Studies in Indonesia: Vernacularization and Teaching Methods of Sahih Al-Bukhari in Traditional and Contemporary Islamic Educational Institutions.Salamah Noorhidayati & Thoriqul Aziz - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):60-80.
    Sahih al-Bukhari, one of the most esteemed and widely studied collections of hadith by Muslims, has garnered significant attention in Indonesia. This paper delves into the history of Sahih al-Bukhari's study within the Indonesian context, examining its transmission lineage, vernacularization, and study methodologies in traditional and contemporary educational context. Three specific objectives were pursued: 1) the translation and vernacularization of Sahih al-Bukhari, 2) the transmission of Sahih al-Bukhari, with a focus on Indonesian pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), and 3) (...)
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    Islamic religiosity and job satisfaction among Muslim teachers in Malaysia.Muhammad Yafiz, Mohammed Yousif Oudah Al-Muttar, Saman Ahmed Shihab, Qurratul Aini, Anna Gustina Zainal, Yousef A. Baker El-Ebiary, Rasha Abed Hussein, Tayseer Rasol Allahibi & Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):6.
    In recent years, researchers have paid special attention to religiosity and the practice of religious beliefs. If people put religiosity at the forefront of their affairs and maintain the roots of religion in various aspects of work and family life, they will see God present and watchful in doing all things, and the result of such a vision will be the successful performance of deeds and walking the path of perfection. Having a heartfelt belief in the value of work and (...)
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  3.  13
    Peta kecenderungan kajian agama-agama dan filsafat Islam pada program pascasarjana.Syaifan Nur - 2007 - Yogyakarta: Program Studi Agama-agama dan Filsafat Islam, Program Pascasarjana UIN Sunan Kalijaga. Edited by Alim Roswantoro.
    Study on Islamic philosophy and theology in post-graduate program in Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
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    Higher Religious Education in the Eyes of Students (Example of Giresun University Faculty of Islamic Sciences).Hüseyin Algur & Halil İbrahim Özasma - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (59):397-424.
    The process of deciding which higher education institution to attend is a very important turning point for an individual who graduates from a secondary education institution and has sufficient central placement score. Making the right decisions at the mentioned turning point is important both for the individual him/herself and for the quality of the future service. In this context, the main purpose of this study, which consists of findings obtained from the descriptive analysis of the answers given to (...)
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    Teaching Scientific Tasawuf in the Islamic Education System: Exploring Kiai Ahmad Khotib Insights.Hajam Hajam - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):131-155.
    This paper constructs the teaching of tasawuf as a scientific methods in the higher education in Indonesia. The inclusion of systematic approach is based on the teaching of tasawuf by Kiai Emet Ahmad Khotib from Cirebon West Java Indonesia. This study implemented habitus research method and historical method that centered on library research. Habitus is the mental or cognitive structure through which people deal with the social world. A person is endowed with a set of internalized (...)
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  6. Etika kedokteran: tinjauan kurikulum pada fakultas kedokteran di universitas Islam di Jakarta.Fika Ekayanti - 2022 - Ngaglik, Sleman: Deepublish.
    On medical ethics curricula according to Islamic aspects in medicine faculty of several Islamic universities in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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  7.  12
    Attitudes of Theology Students towards Kalām Course and Its Teaching: A Scale Development Study.Ahmet Mekin Kandemi̇r & Sibel Kandemi̇r - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):305-322.
    There is a need for an extensive study on undergraduate students' attitudes towards the kalām course and its teaching process in the faculties of theology and Islamic studies, which are higher religious education institutions. In order to meet this need, a 30-item survey was prepared in a 5-point Likert structure that measures the attitude towards the kalām course. This questionnaire was applied to 1007 randomly selected undergraduate students studying in faculties of theology and Islamic studies in Turkey (...)
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  8. Tanzimat'tan Günümüze Türkiye'de Felsefe.Mehmet Vural - 2018 - Ankara: Elis Yayınları.
    PREFACE WORD The Tanzimat period, which was the starting point of reform movements in many areas such as social, political, economic, military, etc., in which steps were taken towards Westernization, is considered to be an important milestone in drawing the fate of the Ottoman Empire. In this longest century of the empire, when many things were rushed, education partially received its share of change and reform. However, since the field of education was under the control of religious institutions such as (...)
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  9. Türkiye'de kültürel dönüşümler ve felsefe eğitimi.Osman Kafadar - 2000 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık.
  10.  25
    Religious Education for Mentally Disabled Inclusive Students: Semi-Experimental Study-Support Education Room.Teceli Karasu & Eyup Şi̇mşek - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1579-1606.
    In our country, mildly mentally disabled students are being educated in general education classes by means of integration. An individualized education program (IEP) is being prepared for these students when needed. However, the impact of BEP on students with intellectual disabilities in religious education has not yet been sufficiently discussed. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the IEP on the achievement of religious education of mentally disabled students and the level of religious learning of these (...)
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  11.  20
    Distance Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic Process: Views of Faculty Members of Theology/Islamic Sciences Faculties.Fatma Kurtteki̇n - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (1):31-60.
    The role and attitude of the faculty members, who is one of the pillars of the education system, is important in making the evaluation of distance education, which began to be implemented quickly and suddenly with the pandemic process. For this purpose, the effects of the use of distance education in higher religious education were examined from the perspective of the faculty members. 134 faculty members working in faculty of theology/Islamic sciences participated in the research. In the research, the (...)
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  12.  12
    Religious Structure as a Madrasah and Academy.Mustafa Agâh - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):1-15.
    Madrasas and academy can be defined as educational institutions known as schools that were established for different purposes in different periods. Madrasas are non-formal educational institutions where Islamic religious knowledge is taught. Madrasas, which hold an important place in Islamic civilization, are generally built in connection with mosques or prayer rooms. Education in madrasas is provided in areas related to the Islamic religion, such as fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad), tafsir (interpretation of the Quran), (...)
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  13.  15
    Deprivasi relatif kompetensi kepemimpinan guru Pai: Kajian komparatif guru akidah akhlak berkualifikasi s1 Dan guru tugas pesantren lulusan ma.Zumrotul Mukaffa - 2018 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (1):231-262.
    This paper attempts to examine the leadership competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers in the areas of Islamic theology and Morality with the qualification of Bachelor Degree and pesantren-assigned teachers graduated from IslamicSenior High School and factors that influence it. PAI teachers with the qualification of S1 or those who have pedagogical competence are believed to have higher leadership competencies, and vice versa,pesantren-assigned teachers with secondary level education qualification, have lower leadership competence. The results show a contrasting real picture (...)
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  14.  17
    (1 other version)Buddhist-Christian Dialogue and Comparative Scripture: Minzu University October 11, 2014.Thomas Cattoi - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:211-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Dialogue:Moving ForwardThomas Cattoi (bio) and Carol S. Anderson (bio)The San Francisco Bay Area is an interesting location in which to ponder Buddhist-Christian relations. The website lists more than a hundred institutions affiliated with Buddhist organizations—a density higher than in the Beijing metropolitan area. Some of these centers have a clearly ethnic and denominational character, serving a predominantly immigrant population. Some, like many of the Tibetan organizations, (...)
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  15.  16
    Kalam Corpus of Turkey From Beginning Until Now: The Case of Ankara Divinity School.Rabiye ÇETİN - 2020 - Kader 18 (2):397-431.
    The present article discusses the Department of Kalam, its foundation, academic structuring, philosophy, and contribution to religious thought at the national and international level since the establishment of Ankara University Faculty of Divinity. The process regarding the field of Kalam since the establishment of Ankara University Faculty of Divinity in 1949 has been studied over two historical periods. The first is the period from its being taught as a course under the Chair of the History of Islam and Sects (...)
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  16.  37
    Strengthening Ethics: A Faith Perspective on Educational Research.Imran Mogra - 2017 - Journal of Academic Ethics 15 (4):365-376.
    This article discusses ethical guidelines from the viewpoint of the teachings of Islam and, although not ostensibly different, finds parallels in the manner in which ethics could be conceptualised in the context of research in education. It seeks an alignment between ethics from the perspective of being a professional engaged in educational research with a personal significance based on one’s belief, which takes a holistic notion of life. The aims of being ethical researchers seem to be shared in many (...)
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  17.  41
    I Didn’t Like It, but I Recommend It: An Undergraduate Reflects on Contemplation in the Classroom.Lauren Rodgers - 2013 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 33:119-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:I Didn’t Like It, but I Recommend It: An Undergraduate Reflects on Contemplation in the ClassroomLauren RodgersWhile taking Introduction to World Religions as a first-year college student, I became acutely aware that my preconceived notions about religions were often wrong, and I had been oblivious to the diversity and complexity of the traditions I began to study. During subsequent semesters, I studied Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism, and (...)
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  18.  48
    Evaluation of ʻAmelī I҆lmiḥal (1328) Course Book for Children In The II. Constitutional Period in Terms of Religious Education.Halise Kader Zengi̇n - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):311-330.
    The II. constitutional period is a period of renewal in many areas. Political, social and educational changes also had influences in the field of religious education. One of the examples of these changes is the ʻAmelī I҆lmiḥal textbook written by Halim Sabit (DOD. 1946) in five volumes for both teachers and student. This study particularly aims to assess this textbook in terms of religious education. Accordingly, the following questions are addressed: “What are the topics covered in the ilmihal books (...)
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