Results for 'Jerzy Slpecki'

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  1.  16
    Art of Philosophy: A Selection of Jerzy Perzanowski's Works.Jerzy Perzanowski - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Jerzy Perzanowski s ideas were based on an original blend of logic and ontology in what he called onto/logic, where the slash is meant to suggest a quotient of ontology by logic. Perzanowski began as a logician, his early works being on modal logic, then gradually shifted his interest to logical philosophy, meaning not so much philosophy of logic as philosophy informed by logic. Perzanowski was a rare breed of analytical philosopher who thought that a philosophical theory of everything (...)
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    Jerzy Lukaszewski : Recteur du Collège d'Europe.Jerzy Lukaszewski - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (1):5.
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    Od wydawcy (jerzy pelc) 5 I. wspomnienia pozgonne.Jerzy Pelc, Jerzy Szacki, Jarosław Fali, Jacek Wojtysiak, Janina Buczkowska, Krzysztof Rotter, Adam Olech, Aleksandra Żukrowska, Jan Doroszewski & Jerzy J. Kolarzowski - 2001 - Studia Semiotyczne 23 (1):3.
    Chciałem Go pożegnać. Kilkakrotnie próbowałem napisać choć parę słów. O Nim samym. Okazało się, że nie potrafię. Udało mi się tylko przedstawić Jego poglądy na reizm Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego, ale uczyniłem to gdzie indziej. Muszę tu poprzestać na ofiarowaniu Mu tego, co napisałem na Jego dziewięćdziesiąte urodziny, w osiemdziesięciolecie naszej przyjaźni.
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    Locus umysłu.Jerzy Bobryk - 1987 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    The Courage of Doing Philosophy: Essays Dedicated to Leszek Nowak.Jerzy Brzezinski, Andrzej Klawiter, Theo A. F. Kuipers, Krzysztof Lastowski, Katarzyna Paprzycka & Piotr Przybysz (eds.) - 2007 - Rodopi.
    Table of ContentsAndrzej KLAWITER, Krzystof #ASTOWSKI: Introduction: Originality, Courage and Responsibility List of Books by Leszek NowakSelected Bibliography of Leszek Nowak's WritingsScience and Idealization Theo A.F. KUIPERS: On Two ...
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    List Witelona do Ludwika we Lwówku Śląskim: problematyka teoriopoznawcza, kosmologiczna i medyczna.Jerzy Burchardt - 1979 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich. Edited by Ludwik we Lwówku Śląskim.
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    Ucieczka w metasztukę.Jerzy Hanusek - 2004 - Estetyka I Krytyka 1 (6).
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    Science and Convention.Jerzy Giedymin - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (1):168-169.
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    Random World and Quantum Mechanics.Jerzy Król, Krzysztof Bielas & Torsten Asselmeyer-Maluga - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (2):575-625.
    Quantum mechanics (QM) predicts probabilities on the fundamental level which are, via Born probability law, connected to the formal randomness of infinite sequences of QM outcomes. Recently it has been shown that QM is algorithmic 1-random in the sense of Martin–Löf. We extend this result and demonstrate that QM is algorithmic ω\omega -random and generic, precisely as described by the ’miniaturisation’ of the Solovay forcing to arithmetic. This is extended further to the result that QM becomes Zermelo–Fraenkel Solovay random on (...)
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    The Limits of Natural History [Limites historiae naturalis].Jerzy Forster - 2024 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (12):30-42.
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    Kant o republikanizmie.Jerzy W. Gałkowski - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (1):49-63.
    Problem republikanizmu należy do zespołu problemów polityki, którymi Kant zajął się już pod koniec życia. Rozwój i doskonalenie się człowieka nie mieści się w działaniu ludzkiej natury, która jest niezmienna, ale w osobowym działaniu wolności. Ostatecznym tego celem jest wieczny pokój. Warunkiem zaś rozwoju i osiągnięcia celu najwyższego jest zbudowanie ustroju republikańskiego. Kant pokazuje to na przykładzie rewolucji francuskiej. Choć jest zdecydowanym przeciwnikiem każdej rewolucji, ze względu na sposoby jej realizacji, to w tym przypadku jej skutki ocenia pozytywnie, gdyż (...)
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    5.8.1942 — In Memory of Janusz Korczak.Jerzy Ficowski - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (9):7-8.
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    Limitations of the concept of free fields in Einstein's theory of gravitation.Jerzy Rayski - 1971 - Foundations of Physics 1 (3):203-209.
    It is shown explicitly that the linearized theory does not constitute any approximation to the exact solutions in the case of free fields. The only regular solution satisfying, as boundary condition, the requirement of a sufficiently rapid decrease at infinity is a flat space. The problem of conservation laws is discussed anew. The continuity equation satisfied by Einstein's pseudotensor does not guarantee the existence of global conservation laws. Solutions violating the energy conservation are interpretable as representing gravitational radiation absorbed or (...)
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    (1 other version)Świat bez historii.Jerzy Topolski - 1972 - Warszawa: Wiedza Powszechna.
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    Realizm wewnętrzny a prawda absolutna.Jerzy Breń - 2002 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 31.
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  16. O problemie interpretacyjnym Ajdukiewicza i dziwnych własnościach interpretacji.Jerzy Giedymin - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:11-30.
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    Science, Metaphysics, and Scientific Realism.Jerzy Gołosz - 2011 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):27-45.
    The paper can be logically divided into two parts. In the first part I distinguish two kinds of metaphysics: basic metaphysics, which affects scientific theories, and a second kind, which is an effect of interpretations of these theories. I try to show the strong mutual relations between metaphysics and science and to point out that the basic metaphysics of science is based on realistic assumptions. In the second part of my paper I suggest that we should consider the basic metaphysics (...)
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  18. Kategoria własności w teoriach i postulatach uspołecznienia.Jerzy Kolarzowski - 1985 - Colloquia Communia 20 (3-6):299-302.
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  19. Preferowana style myślenia - metaprogramy.Jerzy J. Kolarzowski - 2001 - Studia Semiotyczne 24:205-228.
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  20. Problem jedności duszy i ciała w korespondencji Descartesa z księżniczką Elżbietą.Jerzy Kopania - 1993 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 38.
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    The Unforgettable 1944.Jerzy R. Krzyżanowski - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (5-6):37-50.
    The events occurring in Poland in 1944 are discussed here as the story of Home Army [AK] unfolds in its dramatic developments taking place during that year. Starting with south-eastern provinces the gradual Soviet incursion moved toward the north-east, and eventually to central Poland, everywhere affecting the actions of AK aimed at liberation of Poland. The ensuing conflict culminated in the Warsaw Uprising in August and September when the Soviets refused to help AK in order to promote their own choice (...)
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    Władysław Stanisław Reymont wśród piewców męczeństwa Ziemi Chełmskiej.Jerzy Starnawski - 2002 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 5:101-113.
    Le sujet du martyre des greco-catholiques des régions Chełm et Polasie a été abordé par tels écrivains que: M. Konopnicka, J. Weyssenhoff et S. Żeromski. Reymont a décrit la question des greco-catholiques en commenęant par le récit La Mère en 1902, puis dans le reportage Du Sol de Chełm jusqu'au roman La Jugée. Dans ses oeuvres il a mis en evidence ľhéroisme du peuple des regions Chełm et Podlasie.
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    Our Daily Indifference.Jerzy Turowicz - 1995 - Dialogue and Universalism 5 (11):21-25.
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    Augustine as a Philosopher of Language.Jerzy Giebułtowski - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    Pasjonująca gra. Ballada o szachiście i inne „ciekawe piosenki” Wojciecha Młynarskiego napisane z Jerzym Wasowskim w okresie stanu wojennego.Jerzy Wiśniewski - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 63 (4):69-92.
    Among the composers with whom Wojciech Młynarski collaborated – a brilliant songwriter and penetrating satirist, librettist and translator, as well as a talented singer – was a completely unique artist, often referred to as the “Polish Gershwin” – Jerzy Wasowski. As a result of their nearly twenty years of cooperation, interrupted by Wasowski’s death in 1984, about thirty songs were created, most often being cabaret-satirical works or in the form of “sung columns”. Among the achievements of the Młynarski-Wasowski company (...)
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  26. On the origin and significance of Poincaré's conventionalism.Jerzy Giedymin - 1977 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 8 (4):271-301.
  27. Entropy and the Direction of Time.Jerzy Gołosz - 2021 - Entropy 23 (4):388.
    The paper tries to demonstrate that the process of the increase of entropy does not explain the asymmetry of time itself because it is unable to account for its fundamental asymmetries, that is, the asymmetry of traces (we have traces of the past and no traces of the future), the asymmetry of causation (we have an impact on future events with no possibility of having an impact on the past), and the asymmetry between the fixed past and the open future, (...)
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    Uber die Regeln des Aussagenkalkuls.Jerzy Słupecki - 1953 - Studia Logica 1 (1):19-40.
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    ‘Our Marketing is Our Goodness’: Earnest Marketing in Dissenting Organizations.Jerzy Kociatkiewicz & Monika Kostera - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (4):731-744.
    In times of erosion and dissolution of social structures and institutions, described by Bauman as the interregnum, there arises both a need and a possibility of developing alternative approaches to the most fundamental organizational practices. Marketing, a simultaneously tremendously successful and much criticized sub-discipline and practice, is a prime candidate for such a redefinition. Potential prefigurations of future processes of organizing and institutionalizing can be found within dissenting organizations, the alternative organizations built at the fringes of, and in opposition to, (...)
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  30.  79
    (1 other version)S. leśniewski's calculus of names.Jerzy Słupecki - 1955 - Studia Logica 3 (1):7-72.
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    Some paraconsistent sentential calculi.Jerzy J. Błaszczuk - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):51 - 61.
    In [8] Jakowski defined by means of an appropriate interpretation a paraconsistent calculusD 2 . In [9] J. Kotas showed thatD 2 is equivalent to the calculusM(S5) whose theses are exactly all formulasa such thatMa is a thesis ofS5. The papers [11], [7], [3], and [4] showed that interesting paraconsistent calculi could be obtained using modal systems other thanS5 and modalities other thanM. This paper generalises the above work. LetA be an arbitrary modality (i.e. string ofM''s,L''s and negation signs). Then (...)
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  32. Kontrrewolucja a światopogląd.Jerzy Szacki - 1964 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 10.
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    Leszek Kołakowski.Jerzy Szacki & Lesław Kawalec - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (7-8):95-109.
    Author tells the story of his close and very long-lasting acquaintance with Leszek Kołakowski as well as commentates on his intellectual biography and achievements as political and literary essayist, philosopher, historian of ideas, and public figure. In particular, he describes in details the first half of Kołakowski’s life, namely the period when he made his long journey from being communist in his student years to becoming as a young scholar the leading figure of Marxist revisionism in the late fifties and, (...)
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    Quantum Mechanics, Formalization and the Cosmological Constant Problem.Jerzy Król & Torsten Asselmeyer-Maluga - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):879-904.
    Based on formal arguments from Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory we develop the environment for explaining and resolving certain fundamental problems in physics. By these formal tools we show that any quantum system defined by an infinite dimensional Hilbert space of states interferes with the spacetime structure M. M and the quantum system both gain additional degrees of freedom, given by models of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory. In particular, M develops the ground state where classical gravity vanishes. Quantum mechanics distinguishes set-theoretic random forcing (...)
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  35. Patriotyzm a socjalizm.Jerzy Ładyka - 1968 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 6 (6):12-23.
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    Machina poetica: fantazja poetycko-naukowa.Jerzy Afanasjew - 1980 - Gdańsk: Wydawn. Morskie.
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  37. Innowacje wdrażane w przedsiębiorstwach państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej.Jerzy Baruk - 2010 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 46 (185):533-550.
    W publikacji autor analizuje powszechność wdrażania określonych kategorii innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach funkcjonujących w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Analizy dokonano w dwóch przekrojach: 1) państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej, 2) przynależności sektorowej przedsiębiorstw. Podstawą dla tej analizy są wyniki badań kwestionariuszowych przeprowadzonych w kwietniu 2009 r. przez the Gallup Organization wśród 5034 przedsiębiorstw. Respondentami byli przedstawiciele zarządów tych przedsiębiorstw. Celem publikacji jest dokonanie statystycznej analizy odpowiedzi respondentów na temat powszechności wdrażania innowacji.
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    Język jako rezultat procesu fulguracji w ujęciu Konrada Lorenza.Jerzy Breś - 2005 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 53 (1):45-52.
    The article presents the conception of biological conditionings of language in Konrad Z. Lorenz\'s approach. In Lorenz\'s works the category of fulguration is the main philosophical category. It means the creation of \'something new\' as result of the process of a sequence of phenomena that are causally related. Viewing the human race from the historical perspective Lorenz differentiates two important fulgurations, called superfulgurations. One of them is the transition from the \"experiencing I\" to the \"conscious I\". Development of man\'s mental (...)
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    Maxime Bôcher's concept of complementary philosophy of mathematics.Jerzy Dadaczyński & Robert Piechowicz - 2020 - Philosophical Problems in Science 68:9-36.
    The main purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate that as early as 1904 pre-eminent American mathematician Maxime Bôcher was an adherent to the presently relevant argument of reasonableness, or even necessity of parallel development of two philosophical methods of reflection on mathematics, so that its essence could be more fully comprehended. The goal of the research gives rise to the question: what two types of philosophical deliberation on mathematics were proposed by Bôcher?
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  40.  22
    Odpowiedź na uwagi Marka Łagosza albo na czym polega nierzetelność naukowa.Jerzy Gołosz - 2014 - Ruch Filozoficzny 71 (2):227.
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    Wandering toward Theatre of Sources.Jerzy Grotowski & Jenny Kumiega - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (2):11-23.
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  42. Ideologia pozytywistyczna i \\\"Pirandellowska\\\".Jerzy Kmita - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 284 (7-8).
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  43. Znak - symbol - alegoria.Jerzy Kmita & Włodzimierz Ławniczak - 1970 - Studia Semiotyczne 1:75-108.
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  44. Phänomenologie in der Auffassung von Hedwig Conrad-Martius und Edith Stein.Jerzy Machnacz - 2016 - In Jerzy Machnacz, Monika Małek-Orłowska & Krzysztof Serafin, The hat and the veil: the phenomenology of Edith Stein = Hut und Schleier: die Phänomenologie Edith Steins. Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    Russian Classics: Russia on Its Way to Europe.Jerzy Niesiobędzki & Lesław Kawalec - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (3):65-84.
    The editorial note recommending the book by Vladimir Kantor Russkaya Klasika Ili Bytiye Rassiyi communicates that the author (philosopher, novelist and historian) believes that only this culture is fully valuable whose most representative artists’ work turns into classics, thus gaining the status of high culture. It indicates the extent to which the great names of Russian literature write with an awareness that in order to make it into the classics canon of European literature, too, one needs to reckon with the (...)
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  46. Wspomnienia pozgonne o Jerzym Kuryłowiczu i Sewerynie z Łuszczewskich Romahnowej.Jerzy Pelc - 1980 - Studia Semiotyczne 10:5-10.
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    Komentarz Pawła z Worczyna do "Etyki Nikomachejskiej" Arystotelesa z 1424 roku: zarys problematyki filozoficzno-społecznej.Jerzy Rebeta - 1970 - Kraków: Wyd. Polskiej Akademii Nauk.
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  48. Refutacje libertynizmu. Z dziejów kultury umysłowej w Polsce doby Oświecenia.Jerzy Snopek - 1982 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 28.
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    L'Unité de la Science.Jerzy A. Wojciechowski - 1963 - Dialogue 2 (3):346-358.
    C'est peut-être faire un faux pas que de placer une pensée d'Aristote en épigraphe à un essai sur un livre dont l'auteur est partisan de l'empirisme logique. Que les adhérents de l'École de Vienne veuillent bien excuser notre manque de tact, mais le mot du Stagirite nous semble tout indiqué pour servir de pensée liminaire au thème que nous nous proposons d'aborder.
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    On the Axiom of Canonicity.Jerzy Pogonowski - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 32 (1):3-31.
    The axiom of canonicity was introduced by the famous Polish logician Roman Suszko in 1951 as an explication of Skolem's Paradox (without reference to the L\"{o}wenheim-Skolem theorem) and a precise representation of the axiom of restriction in set theory proposed much earlier by Abraham Fraenkel. We discuss the main features of Suszko's contribution and hint at its possible further applications.
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