Results for 'Lucas Abelardo Palacios Liberato'

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    Aquí se presenta un avance de la investigación acerca de la filosofíaandina prehispánica que parte de la organización de los fragmentos,textos o relatos hallados en los documentos de extirpación deidolatrías, de las crónicas de los españoles, de los informes de lacasta sacerdotal del virreinato, registrados durante la colonizaciónespañola del Perú. En éste, en lo fundamental, se presenta laargumentación sobre la teoría del pensamiento y los problemasfundamentales de la filosofía. Se trata del contenido monumentaldel pensamiento filosófico andino prehispánico perdido entre laabundancia (...)
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    Hacia unas Competencias Coeducativas en Educación Infantil para la formación docente desde la Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales.Laura Lucas Palacios, Ainhoa Resa Ocio & Rocío Diez Ros - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:209-233.
    Coeducación implica replantear todo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, y requiere un marco concreto de aplicación y evaluación. Contamos con desarrollo normativo, recursos y materiales en la materia, sin embargo, la escuela sigue reproduciendo sexismos. La Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales incluye las competencias, saberes y estrategias óptimas para la coeducación; además, la etapa de Educación Infantil es clave en el proceso de socialización sin sesgos de género. Por todo lo expuesto, en esta investigación se analiza el Real Decreto 95/2022, de (...)
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    ¿Hacia un currículum de la Herstory del Arte?Laura Triviño-Cabrera, Elisa Sabel Chaves Guerrero & Laura Lucas Palacios - 2019 - Clío: History and History Teaching 45:65-82.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo fundamental explorar la posibilidad de un currículum de la Herstory del Arte, entendiendo por ésta, la visibilidad de las biografías y las contribuciones artísticas de las mujeres. Así pues, por un lado, este estudio aborda cómo deconstruir el currículum oculto, a través de una propuesta de currículum postmoderno que incorpore las her/stories del Arte. Por otro lado, se lleva a cabo un análisis cuantitativo de la presencia o ausencia de las mujeres artistas en el (...)
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    Hegel’s Aesthetics and ‘The End of Art’.Liberato Santoro - 1984 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 30:62-72.
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  5. Crítica e filosofia.Liberato Bittencourt - 1928 - Rio de Janeiro,: Ofis. gráfs. do Gimnásio 28 de setembro.
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    (1 other version)Human Visibility and Democratic Space: A Critical Tool for Designing Our Social Institutions.C. Michael Liberato - 1998 - Social Philosophy Today 14:251-269.
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    The foundations of radical constructivism: An interview with Ernst Von glasersfeld. [REVIEW]Liberato Cardellini - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 8 (2):177-187.
    Constructivism rejects the metaphysical position that “truth”, and thus knowledge in science, can represent an “objective” reality, independent of the knower. It modifies the role of knowledge from “true” representation to functional viability. In this interview, Ernst von Glasersfeld, the leading proponent of Radical Constructivism underlines the inaccessibility of reality, and proposes his view that the function of cognition is adaptive, in the biological sense: the adaptation is the result of the elimination of all that is not adapted. There is (...)
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  8. Reproductive genome editing interventions are therapeutic, sometimes.César Palacios-González - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):557-562.
    In this paper I argue that some human reproductive genome editing interventions can be therapeutic in nature, and thus that it is false that all such interventions just create healthy individuals. I do this by showing that the conditions established by a therapy definition are met by certain reproductive genome editing interventions. I then defend this position against two objections: (a) reproductive genome editing interventions do not attain one of the two conditions for something to be a therapy, and (b) (...)
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    Phase Transitions: A Challenge for Intertheoretic Reduction?Patricia Palacios - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (4):612-640.
    I analyze the extent to which classical phase transitions, both first order and continuous, pose a challenge for intertheoretic reduction. My contention is that phase transitions are compatible with a notion of reduction that combines Nagelian reduction and what Thomas Nickles called Reduction2. I also argue that, even if the same approach to reduction applies to both types of phase transitions, there is a crucial difference in their physical treatment: in addition to the thermodynamic limit, in continuous phase transitions there (...)
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    La filosofía de lo mexicano.Abelardo Villegas - 1960 - México,: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    Antonio Caso.--José Vasconcelos.--Samuel Ramos.--Leopoldo Zea.--La filosofía de lo mexicano.
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    Panorama de la filosofía iberoamericana actual.Abelardo Villegas - 1963 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires.
  12. Society, like the market, needs to be constructed.Carlos Palacios - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (1):74-96.
    It has been commonplace to equate Foucault’s 1979 series of lectures at the Collège de France with the claim that for neoliberalism, unlike for classical liberalism, the market needs to be artificially constructed. The article expands this claim to its full expression, taking it beyond what otherwise would be a simple divulgation of a basic neoliberal tenet. It zeroes in on Foucault’s own insight: that neoliberal constructivism is not directed at the market as such, but, in principle, at society, arguing (...)
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  13. Resource Allocation, Treatment, Disclosure, and Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques: Some Comments on de Melo-Martin and Harris.César Palacios-gonzález - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (2):278-287.
    Some Comments on de Melo-Martin and Harris.
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  14. Genetic parenthood and causation: An objection to Douglas and Devolder’s modified direct proportionate genetic descent account.César Palacios-González - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1085-1090.
    In a recent publication Tom Douglas and Katrien Devolder have proposed a new account of genetic parenthood, building on the work of Heidi Mertes. Douglas and Devolder’s account aims to solve, among other things, the question of who are the genetic parents of an individual created through somatic cell nuclear transfer (i.e. cloning): (a) the nuclear DNA provider or (b) the progenitors of the nuclear DNA provider. Such a question cannot be answered by simply appealing to the folk account of (...)
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    (1 other version)Hybridity and national identity in post-colonial schools.Rowena A. Azada-Palacios - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (9):1431-1441.
    The recent resurgence of extreme-right movements and the nationalist turn of many governments across the world have reignited the relevance of discussions within educational philosophy about the teaching of national identity in schools. However, the conceptualisation of national identity in previous iterations of these debates have been largely Western and Eurocentric, making the past theoretical literature about these questions less relevant for post-colonial settings. In this paper, I imagine a new approach for teaching national identity in post- colonial contexts, founded (...)
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    Confessio Fidei Universis.Pedro Abelardo - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (3).
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  17. El derecho subjetivo y el deber jurídico.Rojas R. Abelardo - 1954 - México,: Seminario de Filosofía del Derecho.
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    Para uma crítica da objetividade no monitoramento da qualidade da educação básica no Brasil.Abelardo Bento Araújo - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 35 (74):591-615.
    Para uma crítica da objetividade no monitoramento da qualidade da educação básica no Brasil Resumo: O objetivo deste texto analisar criticamente os aspectos da política de monitoramento da qualidade da educação básica no Brasil que se orientam por uma suposta possibilidade de controle científico/objetivo da qualidade do ensino. Trata-se de uma discussão de base bibliográfica. Por meio da abordagem de algumas concepções e consequências dessas políticas, discute-se a cientificidade alegada pela política de monitoramento da qualidade da educação como categoria ideológica. (...)
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    Millennium Issue Ii: Psychological Contributions to Building Cultures of Peace.: A Special Issue of Peace and Conflict.Abelardo Brenes & Michael G. Wessells (eds.) - 2001 - Psychology Press.
    To build cultures of peace, one must often lay aside the "expert" label and become a student in the world who is willing to learn from other cultures in pursuit of peace. To set up an intercultural dialogue on this topic, the Committee for the Psychological Study of Peace, in conjunction with the University for Peace and the Institute for Psychological Research of the University of Costa Rica, sponsored the 6th International Symposium on the Contribution of Psychology to Peace. This (...)
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    Philosophies of Art and Beauty: Introducing Aesthetics.Hugh Bredin & Liberato Santoro - 2000
    A thorough historical survey of philosophies of the arts.
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    Philosophies of Art and Beauty: Introducing Aesthetics.Hugh Bredin & Liberato Santoro-Brienza - 2000 - Edinburgh University Press.
    A thorough historical survey of philosophies of the arts.
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    Représentations de la femme étrangère de la génération 70: L'érotisme sage de Ramalho.Chair Susan Perez Castillo, Ana Luisa Liberato & Vieira Vilela - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):894-899.
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    New Insights on the Turin Shroud’s Body Image: Face Image at Different Wavelengths and its Double Superficiality.Liberato De Caro & Giulio Fanti - 2024 - Scientia et Fides 12 (2):151-184.
    Various images of the face of the Turin Shroud Man, acquired at different wavelengths, from the near infrared region to the ultraviolet, have been studied and compared. A correlation as a function of the wavelength, between the penetration depth in the fabric of the incident light and the anatomic details visible on the images, is discussed based on the physical properties of linen threads and light. In addition, the backside of the Turin Shroud, in correspondence of the region of the (...)
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    Sur la crise du capitalisme neoliberal.Abelardo Mariña Flores & Dominique Plihon - 2012 - Actuel Marx 51 (1):11-26.
    This discussion brings together five economists who address the major questions raised by the recent developments in the crisis of neoliberalism. The participants confront their respective definitions of neoliberalism, their understanding of the role played by financial mechanisms in the crisis and their interpretation of the crisis of sovereign debts. They discuss the implications of the crisis for the forces of the left, examining the consequences of the current weakening of the prior American hegemony : does it point to a (...)
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    A Geografia Política e suas múltiplas abordagens – o sistema territorial e uma precisão teórico-conceitual das fronteiras.Israel Monteiro Gonçalves & Rita De Cássia Liberato - 2015 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 17 (1):87.
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    El comercio y los comerciantes en Martín Lutero, Francisco de Vitoria y Domingo de Soto.Abelardo del Vigo Gutiérrez - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:615-628.
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  27. Forma del diritto e formalismo giuridico: a proposito di una Filosofia della forma.Abelardo Rivera Llano - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (2):271-277.
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  28. La questione dell'imputabilità nel diritto penale e nella filosofia del diritto.Abelardo Rivera Llano - 2014 - In Alessandro Argiroffi & Abelardo Rivera Llano, Persona, imputabilità, ermeneutica. Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore.
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  29. Presentazione.Abelardo Rivera Llano - 2014 - In Alessandro Argiroffi & Abelardo Rivera Llano, Persona, imputabilità, ermeneutica. Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore.
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    Actas del IV Congreso Internacional de la S.I.T.A.Abelardo Lobato (ed.) - 1999 - Córdoba: Publicaciones Obra Social y Cultural CajaSur.
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  31. El horizonte estético del hombre medieval: La perspectiva tomista.Abelardo Lobato - 1999 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 6:57-68.
    Para obtener una idea aproximada del horizonte estético del hombre medieval, es preciso referirse a la relación de la estética con la cultura, a la antropología subyacente, y a los diversos campos en los cuales el hombre descubre la belleza. El hombre medieval se relaciona con lo bello en el orden objetivo de las realidades del mundo, en la forja de la propia personalidad mediante las virtudes, y en el campo de las artes útiles y bellas. Tomás de Aquino es (...)
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    El hombre en cuerpo y alma.Abelardo Lobato - 1995 - Valencia: EDICEP. Edited by Armando Segura & Eudaldo Forment Giralt.
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  33. El lenguaje y la palabra en Tomás de Aquino.Abelardo Lobato - 1989 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 65:132-148.
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  34. El maestro en teologia en el proyecto de Santo Tomas in Homenaje a Mons. Dr. Octavio N. Derisi en sus ochenta anos.Abelardo Lobato - 1987 - Sapientia 42 (165-166):177-198.
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  35. La dignidad humana desde la perspectiva ética.Abelardo Lobato - 1997 - Revista Agustiniana 38 (117):1065-1092.
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  36. La dignidad humana desde una perspectiva metafisica.Abelardo Lobato - 1996 - Sapientia 51 (200):309-326.
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  37. La Pontificia Academia de Santo Tomás de Aquino: Historia y Misión.Abelardo Lobato - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico 39 (86):309-328.
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  38. Lo spirito nell'uomo.Abelardo Lobato - 2003 - Divus Thomas 106 (1):168-179.
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  39. Presencia y voz femenina.Abelardo Lobato - 1987 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 60:438-454.
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  40. Manual para la presentación de monografías. Buenos Aires.Abelardo Manzo - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Fundir el espejo y esculpir la imagen. Tarkovsky, agricultura y la transformación del paisaje.Abelardo Gil-Fournier Martínez - 2022 - Aisthesis 72:54-71.
    En su libro The Cinematic Footprint (2012), la teórica de los estudios sobre el cine Nadia Bozak propone un análisis de la producción cinematográfica basado en su relación con los consumos y los recursos naturales de los que ésta depende. Desde este punto de vista, este artículo parte de tres escenas de la filmografía del realizador ruso Andrei Tarkovsky para examinar, desde las condiciones materiales de su producción, un campo de interacciones entre imagen y transformación del paisaje más allá de (...)
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    Maquiavel e o estado.Abelardo Fernando Montenegro - 1957 - Fortaleza,:
  43. Breve balance de un siglo de psicoanalisis.Abelardo Pithod - 1996 - Sapientia 51 (199):175-185.
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  44. Ontología de lo social.Abelardo Pithod - 2000 - Sapientia 55 (207):101-110.
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    Antiecología: apuntes de una filosofía y paradigma ecológico.Abelardo Barra Ruatta - 1996 - Buenos Aires: Espacio Editorial.
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  46. Las muchas Américas : ontologías, epistemologías y éticas americanas.Abelardo Barra Ruatta - 2014 - In Abelardo Barra Ruatta & Guillermo Ricca, El laboratorio latinoamericano: tensiones y equilibrios entre racionalidades coexistentes. [Río Cuarto, Argentina]: Cartografías.
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    (6 other versions)Introducción al derecho.Abelardo Torré - 1954 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Perrot.
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  48. Introducción a las ciencias jurídicas.Abelardo Torré - 1951 - Buenos Aires,:
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    Luca Verzichelli rilegge: Arendt Lijphart (1999; 2012) Patterns of Democracy.Luca Verzichelli - 2012 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 26 (3):419-428.
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  50. El marxismo del siglo XX.Abelardo Villegas - 1979 - In Abelardo Villegas & Ramón Xirau, La Filosofía. México: Dirección General de Difusión Cultural, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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