Results for 'Lexical Functional Grammar'

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  1. A resource sensitive interpretation of lexical functional grammar.Mark Johnson - 1999 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8 (1):45-81.
    This paper investigates whether the fundamental linguistic insights and intuitions of Lexical Functional Grammar, which is usually presented as a constraint-based linguistic theory, can be reformulated in a resource sensitive framework using a substructural modal logic. In the approach investigated here, LFG's f-descriptions are replaced with expressions from a multi-modal propositional logic. In effect, the feature structure unification basis of LFG's f-structures is replaced with a very different resource based mechanism. It turns out that some linguistic analyses (...)
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    Lexical functional grammar as a model of linguistic competence.Paul Schachter - 1985 - Linguistics and Philosophy 8 (4):449 - 503.
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  3. Optimality-Theoretic Lexical-Functional Grammar.P. Sells - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 60--68.
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  4. Categorial Grammar and Lexical-Functional Grammar.Reinhard Muskens - 2001 - In Miriam Butt & Tracey Holloway King (eds.), Proceedings of the LFG01 Conference, University of Hong Kong. CSLI Publications. pp. 259-279.
    This paper introduces λ-grammar, a form of categorial grammar that has much in common with LFG. Like other forms of categorial grammar, λ-grammars are multi-dimensional and their components are combined in a strictly parallel fashion. Grammatical representations are combined with the help of linear combinators, closed pure λ-terms in which each abstractor binds exactly one variable. Mathematically this is equivalent to employing linear logic, in use in LFG for semantic composition, but the method seems more practicable.
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    Lectures on Contemporary Syntactic Theories: An Introduction to Government- Binding Theory, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, and Lexical- Functional Grammar.Peter Sells - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (2):628-630.
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    (1 other version)Review: Peter Sells, Lectures on Contemporary Syntactic Theories: An Introduction to Government- Binding Theory, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, and Lexical- Functional Grammar[REVIEW]Pauline Jacobson - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (2):628-630.
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  7. Lambda Grammars and the Syntax-Semantics Interface.Reinhard Muskens - 2001 - In Robert Van Rooij & Martin Stokhof (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth Amsterdam Colloquium. Amsterdam: ILLC. pp. 150-155.
    In this paper we discuss a new perspective on the syntax-semantics interface. Semantics, in this new set-up, is not ‘read off’ from Logical Forms as in mainstream approaches to generative grammar. Nor is it assigned to syntactic proofs using a Curry-Howard correspondence as in versions of the Lambek Calculus, or read off from f-structures using Linear Logic as in Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG, Kaplan & Bresnan [9]). All such approaches are based on the idea that syntactic objects (...)
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    Construction-Based Compositional Grammar.Lars Hellan - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):101-130.
    The paper presents a system for construction classification representing multiple levels of specification, such as grammatical functions, grammatically reflected actants, and lexical semantics, aligned with a compositional system of sign combination mediating between a construction perspective and a valence perspective. The system uses a feature structure formalism based on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar but with essential elements from Lexical Functional Grammar, and has as implementation background large scale HPSG grammars. While on the one extreme being (...)
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  9.  12
    The View from Declarative Syntax 1.Peter Sells - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey (eds.), A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 243–266.
    This chapter focuses on the frameworks of Head‐Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) as it developed from Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG), and LexicalFunctional Grammar (LFG). Declarative frameworks are not generative, as they do not ‘generate’ anything in the sense of the preceding paragraph. Pullum refers to that kind of approach as Generative‐Enumerative Syntax and differentiates it from Model‐Theoretic Syntax: GPSG, HPSG, and LFG essentially fall in the latter category. It describes some key aspects of declarative (...)
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    Atomic lexical entries.David Lightfoot - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):1029-1030.
    Not only do grammars have the dual structure that Clahsen discusses but the lexicon contains atomic, unanalyzed items, which would be still more mysterious for single-mechanism models. Forms of be in modern English are listed atomically and this is not a simple function of their morphological richness or of the fact that they move.
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    Modern Grammars of Case.John M. Anderson - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book addresses fundamental issues in linguistic theory, including the relation between formal and cognitive approaches, the autonomy of syntax, the content of universal grammar, and the value of generative and functional approaches to grammar. It focuses on the grammar of case relations, signalled by morphological case, prepositions, and word order. Part I offers a critical history of modern grammars of case, focussing on the last four decades and setting this in the context of earlier, including (...)
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    Quantifiers, anaphora, and intensionality.Mary Dalrymple, John Lamping, Fernando Pereira & Vijay Saraswat - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (3):219-273.
    The relationship between Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) functional structures (f-structures) for sentences and their semanticinterpretations can be formalized in linear logic in a way thatcorrectly explains the observed interactions between quantifier scopeambiguity, bound anaphora and intensionality.Our linear-logic formalization of the compositional properties ofquantifying expressions in natural language obviates the need forspecial mechanisms, such as Cooper storage, in representing thescoping possibilities of quantifying expressions. Instead, thesemantic contribution of a quantifier is recorded as a linear-logicformula whose use in a (...)
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  13.  35
    Constructions, Word Grammar, and grammaticalization.Nikolas Gisborne - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (1):155-182.
    In this paper, I explore the hypothesis that constructions — here understood primarily as the dependencies of Word Grammar — can undergo systematic change, sometimes partly due to the effects of the grammaticalization of a lexical item or class of lexical items. I argue that the development of will as a future tense marker in English involves the development of a new construction where two separate syntactic items are associated with a single event in the semantics. I (...)
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  14.  46
    Essays in Logical Semantics.John Hawthorn - 1986 - Springer.
    Recent developments in the semantics of natural language seem to lead to a genuine synthesis of ideas from linguistics and logic, producing novel concepts and questions of interest to both parent disciplines. This book is a collection of essays on such new topics, which have arisen over the past few years. Taking a broad view, developments in formal semantics over the past decade can be seen as follows. At the beginning stands Montague's pioneering work, showing how a rigorous semantics can (...)
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  15. Propositional glue and the projection architecture of LFG.Avery D. Andrews - 2010 - Linguistics and Philosophy 33 (3):141-170.
    Although ‘glue semantics’ is the most extensively developed theory of semantic composition for LFG, it is not very well integrated into the LFG projection architecture, due to the absence of a simple and well-explained correspondence between glue-proofs and f-structures. In this paper I will show that we can improve this situation with two steps: (1) Replace the current quantificational formulations of glue (either Girard’s system F, or first order linear logic) with strictly propositional linear logic (the quantifier, unit and exponential (...)
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    (1 other version)Syntax: a generative introduction.Andrew Carnie - 2007 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    Building on the success of the bestselling first edition, the second edition of this textbook provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the major issues in Principles and Parameters syntactic theory, including phrase structure, the lexicon, case theory, movement, and locality conditions. Includes new and extended problem sets in every chapter, all of which have been annotated for level and skill type. Features three new chapters on advanced topics including vP shells, object shells, control, gapping and ellipsis and an additional (...)
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  17.  55
    (1 other version)Talking about Trees and Truth-Conditions.Reinhard Muskens - 1991 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (4):417-455.
    We present Logical Description Grammar (LDG), a model ofgrammar and the syntax-semantics interface based on descriptions inelementary logic. A description may simultaneously describe the syntacticstructure and the semantics of a natural language expression, i.e., thedescribing logic talks about the trees and about the truth-conditionsof the language described. Logical Description Grammars offer a naturalway of dealing with underspecification in natural language syntax andsemantics. If a logical description (up to isomorphism) has exactly onetree plus truth-conditions as a model, it completely specifies (...)
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  18.  18
    A Register Perspective on Grammar and Discourse: Variability in the Form and Use of English Complement Clauses.Douglas Biber - 1999 - Discourse Studies 1 (2):131-150.
    This article explores the importance of register variation for analyses of grammar and discourse. The general theme is illustrated through consideration of variability in the form and use of English complement clauses. First, the patterns of use for four related grammatical constructions are considered: that-clauses and to-clauses, headed by verbs and by nouns. The differing discourse functions of each construction type are explored by considering their lexico-grammatical associations. However, it is shown that the characteristic uses of each type are (...)
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    Statistical models of syntax learning and use.Mark Johnson & Stefan Riezler - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (3):239-253.
    This paper shows how to define probability distributions over linguistically realistic syntactic structures in a way that permits us to define language learning and language comprehension as statistical problems. We demonstrate our approach using lexicalfunctional grammar (LFG), but our approach generalizes to virtually any linguistic theory. Our probabilistic models are maximum entropy models. In this paper we concentrate on statistical inference procedures for learning the parameters that define these probability distributions. We point out some of the practical (...)
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  20. The INPUT and faithfulness in OT syntax.Peter Sells - manuscript
    I consider some of the claims that have been made for and against the nature of the INPUT in OT syntax as developed within the assumptions of the Minimalist Program, leading to suggestions for further specification of the architecture of this approach. Comparing with the role of faithfulness in the OT approach developed from Lexical-Functional Grammar, I argue that specific linguistic analyses crucially involve reference to faithfulness constraints (MAX and DEP in correspondence-based OT) which apply across different (...)
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    Toward discourse representation via pregroup grammars.Anne Preller - 2007 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 16 (2):173-194.
    Every pregroup grammar is shown to be strongly equivalent to one which uses basic types and left and right adjoints of basic types only. Therefore, a semantical interpretation is independent of the order of the associated logic. Lexical entries are read as expressions in a two sorted predicate logic with ∈ and functional symbols. The parsing of a sentence defines a substitution that combines the expressions associated to the individual words. The resulting variable free formula is the (...)
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  22. Sentence Planning as Description Using Tree Adjoining Grammar.Matthew Stone - unknown
    We present an algorithm for simultaneously constructing both the syntax and semantics of a sentence using a Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG). This approach captures naturally and elegantly the interaction between pragmatic and syntactic constraints on descriptions in a sentence, and the inferential interactions between multiple descriptions in a sentence. At the same time, it exploits linguistically motivated, declarative specifications of the discourse functions of syntactic constructions to make contextually appropriate syntactic choices.
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  23. Comparative economy conditions in natural language syntax.Christopher Potts - unknown
    The most conceptually drastic change in natural language syntactic theory in recent years is the introduction of economy conditions (ECs). Although there is not a unified formal notion of economy, the intuition is that natural languages are governed by a general “less is more” principle. Those who take this seriously, and regard it not just as principle guiding the researcher but as something to be implemented directly in grammars, are often led to comparative economy conditions (comparative ECs), which select from (...)
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    Relational nouns, pronouns, and resumption.Ash Asudeh - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (4):375 - 446.
    This paper presents a variable-free analysis of relational nouns in Glue Semantics, within a Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) architecture. Relational nouns and resumptive pronouns are bound using the usual binding mechanisms of LFG. Special attention is paid to the bound readings of relational nouns, how these interact with genitives and obliques, and their behaviour with respect to scope, crossover and reconstruction. I consider a puzzle that arises regarding relational nouns and resumptive pronouns, given that relational nouns can (...)
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    Comprehension of core grammar in diverse samples of Mandarin-acquiring preschool children with ASD.Yi Su & Letitia R. Naigles - 2022 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 4 (1):52-101.
    In this review, we summarize studies investigating comprehension of three core grammatical structures (Subject-Verb-Object word order, grammatical aspect and wh-questions) in diverse samples of Mandarin-acquiring preschoolers with ASD, all utilizing the Intermodal Preferential Looking (IPL) paradigm. Results showed that children with ASD, though they were delayed in chronological age and expressive language (including significantly lower vocabulary production scores), acquired various grammatical constructions similarly to their typically developing peers. Moreover, Mandarin-acquiring preschoolers with ASD demonstrated similar acquisition patterns of these three core (...)
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    Reps and representations: a warm-up to a grammar of lifting.Maria Esipova - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (4):871-904.
    In this paper, I outline a grammar of lifting (i.e., resistance training) and compare it to that of language. I approach lifting as a system of generating complex meaning–form correspondences from regularized elements and describe the levels of mental representations and relationships between them that are involved in full command of this system. To be able to do so, I adopt a goal-based conception of meaning, which allows us to talk about mappings from complex goals to complex surface outputs (...)
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    Lexicalised Locality: Local Domains and Non-Local Dependencies in a Lexicalised Tree Adjoining Grammar.Diego Gabriel Krivochen & Andrea Padovan - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (3):70.
    Contemporary generative grammar assumes that syntactic structure is best described in terms of sets, and that locality conditions, as well as cross-linguistic variation, is determined at the level of designated functional heads. Syntactic operations (merge, MERGE, etc.) build a structure by deriving sets from lexical atoms and recursively (and monotonically) yielding sets of sets. Additional restrictions over the format of structural descriptions limit the number of elements involved in each operation to two at each derivational step, a (...)
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    Employing General Linguistic Knowledge in Incidental Acquisition of Grammatical Properties of New L1 and L2 Lexical Representations: Toward Reducing Fuzziness in the Initial Ontogenetic Stage. [REVIEW]Denisa Bordag & Andreas Opitz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:768362.
    The study explores the degree to which readers can use their previous linguistic knowledge, which goes beyond the immediate evidence in the input, to create mental representations of new words and how the employment of this knowledge may reduce the fuzziness of the new representations. Using self-paced reading, initial representations of novel identical forms with different grammatical functions were compared in native German speakers and advanced L2 German learners with L1 Czech. The results reveal that although both groups can employ (...)
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    Semantics and morphosyntactic variation: qualities and the grammar of property concepts.Itamar Francez - 2017 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Andrew Koontz-Garboden.
    This book explores a key issue in linguistic theory, the systematic variation in form between semantic equivalents across languages. Two contrasting views of the role of lexical meaning in the analysis of such variation can be found in the literature: (i) uniformity, whereby lexical meaning is universal, and variation arises from idiosyncratic differences in the inventory and phonological shape of language-particular functional material, and (ii) transparency, whereby systematic variation in form arises from systematic variation in the meaning (...)
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    Recent trends in meaning-text theory.Leo Wanner (ed.) - 1997 - Philadelphia.: John Benjamins.
    The present volume contains articles of well-known representatives of the Meaning-Text Theory (MTT) and other related linguistic theories. Founded by I. Mel'cuk and A. Zholkovsky in the sixties in Moscow, MTT soon became known in the West as a “prominent outsider” theory. The picture changed since then, though. MTT gained importance in several areas of linguistics and computational linguistics. It influenced the design of new grammar formalisms such as Dependency Tree Grammars. Also, specific parts of MTT have been directly (...)
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    Language-Related Skills in Bilingual Children With Specific Learning Disorders.Anna Riva, Alessandro Musetti, Monica Bomba, Lorenzo Milani, Valentina Montrasi & Renata Nacinovich - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to better understand the characteristics of the language-related skills of bilingual children with specific learning disorders. The aim is achieved by analyzing language-related skills in a sample of bilingual and Italian monolingual children, with and without SLD.Patients and methods: A total of 72 minors aged between 9 and 11 were recruited and divided into four groups: 18 Italian monolingual children with SLD, 18 bilingual children with SLD, 18 Italian monolingual children without SLD, and (...)
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    Hero or terrorist? A comparative analysis of Arabic and Western media depictions of the execution of Saddam.Ghayda Al Ali - 2011 - Discourse and Communication 5 (4):301-335.
    While the role of the media in the war against terror has received ample attention from scholars, there is little in the literature that deals specifically with the Iraqi point of view with respect to the nature of terror or with the comparative analysis of Western and Arabic media treatment of terror. That Western and Arabic ideologies arise from divergent political, national, cultural, and religious traditions is well understood in the West. Indeed, this understanding is generally implicit and unconscious, often (...)
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  33. Lexical functions, generative lexicons and the world.Dirk Heylen - 1995 - In Patrick Saint-Dizier & Evelyn Viegas (eds.), Computational lexical semantics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 125--140.
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    Language: from meaning to text.Igor Mel'čuk - 2016 - Boston: Academic Studies Press. Edited by David Beck.
    This volume presents a sketch of the Meaning-Text linguistic approach, richly illustrated by examples borrowed mainly, but not exclusively, from English. Chapter 1 expounds the basic idea that underlies this approach—that a natural language must be described as a correspondence between linguistic meanings and linguistic texts—and explains the organization of the book. Chapter 2 introduces the notion of linguistic functional model, the three postulates of the Meaning-Text approach (a language is a particular meaning-text correspondence, a language must be described (...)
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  35. Lexical functions and knowledge representation.Dirk Heylen - 1995 - In Patrick Saint-Dizier & Evelyn Viegas (eds.), Computational lexical semantics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Genes, specificity, and the lexical/functional distinction in language acquisition.Karin Stromswold - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):648-649.
    Contrary to Müller's claims, and in support of modular theories, genetic factors play a substantial and significant role in language. The finding that some children with specific language impairment (SLI) have nonlinguistic impairments may reflect improper diagnosis of SLI or impairments that are secondary to linguistic impairments. Thus, such findings do not argue against the modularity thesis. The lexical/functional distinction appears to be innate and specifically linguistic and could be instantiated in either symbolic or connectionist systems.
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    Songs for developing lexical and grammar skills.M. A. Erykina & I. E. Ivanova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russia 4 (4):304.
    The article addresses the issue of using English songs to assist students of non-language departments master basic linguistic skills and communicative abilities. The authors offer a systematic and flexible approach to dealing with educational songs, demonstrate advantages of implementing numerous tasks to be varied and adapted to the needs of particular target audiences. The considered approach is intended to raise students’ motivation in learning foreign language.
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    Towards a lexically specific grammar of children’s question constructions.Ewa Dąbrowska & Elena Lieven - 2005 - Cognitive Linguistics 16 (3):437-474.
    This paper examines early syntactic development from a usage-based perspective, using transcripts of the spontaneous speech of two Englishspeaking children recorded at relatively dense intervals at ages 2;0 and 3;0. We focus primarily on the children’s question constructions, in an effort to determine (i) what kinds of units they initially extract from the input (their size and degree of specificity / abstractness); (ii) what operations they must perform in order to construct novel utterances using these units; and (iii) how the (...)
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  39. Syntax in functional grammar: an introduction to lexicogrammar in systemic linguistics.George David Morley - 2000 - New York: Continuum.
    This well-illustrated book outlines a framework for the analysis of syntactic structure from a perspective of a systematic functional grammar.
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    Contemporary linguistic parameters.Antonio Fábregas, Jaume Mateu I. Giral & Michael T. Putnam (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Parameters have lain at the core of linguistic research in the generative tradition for decades. The theoretical questions they have raised are deep and broad: this reference text investigates how contemporary linguistics has best tried to answer them. This book looks at how parameters might be properly defined and what their locus might be :lexical information, functional heads, the computational system, the phonological branch of the grammar. What kind of data forms trigger acquisition of a parameter? Are (...)
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    Ocherki ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionno-sinteticheskoĭ teorii i︠a︡zyka =.A. D. Koshelev - 2017 - Moskva: Izdatelʹskiĭ Dom I︠A︡SK.
    The monograph shows that in the last 50 years theoretical linguistics remains a compendium of mutually contradicting doctrines on multiple levels: the level of general theories of language, the level of its main constituents (the lexicon, syntax, and the lexical-syntactic interface that connects them), and the lower levels of specific linguistic problems (such as lexical polysemy, grammatical meanings, etc.). The contradictions of contemporary linguistic theories are indicative of a deep crisis. Evolutionary-synthetic theory of language is aimed at overcoming (...)
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    The research article and the science popularization article: a probabilistic functional grammar perspective on direct discourse representation.Adriana Silvina Pagano & Janaina Minelli de Oliveira - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (5):627-646.
    This article discusses the results of an investigation on discourse representation in a corpus of 34 million words constituted by texts in Brazilian Portuguese from two different genres: the research article and the science popularization article. Drawing on a systemic functional grammar perspective of language and pursuing a probabilistic approach, it focuses on the realization of lexicogrammatical systems of direct discourse representation as enacting interpersonal and social relationships. It is argued that the citation practices employed by writers in (...)
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    Remarks on Introduction to Functional Grammar.Robert J. Stainton - unknown
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    Determiners are phrases.Francesco Pupa - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (5):893-913.
    It is generally thought that definite determiners exclusively mark nouns as definite. In several languages, however, definite determiners may modify both nouns and verbs. As I will argue, the existence of these “multi‐functional” elements suggests that determiners are in fact phrases. This syntactic move has a philosophical payoff. Among other things, it allows us to cast Donnellan's distinction as an ordinary consequence of the context‐invariant compositional semantics of natural language, not as a matter of contextual manipulation or lexical (...)
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    The Cognitive Motivation Behind the Semantics of Hungarian Co-Verbial Constructions with Össze and Szét.Marcin Grygiel - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 61 (1):31-47.
    The use of an elaborate system of co-verbial constructions is the hallmark of the Hungarian language and one of the biggest challenges a translator or a learner of this language has to face. Co-verbial constructions consist of verbs, or their derivates, accompanied by a limited number of prefixes or particles that modify their meanings. They not only perform numerous syntactic and lexical functions, which is important in terms of language production, but also are able to change the meaning of (...)
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    Aristotle, verb meaning and functional grammar: towards a new typology of states of affairs: with an appendix on Aristotle's distinction between kinesis and energeia.Albert Rijksbaron - 1989 - Amsterdam: Gieben.
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    Linguistic Evidence against Predicativism.Wolfram Hinzen - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (10):591-608.
    The view that proper names are uniformly predicates has recently gained prominence. I review linguistic evidence against it. Overall, the linguistic evidence suggests that proper names function as predicates when they appear in a grammatically predicative position and as referential expressions when they are grammatically in a referential position. Conceptual grounds on which the predicativist view might nonetheless be upheld include ‘uniformity’, i.e., that a single semantic value be lexically specified for names in all of their occurrences irrespective of differences (...)
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    Contributions of memory circuits to language: the declarative/procedural model.Michael T. Ullman - 2004 - Cognition 92 (1-2):231-270.
    The structure of the brain and the nature of evolution suggest that, despite its uniqueness, language likely depends on brain systems that also subserve other functions. The declarative / procedural model claims that the mental lexicon of memorized word- specific knowledge depends on the largely temporal-lobe substrates of declarative memory, which underlies the storage and use of knowledge of facts and events. The mental grammar, which subserves the rule-governed combination of lexical items into complex representations, depends on a (...)
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    Natural Language Semantics and Computability.Richard Moot & Christian Retoré - 2019 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 28 (2):287-307.
    This paper is a reflexion on the computability of natural language semantics. It does not contain a new model or new results in the formal semantics of natural language: it is rather a computational analysis, in the context for type-logical grammars, of the logical models and algorithms currently used in natural language semantics, defined as a function from a grammatical sentence to a set of logical formulas—because a statement can be ambiguous, it can correspond to multiple formulas, one for each (...)
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  50. The subjective mode of comparison: Metalinguistic comparatives in greek and korean.Anastasia Giannakidou - unknown
    In this paper, we present a striking parallel between Greek and Korean in the formation and interpretation of metalinguistic comparatives. The initial observation is that both languages show an empirical contrast between “regular” comparative and metalinguistic comparative realized in (a) the form of a designated metalinguistic comparative MORE; and (b) in the form of THAN employed. We propose (building on our earlier analyses in Giannakidou and Stavrou 2009, Giannakidou and Yoon 2009) that the metalinguistic comparative is perspectival, i.e. it introduces (...)
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