Results for 'Józef Żuraw'

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  1.  59
    Józef Żuraw, Myśl Filozoficzna I Społeczna Tadeusza Kościuszki. Tradycje I Współczesnść (The Philosophical and Social Thought Of Tadeusz Kościuszko. Traditions and the Present Day). [REVIEW]Józef Żuraw - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (2):168-170.
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  2. Miejsce Jana Śniadeckiego w kulturze narodowej.Józef Żuraw - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 284 (7-8).
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  3. Polskie inspiracje dla twórców marksizmu.Józef Żuraw - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 254 (1).
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  4. Filozofia Henryka Kamieńskiego istotnym źródłem marksizmu w Polsce.Józef Żuraw - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 268 (3).
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    Tadeusz Kościuszko — the Polish Enlightenment Thinker.Józef Żuraw & Elżbieta Tetzlaff - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (1):151-163.
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    Józef Żuraw, Myśl Filozoficzna I Społeczna Tadeusza Kościuszki. Tradycje I Współczesnść (The Philosophical and Social Thought Of Tadeusz Kościuszko. Traditions and the Present Day). [REVIEW]J. Z. - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (2):168-170.
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    Boleslaw Jozef gawecki-a philosopher of the natural sciences.Jozef M. Dolega - 2001 - In Władysław Krajewski (ed.), Polish philosophers of science and nature in the 20th century. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 3--75.
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    An Obituary to Józef Tischner.Józef Bremer - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6 (1):235-237.
    Where you have freedom, the meaning of the word increases, where the word is meaningful, you presuppose freedom." Józef Tischner.
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  9. Jozef Tischner (1931-2000): Dialogue on earth--the synergy of christianity and terrism.Jozef Tischner - 2000 - Dialogue and Universalism 10 (9-10):123-124.
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    An Obituary for Prof. Józef Kałuża.Józef Bremer - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1):273-275.
    After the unexpected death of Professor Józef Kałuża at the age of 74 on the 26th of July 2003, not only Polish neuropathology but also Polish philosophy of medical investigations lost one of its most renowned minds. Beginning in 1949, Professor Kałuża studied medical sciences for five years at the Medical Faculty of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. He did his Ph.D. thesis in neuropathology in the Department of Neuropathology of the Polish Academy of Science. In 1962 he received a (...)
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    Struggle for nature: a critique of radical ecology.Jozef Keulartz - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    The Struggle for Nature outlines and examines the main aspects of current environmental philosophy including deep ecology, social and political ecology, eco-feminism and eco-anarchism. It criticizes the dependency on science of these philosophies and the social problems engendered by them. Jozef Keulartz argues for a post-naturalistic turn in environmental philosophy. The Struggle for Nature presents the most up-to-date arguments in environmental philosophy, which will be valuable reading for anyone interested in applied philosophy, environmental studies or geography.
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    (1 other version)Why studies in soviet philosophy?Józef M. Bocheński - 1963 - Studies in East European Thought 3 (1):1-10.
  13.  28
    Consenting in the Dark: Choose Your Own Deception.Rachel Zuraw - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (11):57-59.
  14.  41
    Ancient formal logic.Józef Maria Bochenski - 1951 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
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  15. Filozofia i życie.Jóżef Gołuchowski - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (5):240-281.
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    Doctors, Patients, and the ED: The Resident's Role.Jessica M. Zuraw - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (8):17-18.
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  17. La philosophie de H. Kamienski, source importante du marxisme en Pologne.J. Zuraw - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 268:105-120.
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    Józef Borgosz, Herbert Marcuse i filozofia trzeciej siły (Herbert Marcuse and the Philosophy of Third Force). [REVIEW]Józef Borgosz - 1974 - Dialectics and Humanism 1 (2):173-176.
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    Józef Andrzej Stuchliński, Problemy wyboru strategii metodologicznej w biologii współczesnej (Choice of Methodological Strategy in Contemporary Biology). [REVIEW]Józef Andrzej Stuchliński - 1980 - Dialectics and Humanism 7 (2):170-174.
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  20. Agency and Responsibility in Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics.Jozef Müller - 2015 - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 60 (2):206-251.
    I defend two main theses. First, I argue that Aristotle’s account of voluntary action focuses on the conditions under which one is the cause of one’s actions in virtue of being (qua) the individual one is. Aristotle contrasts voluntary action not only with involuntary action but also with cases in which one acts (or does something) due to one’s nature (for example, in virtue of being a member of a certain species) rather than due to one’s own desires (i.e. qua (...)
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  21.  30
    A history of formal logic.Jozef Maria Bocheński - 1961 - Notre Dame, Ind.,: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Excerpt from A History of Formal Logic In this edition of the most considerable history Of formal logic yet published, the Opportunity has Of course been taken to make some adjustments seen to be necessary in the original, with the author's full concurrence. Only in 36, however, has the numeration of cited passages been altered owing to the introduction of new matter. Those changes are as follows. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. (...)
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  22. Sextus Empiricus przeciw muzykom.Józef Reiss - 1935 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 12 (2):136-185.
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    Podziw i spór.Józef Maria Ruszar - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (2):143-174.
    The primary goal of this article is to get to the specifics of Zbigniew Herbert’s work. The poet had formal philosophical education and cannot be treated merely as a writer raising existential issues. The consequence of his studies in philosophy with the most eminent Polish philosophers of the time was that he took up important philosophical questions rather than used the answers that philosophers of the past had given. This is an important feature of his poetry and distinguishes Herbert from (...)
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  24.  35
    Exceptionalism Denied: Obesity Does Not Negate the Ability to Give Informed Consent.Rachel Zuraw - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (12):27-28.
  25. Aristotle on Virtue of Character and the Authority of Reason.Jozef Müller - 2019 - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 64 (1):10-56.
    I argue that, for Aristotle, virtue of character is a state of the non-rational part of the soul that makes one prone to making and acting on decisions in virtue of that part’s standing in the right relation to (correct) reason, namely, a relation that qualifies the agent as a true self-lover. In effect, this central feature of virtue of character is nothing else than love of practical wisdom. As I argue, it not only explains how reason can hold direct (...)
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  26. Aristotle and the Origins of Evil.Jozef Müller - 2020 - Phronesis: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy 65 (2):179-223.
    The paper addresses the following question: why do human beings, on Aristotle’s view, have an innate tendency to badness, that is, to developing desires that go beyond, and often against, their natural needs? Given Aristotle’s teleological assumptions (including the thesis that nature does nothing in vain), such tendency should not be present. I argue that the culprit is to be found in the workings of rationality. In particular, it is the presence of theoretical reason that necessitates the limitless nature of (...)
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  27.  9
    Podmiot wobec wartości: od recepcji do kreacji.Józef Lipiec - 1997 - Etyka 30:113-126.
    Józef Lipiec proposes his typology of axiological subjectivities according to levels of their commitment to values. He distinguishes 6 types of them in the order from complete passivity to full creativity. He also discusses ontological conditions of the axiological creativity. As for the problem of the origins of this kind of creativeness, the author opts for moderate determinism: the outer world provokes man to create values, but itself it is only a reservoir with raw material of which values can be (...)
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  28.  53
    On Epistemology and Some of Its Oddities. Why I Am Not a Representationist.Józef Dębowski - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (1-3):61-70.
    I argue for a standpoint that—against various kinds of naturalism—epistemology is a complete philosophical science. Epistemology is theoretically and methodologically self-sufficient. It has its good described subject, its characteristic research methods and its exactly described goal. The subject of epistemology is broadly comprehended cognition (knowledge)—cognition (knowledge) is comprehended as action as well as result. Among various methods peculiar to philosophy it is necessary to distinguish first of all phenomenological, transcendental and analytical methods. However, the main goal of epistemology has been (...)
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  29. Medical ethics and bioethics in the Slovak Republic (1990–1992).Jozef Glasa - 1993 - International Journal of Bioethics 4:228-230.
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    A Simple Metric for Fair Burden Sharing?Jozef Keulartz - 2009 - Ethics, Place and Environment 12 (3):297-300.
    Existing literature on equity considerations for climate change mitigation and adaptation has almost exclusively focused on fair burden sharing between nations. However, disparities among regions a...
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  31.  13
    Cenione wartości jako wyznacznik celów życiowych nauczycieli.Józef Rusiecki - 1999 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 5:235-240.
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    (1 other version)Belgian Politics in 1985.Jozef Smits - 1986 - Res Publica 28 (3):441-474.
  33.  22
    On the origin of telomeres: a glimpse at the pre‐telomerase world.Jozef Nosek, Peter Kosa & Lubomir Tomaska - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (2):182-190.
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    An Obituary to Józef Tischner.Józef Bremer Sj - 2001 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6:235-237.
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    Concepts of Nature as Communicative Devices: The Case of Dutch Nature Policy.Jozef Keulartz, Henny Van Der Windt & Jacques Swart - 2004 - Environmental Values 13 (1):81-99.
    The recent widespread shift in governance from the state to the market and to civil society, in combination with the simultaneous shift from the national level to supra-national and sub-national levels has led to a significant increase in the numbers of public and private players in nature policy. This in turn has increased the need for a common vocabulary to articulate and communicate views and values concerning nature among various actors acting on different administrative levels. In this article, we will (...)
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  36.  47
    (1 other version)Soviet logic.Józef M. Bocheński - 1961 - Studies in East European Thought 1 (1):29-38.
  37. Practical and Productive Thinking in Aristotle.Jozef Müller - 2018 - Phronesis 63 (2):148-175.
    I argue that on Aristotle’s account practical thinking is thinking whose origin (archē) is a desire that has as its object the very thing that one reasons about how to promote. This feature distinguishes practical from productive reasoning since in the latter the desire that initiates it is not (unless incidentally) a desire for the object that one productively reasons about. The feature has several interesting consequences: (a) there is only a contingent relationship between the desire that one practically reasons (...)
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  38. Instead of an Editorial.Józef L. Krakowiak - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (5-6):5-25.
    For my part I seek the metaphilosophical in universalism in the interdisciplinariness concept typical for ecology and system and information theory. I reject monologue as a form of hegemony and propose dialogue as an interpersonal path for seekers and cocreators of truth. I accept relational and reject substantialistic ontologies and all absolutism, including virtues, in an attempt to make room for the quest for common values attainable by those who identify with them on multiple levels (the universalism of Paul of (...)
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    Debating the State of Philosophy: Habermas, Rorty, and Kołakowski.Józef Niznik & John T. Sanders (eds.) - 1996 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    This book consists of the edited proceedings of a debate among Jurgen Habermas, Richard Rorty, and Leszek Kolakowski that was held in Warsaw in May of 1995. It includes also commentary from those in attendance, including extensive remarks by Ernest Gellner. The debate marked the fortieth anniversary of the foundation of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and focussed primarily on topics related to historicism and cultural relativism.
  40.  28
    Don’t pay attention to what you see! Negative commands and attention bias.Józef Maciuszek - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (1):70-84.
    The paper presents research into the effects of the use of negations in directives. Three experiments are described that tested the effects of instructions formulated in various ways: direct and negated commands to focus the attention. Indicators of attention focusing that were used include: the correctness of answers to questions about a selection of comic book pages ; the time needed to name the colours of stimulus words and the level of recall of these words after completion of the colour (...)
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    Auto-informacja auto-imperatywem?Józef Herbut - 1997 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 45 (2):39-49.
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  42. Wiedza zdroworozsądkowa.Jozef Herbut - 2000 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 36 (2):95-106.
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  43. How is Sport Possible?Józef Lipiec - 1984 - Dialectics and Humanism 11 (1):115-124.
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    Epistemic and poietic intentional processes.Józef Lubacz - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):5899-5915.
    We examine the intentional processes that correspond to conceptualizations of activities performed by subjects with the intention of achieving an objective. Taking as its basis a general framework of intentional processes, two types of such process are considered: epistemic ones, aimed at acquiring knowledge about something, and poietic ones, aimed at bringing about something. The “something” is understood as anything that the processes can pertain to: a physical, mental or abstract object, a phenomenon, a state of affairs, etc. The generic (...)
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  45. The polish school during the past 30 years.Jôzef Miaso - 1975 - Paideia 4:7.
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    Wstęp.Józef Maria Ruszar & Andrzej Wadas - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (2):7-12.
    W 2021 roku przypada 700. rocznica śmierci Dantego, jednego z największych twórców literatury światowej. Polska tradycja klasyczna, romantyczna i katolicka przez wieki czerpała pełnymi garściami z jego dzieł, a szczególnie z _Boskiej Komedii. _Dante był bliski wielu pokoleniom naszych przodków, towarzysząc im na kolejnych szczeblach edukacji: gimnazjalnej, licealnej i uniwersyteckiej. Dla uczącej się młodzieży był mentorem i nauczycielem ukazującym naturę ludzką w pełnym jej wymiarze – od bestialstwa po heroizm i świętość. W czasach zamętu, którego obecnie doświadczamy, kiedy nie tylko (...)
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  47.  8
    De politieke opiniepeilingen in België in 1980.Jozef Smits - 1981 - Res Publica 23 (2-3):409-426.
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    Het gebruik van de meervoudige voorkeurstem bij de parlementsverkiezingen van 21 mei 1995.Jozef Smits & Inge Thomas - 1998 - Res Publica 40 (1):127-168.
    In Belgium the multiple preferential voting system was for the first time applied to parliamentary elections in 1995. Since then the electorate has the possibility to cast a vote for several candidates figuring on the same party list.As a result of this voting system change, more voters used the possibilities offered by the preferential voting system than during the 1991 elections: almost 57% of the electorate of 1995 cast a multiple vote on candidates for the House of Representatives - this (...)
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    Etyczne determinanty zarządzania ośrodkami szkolenia kierowców w świetle zmian prawnych obowiązujących od 2013 r.Paweł Żuraw - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (2):85-96.
    From 19th January 2013 there have been changes in the operation of driver training centres due to the legislation regarding vehicle drivers coming into force. Changes related to the conduct of driving schools concern four major areas. The first one is a new form of enrolment on driving courses by candidates for drivers, which is done by using the so-called Profile of Candidate for Driver (PCD) generated by the county authorities. The second aspect is the new formula of the theoretical (...)
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  50.  7
    Idea Kodeksu Zawodowej Etyki w Rachunkowości by Accounting Association in Poland.Paweł Żuraw - 2012 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 15:121-130.
    Professional Ethics Code in Accounting constitutes a set of principles and values of everyday conduct of people whose work is connected with accounting. Accounting is an information system of enterprises, so it forms the basis of reliable management. Therefore information generated by accounting must be credible. Otherwise, the managing process would be based on false reports, which in consequence could lead to a fall of an economic subject, or it would at least cause the loss of clients, cooperators and associates` (...)
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