Results for 'Logical'

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  1. Mathematical Logic.Arch Math Logic - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42:563-568.
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  2. Anna Zalewska an application of mizar mse in a course in logic.A. Course In Logic - 1987 - In Jan T. J. Srzednicki (ed.), Initiatives in logic. Boston: M. Nijhoff. pp. 224.
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  3. the Question of Grammar in Logical Inx'estigations.Later Developments In Logic - 2003 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Phenomenology World-Wide. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 94.
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    Party contributions from non-classical logics.Contributions From Non-Classical Logics - 2004 - In S. Rahman (ed.), Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 457.
  5. Temporal logic.Temporal Logic - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Logic Matters.Logic Matters - unknown
    I read Stefan Collini’s What are Universities For? last week with very mixed feelings. In the past, I’ve much admired his polemical essays on the REF, “impact”, the Browne Report, etc. in the London Review of Books and elsewhere: they speak to my heart. If you don’t know those essays, you can get some of their flavour from his latest article in the Guardian yesterday. But I found the book a disappointment. Perhaps the trouble is that Collini is too decent, (...)
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    Informal Logic referees 2011-2012.Informal Logic Editors - 2013 - Informal Logic 33 (1):80.
    The Editors express their gratitude and appreciation to the indi-viduals listed below who served as referees for Informal Logic for Volumes 31 (2011) and 32 (2012).
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  8. Types of negation in logical reconstructions of meinong Andrew Kenneth Jorgensen university of Logical Reconstructions Of Meinong - 2004 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 67 (1):21-36.
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  9. Sets, Models and Recursion Theory Proceedings of the Summer School in Mathematical Logic and Tenth Logic Colloquium, Leicester, August-September 1965.John N. Crossley & Logic Colloquium - 1967 - North-Holland.
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    DM72. Fact and Existence. By Joseph Margolis. University of Toronto Press. 1969. Pp. v, 144, $4.50. Principles of Logic. By Alex C. Michalos. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall. 1969. Pp. xiii, 433. [REVIEW]Many-Valued Logic - forthcoming - Filosofia.
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  11. A Comparison between two Different Tarski-style Semantics for Linear Logic.Linear Logic & M. Piazza - 1994 - Epistemologia 17 (1):101-116.
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    Logic Colloquium '80: Papers Intended for the European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic.D. van Dalen, Daniel Lascar, T. J. Smiley & Association for Symbolic Logic - 1982 - North-Holland.
  13. For the most clearly understood models of (i) belief,(ii) how the impact of sensory experience changes belief, and (Hi) how beliefs together with desires influence actions.Meaning Logic - 1983 - In Alex Orenstein & Rafael Stern (eds.), Developments in Semantics. Haven. pp. 2--221.
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    Kh Sievers.A. General Logic & John Slaney - 1989 - International Philosophical Quarterly 29 (4).
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    Luis moniz Pereira.Philosophical Incidence Of Logic - 2002 - In Dov M. Gabbay (ed.), Handbook of the logic of argument and inference: the turn towards the practical. New York: Elsevier.
  16. Wilfrid Sellars.Are There Non-Deductive Logics - 1970 - In Carl G. Hempel, Donald Davidson & Nicholas Rescher (eds.), Essays in honor of Carl G. Hempel. Dordrecht,: D. Reidel. pp. 83.
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    Logical Non-Apriorism and the 'Law' of Non-Contradiction.Otavio Bueno & Mark Colyvan - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb (eds.), The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 156--175.
    A common response to those who question the Law of Non-Contradiction is that it is impossible to debate such a fundamental law of logic. The reasons for this response vary, but what seems to underlie them is the thought that there is a minimal set of logical resources without which rational debate is impossible. This chapter argues that this response is misguided. First, it defends non-apriorism in logic: the view that logic is in the same epistemic boat as other (...)
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    Logic Programming: 10th International Symposium : Preprinted Papers and Abstracts.Dale Miller & Association for Logic Programming - 1993
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  19. Ian I-iacking.Linguistically Invariant Inductive Logic - 1970 - In Paul Weingartner & Gerhard Zecha (eds.), Induction, physics, and ethics. Dordrecht,: Reidel.
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  20. The Logical Syntax of Language.Rudolf Carnap & Amethe Smeaton - 1938 - Philosophy 13 (52):485-486.
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    In memoriam: John Hoaglund 1936 – 2012.Informal Logic - 2012 - Informal Logic 32 (3):286-287.
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  22. Tjeerd B. Jongeling, Teun Koetsier & Evert Wattel, a logical approach to qualitative reasoning with'several'... 15.Vladimir Markin, Dmitry Zaitsev, Imaginary Logic, Lloyd Humberstone, Implicational Converses, Jose M. Mendez, Francisco Salto, Pedro Mendez, Roger Vergauwen & Ray Lam - 2002 - Logique Et Analyse 45:1.
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  23. Logical Mistakes, Logical Aliens, and the Laws of Kant’s Pure General Logic.Tyke Nunez - 2018 - Mind 128 (512):1149-1180.
    There are two ways interpreters have tended to understand the nature of the laws of Kant’s pure general logic. On the first, these laws are unconditional norms for how we ought to think, and will govern anything that counts as thinking. On the second, these laws are formal criteria for being a thought, and violating them makes a putative thought not a thought. These traditions are in tension, in so far as the first depends on the possibility of thoughts that (...)
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  24. L86, l93, 203,236.Predicate Logic - 2003 - In Jaroslav Peregrin (ed.), Meaning: the dynamic turn. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science. pp. 12--65.
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to Emily Zakin, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.Logic Primer - 2001 - Teaching Philosophy 24 (3):311.
  26. William G. Lycan.Logical Space & New Directions In Semantics - 1987 - In Ernest LePore (ed.), New directions in semantics. Orlando: Academic Press. pp. 143.
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    Externalism, Internalism and Moral Scepticism.Conditional Logic - 1991 - International Philosophical Quarterly 31 (4).
  28. Storage Operators and Second Order Lambda-Calculs.J. -L. Krivine Classical Logic - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68:53-78.
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    In Memoriam: Stephen Edelston Toulmin 1922-2009.Informal Logic - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (1):120-121.
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  30. Logical Pluralism.Gillian Russell - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The Logical Deduction of Doctrine.Dermot Cassidy - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (2):203-213.
    The idea that Roman Catholic doctrines for which there is no early testimony can be explained as logical deductions from undoubtedly early teachings is usually dismissed as obviously false. By invoking the logical properties of doctrines expressed as explicit generalizations, however, and by distinguishing deductions in which all the assumptions represent Apostolic doctrine from those in which all the doctrinal assumptions are Apostolic, a way is found to deduce the disputed doctrines while leaving the immutability of doctrine intact. (...)
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  32. What is neologicism?Symbolic Logic - forthcoming - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.
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  33. Afterthoughts.Philosophical Logic - 1989 - In Joseph Almog, John Perry & Howard Wettstein (eds.), Themes From Kaplan. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Argument Evaluation Contest.Informal Logic - 1989 - Informal Logic 11 (1):1.
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  35. David Bostock.On Motivating Higher-Order Logic - 2004 - In Thomas Baldwin & Timothy Smiley (eds.), Studies in the Philosophy of Logic and Knowledge. New York: Oup/British Academy.
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    Russell and MacColl: Reply to Grattan-guinness, wolen ski, and read.Modal Logic - 2001 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):21-42.
  37. Understanding the object.Property Structure in Terms of Negation: An Introduction to Hegelian Logic & Metaphysics in the Perception Chapter - 2019 - In Robert Brandom (ed.), A Spirit of Trust: A Reading of Hegel’s _phenomenology_. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
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  38. Logical connectives.Varol Akman - 2006 - In A. C. Grayling, Andrew Pyle & Naomi Goulder (eds.), The Continuum encyclopedia of British philosophy. Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum. pp. 1939-1940.
    Logical connectives (otherwise known as 'logical constants' or 'logical particles') have seemed challenging to philosophers of language. This article gives a concise account of logical connectives.
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  39. The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy.Rudolph Carnap & Rolf A. George - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (4):340-342.
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    Paraconsistent Logical Consequence.Dale Jacquette - 1998 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 8 (4):337-351.
    ABSTRACT The concept of paraconsistent logical consequence is usually negatively defined as a validity semantics in which not every sentences is deducible or in which inferential explosion does not occur. Paraconsistency has been negatively characterized in this way because paraconsistent logics have been designed specifically to avoid the trivialization of deductive inference entailed by the classical paradoxes of material implication for applications in a system that tolerates syntactical contradictions. The effect of the negative characterization of paraconsistency has been to (...)
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    Aristotle on logical consequence.Phil Corkum - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy.
    Compare two conceptions of validity: under an example of a modal conception, an argument is valid just in case it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false; under an example of a topic-neutral conception, an argument is valid just in case there are no arguments of the same logical form with true premises and a false conclusion. This taxonomy of positions suggests a project in the philosophy of logic: the reductive analysis of the modal (...)
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  42. Logical form and reflective equilibrium.Vladimír Svoboda & Jaroslav Peregrin - forthcoming - Synthese.
    Though, at first sight, logical formalization of natural language sentences and arguments might look like an unproblematic enterprise, the criteria of its success are far from clear and, surprisingly, there have only been a few attempts at making them explicit. This paper provides a picture of the enterprise of logical formalization that does not conceive of it as a kind of translation from one language (a natural one) into another language (a logical one), but rather as a (...)
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    Logical analysis of empirical expressions. What is wrong with empiricism.Pavel Materna - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 54 (1):77-88.
    The following well-known problem motivated my handling more general problems. As we surely know, our pupils and even students are confronted with much more trouble when learning mathematics (and even physics) than when they learn ‘empirical’ sciences like biology, mineralogy etc. There are many factors that can at least partially explain this phenomenon. I would however mention one factor that is not too frequently adduced: mathematics, logic, and much of physics use concepts that are abstract while the empirical sciences seem (...)
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  44. Juliet flower MacCannell.Monstrous Logic - 2004 - In Sinkwan Cheng (ed.), Law, justice, and power: between reason and will. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 240.
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  45. Marfa-Luisa Rivero.Antecedents of Contemporary Logical & Linguistic Analyses in Scholastic Logic - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10:55.
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  46. The required correction to Copi's statement of ug.Symbolic Logic - 1966 - Logique Et Analyse 33:267.
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  47. Logical knowledge and ordinary reasoning.Corine Besson - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (1):59-82.
    This paper argues that the prominent accounts of logical knowledge have the consequence that they conflict with ordinary reasoning. On these accounts knowing a logical principle, for instance, is having a disposition to infer according to it. These accounts in particular conflict with so-called ‘reasoned change in view’, where someone does not infer according to a logical principle but revise their views instead. The paper also outlines a propositional account of logical knowledge which does not conflict (...)
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    Logical Dynamics of Speech Acts.Tomoyuki Yamada - unknown
    SOCREAL 2007: International Workshop on Philosophy and Ethics of Social Reality. Sapporo, Japan, 2007-03-09/10. Session 2: Logical Dynamics of Social Interaction.
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  49. Logical Consequence: Its nature, structure, and application.Colin R. Caret & Ole T. Hjortland - 2015 - In Colin R. Caret & Ole T. Hjortland (eds.), Foundations of Logical Consequence. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Recent work in philosophical logic has taken interesting and unexpected turns. It has seen not only a proliferation of logical systems, but new applications of a wide range of different formal theories to philosophical questions. As a result, philosophers have been forced to revisit the nature and foundation of core logical concepts, chief amongst which is the concept of logical consequence. This essay sets the contributions of the volume in context and identifies how they advance important debates (...)
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    Logical Empiricism as Scientific Philosophy.Alan W. Richardson - 2024 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element offers a new account of the philosophical significance of logical empiricism that relies on the past forty years of literature reassessing the project. It argues that while logical empiricism was committed to empiricism and did become tied to the trajectory of analytic philosophy, neither empiricism nor logical analysis per se was the deepest philosophical commitment of logical empiricism. That commitment was, rather, securing the scientific status of philosophy, bringing philosophy into a scientific conception of (...)
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