Results for 'Karl Abraham'

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  1.  34
    A Rare Pamphlet of Moivre and Some of His Discoveries.Karl Pearson, Abraham de Moivre & R. Archibald - 1926 - Isis 8 (4):671-683.
  2. Two contributions to the research on symbols. (Zwei Beitrage zur Symbolforschung. Imago IX, 1923, 122-126).A. Karl Abraham - 2021 - In H. Newton Malony & Edward P. Shafranske (eds.), Early Psychoanalytic Religious Writings. Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
  3.  13
    Karl Abrahams Amenophis IV (Echnaton).Herta E. Harsch - 2023 - Psyche 77 (7):624-651.
    Der Aufsatz untersucht die wenig behandelte Echnaton-Studie von Karl Abraham, eine frühe Arbeit zur angewandten Psychoanalyse. Kritisch wird beleuchtet, wo Irrtümer und Schwächen in der Darstellung des altägyptischen Pharaos liegen. Gründe dafür sieht der Beitrag im theoriegeleiteten Denken sowie selbstanalytischen Anteilen Abrahams; diese werden als allgemeine Probleme psychoanalytischer Biographik diskutiert. Abrahams Arbeit wird dann als wichtiger psychoanalytischer Beitrag gewürdigt, weil hier neue Sichtweisen auftauchten, die Impulse für die weitere Theorieentwicklung Abrahams gegeben hätten, von Nachfolgern aufgegriffen worden seien und (...)
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    Abraham's Dice: Chance and Providence in the Monotheistic Traditions.Karl Giberson (ed.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    Most of us believe everything happens for a reason. Whether it is "God's will","karma", or "fate," we want to believe that nothing in the world, especially disasters and tragedies, is a random, meaningless event. But now, as never before, confident scientific assertions that the world embodies a profound contingency are challenging theological claims that God acts providentially in the world. The random and meandering path of evolution is widely used as an argument that God did not create life.Abraham's Dice (...)
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  5. Abraham: Sign of Hope for Jews, Christians, and Muslims.Karl-Josef Kuschel - 1995
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    Identity, ethics, and nonviolence in postcolonial theory: a Rahnerian theological assessment.Susan Abraham - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book, Abraham argues that a theological imagination can expand the contours of postcolonial theory through a reexamination of notions of subjectivity, gender, and violence in a dialogical model with Karl Rahner. She raises the question of whether postcolonial theory, with its disavowal of religious agency, can provide an invigorating occasion for Catholic theology.
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    Theory of Language: The Representational Function of Language.Karl Bühler - 1990 - John Benjamins.
    Karl Buhler (1879-1963) was one of the leading theoreticians of language of the twentieth century. This is an English translation of Buhler's theory that begins with a survey on 'Buhler's legacy' for modern linguistics (Werner Abraham), followed by the Theory of Language, and finally with a special 'Postscript: Twenty-five Years Later!'.
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  8. Abraham, Nicolas, Rhythms on the Work, Translation, and Psychoanalysis. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1995. Anderson, Walter Truett, Evolution Isn't What It Used to Be. New York: WH Freeman and Company, 1996. [REVIEW]Karl-Otto Apel, Atlantic Highlands, Daniel C. Arichea, Howard A. Hatton, Stanley Aronowitz & William DiFazio - 1996 - Semiotica 112 (3/4):421-427.
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    Making a Case When Theory is Unfalsifiable.Abraham Hirsch & Neil de Marchi - 1986 - Economics and Philosophy 2 (1):1.
    Milton Friedman's famous methodological essay contains, along with much else, some strands that look as though they were taken from the “empirical-scientific” fabric described by Karl Popper. Think, for example, of Friedman's conviction that the way to test a hypothesis is to compare its implications with experience. Or of his more or less explicit espousal of the view that while no amount of facts can ever prove a hypothesis true, a single “fact” may refute it. Or of his assertion (...)
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    Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln: A Curious Convergence.Robin Blackburn - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (4):145-174.
    Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln held very different views on the ‘social question’. This essay explores the way in which they converged in their estimation of slavery during the course of the Civil War; Marx was an ardent abolitionist, and Lincoln came to see this position as necessary. It is argued that the rôle of runaway slaves – called ‘contraband’ – and German-revolutionary ’48ers played a significant rôle in the radicalisation of Lincoln and the direction of the War.
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    A Psycho-Analytic Dialogue: The Letters of Sigmund Freud and Karl Abraham, 1907-1926. Sigmund Freud, Karl Abraham, Hilda C. Abraham, Ernst L. Freud, Bernard Marsh. [REVIEW]Martin Grotjahn - 1967 - Isis 58 (2):280-282.
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    Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill y el “Poder Esclavista".Ricardo Cueva Fernández - 2015 - Télos 20 (1):91-123.
    Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill supported Abraham Lincoln against what they called the “Slave Power”. Both thinkers fought for the abolition of slavery, and backed the Union in the American Civil War. Marx spread out his opinions on the war and the future social and political changes in several newspapers, while Mill was active trying to persuade the English public realm to prevent England from joining the South. Both shared an historical vision of the future in which (...)
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    Sigmund Freud über traumatisch verursachte Psychosen.Peter Theiss-Abendroth - 2021 - Psyche 75 (11):1023-1052.
    Ausgehend von empirischen Befunden und theoretischen Konzepten der Gegenwart stellt die vorliegende Untersuchung die Frage nach den historischen Wurzeln einer Theorie traumatisch verursachter Psychosen in Freuds Schriften. Den Hintergrund bildet der alte Vorwurf, Freud habe zugunsten der Entwicklung seiner Trieblehre reale Grenzverletzungen ungenügend berücksichtigt. Für nicht-psychotische Störungen wurde dies inzwischen eindeutig widerlegt. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, dass Freud auch für Psychosen über die verschiedenen Phasen seiner Theoriebildung hinweg traumatische Erlebnisse ätiologisch berücksichtigte. Als missverständlich und aus heutiger Sicht problematisch erscheint jedoch, (...)
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    Ein zweiter Fall von Nachträglichkeit.Gerhard Dahl - 2018 - Psyche 72 (5):342-373.
    Die jetzt vorliegende ungekürzte Korrespondenz zwischen Sigmund Freud und Karl Abraham in originalem Deutsch erlaubt Einblicke in den wissenschaftlichen Austauschprozess bei der Entwicklung ihrer psychoanalytischen Konzepte. Abrahams einseitig-genetische Vorstellungen über die destruktiv-sadistischen Aspekte der Oralität und über die frühen Objektbeziehungen sind bei Freud auf Widerspruch gestoßen. Freud erweist sich einerseits als geduldiger Lehrer und Supervisor für Abraham. Andererseits ist er auch kritischer Mahner, der Abraham bis in die letzten Briefe daran erinnert, die Grundbedingungen der Neurosenentstehung zu (...)
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  15.  30
    The ability to mourn: disillusionment and the social origins of psychoanalysis.Peter Homans - 1989 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Peter Homans offers a new understanding of the origins of psychoanalysis and relates the psychoanalytic project as a whole to the sweep of Western culture, past and present. He argues that Freud's fundamental goal was the interpretation of culture and that, therefore, psychoanalysis is fundamentally a humanistic social science. To establish this claim, Homans looks back at Freud's self-analysis in light of the crucial years from 1906 to 1914 when the psychoanalytic movement was formed and shows how these experiences culminated (...)
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    Зиґмунд Фрейд і Карл Юнґ про міфи та архетипи колективного несвідомого: неусвідомлена схожість.Vadym Menzhulin - 2021 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 8:25-37.
    Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis and Carl Gustav Jung’s analytical psychology are different in many ways and some of their differences are extremely crucial. It is widely believed that one of the most obvious examples of this intellectual confrontation is the difference between Freud’s and Jung’s views on mythology. Proponents of this view believe that Jung was much more interested in mythological issues and his theory of myth became much deeper and more developed than Freud’s one. In particular, it is believed that (...)
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  17. (1 other version)The Forgotten Earth: Nature, World Religions, and Worldlessness in the Legacy of the Axial Age/Moral Revolution.Eugene Halton - 2021 - In Saïd Amir Arjomand & Stephen Kalberg (eds.), From world religions to axial civilizations and beyond. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 209-238.
    The rise and legacy of world religions out of that period centered roughly around 500-600 BCE, what John Stuart-Glennie termed in 1873 the moral revolution, and Karl Jaspers later, in 1949, called the axial age, has been marked by heightened ideas of transcendence. Yet ironically, the world itself, in the literal sense of the actual earth, took on a diminished role as a central element of religious sensibility in the world religions, particularly in the Abrahamic religions. Given the issue (...)
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  18. Constitutivism about reasons : autonomy and understanding.Karl Schafer - 2018 - In Karen Jones & François Schroeter (eds.), The Many Moral Rationalisms. New York: Oxford Univerisity Press.
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    Political Aesthetics: Addison and Shaftesbury on Taste, Morals, and Society.Karl Axelsson - 2019 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Providing a gateway to a new history of modern aesthetics, this book challenges conventional views of how art's significance developed in society. -/- The 18th century is often said to have involved a radical transformation in the concept of art: from the understanding that it has a practical purpose to the modern belief that it is intrinsically valuable. By exploring the ground between these notions of art's function, Karl Axelsson reveals how scholars of culture made taste, morals and a (...)
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    Forcing closed unbounded sets.Uri Abraham & Saharon Shelah - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):643-657.
    We discuss the problem of finding forcing posets which introduce closed unbounded subsets to a given stationary set.
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  21. (1 other version)Recent Work on Kant's Theoretical Philosophy.Karl Ameriks - 1982 - American Philosophical Quarterly 19 (1):1 - 24.
  22. A set of independent axioms for probability.Karl R. Popper - 1938 - Mind 47 (186):275-277.
  23. The Search for Vinland and Norse Conceptions of the World.Karl G. Johansson - 2018 - In Helge Jordheim & Erling Sandmo (eds.), Conceptualizing the world: an exploration across disciplines. New York: Berghahn.
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  24. Kant and Motivational Externalism.Karl Ameriks - 2006 - In Moralische Motivation. Kant und die Alternativen. Hamburg: Felix Meiner. pp. 3-22.
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  25. The Critique of Metaphysics: The Structure and Fate of Kant's Dialectic.Karl Ameriks - 2006 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant and Modern Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 269--302.
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    Die Bedeutung der Negation Grundzüge der empirifchen Logik.Karl Dürr - 1935 - Erkenntnis 5 (1):205-227.
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    Representation and agency.Karl Friston - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Gilead et al. raise some fascinating issues about representational substrates and structures in the predictive brain. This commentary drills down on a core theme in their arguments; namely, the structure of models that generate predictions. In particular, it highlights their factorial nature – both in terms of deep hierarchies over levels of abstraction and, crucially, time – and how this underwrites agency.
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    Providence and the Christian Scholar.Karl W. Giberson & Donald A. Yerxa - 1999 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (1-2):123-140.
    God's action in the world poses a challenge for the Christian scholar. At the scholarly level of one's discipline, invocations of divine Providence as an explanatory category are considered unacceptable. Yet the scholar-believer necessarily acknowledges that God is indeed active in His Creation. Generally, this tension is resolved via the assumption of methodological naturalism at the level of one's discipline and the embrace of theism at the level of one's faith. This can result in an incoherence between the commitments of (...)
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    Ambiguities in the Will: Reinhold and Kant, Briefe II.Karl Ameriks - 2012 - In Violetta Stolz, Martin Bendeli & Marion Heinz (eds.), Wille, Willkür, Freiheit: Reinholds Freiheitskonzeption im Kontext der Philosophie des 18. Jahrhunders. de Gruyter. pp. 71-90.
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    (1 other version)Wissenschaft AlS emanzipation?Karl-Otto Apel - 1970 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 1 (2):173-195.
    Der Wissenschaftskonzeption der "kritischen Theorie" der zu verändernden Gesellschaft wird im wesentlichen zugestimmt. Sie wird verteidigt insbesondere gegen ein Selbstverständnis der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, das sich im Namen der "Freiheit von Forschung und Lehre" auf einen Begriff "der" interesse- bzw. wertfreien Wissenschaft zurückzieht. Andererseits will der Autor die genannte Konzeption ergänzen bzw. präzisieren: Zwar stellt die Einheit von Theorie und Praxis ein Postulat philosophischer Reflexion dar, letztere erweist aber auf ihrer höchsten Stufe das politisch interessierte Engagement und das wissenschaftliche Interesse (...)
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  31.  35
    The Sociology of Intellectuals.Karl Mannheim - 1993 - Theory, Culture and Society 10 (3):69-80.
  32.  63
    Conceptual expansion and creative imagery as a function of psychoticism.Anna Abraham, Sabine Windmann, Irene Daum & Onur Güntürkün - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):520-534.
    The ability to be creative is often considered a unique characteristic of conscious beings and many efforts have been directed at demonstrating a relationship between creativity and the personality construct of psychoticism. The present study sought to investigate this link explicitly by focusing on discrete facets of creative cognition, namely the originality/novelty dimension and the practicality/usefulness dimension. Based on Eysenck’s conceptualisation of psychoticism as being characterised by an overinclusive cognitive style, it was expected that higher levels of psychoticism would accompany (...)
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    On Consolation: Finding Solace in Dark Times.William M. Chace - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):443-444.
    In seventeen secular sermons, composed in a style at once grave, elegant, and concise, Ignatieff offers us his digest of the wisdom—the wisdom of consolation—that he has sought to find in writings as old as the book of Job and as recent as some of the letters of Václav Havel. Concluding the book, Ignatieff says of the authors he has surveyed that the “consolation they offer, it seems to me, lies in their example, in their courage and lucidity, and in (...)
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  34. The Theology of John Calvin.Karl Barth & Geoffrey W. Bromiley - 1995
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    La direction de recherche phénoménologique en psychopathologie.Karl Jaspers - 2011 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 19:229-246.
    [314] En examinant les malades mentaux, on a l’habitude de distinguer symptômes objectifs et symptômes subjectifs. Les symptômes objectifs sont tous les processus dont la manifestation est perceptible aux sens : les réflexes, les mouvements et le visage susceptibles d’être enregistrés et photographiés, les excitations motrices, les extériorisations langagières, les productions écrites, les actions, le mode de vie, etc. ; appartiennent en outre aux symptômes objectifs toutes les opérations mes...
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    From Mutabor.Karl Kirchwey - 2017 - Arion 25 (1):163.
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    34. Bedenken über die vermehrte zahl der bogenschützen zu Athen.Karl Scheibe - 1848 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 3 (1-4):542-545.
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    II. Jahresberichte. 53. Ciceros Briefe seit 1829.Karl Schirmer - 1886 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 45 (1):133-183.
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  39. Urban planning in the founding of Cartesian thought.Abraham Akkerman - 2001 - Philosophy and Geography 4 (2):141-167.
    It is a matter of tacit consensus that rationalist adeptness in urban planning traces its foundations to the philosophy of the Renaissance thinker and mathematician René Descartes. This study suggests, in turn, that the planned urban environment of the Renaissance may have also led Descartes, and his intellectual peers, to tenets that became the foundations of modern philosophy and science. The geometric street pattern of the late middle ages and the Renaissance, the planned townscapes, street views and the formal garden (...)
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    The Personal Letters, 1844-1877.Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels - 1981 - George Weidenfeld & Nicholson.
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    St Lawrence's Staff: Then and Now.Mabel Cooper, Gloria Ferris & Jane Abraham - 2013 - Ethics and Social Welfare 7 (3):272-276.
    Mabel Cooper and Gloria Ferris lived in St Lawrence's Hospital one of the large learning disability institutions which were built round the edges of London. In this paper, Mabel and Gloria share their memories of three nurses at St Lawrence's, supported by Jane Abraham and in this process reveal a number of ethical issues that remain relevant today.
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  42. Das Aesthetische Problem.Karl Federn - 1928 - A. Sponholtz Verlag G.M.B.H.
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    (1 other version)Wie ist metaphysik nach Kant möglich?Karl Nawratil - 1958 - Kant Studien 50 (1-4):163-177.
  44.  12
    Seminar on the Dual Unity and the Phantom.Abraham Nicolas & Goodwin Tom - 2016 - Diacritics 44 (4):14-38.
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    The impact of risk attitude, uncertainty and disequilibria on optimal production and inventory.Karl Aiginger - 1985 - Theory and Decision 19 (1):51-75.
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    Meister Eckharts These vom Sein: Unters. zur Metaphysik d. Opus tripartitum.Karl Albert - 1976 - Kastellaun: Henn.
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    Distributing the Benefit of the Doubt: Scientists, Regulators, and Drug Safety.John Abraham - 1994 - Science, Technology and Human Values 19 (4):493-522.
    This article examines how scientists and regulators distribute the benefit of the doubt about drug safety under conditions of scientific uncertainty. The focus of the empirical research is the regulatory controversy over the hepatorenal toxicity of benoxaprofen in the United Kingdom and the United States. By scrutinizing the technical coherence of the arguments put forward by industrial and government scientists, it is concluded that these scientists are willing to award the commercial interests of the pharmaceutical industry an enormous benefit of (...)
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  48. Certainty and Practical Reason: Kant's Practical Response to Epistemological Skepticism.Abraham Bruce Anderson - 1986 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    Certainty and Practical Reason is concerned with Kant's practical response to epistemological skepticism and radical doubt. ;It begins from Kant's remark that the concept of freedom is the keystone of the arch of reason, theoretical as well as practical, and sustains reason against skepticism; and from Kant's account of the practical motives of transcendental realism, the source of skepticism, in the First and Second Critiques. The Critiques suggest both that Kant's response to skepticism is practical, and that skepticism is itself (...)
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    Hume Studies Referees, 2006–2007.Abraham Anderson, Margaret Atherton, Annette Baier, Tom Beauchamp, Helen Beebee, Martin Bell, Lorraine Besser-Jones, Richard Bett, Mark Box & Deborah Boyle - 2007 - Hume Studies 33 (2):385-387.
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  50. Juicio reflexionante, superstición y escepticismo.Abraham Anderson - 1996 - Dianoia 42 (42):145-154.
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