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Karl Verstrynge [19]Karel Verstrynge [3]K. Verstrynge [1]
  1.  29
    (1 other version)On Separation as the Condition for All Existential Ethics.Karl Verstrynge - 2016 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2016 (1):415-436.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 1 Seiten: 99-120.
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    Digital Technology, Virtual Worlds, and Ethical Change.Joke Bauwens & Karl Verstrynge - 2013 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 17 (1):124-143.
    This paper questions the shifting meaning of the ethical categories of proximity and alterity in the light of the technological and social changes that virtual social worlds went through. It takes Roger Silverstone’s key theme of “proper distance” as a point of departure, and discusses the significance of this concept by linking it up with the more media-theoretical approaches on virtual communication as developed in McLuhan’s and Baudrillard’s body of thought. It is argued that today’s virtual realities ask for both (...)
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    Descriptive bibliography: Recent Kierkegaard literature: 2000-2004.Paul Cruysberghs, Johan Taels & Karl Verstrynge - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (4):767-814.
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    Immediacy and reflection in Kierkegaard's thought.Paul Cruysberghs, Johan Taels & Karl Verstrynge (eds.) - 2003 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    Kierkegaard and the Role of Reflection in Second Immediacy Merold WESTPHAL 159 Demons and the Demonic: Kierkegaard and Heidegger on Anxiety and Sexual ...
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    “Marvel at Nothing”: Reconsidering Kierkegaard’s Category of Recollection through Social Networking Services.Gudmundur Bjorn Thorbjornsson & Karl Verstrynge - 2011 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 20 (1):303-320.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 20 Heft: 1 Seiten: 201-228.
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  6. De maakbare moraal: visies op ethiek en humanisme.Yoni van den Eede & Karl Verstrynge (eds.) - 2019 - Brussel: VUB Press.
    Het ethos waarin de mens leeft en handelt is in verandering zolang de mens leeft en handelt. In De maakbare moraal reflecteren verschillende filosofen over de antwoorden die het moderne en hedendaagse denken kunnen bieden op vragen die net door dat veranderend ethos tot stand worden gebracht. De idee dat moraal 'maakbaar' zou zijn houdt meteen ook een kritisch standpunt in: wat precies is er in onze morele omgang met elkaar dat beheersbaar, expliciteerbaar, voorstelbaar... zou kunnen zijn? De maakbare moraal (...)
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    ‘Anxiety as Innocence’: between Vigilius Haufniensis and Anti-Climacus.Karl Verstrynge - 2001 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2001 (1):141-157.
  8.  19
    An Essay on Human Being and Existence.Karl Verstrynge - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    Anyone who ponders on existence, touches upon the whole of life. But how to ponder on that which has befallen us even before we have uttered a first word? And how do we get a grip on that which must elude us in spite of all our protest or regret? The trilogy What Obligates Us raises the question about the ethical foundation of the human condition. This first part discusses the exceptional nature of human beings. In their broken relationship to (...)
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    De autonomie van de esthetiek in Kierkegaards Enten/Eller: over ledigheid en verveling.Karel Verstrynge - 2000 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 92 (4):293-305.
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    Recensie van: Valla, Laurentius, Om de waarheid en het recht.Karel Verstrynge - 1999 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 61 (2):405-406.
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  11.  33
    “The Art in All Communication”.Karl Verstrynge - 2006 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2006 (1):54-67.
    Our engagement with social media, smart and mobile technologies is ambiguous and raises existential questions about the naturalness and desirability of hyper-connectivity. On the one hand, we benefit from using these technologies in organizing and socializing our everyday life. On the other hand, they further complicate our lives. Hence, in recent years, more and more people choose to abstain from digital media by taking on a so-called ‘digital detox,’ a period of living without these technologies. In this article, we look (...)
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    What obligates us.Karl Verstrynge - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Anyone who ponders on existence, touches upon the whole of life. But how to ponder on that which has befallen us even before we have uttered a first word? And how do we get a grip on that which must elude us in spite of any protest against that unavoidable loss? The trilogy What obligates us raises the question about the ethical foundation of the human condition. This first part discusses the exceptional nature of human being. In their broken relationship (...)
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  13. Wat ons verplicht: essay over denken en existentie.Karl Verstrynge - 2024 - Eindhoven: Damon.
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  14. Despite Oneself: Subjectivity and its Secret in Kierkegaard and Levinas.Claudia Welz & Karl Verstrynge (eds.) - 2008 - Turnshare.