Results for 'Lebensbewegtheit'

  1. Motivationen i livet: Kinesis og Lebensbewegtheit.Jussi Backman & Henrik Jøker Bjerre - 2003 - In Zahavi Dan, Overgaard Søren & Schwarz Wentzer Thomas (eds.), Den unge Heidegger. Akademisk Forlag. pp. 30-62.
  2. Divine and Mortal Motivation: On the Movement of Life in Aristotle and Heidegger.Jussi Backman - 2005 - Continental Philosophy Review 38 (3-4):241-261.
    The paper discusses Heidegger's early notion of the “movedness of life” (Lebensbewegtheit) and its intimate connection with Aristotle's concept of movement (kinēsis). Heidegger's aim in the period of Being and Time was to “overcome” the Greek ideal of being as ousia – constant and complete presence and availability – by showing that the background for all meaningful presence is Dasein, the ecstatically temporal context of human being. Life as the event of finitude is characterized by an essential lack and (...)
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