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  1. The Concept of Drive in the Sitttenlehre (1798).Mário Jorge de Carvalho - 2008 - Philosophy Today 52 (3-4):298-310.
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    Ausdehnung und Freiheit.Mario Jorge de Carvalho - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 45:61-91.
    This paper focuses on the basic features of Fichte’s doctrine of perception as laid down in his Thatsachen des Bewußtseyns aus dem ws 1811/12. Special attention is given to Fichte’s analysis of external perception and of the role played by extension (Ausdehnung) as an essential component of it. In Fichte’s view, extension is characterized by, among other things, the fact that it presupposes some kind of freedom. This is closely related to Fichte’s view that freedom is not something whose representation (...)
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    Bilder-wahrnehmen und Bild-sein.Mario Jorge de Carvalho - 2019 - Fichte-Studien 47:105-128.
    Images are usually understood as something perceived: as something presented to us and different from us. But since Antiquity the concept has also been given a different meaning: it has been used to describe our own being, and indeed so much so that it also stands for our essential nature: we are ourselves an image (we are ourselves but an image); and being an image (being but an image) is what is what really defines us. The experience of being oneself (...)
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    In the mirror of the Phaedrus.Mário Jorge de Carvalho, António de Castro Caeiro & Hélder Telo (eds.) - 2013 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    Triumph of the ΠΑΝΤΟΠΟΡΟΣ? The image of the self‑invented and self inventing Δεινον in antigone’s first stasimon.Mário Jorge De Carvalho - 2019 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 28 (55):105-196.
    Este estudo incide sobre o primeiro estásimo da Antígona de Sófocles e procura analisar o seu significado. A questão a que tenta responder é a seguinte: que imagem do ser humano se encontra expressa nesta ode coral? Tal questão encerra várias outras: 1) Em, que sentido se diz que o homem é algo δεινόν – e mesmo até o mais δεινόν de tudo? 2) Qual a relação entre esta característica e o ser auto-inventado ou auto-inventor de que falam as três (...)
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    What it takes to make an image. From fichte's thinking workshop.Mário Jorge de Carvalho - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (4):701-735.
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