Results for 'Isna Ainun Batalipu'

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    Dari pojok sejarah: renungan perjalanan Emha Ainun Nadjib.Emha Ainun Nadjib - 2008 - Yogyakarta: Progress.
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    Islam itu rahmatan lil alamin bukan untuk kamu sendiri.Emha Ainun Nadjib - 2020 - Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan: Noura.
    On fundamental concept of Islam as the religion that brings grace and prosperity to all creation with reference to Indonesia.
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    Minoritas Yang terlindungi: Tantangan Dan kontinuitas gkjw jemaat mojowarno di kota santri jombang.Muhammad Ainun Najib - 2015 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (1).
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    Exploring Al-Fārābī’s Secrets in Harmonizing Science and Religion.Sita Isna Malyuna, Ah Zakki Fuad & Ali Mas’ud - 2024 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 10 (2):313-334.
    Harmonization between science and religion in al-Fārābī’s thought is an important topic in addressing the challenges of paradigm differences between the two in modern society. This research aims to explore al-Fārābī’s views on the integration of spiritual values and scientific rationality and their relevance to contemporary challenges. Using a qualitative method based on a literature study, this research analyzes al-Fārābī’s works as well as supporting literature that discusses the relationship between science and religion. The results show that al-Fārābī viewed science (...)
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    A Mathematical Model of the Tuberculosis Epidemic.Ally Yeketi Ayinla, Wan Ainun Mior Othman & Musa Rabiu - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (3):225-255.
    Tuberculosis has continued to retain its title as “the captain among these men of death”. This is evident as it is the leading cause of death globally from a single infectious agent. TB as it is fondly called has become a major threat to the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SDG) and hence require inputs from different research disciplines. This work presents a mathematical model of tuberculosis. A compartmental model of seven classes was used in the model formulation comprising (...)
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    Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia (ReFiLo): a mensageira santa-mariense da educação filosófica no Brasil.Anderson Luis da Paixão Café, Adelmária Ione dos Santos & Isna Gabriel Sia - forthcoming - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo.
    É bastante conhecida a interrogação do filósofo Immanuel Kant a respeito da possibilidade ou não de se ensinar filosofia. Partindo-se da premissa de que não é possível dissociar a filosofia de seu ensino, este artigo se propôs a responder a seguinte questão: de que maneira a Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia (ReFiLo) contribui para o debate e o fortalecimento da educação filosófica no Brasil? Para responder a esta pergunta, realizou-se uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, adotando-se a pesquisa (...)
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    Review of Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith: Based on the Quantitative and the Isnād- cum-Matn Analysis. By Hiroyuki Yanagihashi. [REVIEW]I. -Wen Su - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (4):904-907.
    Reconstructing the Variant Generation Process of Hadith: Based on the Quantitative and the Isnād- cum-Matn Analysis. By Hiroyuki Yanagihashi. Sheffield, UK: eqUinox PUBlishinG, 2023. Pp. xiii + 287. $100, £75.
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  8. Who Pays for Bird Flu?Peter Singer - unknown
    It isn’t called “factory farming†merely because those sheds look like factories. Everything about the production method is geared towards turning live animals into machines for converting grain into meat or eggs at the lowest possible cost.
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    Şiʿa’nın Ricʿat Doktrininin Dönüşümü: Nusayrî, Dürzî, B'bî ve Bah'îler Üzerine Bir Olgu İncelemesi.Aydın Bayram - 2023 - Kader 21 (3):942-959.
    Şiâ’nın temel inanç ilkelerinden biri olan ricʿat doktrini potansiyel olarak radikal yorumlara olanak sunmaktadır. Ricʿat inanışının arka planında gaybet anlayışı ve ona yüklenen insan üstü özel mana son derece hayati öneme sahiptir. Şiîlik içerisinde günümüze ulaşan ve Şiîlerin büyük çoğunluğunu oluşturan İmamiyye ya da On iki İmam (İsnâ aşeriyye) Şiîliğine göre, on ikinci imam Muhammed b. el-Hasan, 941 yılında büyük gaybete gitmiştir. Bu doktrinle, gizli imamın bir gün geri döneceğine, zulüm ve haksızlıklarla dolu olan tüm dünyayı adaletle hükmedeceğine ve refaha (...)
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    “Pray with Your Leader”: A Proto-Sunni Quietist Tradition.Stijn Aerts - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (1):29.
    The Prophetic hadith “pray with your leader,” which G. H. A. Juynboll argued originated with Shuʿba b. al-Ḥajjāj, urges Muslims to observe the prayer both at its appointed time and with an imam who delays its performance. An isnād analysis that factors in the different readings of the tradition could not reproduce Juynboll’s result and yielded significantly earlier dates of origin for the oldest two variants: the early 60s/680s and the early 80s/700s. It is argued that the tradition was invented (...)
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  11. 224 P., 5 1/2 X 7.Gerald Edelman - unknown
    Reading this book is, I imagine, very much like having a conversation with—by which I mean listening to—Gerald Edelman on topics of great interest: evolution; the brain; consciousness; and the nature and limits of human knowledge. Normally, this would be a great recommendation for a work, as one would assume the informality of style and intimacy of tone would make more accessible the ideas being conveyed. In this case, however, there are a couple of problems. The first is that, at (...)
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    Isnād-cum-matn Analysis and Kalāla: Some Critical Reflections.Jens Scheiner - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 139 (2):479.
    This review article responds to Pavel Pavlovitch’s study on the understanding of the term kalāla in the first three centuries of Islamic history of thought. It focuses in particular on the author’s application of the so-called isnād-cum-matn analysis, showing that some of his methodological reasoning is innovative, while some is to be questioned.
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