Results for 'Jiří Přibáň'

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  1.  37
    The Time of Constitution-Making: On the Differentiation of the Legal, Political and Moral Systems and Temporality of Constitutional Symbolism.JIŘÍ PŘIBÁŇ - 2006 - Ratio Juris 19 (4):456-478.
    The article focuses on the problem of constitutional symbolism in functionally differentiated societies and its relevance to legal, political, and moral systems. The first part analyses differences between the three systems and their constitutional context. The second part concentrates on the moral symbolic function of modern constitutions and its temporal dimension. It shows that the “good/bad” moral code of constitutions draws on expressive symbolism and transforms it into evaluative symbolism and dogma of morality. The final part analyses the prospective character (...)
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    Legalist Fictions and the Problem of Scientific Legitimation.Jiří Přibáň - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (1):14-36.
    The author analyzes fictions of legal positivist philosophy and their role in the scientific legitimation of modern law and political domination. The original function of legalist fictions was the establishment of legal science, which would be autonomous and independent of other social sciences and public morality. In the second half of the 20th century, legal positivist philosophy has nevertheless adopted the fiction of the just law as its scientific legitimation fiction and incorporated moral and political discourse into legal science, again.Legal (...)
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    Multiple sovereignty: On europe's self-constitutionalization and legal self-reference.JIŘÍ PŘIBÁŇ - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (1):41-64.
    This article focuses on theoretical reflections on sovereignty and constitutionalism in the context of the globalization and Europeanisation of the nation states, their politics, and legal systems. Starting from a critical assessment of the Kelsen-Schmitt polemic, the author claims that sovereignty needs to be analysed by the sociological method in order to disclose its current structural differentiation. The constitution of society may be imagined as the multitude of self-constituted and functionally differentiated social subsystems. The constitutional pluralism argument subsequently reconceptualizes sovereignty (...)
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    The juridification of european identity, its limitations and the search of eu democratic politics.Jiří Přibáň - 2009 - Constellations 16 (1):44-58.
  5.  26
    Remembering what needs to be forgotten: Reflections on lethe's law.Jiří Přiban - 2003 - Res Publica 9 (1):73-85.
  6. Constitution-making : morality and legal symbolism : on identity, temporality and differentiation of the legal, political and moral systems.Jiri Priban - 2007 - In José Rubio Carrecedo (ed.), Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  7.  28
    Symbolism of the Spirit of the Laws: A Genealogical Excursus to Legal and Political Semiotics.Jiří Přibáň - 2009 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (2):179-195.
    The spirit of the laws is a symbol reflecting the ontological status and transcendental ideals of the system of positive law. The article analyses historical links between the romantic philosophy of the spirit of the nation (Volksgeist), which subsumed Montesquieu’s general spirit of the laws under the concept of ethnic culture, and recent politics of cultural and ethnic identity. Although criticising attempts at legalising ethnic collective identities, the article does not simply highlight the virtues of demos and the superiority of (...)
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    Disidenti práva: o revolucích roku 1989, fikcích legality a soudobé verzi společenské smlouvy.Jiří Přibáň - 2001 - Praha: Sociologické nakl..
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    Postnational constitutionalism: Europe and the time of law.Jiří Přibáň - 2024 - Jurisprudence 15 (3):1-6.
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    Asking the Sovereignty Question in Global Legal Pluralism: From “Weak” Jurisprudence to “Strong” Socio‐Legal Theories of Constitutional Power Operations.Jiří Přibáň - 2015 - Ratio Juris 28 (1):31-51.
    The article examines recent theories of legal and constitutional pluralism, especially their adoption of sociological perspectives and criticisms of the concept of sovereignty. The author argues that John Griffiths's original dichotomy of “weak” and “strong” pluralism has to be reassessed because “weak” jurisprudential theories contain useful sociological analyses of the internal differentiation and operations of specific legal orders, their overlapping, parallel validity and collisions in global society. Using the sociological methodology of legal pluralism theories and critically elaborating on Teubner's societal (...)
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  11.  36
    Self-Reference of the Constitutional State: A Systems Theory Interpretation of the Kelsen-Schmitt Debate.Jiří Přibáň - 2011 - Jurisprudence 2 (2):309-328.
    This article reinterprets the Kelsen-Schmitt debate in the context of social systems theory and rethinks its major concepts as part of legal and political self-reference and systemic differentiation. In Kelsen?s case, it is the exclusion of sovereignty from juridical logic that opens a way to the self-reference of positive law. Similarly, Schmitt constructed his concept of the political as a self-referential system of political operations protected from the social environment by the medium of power. The author argues that the process (...)
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  12.  27
    Ingeborg Maus, Justiz als gesellschaftliches Über-Ich. Zur Position der Rechtsprechung in der Demokratie Berlin: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2018 Pp. 266 ISBN 9783518298299 €18.00. [REVIEW]Jiří Přibáň - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (3):487-491.
  13.  15
    Postnational constitutionalism: Europe and the time of law Postnational constitutionalism: Europe and the time of law by Paul Linden-Retek, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp. 312, £90 (hardback), ISBN: 9780192899187. [REVIEW]Jiří Přibáň - forthcoming - Jurisprudence.
    ‘We must newly conceive the time of law. To do so, the book calls for a more temporally attuned constitutional theory that places a principle of anti-reification at the centre of its jurisprudentia...
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  14.  30
    Jiří Přibáň, Legal Symbolism: On Law, Time and European Identity: Ashgate, Aldershot, 2007, 226 pp, ISBN: 978-0-7546-7073-5. [REVIEW]Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos - 2008 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 21 (2):185-188.
  15.  12
    Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones.José Rubio Carrecedo (ed.) - 2007 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    New Proposals for New Questions Nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones In six sections, the volume deals with different questions of political philosophy. The first section focuses on democratic theories, the second on conceptual debates, discussing topics such as collective rights, the terrorist phenomenon, Libertarianism and conceptions of freedom. In a third section on contemporary debates, perspectives on sovereignity and legitimacy as well as discourse theory versus political liberalism are discussed. The volume also features essays on democracy and law, and in (...)
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  16. Meta-metaphysics: On Metaphysical Equivalence, Primitiveness, and Theory Choice.Jiri Benovsky - 1st ed. 2016 - Springer.
    Metaphysical theories are beautiful. At the end of this book, Jiri Benovsky defends the view that metaphysical theories possess aesthetic properties and that these play a crucial role when it comes to theory evaluation and theory choice.Before we get there, the philosophical path the author proposes to follow starts with three discussions of metaphysical equivalence. Benovsky argues that there are cases of metaphysical equivalence, cases of partial metaphysical equivalence, as well as interesting cases of theories that are not equivalent. Thus, (...)
  17. Brain electrical activity and subjective experience during altered states of consciousness: Ganzfeld and hypnagogic states.Jirí Wackerman, Peter Pütz, Simone Büchi, Inge Strauch & Dietrich Lehmann - 2002 - International Journal of Psychophysiology 46 (2):123-146.
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    The Agency/Structure Dilemma: A Coordination Solution.Jiří Kabele - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (3):314-338.
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  19. Conceptual and Derivation Systems.Jiří Raclavský & Petr Kuchyňka - 2011 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 20 (1-2):159-174.
    Pavel Materna proposed valuable explications of concept and conceptual system. After their introduction, we contrast conceptual systems with (a novel notion of) derivation systems. Derivation systems differ from conceptual systems especially in including derivation rules. This enables us to show close connections among the realms of objects, their concepts, and reasoning with concepts.
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  20. Mind and Matter: Panpsychism, Dual-Aspect Monism, and the Combination Problem.Jiri Benovsky - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    In this book, Jiri Benovsky takes a stand for a variant of panpsychism as being the best solution available to the mind-body problem. More exactly, he defends a view that can be labelled 'dual-aspect-pan-proto-psychism'. Panpsychism claims that mentality is ubiquitous to reality, and in combination with dual-aspect monism it claims that anything, from fundamental particles to rocks, trees, and human animals, has two aspects: a physical aspect and a mental aspect. In short, the view is that the nature of reality (...)
  21.  22
    O inferencialismu pro Pavla Maternu.Jiří Gabriel - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (2):120-122.
    Inferencialismus idealizuje proces získání významu v komunikaci. K tomu snadno najdeme protipříklady. Zcela zde chybí nějaká, zejména pojmová analýza a také nějaké rozhodovací (meta)pravidlo pro získání významu.
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    “Berlin, The Symphony of A City” As A Theme of Visual Rhythm.Jiri Kolaja & Arnold W. Foster - 1965 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 23 (3):353-358.
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    A semio-psychological theory of communication in music.Jirí Kulka - 1995 - In Eero Tarasti (ed.), Musical signification: essays in the semiotic theory and analysis of music. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 279--284.
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    Psychosemiotic transformation in the arts.Jiří Kulka - 1992 - Semiotica 89 (1-3):25-34.
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    Být sám sebou: pojem identity a jeho meze.Jiří Pechar - 1995 - Praha: Hynek.
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  26. Contingency, right and its force.J. Priban - 1998 - Filosoficky Casopis 46 (3):437-454.
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  27. The liar paradox, meaning and truth.Jiri Raclavsky - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57 (3):325-351.
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    Cesta k nesmrtelnosti.Jiří Vacek - 2018 - Praha: Martin Tomeš - Přátelé Jiřího Vacka.
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  29. Natural selection ad usum philosophers.Jiri Vacha - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (2):163-189.
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    On the road to S tockholm: A case study of the failure of Cold War international environmental initiatives ( Prague Symposium, 1971).Jiří Janáč & Doubravka Olšáková - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (1):132-149.
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  31.  85
    Eliminativism, objects, and persons - The virtues of non-existence.Jiri Benovsky - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book, Jiri Benovsky defends the view that he doesn't exist. In this book, he also defends the view that this book itself doesn't exist. But this did not prevent him to write the book, and although in Benovsky's view you don't exist either, this does not prevent you to read it. Benovsky defends a brand of non-exceptionalist eliminativism. Some eliminativists, typically focusing on ordinary material objects such as chairs and hammers, make exceptions, for instance for blue whales (that (...)
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  32. New Reasons to Motivate Trope Theory: Endurantism and Perdurantism.Jiri Benovsky - 2013 - Acta Analytica 28 (2):223-227.
    In this paper, I argue that (non-presentist) endurantism is incompatible with the view that properties are universals. I do so by putting forward a very simple objection that forces the endurantist to embrace tropes, rather than universals. I do not claim that this is bad news for the endurantist—trope theory seems to me by all means more appealing than universals—rather, I would like to see this result as a further motivation to embrace tropes. I then also put forward a (more (...)
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  33.  80
    The Limits of Art: On Borderline Cases of Artworks and Their Aesthetic Properties.Jiri Benovsky - 2020 - Springer.
    This open access book is about exploring interesting borderline cases of art. It discusses the cases of gustatory and olfactory artworks, proprioceptive artworks, intellectual artworks, as well as the vague limits between painting and photography. The book focuses on the author’s research about what counts as art and what does not, as well as on the nature of these limits. Overall, the author defends a very inclusive view, 'extending' the limits of art, and he argues for its virtues. Some of (...)
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  34.  23
    On the Definitions of Basic Kinds of Properties.Jiří Raclavský - 2008 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 15 (1):80-83.
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  35.  29
    Herbrandizing search problems in Bounded Arithmetic.Jiří Hanika - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (6):577-586.
    We study search problems and reducibilities between them with known or potential relevance to bounded arithmetic theories. Our primary objective is to understand the sets of low complexity consequences of theories Si2 and Ti2 for a small i, ideally in a rather strong sense of characterization; or, at least, in the standard sense of axiomatization. We also strive for maximum combinatorial simplicity of the characterizations and axiomatizations, eventually sufficient to prove conjectured separation results. To this end two techniques based on (...)
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  36. Persistence through time and across possible worlds.Jiri Benovsky - 2006 - Ontos Verlag.
    How do ordinary objects persist through time and across possible worlds ? How do they manage to have their temporal and modal properties ? These are the questions adressed in this book which is a "guided tour of theories of persistence". The book is divided in two parts. In the first, the two traditional accounts of persistence through time (endurantism and perdurantism) are combined with presentism and eternalism to yield four different views, and their variants. The resulting views are then (...)
  37. Concept, Image and Mediality.Jiri Bystricky - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (5):429-435.
    The paper deals with the problematic of concept and image as independent forms of mediating the thought. A specific role in incorporating the media of concept and image into the system of thought is played by the mediality itself, which operates as an entity mediating between heterogeneous worlds. The symbolized messages of the concept and image thus represent using the dispositive of representation between the visual and intellectual worlds. The author takes the concept as the initial form of thought, which (...)
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  38. Brief Notices.Jiří Fajt & Markus Hörsch - 2008 - Speculum 83 (2):501.
  39. Hudba a její pojmoslovný systém: otázky stratifikace a taxonomie hudby.Jirí Fukac & Ivan Polednák - 1981 - Praha: Academia, nakl. Československé akademie věd. Edited by Ivan Poledňák.
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    Směery, osobnosti, problémy.Jirí Gabriel (ed.) - 1995 - Brno: Vyd. Masarykovy univerzity.
    1. Směry, osobnosti, problémy -- 2. Biograficko-bibliografický slovník.
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    Comment traiter le retrait tardif d'une demande de décision préjudicielle.Jiří Malenovský - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (2):497-511.
    In its jurisprudence relating to Article 267 TFEU, the Court of Justice of the European Union seems to oscillate between two different approaches. According to the jurisprudential mainstream, the preliminary ruling is an instrument of dialogue between national courts and the Court of Justice. This constant dialogue can fulfill the role assigned to the Court to ensure consistency of interpretation and application of Union law. Another line of cases, however, seems to make preliminary rulings means for individuals to ensure their (...)
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    (1 other version)Matter in its 'infinity'.Jiři Marek & L. E. Musberg - 1984 - Studies in East European Thought 27 (1):25-31.
    Consistent application of dialectical materialism leads Marxism-Leninism to the assertion that matter is infinite in its properties. However, the history of physics shows that the various levels of matter possess geometric dimensions that originate at the lowest level and continue through the others. The search for absolute natural constants — which Planck called the most pleasant task of physics — shows the conviction of the physicists that there is a limit to the parameters, a limit beyond which matter is no (...)
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    Analogy and Understanding.Jiri Syrovatka - 2000 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 15 (3):435-450.
    Analogy is taken into consideration by its didactive and heuristic functions. Analogic changes are analyzed in the form of syntactic-semantic graphs. Their recognizable structural similarity corresponds to the syntax or semantics in the analogy. The concept of analogy has subjective and objective aspects. The explanation in analogies is a dynamic transition from one concept structure to another. The possibility of analogy in the world is a statement about the disposition of the world. The possibility of analogy asserts something about the (...)
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  44. Is Aristotelian-Thomist hylomorphism viable?Jiri Vacha - 2013 - Filosoficky Casopis 61 (1):99-114.
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    Conceptual dependence of verisimilitude.Jiří Raclavský - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (3):334-353.
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  46. The bundle theory and the substratum theory: deadly enemies or twin brothers?Jiri Benovsky - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (2):175-190.
    In this paper, I explore several versions of the bundle theory and the substratum theory and compare them, with the surprising result that it seems to be true that they are equivalent (in a sense of 'equivalent' to be specified). In order to see whether this is correct or not, I go through several steps : first, I examine different versions of the bundle theory with tropes and compare them to the substratum theory with tropes by going through various standard (...)
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    Einstein–Perrin dilemma on the Brownian motion (Avogadro’s number) resolved?Jiří Škvarla - 2024 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 78 (6):833-881.
    The general recognition of the existence of atoms and molecules occurred only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Many researchers contributed to this, but the ultimate proof of the molecular nature of matter that convinced even the last sceptics was the confirmation of Albert Einstein’s statistical-fluctuation theory of Brownian motion, a part of his comprehension of interdisciplinary atomism, by Jean Perrin’s experiments on colloidal gamboge particles. Einstein noticed a difference between the values of Avogadro’s constant derived from Perrin’s experiments (...)
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  48.  13
    Duše jako směs jsoucnosti, totožnosti a různosti v Platónově dialogu Tímaios.Jiří Stránský - 2022 - Filozofia 77 (6):456-470.
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    Diffusion Action of Chemical Waves.Jirí Stávek - 2003 - Apeiron 10 (3):183.
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  50.  26
    Sémantika jmen ve fikci: obhajoba a rozvinutí Tichého koncepce.Jiří Raclavský - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (1):72-83.
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