Results for 'Katel Peoc'H. Jérôme de Seze'

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  1. 14-3-3 protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with acute transverse myelitis and multiple sclerosis.Katel Peoc'H. Jérôme de Seze, Tanya Stojkovic Didier Ferriby & Patrick Vermersch Jean-Louis Laplanche - 2002 - Journal of Neurology 249 (5).
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    La description de la nature dans la poésie lyrique persane du Xie siècle: Inventaire et analyse des thèmesLa description de la nature dans la poesie lyrique persane du Xie siecle: Inventaire et analyse des themes.Jerome Clinton, C. -H. de Fouchécour & C. -H. de Fouchecour - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):99.
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    Abraham Robinson. Forcing in model theory. Symposia mathematica, vol. 5, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, Academic Press, London and New York 1971, pp. 69–82. - Jon Barwise and Abraham Robinson. Completing theories by forcing. Annals of mathematical logic, vol. 2 no. 2 , pp. 119–142. - Abraham Robinson. Infinite forcing in model theory. Proceedings of the Second Scandinavian Logic Symposium, edited by J. E. Fenstad, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 63, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and London 1971, pp. 317–340. - Abraham Robinson. Forcing in model theory. Actes du Congrès International des Mathematiciens 1970, Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1971, Vol. 1, pp. 245–250. [REVIEW]H. Jerome Keisler - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (4):633-634.
  4.  10
    Kinship in Ancient Athens. An Anthropological Analysis.Jérôme Wilgaux - 2020 - Kernos 33:334-336.
    Sarah C. (Sally) Humphreys (S.H.), aujourd’hui professeur émérite d’histoire à l’Université du Michigan (Ann Arbor), a tout au long de sa carrière académique consacré ses recherches aux institutions politiques, sociales et religieuses des cités grecques antiques, plus particulièrement aux époques archaïque et classique ; une partie de ses travaux a d’ores et déjà été réunie dans de précédentes publications (notamment Anthropology and the Greeks, 1978 ; The Family, Women and Death, 1983 ; The...
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    Lucretius and satire - (t.H.m.) Gellar-Goad laughing atoms, laughing matter. Lucretius’ de rerum natura and satire. Pp. X + 280. Ann Arbor: University of michigan press, 2020. Cased, us$85. Isbn: 978-0-472-13180-8. [REVIEW]Jerome Kemp - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):95-97.
  6.  65
    (1 other version)Établir la qualité des preuves pour les situations de décision complexes et controversées.Jeroen P. Van der Sluijs, Arthur C. Petersen, Peter H. M. Janssen, James S. Risbey & Jerome R. Ravetz - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
    Les décisions politiques sur les risques environnementaux complexes font fréquemment intervenir des éléments scientifiques contestés. Il n’y a généralement pas de « faits » qui conduisent à une politique correcte unique. Les éléments de preuve qui sont intégrés dans les avis scientifiques destinés à une décision politique nécessitent une évaluation de leur qualité. En 2003, l’Agence néerlandaise d’évaluation environnementale a adopté une méthode standardisée, désignée sous le nom de « guide », dans le cadre de laquelle les principaux aspects de (...)
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    H. Jerome Keisler. Model theory. Actes du Congrès International des Mathématiciens 1970, Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1971, Vol. 1, pp. 141–150. [REVIEW]C. C. Chang - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (4):648.
  8. Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Low-mass Companion HD 984 B with the Gemini Planet Imager.Mara Johnson-Groh, Christian Marois, Robert J. De Rosa, Eric L. Nielsen, Julien Rameau, Sarah Blunt, Jeffrey Vargas, S. Mark Ammons, Vanessa P. Bailey, Travis S. Barman, Joanna Bulger, Jeffrey K. Chilcote, Tara Cotten, René Doyon, Gaspard Duchêne, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Kate B. Follette, Stephen Goodsell, James R. Graham, Alexandra Z. Greenbaum, Pascale Hibon, Li-Wei Hung, Patrick Ingraham, Paul Kalas, Quinn M. Konopacky, James E. Larkin, Bruce Macintosh, Jérôme Maire, Franck Marchis, Mark S. Marley, Stanimir Metchev, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Rebecca Oppenheimer, David W. Palmer, Jenny Patience, Marshall Perrin, Lisa A. Poyneer, Laurent Pueyo, Abhijith Rajan, Fredrik T. Rantakyrö, Dmitry Savransky, Adam C. Schneider, Anand Sivaramakrishnan, Inseok Song, Remi Soummer, Sandrine Thomas, David Vega, J. Kent Wallace, Jason J. Wang, Kimberly Ward-Duong, Sloane J. Wiktorowicz & Schuyler G. Wolff - 2017 - Astronomical Journal 153 (4):190.
    © 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present new observations of the low-mass companion to HD 984 taken with the Gemini Planet Imager as a part of the GPI Exoplanet Survey campaign. Images of HD 984 B were obtained in the J and H bands. Combined with archival epochs from 2012 and 2014, we fit the first orbit to the companion to find an 18 au orbit with a 68% confidence interval between 14 and 28 au, an eccentricity (...)
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    Astrological talismans in the middle ages and the renaissance: Jérôme Torrella : Opus praeclarum de imaginibus astrologicis. Edited by Nicolas Weill-Parot . SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, Florence, 2008, pp. 304, €48 PB.H. Darrel Rutkin - 2010 - Metascience 19 (2):315-318.
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    Nonstandard arithmetic and reverse mathematics.H. Jerome Keisler - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):100-125.
    We show that each of the five basic theories of second order arithmetic that play a central role in reverse mathematics has a natural counterpart in the language of nonstandard arithmetic. In the earlier paper [3] we introduced saturation principles in nonstandard arithmetic which are equivalent in strength to strong choice axioms in second order arithmetic. This paper studies principles which are equivalent in strength to weaker theories in second order arithmetic.
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  11.  21
    An Infinitesimal Approach to Stochastic Analysis.H. Jerome Keisler - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (3):822-824.
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  12.  38
    Maitra A. and Ryll-Nardzewski C.. On the existence of two analytic non-Borel sets which are not isomorphic. Bulletin de L'Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des sciences mathematiques, astronomiques et physiques, vol. 18 , pp. 177–178.Mauldin R. Daniel. On nonisomorphic analytic sets. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 58 , pp. 241–244.Hrbacek Karel. On the complexity of analytic sets. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 24 , pp. 419–425.Hrbacek Karel and Simpson Stephen G.. On Kleene degrees of analytic sets. The Kleene Symposium, Proceedings of the symposium held June 18–24, 1978 at Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., edited by Barwise Jon, Keisler H. Jerome, and Kunen Kenneth, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 101, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1980, pp. 347–352.Harrington Leo. Analytic determinacy and 0#. [REVIEW]Jacques Stern - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):665-668.
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    Universal Homogeneous Boolean Algebras.H. Jerome Keisler - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (1):123-123.
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    Logic with the quantifier “there exist uncountably many”.H. Jerome Keisler - 1970 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 1 (1):1-93.
  15.  97
    Model theory for infinitary logic.H. Jerome Keisler - 1971 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
    Provability, Computability and Reflection.
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    Theory of models with generalized atomic formulas.H. Jerome Keisler - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (1):1-26.
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    H. Jerome Keisler. Theory of models with generalized atomic formulas. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 25 no. 1 (for 1960, pub. 1961), pp. 1–26. [REVIEW]H. Jerome Keisler - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (4):651-651.
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    (1 other version)Limit ultraproducts.H. Jerome Keisler - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (2):212-234.
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    [Omnibus Review].H. Jerome Keisler - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (2):342-344.
  20.  73
    Meeting of the association for symbolic logic: Madison 1982.H. Jerome Keisler - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (4):1233-1239.
  21.  27
    Observing, reporting, and deciding in networks of sentences.H. Jerome Keisler & Jeffrey M. Keisler - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (3):812-836.
    In prior work [7] we considered networks of agents who have knowledge bases in first order logic, and report facts to their neighbors that are in their common languages and are provable from their knowledge bases, in order to help a decider verify a single sentence. In report complete networks, the signatures of the agents and the links between agents are rich enough to verify any deciderʼs sentence that can be proved from the combined knowledge base. This paper introduces a (...)
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  22.  8
    Some Applications of the Theory of Models to Set Theory.H. Jerome Keisler - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (3):410-410.
  23.  42
    Measures and forking.H. Jerome Keisler - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 34 (2):119-169.
    Shelah's theory of forking is generalized in a way which deals with measures instead of complete types. This allows us to extend the method of forking from the class of stable theories to the larger class of theories which do not have the independence property. When restricted to the special case of stable theories, this paper reduces to a reformulation of the classical approach. However, it goes beyond the classical approach in the case of unstable theories. Methods from ordinary forking (...)
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  24.  26
    Finite Approximations of Infinitely Long Formulas.H. Jerome Keisler, J. W. Addison, Leon Henkin & Alfred Tarski - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (1):129-130.
  25.  59
    Meager sets on the hyperfinite time line.H. Jerome Keisler & Steven C. Leth - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):71-102.
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  26. Barwise: Infinitary logic and admissible sets.H. Jerome Keisler & Julia F. Knight - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (1):4-36.
    §0. Introduction. In [16], Barwise described his graduate study at Stanford. He told of his interactions with Kreisel and Scott, and said how he chose Feferman as his advisor. He began working on admissible fragments of infinitary logic after reading and giving seminar talks on two Ph.D. theses which had recently been completed: that of Lopez-Escobar, at Berkeley, on infinitary logic [46], and that of Platek [58], at Stanford, on admissible sets.Barwise's work on infinitary logic and admissible sets is described (...)
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    Descriptive set theory over hyperfinite sets.H. Jerome Keisler, Kenneth Kunen, Arnold Miller & Steven Leth - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (4):1167-1180.
    The separation, uniformization, and other properties of the Borel and projective hierarchies over hyperfinite sets are investigated and compared to the corresponding properties in classical descriptive set theory. The techniques used in this investigation also provide some results about countably determined sets and functions, as well as an improvement of an earlier theorem of Kunen and Miller.
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    Elementary Calculus.H. Jerome Keisler - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):673-676.
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    (1 other version)Ultraproducts which are not saturated.H. Jerome Keisler - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):23-46.
    In this paper we continue our study, begun in [5], of the connection between ultraproducts and saturated structures. IfDis an ultrafilter over a setI, andis a structure, the ultrapower ofmoduloDis denoted byD-prod. The ultrapower is important because it is a method of constructing structures which are elementarily equivalent to a given structure. Our ultimate aim is to find out what kinds of structure are ultrapowers of. We made a beginning in [5] by proving that, assuming the generalized continuum hypothesis, for (...)
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  30. Making the Hyperreal Line Both Saturated and Complete.H. Jerome Keisler & James H. Schmerl - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):1016-1025.
    In a nonstandard universe, the $\kappa$-saturation property states that any family of fewer than $\kappa$ internal sets with the finite intersection property has a nonempty intersection. An ordered field $F$ is said to have the $\lambda$-Bolzano-Weierstrass property iff $F$ has cofinality $\lambda$ and every bounded $\lambda$-sequence in $F$ has a convergent $\lambda$-subsequence. We show that if $\kappa < \lambda$ are uncountable regular cardinals and $\beta^\alpha < \lambda$ whenever $\alpha < \kappa$ and $\beta < \lambda$, then there is a $\kappa$-saturated nonstandard (...)
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    Some applications of infinitely long formulas.H. Jerome Keisler - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (3):339-349.
    Introduction. This paper is a sequel to our paper [3]. In that paper we introduced the notion of a finite approximation to an infinitely long formula, in a language L with infinitely long expressions of the type considered by Henkin in [2]. The results of the paper [3] show relationships between the models of an infinitely long sentence and the models of its finite approximations. In the present paper we shall apply the main result of [3] to prove a number (...)
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    Ultraproducts and Elementary Classes.H. Jerome Keisler - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (3):357-358.
  33.  19
    Ultraproducts and Saturated Models.H. Jerome Keisler - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (4):584-585.
  34.  20
    Madison 1970 meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.H. Jerome Keisler & Kenneth Kunen - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):368-378.
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    Reduced Products and Horn Classes.H. Jerome Keisler - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (3):507-507.
  36.  37
    From discrete to continuous time.H. Jerome Keisler - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 52 (1-2):99-141.
    A general metatheorem is proved which reduces a wide class of statements about continuous time stochastic processes to statements about discrete time processes. We introduce a strong language for stochastic processes, and a concept of forcing for sequences of discrete time processes. The main theorem states that a sentence in the language is true if and only if it is forced. Although the stochastic process case is emphasized in order to motivate the results, they apply to a wider class of (...)
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  37. First order quantifiers in monadic second order logic.H. Jerome Keisler & Wafik Boulos Lotfallah - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):118-136.
    This paper studies the expressive power that an extra first order quantifier adds to a fragment of monadic second order logic, extending the toolkit of Janin and Marcinkowski [JM01].We introduce an operation existsn on properties S that says "there are n components having S". We use this operation to show that under natural strictness conditions, adding a first order quantifier word u to the beginning of a prefix class V increases the expressive power monotonically in u. As a corollary, if (...)
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    Shrinking games and local formulas.H. Jerome Keisler & Wafik Boulos Lotfallah - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 128 (1-3):215-225.
    Gaifman's normal form theorem showed that every first-order sentence of quantifier rank n is equivalent to a Boolean combination of “scattered local sentences”, where the local neighborhoods have radius at most 7n−1. This bound was improved by Lifsches and Shelah to 3×4n−1. We use Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé type games with a “shrinking horizon” to get a spectrum of normal form theorems of the Gaifman type, depending on the rate of shrinking. This spectrum includes the result of Lifsches and Shelah, with a more (...)
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    Ultraproducts of finite sets.H. Jerome Keisler - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (1):47-57.
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    Hyperfinite models of adapted probability logic.H. Jerome Keisler - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 31:71-86.
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    The diversity of quantifier prefixes.H. Jerome Keisler & Wilbur Walkoe - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (1):79-85.
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    Almost Everywhere Elimination of Probability Quantifiers.H. Jerome Keisler & Wafik Boulos Lotfallah - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (4):1121 - 1142.
    We obtain an almost everywhere quantifier elimination for (the noncritical fragment of) the logic with probability quantifiers, introduced by the first author in [10]. This logic has quantifiers like $\exists ^{ \ge 3/4} y$ which says that "for at least 3/4 of all y". These results improve upon the 0-1 law for a fragment of this logic obtained by Knyazev [11]. Our improvements are: 1. We deal with the quantifier $\exists ^{ \ge r} y$ , where y is a tuple (...)
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  43.  66
    A result concerning cardinalities of ultraproducts.H. Jerome Keisler & Karel Prikry - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):43-48.
  44.  51
    (1 other version)The stability function of a theory.H. Jerome Keisler - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (3):481-486.
    Let T be a complete theory with infinite models in a countable language. The stability function g T (κ) is defined as the supremum of the number of types over models of T of power κ. It is proved that there are only six possible stability functions, namely $\kappa, \kappa + 2^\omega, \kappa^\omega, \operatorname{ded} \kappa, (\operatorname{ded} \kappa)^\omega, 2^\kappa$.
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    Good Ideals in Fields of Sets.H. Jerome Keisler - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):332-333.
  46.  37
    1995–1996 Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.H. Jerome Keisler - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):448-472.
  47.  27
    A completeness proof for adapted probability logic.H. Jerome Keisler - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 31:61-70.
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  48.  10
    First Order Properties of Pairs of Cardinals.H. Jerome Keisler - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (1):122-122.
  49.  41
    On theories categorical in their own power.H. Jerome Keisler - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):240-244.
  50.  93
    On the strength of nonstandard analysis.C. Ward Henson & H. Jerome Keisler - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (2):377-386.
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