Results for 'Maison Descartes Amsterdam'

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  1.  7
    L'enfermement: actes du Colloque franco-néerlandais de novembre 1979 à Amsterdam.Rein Bloem (ed.) - 1981 - [Lille]: Presses universitaires de Lille.
    Co-éditions avec la Maison descartes d'Amsterdam Les 29 et 30 novembre 1979 s'est tenu à la Maison Descartes (Institut Français d'Amsterdam) un colloque franco-néerlandais sur le thème de "L'Enfermement", sous la présidence de Charles Grivel du côté néerlandais et de Michel Deguy du côté français.Les intervenants venaient d'horizons divers. Poètes, comme Maurice Roche pour la France et Rein Bloem pour les Pyas-Bas. Psychanalyste: Anton Mooij. Sociologues: le néerlandais Pieter Nijhoff et le français Jean Duvignaud. (...)
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    René Descartes, Regulae ad directionem ingenii: an early manuscript version.René Descartes - 2023 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by Richard Serjeantson & Michael Edwards.
    René Descartes's Regulae ad directionem ingenii ('Rules for the Direction of the Understanding') is his earliest surviving philosophical treatise, and in many respects his most puzzling text. It is a profoundly original work with few intellectual precursors, and offers the fullest account anywhere in Descartes's work of his theory of method. Yet Descartes left it unfinished, and unpublished, at his death in 1650. The versions currently known to modern readers are all posthumous: a manuscript copied for Leibniz (...)
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    L'esprit cartésien: quatrième centenaire de la naissance de Descartes: actes du XXVIe Congrès de l'Association des sociétés de philosophie de langue française (A.S.P.L.F.): organisé par la Société française de philosophie, en Sorbonne et à la maison de l'UNESCO, 30 août-3 septembre 1996.Jacques Bourgeois (ed.) - 2000 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
    Les textes presentes dans ce volume sont ceux des conferences prononcees en seance pleniere dans le cadre du XXVIe Congres international de Philosophie de Langue Francaise (ASPLF), consacre, pour marquer le quatrieme centenaire de la naissance de Descarte, au theme general L'esprit cartesien, et organise du 30 aout au 3 septembre 1996, en Sorbonne et au Palais de l'UNESCO, par la Societe Francaise de Philosophie. Le volume est complete par une version en langue francaise des contributions a un Hommage international (...)
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  4. L'esprit cartésien: quatrième centenaire de la naissance de Descartes: actes du XXVIe Congrès de l'Association des sociétés de philosophie de langue française (A.S.P.L.F.): organisé par la Société française de philosophie, en Sorbonne et à la maison de l'UNESCO, 30 août-3 septembre 1996.Bernard Bourgeois & Jacques Havet (eds.) - 2000 - Paris: Libr. philosophique J. Vrin.
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    Review: Waar geest is, is vrijheid: Filosofie van de psychiatrie voorbij Descartes, by Guus Labooy (Amsterdam, 2007). [REVIEW]Frederiek Depoortere - 2008 - Ars Disputandi: The Online Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8:1-9.
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    Cartesian Reflections: Essays on Descartes's Philosophy.Deborah J. Brown - 2010 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 88 (4):731-734.
    HOME . ABOUT US . CONTACT US HELP . PUBLISH WITH US . LIBRARIANS Search in or Explore Browse Publications A-Z Browse Subjects A-Z Advanced Search University of Cambridge SIGN IN Register | Why Register? | Sign Out | Got a Voucher? prev abstract next Two Approaches to Reading the Historical Descartes A Devout Catholic? Knowledge of The Mental Thought and Language Descartes as A Natural Philosopher Substance Dualism Notes Two Approaches to Reading the Historical Descartes Author: (...)
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    On the inseparability of reasoning and virtue: Madame de Maintenon's Maison royale de Saint‐Louis.Lisa Shapiro - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (2-3):254-267.
    This paper engages with the curriculum at Madame de Maintenon's school for girls at Saint‐Cyr to raise and address a set of questions: What is it to teach someone to reason? The curricular materials of Saint‐Cyr suggest that learning to reason is a matter of practice. How is one to distinguish autonomous reason giving from habituation or automatic trained responses? How can practices in reason giving informed by social mores have objective validity? Moreover, if we think of the role of (...)
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    Margot, J.-P. (2021). Descartes y Spinoza. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Valle.Jorge Aurelio Díaz - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 54:199-202.
    El libro recoge siete artículos, cuatro sobre temas de la filosofía de Descartes y tres sobre la de Spinoza, algunos ya publicados y otros inéditos, como lo señalan los Créditos Editoriales, pero con versiones revisadas, corregidas y ampliadas. Aunque cada uno de los capítulos puede ser leído de manera independiente, hay un hilo conductor que los integra, y que no es otro que la confrontación entre el racionalismo moderado del pensador francés y el racionalismo radical del judío de Ámsterdam: (...)
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    Un amour de Descartes: récit.Jean-Luc Quoy-Bodin - 2013 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    C'est le temps où Rembrandt et Descartes sont presque voisins à Amsterdam, où les spasmes des coeurs de la tulipe tournent les têtes, où la peste décime aveuglément... Francine n'est pas toujours mentionnée dans les notices biographiques de Descartes ; pourtant, la naissance, au cours de son séjour en Hollande, d'une fille, fruit d'une liaison avec une servante, correspond à la période la plus féconde de la vie du philosophe entre La Diotrique et le Discours de la (...)
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  10.  31
    An Unknown Autograph Letter of Descartes to Joachim de Wicquefort.Erik-jan Bos & Corinna Vermeulen - 2002 - Studia Leibnitiana 34 (1):100 - 109.
    Dans le cadre de nos recherches sur la correspondance de Descartes, nous avons découvert une lettre inédite du philosophe. La lettre, qui se trouve à la Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz, est addressee à Joachim de Wicquefort, datée de Leyde, le 2 octobre 1640. Dans sa lettre Descartes réclame, par l' intermédiaire de Wicquefort, la traduction latine de ses Meteores, qui avait été remis au professeur de philosophie d'Amsterdam, Caspar Barlaeus. Elle précède de trois jours la lettre, (...)
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  11. Objective reality of ideas in Descartes, caterus, and suárez.Norman J. Wells - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):33-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Objective Reality of Ideas in Descartes, Caterus, and Su irez NORMAN j. WELLS IT HAS LONG BEEN ACKNOWLEDGEDthat Francisco Sufirez's distinction between a formal and an objective concept exercised some influence upon Descartes's teaching on 'idea'.' It would appear, however, that not enough attention has been given to that distinction of Sufirez (and especially to another to be mentioned shordy) to aid in dispelling what I take (...)
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  12.  17
    Ceticismo Acadêmico Nas "Règles Pour la Direction de l'Esprit (I, II, III, IV) de Descartes.Marcelo de Oliveira - 2023 - Cadernos Espinosanos 48:157-179.
    O ceticismo acadêmico se encontra utilizado na formulação dos preceitos epistêmicos para a reformulação da ciência, nas _Règles Pour La Direction De L’Esprit _ ( 1701, Amsterdam, texto póstumo e inacabado). O probabilismo de Carnéades, compreendido como o principal vetor do ceticismo acadêmico na modernidade, fundamenta a certeza. Outras teses para a correção epistêmica do espírito parecem advir da tradição acadêmica, como a de fi nição de _science _ como _sagesse_, por exemplo ( _Règle _ _I_ ). Desse modo, (...)
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    Qu'est-ce qu'une maison?Jean-Paul Demoule - 2004 - Rue Descartes 43 (1):104-111.
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    Institutions et destitutions de la totalité: explorations de l'oeuvre de Christian Godin: actes du colloque des 24-25-26 septembre 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, Université Blaise Pascal, Paris, Université Paris Descartes.Claude Brunier-Coulin (ed.) - 2016 - Paris: Orizons.
    Le présent ouvrage rassemble les interventions d'un colloque qui s'est tenu du 24 au 26 septembre 2015, sous l'intitulé Institutions et destitutions de la totalité. Explorations de l'oeuvre de Christian Godin. Ce colloque s'est tenu en deux endroits: une première journée le 24 septembre à la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Clermont-Ferrand suivie d'une journée et demi à l'Université Paris Descartes, dans les locaux de la Sorbonne les 25 et 26 septembre. Le terme "institution" laisse immédiatement penser (...)
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    6. Bridging scientia and experience: the last evolution of Cartesian foundationalism.Andrea Strazzoni - 2018 - In Dutch Cartesianism and the Birth of Philosophy of Science: From Regius to ‘s Gravesande. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 126-170.
    The sixth chapter focuses on the evolution of Cartesianism in the last quarter of the seventeenth century in Leiden and Amsterdam, against the background of the emergence of alternative views in natural philosophy capable of replacing it as a dominant paradigm, namely, the experimental philosophy of Robert Boyle and the mathematical-experimental approach of Huygens and Newton. The last evolution of Cartesianism is reconstructed in this chapter by considering the ‘Cartesian empiricism’ of Burchard de Volder, and the reflections on the (...)
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    Ludwig von Wolzogen and his Objections to Meditationes de prima philosophia.Przemysław Gut - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (3):81-106.
    The article presents one of the lesser known treatise produced within the Polish Socinian movement, written by Johann Ludwig von Wolzogen (ca. 1599-1661), under the title Breves in Meditationes Metaphysicas Renati Cartesii annotationes [Brief Notes on the Metaphysical Meditations of Rene Descartes]. It appeared in print in 1657 in Amsterdam and was ten years later reprinted in the series Bibliotheca Fratrum Polonorum. In its entirety, the text is intended as a polemic against Descartes's views and written as (...)
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  17.  11
    Prédestination de l'Occident: XVIe-XVIIe siècle: les forces formatrices d'un futur très incertain.Guy Pierre Leccia - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'auteur de cet essai s'attache à montrer, par l'étude des grands penseurs du XVIe et du XVIIe siècle —- Ficin, Nicolas de Cues, Galilée, Pascal, Descartes, Luther, Calvin, Leibniz -—, que l'histoire n'est pas livrée au hasard mais obéit à des déterminismes complexes auxquels l'homme moderne peut d'autant moins échapper qu'il pense, contre maints bons esprits des siècles passés, être libre et voué au bonheur, alors que l'accomplissement sans fin de l'Occident ne peut avoir que des conséquences tragiques. Un (...)
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  18.  20
    Minds, Forms, and Spirits: The Nature of Cartesian Disenchantment.J. A. Rulevanr - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (3):381-395.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.3 (2000) 381-395 [Access article in PDF] Minds, Forms, and Spirits: The Nature of Cartesian Disenchantment Han van Ruler What is Descartes's contribution to Enlightenment? Undoubtedly, Cartesian philosophy added to the conflict between philosophical and theological views which divided intellectual life in the Dutch Republic towards the end of its "Golden Age." 1 Although not everyone was as explicit as Lodewijk Meyer, (...)
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  19.  6
    Baruch Spinoza.Arnold Zweig - 1968 - (Darmstadt): Melzer.
    Baruch (Benedict de) Spinoza was born in Amsterdam in 1632. He belonged to the emigrant Jewish community. He was much influenced by the writings of Descartes. His unorthodox views led him to be excommunicated by the Jewish authorities in 1656. In the following years he devoted himself to his philosophical writings. He derived a modest income from grinding optical lenses. In 1673 he refused an invitation to become professor of philosophy at Heidelberg. Spinoza died at The Hague from (...)
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  20.  61
    (1 other version)Regulae et mathématiques.Michel Serfati - 1994 - Theoria 9 (2):61-108.
    L’histoire du texte des Régles pour la Direction de l’Esprit (Regulae) de Descartes est un peu singulière: non publié du vivant de Descartes, il n’a paru qu’en 1701, dans les Opera Posthuma d’Amsterdam. De façon plus significative, et contrairement aux autres traités cartésiens perdus, ce texte secret n’est jamais explicitement evoqué par Descartes, fût-ce au détour d’une correspondance. Par leur étroite dépendance vis à vis des mathématiques, les Regulae sont cependant un texte majeur, constitutives de la (...)
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  21.  12
    The Trials of Spinoza.Tariq Ali - 2011 - Seagull Books.
    Baruch Spinoza is considered one of the great rationalist thinkers of the seventeenth century. His magnum opus, _Ethics_, in which he criticized the dualism of Descartes, solidified his reputation and greatly influenced the Enlightenment thinkers who would build from his work. Born in Amsterdam into a family of Sephardic Jews who had to take refuge there after they were expelled from Portugal, the precocious young scholar imbibed skepticism at an early age. By the time he was twenty-four, he (...)
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  22. Minds, Forms, and Spirits: The Nature of Cartesian Disenchantment.J. A. Van Ruler - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (3):381-395.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.3 (2000) 381-395 [Access article in PDF] Minds, Forms, and Spirits: The Nature of Cartesian Disenchantment Han van Ruler What is Descartes's contribution to Enlightenment? Undoubtedly, Cartesian philosophy added to the conflict between philosophical and theological views which divided intellectual life in the Dutch Republic towards the end of its "Golden Age." 1 Although not everyone was as explicit as Lodewijk Meyer, (...)
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  23.  41
    Pascal.Craig Walton - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):177-181.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 177 Amsterdam, appears in the series of the International Archives of the History of Ideas, published under the direction of P. Dibon of Nijmegen and R. Popkin of the University of California at San Diego and a distinguished international editorial committee. Other volumes demonstrate the philosophical respectability of the collection: three on Descartes and Cartesianism, one on Berkeley's immaterialism, three on Pierre Bayle, the rest (...)
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    Spinoza: A Life (review).Elhanan Yakira - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):123-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 38.1 (2000) 123-124 [Access article in PDF] Steven Nadler. Spinoza. A Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Pp. xiii + 407. Cloth, $34.95. Nadler's book is a comprehensive biography of Spinoza. It gives, within the limits of the information available, a full presentation of the life and personality of Spinoza; ample information about the different milieus in which Spinoza grew up and lived; (...)
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  25. ‘Spinoza’s ‘Atheism’, the Ethics and the TTP.Yitzhak Melamed - 2010 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Michael A. Rosenthal (eds.), Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The impermanence of human affairs is a major theme in Spinoza’s discussions of political histories, and from our present-day perspective it is both intriguing and ironic to see how this very theme has played out in the evolving fate of Spinoza’s association with atheism. While Spinoza’s contemporaries charged him with atheism in order to impugn his philosophy (and sometimes his character), in our times many lay readers and some scholars portray Spinoza as an atheist in order to commemorate his role (...)
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  26.  38
    Imagination in the later Middle Ages and Early Modern times.Lodi Nauta & Detlev Pätzold (eds.) - 2004 - Leuven, Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    Imagination has always been recognised as an important faculty of the human soul. As mediator between the senses and reason, it is rooted in philosophical and psychological-medical theories of human sensation and cognition. Linked to these theories was the use of the imagination in rhetoric and the arts: images had not only an epistemological role in transmitting information from the outside world to the mind's inner eye, but could also be used to manipulate the emotions of the audience. In this (...)
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  27. Meillassoux’s Virtual Future.Graham Harman - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):78-91.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 78-91. This article consists of three parts. First, I will review the major themes of Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude . Since some of my readers will have read this book and others not, I will try to strike a balance between clear summary and fresh critique. Second, I discuss an unpublished book by Meillassoux unfamiliar to all readers of this article, except those scant few that may have gone digging in the microfilm archives of the École normale (...)
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  28. Spinoza, Baruch.Michael LeBuffe - 2013 - International Encyclopedia of Ethics.
    Baruch, or Benedictus, Spinoza (1632–77) is the author of works, especially the Ethics and the Theological-Political Treatise, that are a major source of the ideas of the European Enlightenment. The Ethics is a dense series of arguments on progressively narrower subjects – metaphysics, mind, the human affects, human bondage to passion, and human blessedness – presented in a geometrical order modeled on that of Euclid. In it, Spinoza begins by defending a metaphysics on which God is the only substance and (...)
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    Nouveaux regards sur les défis d'avenir que pose la jeunesse d'aujourd'hui : conférence de Jacques Grand'Maison.Jacques Grand’Maison - 2002 - Horizons Philosophiques 12 (2):115-121.
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    The philosophical writings of Descartes.René Descartes - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Volumes I and II provided a completely new translation of the philosophical works of Descartes, based on the best available Latin and French texts. Volume III contains 207 of Descartes' letters, over half of which have previously not been translated into English. It incorporates, in its entirety, Anthony Kenny's celebrated translation of selected philosophical letters, first published in 1970. In conjunction with Volumes I and II it is designed to meet the widespread demand for a comprehensive, authoritative and (...)
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    Descartes, Entretien Avec Burman: Translation with Introduction and Commentary.René Descartes, Frans Burman & John Cottingham - 1973
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  32. Descartes; introd. et choix de textes par Gilbert Mury.René Descartes - 1947 - Paris,: Éditions à l'Enfant poète.
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    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 1.René Descartes - 1984 - Cambridge University Press. Edited by John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch.
    These two 1985 volumes provide a translation of the philosophical works of Descartes, based on the best available Latin and French texts. They are intended to replace the only reasonably comprehensive selection of his works in English, by Haldane and Ross, first published in 1911. All the works included in that edition are translated here, together with a number of additional texts crucial for an understanding of Cartesian philosophy, including important material from Descartes' scientific writings. The result should (...)
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  34. The philosophical works of Descartes.René Descartes - 1967 - London,: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane & G. R. T. Ross.
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    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 2.René Descartes (ed.) - 1984 - Cambridge University Press.
    These two volumes provide a translation of the philosophical works of Descartes, based on the best available Latin and French texts. They are intended to replace the only reasonably comprehensive selection of his works in English, by Haldane and Ross, first published in 1911. All the works included in that edition are translated here, together with a number of additional texts crucial for an understanding of Cartesian philosophy, including important material from Descartes' scientific writings. The result should meet (...)
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    Renati Descartes Opera philosophica.René Descartes & Daniel Elzevir - 1663 - Apud Danielem Elzevirium.
    The Elzevirs printed Descartes' philosophical works in quarto format six times between 1644 and 1677, and the parts of each ed. were sold together and separately, in many different combinations; cf. Willems, 1008. The present configuration of texts consists of the first 3 works of the 1650 (2nd) ed.--the Principia, Specimina, and Passiones animae-- to which has been added the 1654 ed. of the Meditationes.
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  37. Predictive validity of the implicit association test in studies of brands, consumer attitudes, and behavior.D. Maison, Anthony G. Greenwald & R. H. Bruin - 2004 - Journal of Consumer Psychology 14:405-415.
    Three studies investigated implicit brand attitudes and their relation to explicit attitudes, prod- uct usage, and product differentiation. Implicit attitudes were measured using the Implicit As- sociation Test (IAT; Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998). Study 1 showed expected differ- ences in implicit attitudes between users of two leading yogurt brands, also revealing significant correlations between IAT-measured implicit attitudes and explicit attitudes. In Study 2, users of two fast food restaurants (McDonald’s and Milk Bar) showed implicit attitudi- nal preference for their (...)
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    Descartes: ou, Le combat pour la vérité: présentation, choix de textes, bibliographie.René Descartes & Pierre Mesnard - 1974 - [Paris]: Seghers.
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    Renati Descartes Opera philosophica.René Descartes & Typographia Blaviana - 1663 - Ex Typographia Blaviana.
    The Elzevirs printed Descartes' philosophical works in quarto format six times between 1644 and 1677, and the parts of each ed. were sold together and separately, in many different combinations; cf. Willems, 1008. The present configuration of texts consists of the first 3 works of the 1650 (2nd) ed.--the Principia, Specimina, and Passiones animae-- to which has been added the 1654 ed. of the Meditationes.
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    Rene Descartes: Oeuvres Completes VII Meditationes de Prima Philosophia.René Descartes - 1983 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    English summary: This text, compiled in the 19th century, is considered to be the ultimate reference edition of the complete works of Rene Descartes and is the only truly complete edition to date. This work includes all of Descartes correspondence and scientific work, both of which are essential to understanding of the Cartesian enterprise. French description: Sans cesse lu et etudie, Descartes exerca une influence considerable en Europe des le XVIIe siecle. Le projet de l'edition des oeuvres (...)
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    Oeuvres Philosophiques de Descartes..René Descartes, Adolphe Garnier & Louis Hachette - 2018 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  42.  24
    Correspondência entre René Descartes e Elisabeth da Bohemia.René Descartes, Elisabeth da Bohemia, Eneias Forlin & Luiz Nitsche - 2022 - Kant E-Prints 17 (1):151-157.
    Desde o ano de 1643, Descartes (1596-1650) e a princesa Elizabeth (1618-1680) já trocavam cartas a respeito da geometria, da metafísica e até da física cartesiana. Todavia, no ano de 1645, por conta de um grave estado melancólico da princesa, houve uma intensa correspondência entre ambos. À princípio, o debate se mantinha em torno das condições especificas da princesa. O tema central girava em torno de questões fisiológicas e morais (ou psicofisiológicas). À medida, porém, em que a troca de (...)
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    Descartes: ou, le Combat pour la vérité. Présentation, choix de textes [de Descartes] bibliographie par Pierre Mesnard.René Descartes & Pierre Mesnard - 1968 - Seghers.
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    Lettres de Mr Descartes. Où sont traittées les plus belles questions de la morale, physique, medecine, & des mathematiques.René Descartes & Claude Clerselier - 1657 - Chez Charles Angot ... À la Ville de Leyden.
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    Descartes: choix de textes avec etude du systm̀e philosophique et notices biographique et bibliographique.René Descartes & L. Debricon - 1909 - L. Michaud.
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    Descartes dictionary.René Descartes - 1971 - New York,: Philosophical Library. Edited by John Martin Morris.
    The purpose of thisDescartes Dictionaryis to bring together as many as possible of the technical and special terms in Descartes writings with their definitions in Descartes own words. There are also implicit characterizations of the meanings of many words, and a handful of entries were included simply for their own sake because Descartes had something interesting to say about his life and world. All of the entries, or almost all of them, have been newly translated for this (...)
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    Rene Descartes: Iuvres Completes IV Correspondance. Juillet 1643-Avril 1647.René Descartes - 1976 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Rene Descartes: Correspondance Avec Arnauld Et Morus.René Descartes - 1953 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
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    Descartes Philosophical Works U. K.René Descartes, G. E. M. Anscombe & P. T. Geach - 1971 - Wiley.
    This book covers a remarkable amount of ground and has become something of a classic. Besides the Discourse and the Meditations, it contains Private Thoughts, the third set of Objections and Replies, most of the Regulae, parts of the Principia and the Dioptrics, together with crrespondence with Elizabeth, Princess Palatine, Mersenne and others.
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  50. The Philosophical Writings of Descartes, Vol. 3: Correspondence, trans. by John G. Cottingham, Robert Stoothof, Dugald Murdoch, and Anthony Kenny.René Descartes - 1991 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes VOLUME 3. Volumes 1 and 2 provide a completely new translation of many of the major works in metaphysics, epistemology, and natural philosophy.
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