Results for 'Lakshmidatta Båadaråayaòna'

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  1.  20
    The Brahmasūtra: the philosophy of god-realisation ; text with word-to-word translation, full purport and exhaustive notes.Lakshmidatta Båadaråayaòna & Dikshita - 1985 - Delhi: Vijaykumar Govindram Hasanand. Edited by Lakshmidatta Dikshita.
  2.  10
    Ishopanishad, a study in ethics and metaphysics.Lakshmidatta Dikshita - 1992 - New Delhi, India: Vedic Shodha Samsthan in collaboration with Heritage Publishers.
  3. The Vedânta-sûtras of Bâdarâyaṇa, with the commentary of Baladeva.Srisa Chandra Båadaråayaòna, Vasu & Baladevavidyåabhåuòsaòna - 1910 - Allahabad: Pâṇini Office. Edited by Baladevavidyābhūṣaṇa & Chaitanya.
    Basic text on the fundamentals of Vedanta philosophy.
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  4.  6
    Bhāskarācārya: a study with special reference to his Brahmasūtrabhāṣya.A. B. Khanna & Båadaråayaòna - 1998 - Delhi: Amar Granth Publications. Edited by Bādarāyaṇa.
    On the life and philosophy of Bhāskarācārya, 8th cent., Vedanta philospher and commentator of Brahmasūtra.
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