Results for 'Jorge Navarro-Pérez'

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  1.  14
    Fichte, Humboldt y Ranke sobre la idea y las ideas históricas.Jorge Navarro Pérez - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (58):405-426.
    This paper sketches an analysis of the resemblances and differences between Fichte's notion of "idea" and Humboldt's and Ranke's notions of the "historical ideas". In an appendix it extends the analysis to the relationship between Droysen's hegelian notion of "ideas" and Humboldt's one.
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  2. La contribución de J.G. Droysen a la filosofía de la historia y a la hermenéutica.Jorge Navarro Pérez - 2002 - Estudios Filosóficos 51 (146):39-67.
    Johann Gustav Droysen (1808-1884) fue no sólo uno de los historiadores más importantes de la Alemania de su tiempo, sino también uno de los teóricos de la historia más influyentes en la tradición hermenéutica de las ciencias del espíritu. Discípulo de Hegel y maestro de Dilthey, Droysen elaboró una ¿histórica¿ (Historik) que pretendía exponer ¿las leyes de la investigación y del saber históricos¿. La histórica de Droysen es dos cosas a la vez: una filosofía material de la historia y una (...)
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    El individuo y la nación. El sujeto y lo absoluto en las filosofías del lenguaje de Humboldt y Fichte.Jorge Navarro Pérez - 1994 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:51-62.
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  4. Historicismo, nacionalismo E idealismo. Tres variaciones sobre un tema de Wilhelm Von humboldt.Jorge Navarro Pérez - forthcoming - Res Publica.
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  5. Jacob Burckhardt, el escepticismo histórico y el pesimismo político.Jorge Navarro Pérez - 2000 - Res Publica. Murcia 6:111-145.
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  6. (1 other version)Historia magistra politices. Notas sobre la conexión entre teoría de la historia Y teoría política en ranke.Jorge Navarro Pérez - forthcoming - Res Publica.
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    Sprache und Individuum: ein Versuch über den Gedanken der nicht mehr zu findenden Einheit in der Sprachphilosophie Wilhelm von Humboldts.Jorge Navarro-Pérez - 1993 - Wuppertal: Deimling.
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    (1 other version)Ana Cecilia Rodríguez de Romo;, Arnulfo Irigoyen Coria;, M. Teresa Hernández Sánchez. Tesoros de la biblioteca histórica Doctor Nicolás León: Libros de medicina de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. 156 pp., illus., indexes. Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1996. [REVIEW]Jorge Navarro Pérez - 2003 - Isis 94 (4):716-717.
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  9. Das Bewußtsein als Zeichen.Jorge Navarro-Pérez - 1999 - Fichte-Studien 16:391-405.
  10.  14
    Zur Einheit der Lehre Fichtes: Die Zeit der wissenschaftslehre Nova Methodo.Helmut Girndt, Jorge Navarro-Pérez, Marco Ivaldo & José L. Villacañas (eds.) - 1990 - Atlanta, GA: Brill | Rodopi.
    Aus dem Inhalt: Die Wissenschaftslehre als System der unvollendeten Vollendung. - Fichtes Wechselwirkung und der implizite Hoerer der Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo. - Die Begrenzung: vom Anstoss zur Aufforderung. - Die Idee des Leibes im Jenaer System. - Fichtes politische und Rechtsphilosophie in der Deutung Richard Schottkys. - Gibt es bei Fichte eine transzendentale Anthropologie?.
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    Vorwort der Herausgeber.Helmut Girndt, Marco Ivaldo & Jorge Navarro-Pérez - 1999 - Fichte-Studien 16:11-12.
  12.  14
    Zur Einheit der Lehre Fichtes: Die Zeit der Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo.Helmut Girndt, Jorge Navarro-pérez, Mitwirkung von Marco Ivaldo & José L. Villacañas (eds.) - 1999 - Atlanta, GA: BRILL.
    Aus dem Inhalt: Die Wissenschaftslehre als System der unvollendeten Vollendung (Sven Juergensen). - Fichtes Wechselwirkung und der implizite Hoerer der Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo (Guenther Zoeller). - Die Begrenzung: vom Anstoss zur Aufforderung (Jacinto Rivera de Rosales). - Die Idee des Leibes im Jenaer System (Virginia Lopez-Dominguez). - Fichtes politische und Rechtsphilosophie in der Deutung Richard Schottkys (Carla de Pascale). - Gibt es bei Fichte eine transzendentale Anthropologie? (Jose L. Villacanas).
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    Humor Improves Women’s but Impairs Men’s Iowa Gambling Task Performance.Jorge Flores-Torres, Lydia Gómez-Pérez, Kateri McRae, Vladimir López, Ivan Rubio & Eugenio Rodríguez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:482865.
    The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is a popular method for examining real-life decision-making. Research has shown gender related differences in performance, in that men consistently outperform women. It has been suggested that these performance differences are related to decreased emotional control in women compared to men. Given the likely role of emotion in these gender differences, in the present study we examine the effect of a humor induction on IGT performance and whether the effect of humor is moderated by gender. (...)
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  14.  25
    Safe beliefs for propositional theories.Mauricio Osorio, Juan Antonio Navarro Pérez & José Arrazola - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 134 (1):63-82.
    We propose an extension of answer sets, that we call safe beliefs, that can be used to study several properties and notions of answer sets and logic programming from a more general point of view. Our definition, based on intuitionistic logic and following ideas from D. Pearce [Stable inference as intuitionistic validity, Logic Programming 38 79–91], also provides a general approach to define several semantics based on different logics or inference systems. We prove that, in particular, intuitionistic logic can be (...)
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  15.  4
    No matter who: what makes one a relativist?Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2021 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 36 (2):231-242.
    As part of her argument that relativism and contextualism are nothing but notational variants of each other, Stojanovic holds that contextualism is flexible enough to achieve whatever relativism might do if the matter is what truth-value is assigned to each pair of sentence and context. In this paper, I reply to this statement by arguing that contextualism cannot be made as flexible as relativism without in fact turning it into a version of relativism. The key to my response to Stojanovic (...)
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  16.  76
    The Performative Power of Queer Assemblies.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2020 - Krisis 40 (1):165-179.
    This paper addresses some relations between the spatial politics of queer assemblies in spaces of protest and the constitution of collective political subjects. It does so by exploring the spatial politics of queer activism within the global Occupy movements, in the light of Judith Butler’s work on the performative power of assembly and the ambivalences of the Foucauldian concept of heterotopia. Specific challenges faced by queer activists in various encampments will be addressed in order to expose some tensions between the (...)
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    Traducir el rostro del otro: encuentros culturales entre Judith Butler y Emmanuel Levinas.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (3):286-295.
    Judith Butler draws on Emmanuel Levinas’ ethics in order to question processes of humanization and dehumanization taking place through various practices of representation of the face of the other. This is a singular reading leading Levinas’ work to the field of media representations conceived as an agonistic social landscape where the demand of the face is offered or, on the contrary, hidden from us. In that sense, Butler’s cultural transposition of Levinasian ethics entails a politicization of ethics which is indistinguishable, (...)
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  18.  28
    Caring for Family Members With Alzheimer’s and Burnout Syndrome: Impairment of the Health of Housewives.María Luisa Avargues-Navarro, Mercedes Borda-Mas, Alina de las Mercedes Campos-Puente, María Ángeles Pérez-San-Gregorio, Agustín Martín-Rodríguez & Milagrosa Sánchez-Martín - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  19.  13
    Ordem e perigo: superfícies do corpo político.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (1):327-346.
    Abstract:: This essay addresses the notion of public order from the point of view of biopolitics. With that aim, it relates the authoritarian response to social protest with the moral ordering of public space, using the case of the 15-M movement in Spain. Then, it reads the notion of public order as a dispositive, in the Foucauldian sense of the term. Departing from there, it presents a brief genealogical approach to the relations among sexual and racial ordering o public space. (...)
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  20.  99
    Friends with the Good: Moral Relativism and Moral Progress.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):886-899.
    The aim of this paper is to defend moral relativism from the accusation that it would make it irrational to classify past changes in public opinion as instances of moral progress, for they would constitute an improvement only from our current point of view. The argument is this. For our assessment of a change in public opinion as an instance of moral progress to be rational, we need to take the moral claims made before the change to be false simpliciter (...)
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  21.  20
    Salud Sexual y Reproductiva en Estudiantes Universitarios.¿ Modo y Estilo de Vida Saludables?, Un diagnóstico.Lázaro González Pérez, Norma González Lucas, Magalys Mena Fernández, Amparo Navarro Padrón & Xiomara Martín Linares - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (1):0-0.
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  22. Introducción. Gobernanza de Internet.Pérez Jorge & Ana Olmos - 2009 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 80:58-62.
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    Meta-Analysis of the Evolution of Sports Management.José Ramón Sanabria Navarro, Yahilina Silveira Pérez & William Alejandro Niebles Núñez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2064-2077.
    Sports management is a fundamental subject for anyone interested in the world of sport. This article addresses the systemic evolution of sports management as a discipline that integrates several aspects, from the organization of sports events to the management of teams and athletes. The methodology consists of a three-stage procedure: bibliometric analysis, identification of key words, critical analysis of the books, which includes the Prisma search engine used in the Scopus database and analyzed by the Bibliometrix Software. The initial sample (...)
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  24.  20
    Deontic Logic and Legal Systems.Pablo E. Navarro & Jorge L. Rodríguez - 2014 - New York , NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Jorge L. Rodriguez.
    A considerable number of books and papers have analyzed normative concepts using new techniques developed by logicians; however, few have bridged the gap between the English legal culture and the Continental tradition in legal philosophy. This book addresses this issue by offering an introductory study on the many possibilities that logical analysis offers the study of legal systems. The volume is divided into two sections: the first covers the basic aspects of classical and deontic logic and its connections, advancing an (...)
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    La Retirada: diseño y evaluación de una propuesta didáctica para 1.º de Bachillerato.Néstor Banderas Navarro, Lara San Miguel Chover, Adrián Pérez Reyes & Juan Vicente Morales Pérez - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:318-346.
    El objetivo principal de este estudio es el de presentar y evaluar una experiencia didáctica realizada en 1.º de Bachillerato sobre el tema de La Retirada, el exilio español en 1939 tras la Guerra Civil. Para ello, se presenta el diseño de esta experiencia en el contexto de un instituto valenciano de secundaria, llevada a cabo en los cursos escolares de 2022-2023 y 2023-2024, así como los resultados de una encuesta realizada al alumnado participante de esta salida de campo. En (...)
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  26.  57
    Not Expressivist Enough: Normative Disagreement about Belief Attribution.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro, Víctor Fernández Castro, Javier González de Prado Salas & Manuel Heras–Escribano - 2019 - Res Philosophica 96 (4):409-430.
    The expressivist account of knowledge attributions, while claiming that these attributions are nonfactual, also typically holds that they retain a factual component. This factual component involves the attribution of a belief. The aim of this work is to show that considerations analogous to those motivating an expressivist account of knowledge attributions can be applied to belief attributions. As a consequence, we claim that expressivists should not treat the so-called factual component as such. The phenomenon we focus on to claim that (...)
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  27.  20
    Moral structuring of children during the process of obtaining informed consent in clinical and research settings.Anderson Díaz-Pérez, Elkin Navarro Quiroz & Dilia Esther Aparicio Marenco - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1).
    BackgroundInformed consent is an important factor in a child’s moral structure from which different types of doctor–patient relationships arise. Children’s autonomy is currently under discussion in terms of their decent treatment, beyond what doctors and researchers perceive. To describe the influential practices that exist among clinicians and researchers toward children with chronic diseases during the process of obtaining informed consent.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional, qualitative study via a subjective and interpretivist approach. The study was performed by conducting semi-structured interviews of 21 (...)
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  28.  20
    Reflexiones acerca de la función existencial de la obra de arte.Jorge Pérez Ballestar - 1958 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 5:37.
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  29.  72
    The way things go: moral relativism and suspension of judgment.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 179 (1):49-64.
    A popular accusation against moral relativism is that it goes too far in its vindication of tolerance. The idea behind accusations like this can be summarized in the slogan, frequently attributed to relativism, that “anything goes”. The aim of this paper is to defend moral relativism from the accusation that it is an “anything goes” view; from the accusation that it forces us to suspend our judgment in cases in which we do not think we should even be allowed to. (...)
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  30.  26
    Equal Validity or Nonneutrality? A defense of relativism1.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):492-498.
    The purpose of Baghramian and Coliva’s book is twofold. On the one hand, it aims at identifying a consistent set of commitments shared by all theories that have.
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  31.  33
    Indexical Relativism?Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (3):1365-1389.
    The particular behavior exhibited by sentences featuring predicates of personal taste such as “tasty” may drive us to claim that their truth depends on the context of assessment, as MacFarlane does. MacFarlane considers two ways in which the truth of a sentence can depend on the context of assessment. On the one hand, we can say that the sentence expresses a proposition whose truth-value depends on the context of assessment. This is MacFarlane’s position, which he calls “truth relativism” and, following (...)
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  32.  13
    Paul Ehrenfest on the Necessity of Quanta (1911): Discontinuity, Quantization, Corpuscularity, and Adiabatic Invariance.Enric Pérez & Luis Navarro - 2004 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 58 (2):97-141.
    Our object in this paper is to study the antecedents, contents, implications, and impact of a not well-known or appreciated paper by EHRENFEST in 1911 on the essential nature of the different quantum hypotheses in radiation theory. After a careful analysis of EHRENFEST’s notebooks, correspondence, and publications, we conclude that the essential points of EHRENFEST’s paper were not perceived to a large extent, and hence that its implications were not considered thoroughly. Specifically, we show that EHRENFEST contributed significantly to the (...)
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  33.  85
    Sodoma y el barón Haussman: Por una deslocalización queer.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (61):267-286.
    Resumen La discusión de las políticas culturales del duelo ofrecida por Judith Butler tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre servirá aquí para cuestionar las fracturas sexuales, genéricas y raciales, entre otras, que rigen la inteligibilidad cultural de la vulnerabilidad compartida en contextos pandémicos. Esta revisión de la idea de comunidad se pondrá en relación con el desarrollo de la medicina social urbana explorado por Michel Foucault para deslocalizar la resistencia a los procesos de estigmatización y normalización puestos en marcha (...)
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  34.  21
    Sensibilidad, lenguaje y objetivación.Jorge Pérez Ballestar - 1969 - Anuario Filosófico 2:243-281.
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    Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo y la Transición exterior: la prioridad europea.Pablo Pérez López & Jorge Lafuente del Cano - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a169.
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    Dar cuenta de la interpelación: inscripción de la alteridad y construcción del sujeto ético.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 49:21-33.
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  37.  23
    Pandemia y orden público: el espacio de la protesta.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e4.
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    Rosa Parks con Judith Butler: performatividad individual y acción colectiva.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2017 - Isegoría 56:187-204.
    El presente artículo se desarrolla en dos direcciones temporales opuestas. En la primera recurro a la contracultura drag negra y latina de los Estados Unidos para releer la negativa de Rosa Parks a ceder su asiento en el autobús. A continuación, se plantea una genealogía queer de los usos de la teatralidad en las formas contemporáneas del activismo urbano. A partir del encuentro entre ambas líneas temporales defiendo, en diálogo con la obra reciente de Judith Butler, la importancia de la (...)
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  39.  10
    El concepto de justicia en la filosofía de Epicuro: naturaleza y convención.Jorge Fernando Navarro - 2021 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Miño y Dávila Editores.
    En palabras de la Dra. Ivana Costa, la argumentación que aquí se propone lleva a los lectores a descubrir en la teoría epicureísta de las pasiones el fundamento de la filosofía política epicúrea [...]. Pero el eje de esta teoría está, indudablemente, en la caracterización que hace Epicuro del placer; esto es, la determinación precisa de qué lugar le cabe [...] entre los bienes para la buena vida [y] qué credenciales tiene para ser considerado el bien supremo. Este fue uno (...)
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  40.  13
    Toleration of Evil and the Fragility of the Law.Jorge Sanchez-Perez - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):259-275.
    Given the reality of legal orders collapsing or breaking, this paper argues that a good explanation is needed to understand this phenomenon. It adopts a Hartian account of positivism and considers law as part of a larger set of social facts and orders. The paper analyzes the relationship between evil moral commitments and the law. It concludes by showing that it might be more conducive to analyzing the loss of faith in a legal system as an explanation for its collapse (...)
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  41. Un curso de historia de la lógica.Jorge Pérez Ballestar - 1954 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 2 (1-2):171-176.
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  42.  27
    Construction with opposition: cardinal invariants and games.Jörg Brendle, Michael Hrušák & Víctor Torres-Pérez - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (7-8):943-963.
    We consider several game versions of the cardinal invariants \, \ and \. We show that the standard proof that parametrized diamond principles prove that the cardinal invariants are small actually shows that their game counterparts are small. On the other hand we show that \ and \ are both relatively consistent with ZFC, where \ and \ are the principal game versions of \ and \, respectively. The corresponding question for \ remains open.
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  43.  62
    Transfeminismo y activismos queer: emergencia y cohabitación en las fronteras de la coalición.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (2):151-172.
    El ciclo de protestas que se abrió en las primaveras árabes ha servido para revitalizar la reflexión teórica sobre el modo en que los procesos de agenciamiento político son indisociables de los modos de producción de los espacios de coalición. Es el caso de Judith Butler en Cuerpos aliados y lucha política, junto con otras autoras que han mostrado la importancia de pensar los modos de encuentro corporal, y las políticas de acceso a los espacios de aparición, como parte central (...)
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  44. Fichte, Humboldt y Ranke sobre la idea y las ideas históricas:(Con un apendice sobre Hegel y Droysen).Jorge Navarro - 1997 - Anuario Filosófico 30 (58).
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  45. No Title available.Jorge Pérez - 2002 - Estudios Filosóficos 51:39-67.
    Johann Gustav Droysen fue no sólo uno de los historiadores más importantes de la Alemania de su tiempo, sino también uno de los teóricos de la historia más influyentes en la tradición hermenéutica de las ciencias del espíritu. Discípulo de Hegel y maestro de Dilthey, Droysen elaboró una ¿histórica¿ que pretendía exponer ¿las leyes de la investigación y del saber históricos¿. La histórica de Droysen es dos cosas a la vez: una filosofía material de la historia y una metodología hermenéutica (...)
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  46. Comunicación digital: nuevos yacimientos de empleo y formación.Jorge Pérez Martínez - 2011 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 87:91-93.
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    Hermenéutica y Totalidad. Las razones del círculo.Jorge Pérez de Tudela Velasco - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 26:11-48.
  48.  51
    Gender and the Biopolitics of Public Order: Notes from Spain.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2023 - Hypatia:1-18.
    This paper critically addresses the logics of exceptionality inherent to emerging regulations of the gender field, with a focus on Spain’s recent self-determination-based regulation of gender. To achieve this, it offers a biopolitical analysis of the concept of “public order” and its influence on gender governance, drawing parallels to Agamben’s concept of the state of exception and exploring the connections between contemporary regulations and the gendered public order of nineteenth-century France. Finally, it analyzes the exclusions and restrictions that the Spanish (...)
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    Paul Ehrenfest: The Genesis of the Adiabatic Hypothesis, 1911–1914.Enric Pérez & Luis Navarro - 2006 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 60 (2):209-267.
    We analyze the evolution of EHRENFEST's thought since he proved the necessity of quanta in 1911 until the formulation of his adiabatic hypothesis in 1914. We argue that his research contributed significantly to the solution of critical problems in quantum physics and led to a rigorous definition of the range of validity of BOLTZMANN's principle.
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    Entre corpos: coabitação radical e produção do espaço queer.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2019 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 31 (52):323-346.
    Resumo O presente texto parte das reflexões de Judith Butler sobre as políticas de coabitação, assim como das suas mais recentes aportações sobre a performatividade da assembleia, para explorar os efeitos da adoção de estratégias separatistas sobre as políticas de alian- ças da dissidência sexogenérica e relacional. A reflexão parte de uma leitura crítica dos modos de produção dos espaços de convergência e coligação dos ativismos queer e transfeministas da cidade de Madrid, com o objetivo de defender umas políticas espa- (...)
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