Results for 'Locally finite ω-languages'

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  1.  22
    Locally finite ω‐languages and effective analytic sets have the same topological complexity.Olivier Finkel - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (4-5):303-318.
    Local sentences and the formal languages they define were introduced by Ressayre in. We prove that locally finite ω‐languages and effective analytic sets have the same topological complexity: the Borel and Wadge hierarchies of the class of locally finite ω‐languages are equal to the Borel and Wadge hierarchies of the class of effective analytic sets. In particular, for each non‐null recursive ordinal there exist some ‐complete and some ‐complete locally finite ω‐ (...), and the supremum of the set of Borel ranks of locally finite ω‐languages is the ordinal, which is strictly greater than the first non‐recursive ordinal. This gives an answer to the question of the topological complexity of locally finite ω‐languages, which was asked by Simonnet and also by Duparc, Finkel, and Ressayre in. Moreover we show that the topological complexity of a locally finite ω‐language defined by a local sentence φ may depend on the models of the Zermelo‐Fraenkel axiomatic system. Using similar constructions as in the proof of the above results we also show that the equivalence, the inclusion, and the universality problems for locally finite ω‐languages are ‐complete, hence highly undecidable. (shrink)
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  2. Topological complexity of locally finite ω-languages.Olivier Finkel - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (6):625-651.
    Locally finite omega languages were introduced by Ressayre [Formal languages defined by the underlying structure of their words. J Symb Log 53(4):1009–1026, 1988]. These languages are defined by local sentences and extend ω-languages accepted by Büchi automata or defined by monadic second order sentences. We investigate their topological complexity. All locally finite ω-languages are analytic sets, the class LOC ω of locally finite ω-languages meets all finite levels (...)
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    Topological Modal Logics Satisfying Finite Chain Conditions.Bernhard Heinemann - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (3):406-421.
    We modify the semantics of topological modal logic, a language due to Moss and Parikh. This enables us to study the corresponding theory of further classes of subset spaces. In the paper we deal with spaces where every chain of opens fulfils a certain finiteness condition. We consider both a local finiteness condition relevant to points and a global one concerning the whole frame. Completeness of the appearing logical systems, which turn out to be generalizations of the well-known modal system (...)
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    The Finite Model Property for Logics with the Tangle Modality.Robert Goldblatt & Ian Hodkinson - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (1):131-166.
    The tangle modality is a propositional connective that extends basic modal logic to a language that is expressively equivalent over certain classes of finite frames to the bisimulation-invariant fragments of both first-order and monadic second-order logic. This paper axiomatises several logics with tangle, including some that have the universal modality, and shows that they have the finite model property for Kripke frame semantics. The logics are specified by a variety of conditions on their validating frames, including local and (...)
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    On Finite Approximations of Topological Algebraic Systems.L. Yu Glebsky, E. I. Gordon & C. Ward Hensen - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (1):1 - 25.
    We introduce and discuss a concept of approximation of a topological algebraic system A by finite algebraic systems from a given class K. If A is discrete, this concept agrees with the familiar notion of a local embedding of A in a class K of algebraic systems. One characterization of this concept states that A is locally embedded in K iff it is a subsystem of an ultraproduct of systems from K. In this paper we obtain a similar (...)
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    Local Homogeneity.Bektur Baizhanov & John T. Baldwin - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (4):1243 - 1260.
    We study the expansion of stable structures by adding predicates for arbitrary subsets. Generalizing work of Poizat-Bouscaren on the one hand and Baldwin-Benedikt-Casanovas-Ziegler on the other we provide a sufficient condition (Theorem 4.7) for such an expansion to be stable. This generalization weakens the original definitions in two ways: dealing with arbitrary subsets rather than just submodels and removing the 'small' or 'belles paires' hypothesis. We use this generalization to characterize in terms of pairs, the 'triviality' of the geometry on (...)
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  7.  53
    Local-Global Properties of Positive Primitive Formulas in the Theory of Spaces of Orderings.M. Marshall - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (4):1097 - 1107.
    The paper deals with pp formulas in the language of reduced special groups, and the question of when the validity of a pp formula on each finite subspace of a space of orderings implies its global validity [18]. A large new class of pp formulas is introduced for which this is always the case, assuming the space of orderings in question has finite stability index. The paper also considers pp formulas of the special type $b\in \Pi _{i=1}^{n}\,D\langle 1,a_{i}\rangle (...)
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  8.  17
    Rings of finite Morley rank without the canonical base property.Michael Loesch & Daniel Palacín - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    We present numerous natural algebraic examples without the so-called Canonical Base Property (CBP). We prove that every commutative unitary ring of finite Morley rank without finite-index proper ideals satisfies the CBP if and only if it is a field, a ring of positive characteristic or a finite direct product of these. In addition, we construct a CM-trivial commutative local ring with a finite residue field without the CBP. Furthermore, we also show that finite-dimensional non-associative algebras (...)
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    Rings of finite Morley rank without the canonical base property.Michael Loesch & Daniel Palacín - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. We present numerous natural algebraic examples without the so-called Canonical Base Property (CBP). We prove that every commutative unitary ring of finite Morley rank without finite-index proper ideals satisfies the CBP if and only if it is a field, a ring of positive characteristic or a finite direct product of these. In addition, we construct a CM-trivial commutative local ring with a finite residue field without the CBP. Furthermore, we (...)
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  10.  17
    Crowdsourcing and Minority Languages: The Case of Galician Inflected Infinitives1.Michelle Sheehan, Martin Schäfer & Maria Carmen Parafita Couto - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Results from a crowdsourced audio questionnaire show that inflected infinitives in Galician are still acceptable in a broad range of contexts, different from those described for European Portuguese. Crucially, inflected infinitives with referential subjects are widely accepted only inside strong islands in Galician (complements of nouns, adjunct clauses). They are widely rejected in non-islands, notably in the complements of epistemic/factive verbs, in contrast with Portuguese and older varieties of Galician (Gondar 1978, Raposo 1987). Statistical analysis shows, however, that, in the (...)
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  11.  59
    Formal languages defined by the underlying structure of their words.J. P. Ressayre - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1009-1026.
    i) We show for each context-free language L that by considering each word of L as a structure in a natural way, one turns L into a finite union of classes which satisfy a finitary analog of the characteristic properties of complete universal first order classes of structures equipped with elementary embeddings. We show this to hold for a much larger class of languages which we call free local languages. ii) We define local languages, a class (...)
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  12.  55
    Someone knows that local reasoning on hypergraphs is a weakly aggregative modal logic.Yifeng Ding, Jixin Liu & Yanjing Wang - 2023 - Synthese 201 (2):1-27.
    This paper connects the following four topics: a class of generalized graphs whose relations do not have fixed arities called hypergraphs, a family of non-normal modal logics rejecting the aggregative axiom, an epistemic framework fighting logical omniscience, and the classical group knowledge modality of ‘someone knows’. Through neighborhood frames as their meeting point, we show that, among many completeness results obtained in this paper, the limit of a family of weakly aggregative logics is both exactly the modal logic of hypergraphs (...)
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  13. Game-theoretic axioms for local rationality and bounded knowledge.Gian Aldo Antonelli & Cristina Bicchieri - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 (2):145-167.
    We present an axiomatic approach for a class of finite, extensive form games of perfect information that makes use of notions like “rationality at a node” and “knowledge at a node.” We distinguish between the game theorist's and the players' own “theory of the game.” The latter is a theory that is sufficient for each player to infer a certain sequence of moves, whereas the former is intended as a justification of such a sequence of moves. While in general (...)
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  14.  20
    Splitting finite default theories: A comparison of two approaches. [REVIEW]Grigoris Antoniou - 1999 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8 (2):205-216.
    Default logic is computationally expensive. One of the most promising ways of easing this problem and developing powerful implementations is to split a default theory into smaller parts and compute extensions in a modular, local way. This paper compares two recent approaches, Turner's splitting and Cholewinski's stratification. It shows that the approaches are closely related – in fact the former can be viewed as a special case of the latter.
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    Explaining the locality conditions of QR: Consequences for the theory of phases. [REVIEW]Carlo Cecchetto - 2004 - Natural Language Semantics 12 (4):345-397.
    In this paper I offer an explanation for the fact that QR tends to be more local than other types of A-bar movement (i.e., in typical cases, QR cannot take place out of a finite clause). My explanation assumes (and offers evidence for) the Phase Impenetrability Condition (cf. Chomsky 2001a, b) and an Economy Condition that requires that each step of (possibly successive cyclic) QR be motivated (cf. Fox 1999). After showing why QR is local in typical cases, I (...)
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  16. Conant-independence and generalized free amalgamation.Scott Mutchnik - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. We initiate the study of a generalization of Kim-independence, Conant-independence, based on the notion of strong Kim-dividing of Kaplan, Ramsey and Shelah. A version of Conant-independence was originally introduced to prove that all [math] theories are [math]. We introduce an axiom on stationary independence relations, essentially generalizing the “freedom” axiom in some of the free amalgamation theories of Conant, and show that this axiom provides the correct setting for carrying out arguments of Chernikov, (...)
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  17.  34
    Cortical-striatal-cortical neural circuits, reiteration, and the “narrow faculty of language”.Philip Lieberman - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):527-528.
    Neural circuits linking local operations in the cortex and the basal ganglia confer reiterative capacities, expressed in seemingly unrelated human traits such as speech, syntax, adaptive actions to changing circumstances, dancing, and music. Reiteration allows the formation of a potentially unbounded number of sentences from a finite set of syntactic processes, obviating the need for the hypothetical.
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  18.  55
    Locally Finite Reducts of Heyting Algebras and Canonical Formulas.Guram Bezhanishvili & Nick Bezhanishvili - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (1):21-45.
    The variety of Heyting algebras has two well-behaved locally finite reducts, the variety of bounded distributive lattices and the variety of implicative semilattices. The variety of bounded distributive lattices is generated by the →-free reducts of Heyting algebras, while the variety of implicative semilattices is generated by the ∨-free reducts. Each of these reducts gives rise to canonical formulas that generalize Jankov formulas and provide an axiomatization of all superintuitionistic logics. The ∨-free reducts of Heyting algebras give rise (...)
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  19.  37
    Indiscernibles, EM-Types, and Ramsey Classes of Trees.Lynn Scow - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (3):429-447.
    The author has previously shown that for a certain class of structures $\mathcal {I}$, $\mathcal {I}$-indexed indiscernible sets have the modeling property just in case the age of $\mathcal {I}$ is a Ramsey class. We expand this known class of structures from ordered structures in a finite relational language to ordered, locally finite structures which isolate quantifier-free types by way of quantifier-free formulas. This result is applied to give new proofs that certain classes of trees are Ramsey. (...)
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  20.  33
    On extensions of partial isomorphisms.Mahmood Etedadialiabadi & Su Gao - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):416-435.
    In this paper we study a notion of HL-extension for a structure in a finite relational language $\mathcal {L}$. We give a description of all finite minimal HL-extensions of a given finite $\mathcal {L}$ -structure. In addition, we study a group-theoretic property considered by Herwig–Lascar and show that it is closed under taking free products. We also introduce notions of coherent extensions and ultraextensive $\mathcal {L}$ -structures and show that every countable $\mathcal {L}$ -structure can be extended (...)
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  21.  29
    Coherent extension of partial automorphisms, free amalgamation and automorphism groups.Daoud Siniora & Sławomir Solecki - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):199-223.
    We give strengthened versions of the Herwig–Lascar and Hodkinson–Otto extension theorems for partial automorphisms of finite structures. Such strengthenings yield several combinatorial and group-theoretic consequences for homogeneous structures. For instance, we establish a coherent form of the extension property for partial automorphisms for certain Fraïssé classes. We deduce from these results that the isometry group of the rational Urysohn space, the automorphism group of the Fraïssé limit of any Fraïssé class that is the class of all ${\cal F}$-free structures, (...)
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  22.  23
    Dynamic Topological Completeness for.David Fernandez Duque - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (1):77-107.
    Dynamic topological logic combines topological and temporal modalities to express asymptotic properties of dynamic systems on topological spaces. A dynamic topological model is a triple 〈X ,f , V 〉, where X is a topological space, f : X → X a continuous function and V a truth valuation assigning subsets of X to propositional variables. Valid formulas are those that are true in every model, independently of X or f. A natural problem that arises is to identify the logics (...)
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  23.  91
    Locally finite theories.Jan Mycielski - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):59-62.
    We say that a first order theoryTislocally finiteif every finite part ofThas a finite model. It is the purpose of this paper to construct in a uniform way for any consistent theoryTa locally finite theory FIN which is syntactically isomorphic toT.Our construction draws upon the main idea of Paris and Harrington [6] and generalizes the syntactic aspect of their result from arithmetic to arbitrary theories. The first mathematically strong locally finite theory, called FIN, was (...)
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  24.  20
    Profinite Locally Finite Quasivarieties.Anvar M. Nurakunov & Marina V. Schwidefsky - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (4):835-859.
    Let \(\textbf{K}\) and \(\textbf{M}\) be locally finite quasivarieties of finite type such that \(\textbf{K}\subset \textbf{M}\). If \(\textbf{K}\) is profinite then the filter \([\textbf{K},\textbf{M}]\) in the quasivariety lattice \(\textrm{Lq}(\textbf{M})\) is an atomic lattice and \(\textbf{K}\) has an independent quasi-equational basis relative to \(\textbf{M}\). Applications of these results for lattices, unary algebras, groups, unary algebras, and distributive algebras are presented which concern some well-known problems on standard topological quasivarieties and other problems.
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  25.  43
    Locally finite weakly minimal theories.James Loveys - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (2):153-203.
    Suppose T is a weakly minimal theory and p a strong 1-type having locally finite but nontrivial geometry. That is, for any M [boxvR] T and finite Fp, there is a finite Gp such that acl∩p = gεGacl∩pM; however, we cannot always choose G = F. Then there are formulas θ and E so that θεp and for any M[boxvR]T, E defines an equivalence relation with finite classes on θ/E definably inherits the structure of either (...)
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  26.  53
    An Algebraic Characterization of Equivalent Preferential Models.Zhaohui Zhu & Rong Zhang - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (3):803 - 833.
    Preferential model is one of the important semantical structures in nonmonotonic logic. This paper aims to establish an isomorphism theorem for preferential models, which gives us a purely algebraic characterization of the equivalence of preferential models. To this end, we present the notions of local similarity and local simulation. Based on these notions, two operators Δ(·) and μ(·) over preferential models are introduced and explored respectively. Together with other two existent operators ρ(·) and ΠD(·), we introduce an operator ∂D(·). Then (...)
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  27.  16
    Locally finite monoids in finitely based varieties.Edmond W. H. Lee - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (5):743-745.
    It is shown that given any finite system of monoid identities, it is decidable if the class of locally finite monoids that satisfy the system is a variety. This answers an open problem of Mark V. Sapir.
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    Conant-independence and generalized free amalgamation.Scott Mutchnik - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    We initiate the study of a generalization of Kim-independence, Conant-independence, based on the notion of strong Kim-dividing of Kaplan, Ramsey and Shelah. A version of Conant-independence was originally introduced to prove that all [Formula: see text] theories are [Formula: see text]. We introduce an axiom on stationary independence relations, essentially generalizing the “freedom” axiom in some of the free amalgamation theories of Conant, and show that this axiom provides the correct setting for carrying out arguments of Chernikov, Kaplan and Ramsey (...)
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  29.  87
    A Locally Finite Model for Gravity.Gerard ’T. Hooft - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (8):733-757.
    Matter interacting classically with gravity in 3+1 dimensions usually gives rise to a continuum of degrees of freedom, so that, in any attempt to quantize the theory, ultraviolet divergences are nearly inevitable. Here, we investigate matter of a form that only displays a finite number of degrees of freedom in compact sections of space-time. In finite domains, one has only exact, analytic solutions. This is achieved by limiting ourselves to straight pieces of string, surrounded by locally flat (...)
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    Local Finiteness in Varieties of Ms4-Algebras.Guram Bezhanishvili & Chase Meadors - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-28.
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    Quantifier-eliminable locally finite graphs.Shawn Hedman & Wai Yan Pong - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (2):180-185.
    We identify the locally finite graphs that are quantifier-eliminable and their first order theories in the signature of distance predicates. © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
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  32. Lattices of non-Locally Finite Hypergraphs are not Heyting.Adam Kolany - 2006 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 35 (2/3):105-109.
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  33.  25
    Locally Tabular $$ne $$ Locally Finite.Sérgio Marcelino & Umberto Rivieccio - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (3):383-400.
    We show that for an arbitrary logic being locally tabular is a strictly weaker property than being locally finite. We describe our hunt for a logic that allows us to separate the two properties, revealing weaker and weaker conditions under which they must coincide, and showing how they are intertwined. We single out several classes of logics where the two notions coincide, including logics that are determined by a finite set of finite matrices, selfextensional logics, (...)
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  34.  26
    Subquasivarieties of implicative locally-finite quasivarieties.Alexej P. Pynko - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (6):643-658.
  35.  30
    Disjoint amalgamation in locally finite aec.John T. Baldwin, Martin Koerwien & Michael C. Laskowski - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (1):98-119.
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  36.  72
    Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory with Locally Finite Degrees of Freedom.Gábor Hofer-Szabó & Péter Vecsernyés - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (2):241-255.
    In the paper it will be shown that Reichenbach’s Weak Common Cause Principle is not valid in algebraic quantum field theory with locally finite degrees of freedom in general. Namely, for any pair of projections A, B supported in spacelike separated double cones ${\mathcal{O}}_{a}$ and ${\mathcal{O}}_{b}$ , respectively, a correlating state can be given for which there is no nontrivial common cause (system) located in the union of the backward light cones of ${\mathcal{O}}_{a}$ and ${\mathcal{O}}_{b}$ and commuting with (...)
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  37.  58
    Representation of Locally Finite Polyadic Algebras and Ultrapowers.Klaus Potthoff - 1971 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 17 (1):91-96.
  38.  39
    Algebraic Logic II. Homogeneous Locally Finite Polyadic Boolean Algebras of Infinite Degree.Paul R. Halmos - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):222-223.
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    (1 other version)ZF and Locally Finite Groups.J. M. Plotkin - 1981 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (23‐24):375-379.
  40.  25
    Independence Results for Finite Set Theories in Well-Founded Locally Finite Graphs.Funmilola Balogun & Benedikt Löwe - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (5):1181-1200.
    We consider all combinatorially possible systems corresponding to subsets of finite set theory (i.e., Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the axiom of infinity) and for each of them either provide a well-founded locally finite graph that is a model of that theory or show that this is impossible. To that end, we develop the technique of _axiom closure of graphs_.
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  41.  32
    Saying new things in finite languages.Eike Savigny - 1981 - Philosophical Studies 40 (2):259-267.
  42.  37
    Saying New Things in Finite Languages.Eike Von Savigny - 1981 - Philosophical Studies 40 (2):259 - 267.
  43.  12
    Continuing and restarting.John Local - 1992 - In Peter Auer & Aldo Di Luzio, The Contextualization of language. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 273--296.
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    Carnap’s Problem for Modal Logic.Denis Bonnay & Dag Westerståhl - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (2):578-602.
    We take Carnap’s problem to be to what extent standard consequence relations in various formal languages fix the meaning of their logical vocabulary, alone or together with additional constraints on the form of the semantics. This paper studies Carnap’s problem for basic modal logic. Setting the stage, we show that neighborhood semantics is the most general form of compositional possible worlds semantics, and proceed to ask which standard modal logics (if any) constrain the box operator to be interpreted as (...)
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    New spectra of strongly minimal theories in finite languages.Uri Andrews - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (5):367-372.
    We describe strongly minimal theories Tn with finite languages such that in the chain of countable models of Tn, only the first n models have recursive presentations. Also, we describe a strongly minimal theory with a finite language such that every non-saturated model has a recursive presentation.
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    The complexity of countable categoricity in finite languages.Aleksander Ivanov - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (1-2):105-112.
    We study complexity of the index set of countably categorical theories and Ehrenfeucht theories in finite languages.
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    Relativized Adjacency.Dakotah Lambert - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (4):707-731.
    For each class in the piecewise-local subregular hierarchy, a relativized (tier-based) variant is defined. Algebraic as well as automata-, language-, and model-theoretic characterizations are provided for each of these relativized classes, except in cases where this is provably impossible. These various characterizations are necessarily intertwined due to the well-studied logic-automaton connection and the relationship between finite-state automata and (syntactic) semigroups. Closure properties of each class are demonstrated by using automata-theoretic methods to provide constructive proofs for the closures that do (...)
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    « Everywhere » and « here ».Valentin Shehtman - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (2-3):369-379.
    ABSTRACT The paper studies propositional logics in a bimodal language, in which the first modality is interpreted as the local truth, and the second as the universal truth. The logic S4UC is introduced, which is finitely axiomatizable, has the f.m.p. and is determined by every connected separable metric space.
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    Classical and Intuitionistic Models of Arithmetic.Kai F. Wehmeier - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (3):452-461.
    Given a classical theory T, a Kripke model K for the language L of T is called T-normal or locally PA just in case the classical L-structure attached to each node of K is a classical model of T. Van Dalen, Mulder, Krabbe, and Visser showed that Kripke models of Heyting Arithmetic (HA) over finite frames are locally PA, and that Kripke models of HA over frames ordered like the natural numbers contain infinitely many PA-nodes. We show (...)
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  50.  31
    Language-Theoretic and Finite Relation Models for the (Full) Lambek Calculus.Christian Wurm - 2017 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 26 (2):179-214.
    We prove completeness for some language-theoretic models of the full Lambek calculus and its various fragments. First we consider syntactic concepts and syntactic concepts over regular languages, which provide a complete semantics for the full Lambek calculus \. We present a new semantics we call automata-theoretic, which combines languages and relations via closure operators which are based on automaton transitions. We establish the completeness of this semantics for the full Lambek calculus via an isomorphism theorem for the syntactic (...)
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