Results for 'Mariana Viar'

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  1. Juan de Mariana.Juan de Mariana - 1939 - [Madrid]: Ediciones FE. Edited by Manuel Ballesteros Gaibrois.
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    Clinical ethics support services during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a cross-sectional survey.Mariana Dittborn, Emma Cave & David Archard - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):695-701.
    Background Non-adherence to medication is associated with increased risk of relapse in patients with bipolar disorder. Objectives To validate patient-evaluated adherence to medication measured via smartphones against validated adherence questionnaire; and investigate characteristics for adherence to medication measured via smartphones. Methods Patients with BD evaluated adherence to medication daily for 6–9 months via smartphones. The Medication Adherence Rating Scale and the Rogers’ Empowerment questionnaires were filled out. The 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, the Young Mania Rating Scale and the Functional (...)
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    La decisión de Hiparquia de Maronea.Mariana Gardella - 2024 - Dianoia 69 (92):3-24.
    Según el testimonio de Diógenes Laercio, Hiparquia de Maronea decidió usar para su educación el tiempo que iba a malgastar en el telar (VI 98 = SSR V I 1). El propósito de este artículo es analizar el fundamento y las implicaciones de dicha decisión. Señalaré que ésta se fundamenta en la igualdad entre los géneros que defendieron los cínicos e intentaré mostrar que tiene al menos dos consecuencias: no sólo la defensa de cierto tipo de educación, sino también de (...)
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    Dyadic Coping in Couples: A Conceptual Integration and a Review of the Empirical Literature.Mariana Karin Falconier & Rebekka Kuhn - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:412047.
    The present review on dyadic coping (DC) aims at providing a critical integration of both the conceptual and empirical DC literature and overcoming the limitations of past reviews by (a) describing, comparing, and integrating all the DC models, (b) presenting and integrating findings from studies based on DC models, and (c) suggesting directions for further research. The DC models identified and compared include: The congruence model (Revenson, 1994 ), the relationship-focused model (Coyne and Smith, 1991 ; O'Brien and DeLongis, 1996 (...)
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  5. Correction for a summary of research in science education‐1983.Mariana G. Hewson - 1987 - Science Education 71 (1):3-4.
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  6. In-Between: Latina Feminist Phenomenology, Multiplicity, and the Self.Mariana Ortega - 2016 - SUNY Press.
    Draws from Latina feminism, existential phenomenology, and race theory to explore the concept of selfhood. This original study intertwining Latina feminism, existential phenomenology, and race theory offers a new philosophical approach to understanding selfhood and identity. Focusing on writings by Gloría Anzaldúa, María Lugones, and Linda Martín Alcoff, Mariana Ortega articulates a phenomenology that introduces a conception of selfhood as both multiple and singular. Her Latina feminist phenomenological approach can account for identities belonging simultaneously to different worlds, including immigrants, (...)
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    How to handle nanomaterials? The re-entry of individuals into the philosophy of chemistry.Mariana Córdoba & Alfio Zambon - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 19 (3):185-196.
    In this paper we will argue that the categories of physical individuals and chemical stuff are not sufficient to face the chemical ontology if nanomaterials are taken into account. From a perspective that considers ontological questions and wonders which the items involved in science are, we will argue that the domain of nanoscience must be considered as populated by entities that are neither individuals, as those of physics, nor stuff, as those items of macro-chemistry. This discussion, in virtue of the (...)
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    A New Entity In The History Of Sexuality: The Repectable Same-sex Couple.Mariana Valverde - 2006 - Feminist Studies 32 (1):155.
  9.  21
    Chronotopes of law: jurisdiction, scale, and governance.Mariana Valverde - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Jurisdiction, Scale and Governance: Chronotopes of Law develops a post-metaphysical framework for analyzing the spatio-temporal workings of law and other forms of governance. In this regard, it does not seek merely to combine analyses of legal temporality carried out by anthropologists with analyses of law and space carried out by geographers and socio-legal scholars. Adding two metaphysical abstractions together does not produce anything but somewhat more complex, but equally metaphysical, abstractions. After Kant, 'time' and 'space' are simply categories of human (...)
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    Ethical Challenges Experienced by Healthcare Workers Delivering Clinical Care during Health Emergencies and Disasters: A Rapid Review of Qualitative Studies and Thematic Synthesis.Mariana Dittborn, Constanza Micolich, Daniela Rojas & Sofía P. Salas - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (3):179-195.
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    Entre passivité et activité : une approche génétique de la notion d’habitus chez Husserl.Mariana de Campos Bardelli - 2022 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 30:265-277.
    Dans cet article, nous approcherons la notion husserlienne d’ha- bitus, en essayant de la clarifier à partir des enjeux soulevés par le rapport entre passivité et activité. Dans la phénoménologie génétique husserlienne, l’habitus joue un rôle central dans la constitution du sens, mais aussi pour la constitution de la subjectivité personnelle. Nous tenterons de montrer que la notion d’habitus chez Husserl apparaît en référence à différents niveaux de la constitution, où elle participe d’une pa...
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    Aristotle on Discovering and Desiring the Real Good.Mariana Anagnostopoulos - 2009 - Philosophical Inquiry 31 (1-2):225-247.
  13.  11
    On the causal structure of random processes.Mariana Beliş - 1973 - In Radu J. Bogdan & Ilkka Niiniluoto (eds.), Logic, language, and probability. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 65--77.
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  14. De mística: conversación con Ramón Xirau.Mariana Bernández - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 36 (110):29-36.
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    La Intersubjetividad en la primera de las Investigaciones lógicas.Mariana Chu García - 2000 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 4:3-13.
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    Del movimiento de los entes naturales a la dinámica transpersonal del viviente humano: ¿quién es el sujeto de percepción?Mariana Larison - 2020 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 75.
    _Phénoménologie de la perception _es, sin duda, una de las obras más potentes del pensamiento francés del siglo XX. Allí se plantea una pregunta antigua y novedosa al mismo tiempo, en el cruce de la filosofía fenomenológico-existencial con diversas disciplinas que se ocupan del viviente humano: ¿quién es el sujeto de percepción? Merleau-Ponty responderá en esta obra ya clásica: el cuerpo vivido. Éste será, a su vez, caracterizado como un tipo particular de movimiento, que, en el camino de la fenomenología (...)
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    fenomenología de la maternidad de Lucía Piossek Prebisch.Mariana Smaldone & Verónica Kretschel - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0057.
    Buscamos aquí explicitar los desarrollos en torno al tema de la maternidad y de la gestación de la filósofa argentina Lucía Piossek Prebisch a partir de su escrito: “Aislamiento y comunicación…” (1966), en términos de una fenomenología de la maternidad. Nuestro objetivo consiste en rastrear varias presentaciones sobre esta temática realizadas por la filósofa y posteriormente publicadas entre los años 1960 y 1980 y hasta 2015, destacando las implicancias conceptuales en sus escritos, el vínculo con la fenomenología y las continuaciones (...)
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    Crossroads in the Flesh: An Interview with Mariana Ortega.Jessica Elkayam & Mariana Ortega - 2022 - Diacritics 50 (2):98-110.
    Abstract:Jessica Elkayam asks Mariana Ortega about the influence both Latina feminisms and Martin Heidegger have had on the development of Ortega's mestiza theory.
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  19. Being Lovingly, Knowingly Ignorant: White Feminism and Women of Color.Mariana Ortega - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (3):56-74.
    The aim of this essay is to analyze the notion of “loving, knowing ignorance,” a type of “arrogant perception” that produces ignorance about women of color and their work at the same time that it proclaims to have both knowledge about and loving perception toward them. The first part discusses Marilyn Frye's accounts of “arrogant” as well as of “loving” perception and presents an explanation of “loving, knowing ignorance.” The second part discusses the work of Audre Lorde, Elizabeth Spelman, and (...)
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  20. Problém empirizmu vo feministickej epistemológii.Mariana Szapuová - 2002 - Filozofia 6:393-405.
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    The fundamental theorem of central element theory.Mariana Vanesa Badano & Diego Jose Vaggione - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (4):1599-1606.
    We give a short proof of the fundamental theorem of central element theory. The original proof is constructive and very involved and relies strongly on the fact that the class be a variety. Here we give a more direct nonconstructive proof which applies for the more general case of a first-order class which is both closed under the formation of direct products and direct factors.
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    Estética do performativo: implicações filosóficas do fim da obra como objeto.Mariana Lage - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (2).
    Este artigo propõe pensar as implicações filosóficas do fim da arte como objeto material estável para a percepção e recepção estéticas. Nesse sentido, toma como referências propostas artísticas contraculturais de fins da década de 1950 aos anos 1970 que se realizam como ação de um corpo que compartilha o espaço e o tempo com seu público. Assim esse trabalho se apoia nas proposições de Paul Zumthor e Erika Fischer-Lichte a fim de pensar o que poderíamos chamar de Estética do performativo, (...)
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  23. Merleau-Ponty et la critique des fondements philosophiques de la Nature cartésienne.Mariana Larison - 2010 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique (2: La nature vivante (Actes n° 2).
    Au début de la deuxième partie du cours consacré à la notion de Nature au Collège de France pendant l?année universitaire 1956-1957 (« La science moderne et l?idée de Nature »), Merleau-Ponty établit de manière synthétique mais très claire toute la portée que garde à ses yeux la discussion autour de la notion de Nature . D?après notre auteur, il y aurait trois moments décisifs dans la construction historico-philosophique de cette notion. D?abord, une première conception, issue de « l?héritage aristotélicien (...)
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    A Guerra Fria e o inimigo comunista nas telas de cinema norte-americanas dos anos 1980.Mariana G. Alves da Silveira & Vágner Camilo Alves - 2018 - Dialogos 22 (1):60.
    A última década da Guerra Fria foi turbulenta. Seu início apresentou tensão comparável àquela existente nos anos 1950 e princípio dos 1960. A partir de meados dos anos 1980, entretanto, houve distensão, o fim da Guerra Fria e a desintegração do próprio sistema internacional bipolar de poder. O cinema, como outras formas de produção cultural, foi instrumento de propaganda e mobilização durante toda a Guerra Fria. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como a Guerra Fria se apresentou nos filmes de (...)
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    Naturalizmus a skepticizmus.Mariana Szapuová & Martin Nuhlíček - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (9):760-775.
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    Die epistemische Ambiguität der Verwundbarkeit.Mariana Teixeira - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 9 (1):155-178.
    Angesichts der angeblichen axiologischen Neutralität des Wissens, die in Teilen der Wissenschaft proklamiert wird, bieten seit langem mehrere philosophische Strömungen verschiedene Darstellungen der internen Verbindung zwischen Wissen und Machtverhältnissen. Diese reiche Geschichte umfasst Beiträge u. a. aus dem Poststrukturalismus, dem Marxismus, der Kritischen Theorie, den Decolonial und Critical Race Studies, dem Feminismus und den Theorien der epistemischen Ungerechtigkeit. Trotz ihrer vielen theoretischen Divergenzen stimmen sie alle mit der grundlegenden diagnostischen Prämisse überein, dass Machtungleichheiten eine bedeutsame Rolle bei der Definition dessen (...)
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    Who Has the Epistemological Advantage?: A Reply to R. Aída Hernández Castillo.Mariana Alessandri - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (1):91-98.
    dra. aída hernández castillo has scholars a reason to worry in her Coss Dialogue lecture "Against Discursive Colonialism: Intercultural Dialogues as a Path to Decolonizing Feminist Anthropology." My response philosophically feels around for—and happily fails to find—any boundaries enclosing Hernández Castillo's self-described aim to "decolonize" her feminism. It begins with a story.In an interview with Krista Tippett, Bishop Desmond Tutu recounted an experience that perfectly illustrated a colonized mind. While onboard a flight from Lagos to Jos in Nigeria, Tutu proudly (...)
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    Permissibility of euthanasia: a response from LATAM.Mariana Dittborn, Daniela P. Rojas & Sofía P. Salas - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Lougheed, in his paper ‘African vital force and the permissibility of euthanasia’,1 offers a non-western perspective rooted in African traditions, broadening the debate on euthanasia by emphasising the importance of culture and context. We first challenge Lougheed’s stance that being an object of harmonious relationships serves as an argument against the permissibility of a patient requesting euthanasia. Then, based on the Latin American (LATAM) experience and by introducing the concept of relational autonomy, we aim to further contribute to Lougheed’s call (...)
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    From Imitazione to Creazione: Lionello Venturi, Medieval Art, and Fascism.Mariana Aguirre - 2017 - Convivium 4 (1):88-103.
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    Place-Based Philosophical Activism on the US–Mexico Border.Mariana Alessandri - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (2):370-383.
    Before the Department of Homeland Security instituted the Migrant Protection Protocols in January 2019, as many as 1,000 Central American refugees passed each day through Catholic Charities’ Humanitarian Respite Center, where they received food, clothing, a shower, toiletries, and sandwiches for the road. Sister Norma Pimentel founded the Humanitarian Respite Center in 2014 to “restore human dignity” to refugees who had been degraded and vilified during their dangerous journeys north, not least by way of their processing by the US government. (...)
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    Tiempos de homenajes, tiempos descoloniales: Frantz Fanon. América Latina.Mariana Alvarado - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (1):69-71.
    Arturo Roig inscribe el ejercicio del filosofar en la geografía de su función crítica. Crítica que es comprendida como una forma de pensamiento que se cuestiona a sí mismo y que considera no sólo los límites y posibilidades de la razón, sino también la realidad humana e histórica de un sujeto que se constituye en un "nosotros". La filosofía, así entendida, es un saber de vida. La función utópica se presenta como tarea para este saber de conjetura y para una (...)
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    Comentário A “O Fascismo Transindividual”.Mariana de Toledo Barbosa - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (1):39-44.
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    The specificities o f criminal women: discussing female invisibility in the literature.Mariana Barcinski - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 11 (11):145-159.
    The present work aims at discussing the ways in which the literature, especially in Criminology, refers to criminal women. As attested by feminist scholars interested in the topic, female crimes have been theorized from a male standpoint. In other words, no efforts have been constantly made to understand the specificities of crimes perpetrated by women. Thus, from both the analysis of the existent literature and data resulting from an empirical study conducted with female drug traffickers in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (...)
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    Zambrano: De la imagen a la mediación de la palabra.Mariana Bernández - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 9:43-51.
    According to María Zambrano in order to unravel the enigmas of life, the heart must have selfcontrol and for that it must be sustained. What does this mean? In order to answer this the question must first be directed to the person who asks it: contemporary man. This person lives a series of mome..
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    Ανθρωπος περιπατεῖ. Los argumentos del tercer hombre megáricos.Mariana Gardella - 2016 - Elenchos 37 (1-2):69-94.
    The Platonic Theory of Forms has received many critiques from many critics, among which stands out the well-known “Third man argument”. Although traditionally the studies about this subject only have considered the versions of the argument introduced by Plato and Aristotle, the Megarian philosophers also developed other versions of the same reasoning. In this paper I would like to analyze the argument which is attributed by Alexander of Aphrodisias to “the sophists” and to Polyxenus in his commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics. (...)
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    Los fragmentos del tratado Sobre los acertijos de Clearco de Solos.Mariana Gardella - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (178):217-233.
    En este trabajo, presento una traducción del griego antiguo al castellano de los fragmentos del tratado Sobre los acertijos de Clearco de Solos. En esta obra, encontramos una definición de “acertijo”, un criterio de clasificación y numerosos ejemplos. La traducción está acompañada de una introducción en la que presento algunas observaciones sobre la transmisión del tratado Sobre los acertijos y analizo el concepto de “acertijo”, teniendo en cuenta la definición y los ejemplos que propone Clearco.
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    Ação politica e temporalidade nas leituras contempor'neas de Maquiavel: notas para um diálogo entre Althusser, Arendt e Merleau-Ponty.Mariana Larison - 2011 - Cadernos Espinosanos 25:69.
    No presente trabalho tentaremos apresentar, em um primeiro momento, os aspectos gerais da leitura que Althusser fez da obra de Maquiavel, com o fito de compreender de que modo nosso autor entende o momento político da fundação do Estado. Em um segundo momento, objetivamos contrapor essa posição com outros dois modos de entender a instituição ou fundação do político, embora também a partir de Maquiavel, considerando as propostas de Hanna Arendt e de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Por fim, esforçar-nos-emos por extrair algumas (...)
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    A tarefa de Uma Vida: O neossocratismo de Marilena chaui.Mariana Larison - 2017 - Cadernos Espinosanos 36:165-178.
    A extraordinária e prolífica obra de Marilena Chaui abarca diversos temas e disciplinas do pensamento, desde a filosofia até a política passando pela sociologia e a historia, desde a cultura e a arte até questões de conjuntura. A pergunta que percorre nosso trabalho é a de se existe ou não uma unidade conceptual que unifique esta obra de pensamento. Nossa hipótese consiste em afirmar que sim existe uma tal unidade, e que ela encontra-se no modo em que Marilena Chaui compreende (...)
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    Lacker's model: Control of follicular growth and ovulation in domestic species.Jean C. Mariana, Florence Corpet & Claude Chevalet - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (4):245-262.
    Lacker (1981) and Lacker & Akin (1988) developed a mathematical model of follicular maturation and ovulation; this model of only four parameters accounts for a large number of results obtained over the past decade or more on the control of follicular growth and ovulation in mammals. It establishes a single law of maturation for each follicle which describes the interactions between growing follicles. The function put forward is sufficient to explain the constancy of the number of ovulations or large follicles (...)
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    O ideal de ciência na modernidade: Bacon e Descartes.Mariana Dias Pinheiro Santos - 2019 - Investigação Filosófica 10 (1):63.
    Trata-se de analisar em que medida convergem os autores Bacon e Descartes no que diz respeito ao progresso das ciências, e como constituem um ideal de ciência na modernidade. O cenário que se constituía na Europa em meados do século XVII era de reconfiguração, de redescoberta e de inventos. Apesar de as artes mecânicas, as artes marítimas e as artes eruditas receberem, em alguma medida, um impulso para o novo, a ciência era ainda influenciada pela escolástica. A ela se oporiam, (...)
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  41. Pain, memory, and the creation of the liberal legal subject : Nietzsche on the criminal law.Mariana Valverde - 2005 - In Peter Goodrich & Mariana Valverde (eds.), Nietzsche and legal theory: half-written laws. New York: Routledge.
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    Regulating New Reproductive and Genetic Technologies: A Feminist View of Recent Canadian Government Initiatives.Mariana Valverde & Lorna Weir - 1997 - Feminist Studies 23 (2):418.
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    Today's Jargon of Authenticity: Using Adorno and Foucault to Understand Certain Aspects of Right-Wing Populism.Mariana Valverde - 2019 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 31:280-305.
    RESUMEN Los debates entre periodistas, intelectuales y activistas sobre la verdad, la "posverdad", y las formas de subjetividad política no han utilizado bien los abundantes recursos de las largas luchas de la filosofía europea sobre esos temas. Este artículo intentará mostrar que la poco conocida polémica de Theodor Adorno contra las formas filosóficas y populares del discurso existencialista en la Alemania de posguerra -el sarcàstico librito titulado La jerga de la autenticidad- contiene recursos que pueden ser herramientas útiles para ir (...)
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    Euclides de Mégara, filósofo socrático.Mariana Gardella - 2014 - Agora 33 (2):19-37.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la influencia socrática sobre la filosofía de Euclides de Mégara, en contra de la interpretación que señala la influencia de los eleáticos sobre su teoría. Para ello indicaré que la doctrina de Euclides exhibe una fuerte impronta socrática, al menos en lo que concierne a: su labor como escritor de diálogos socráticos, el uso de la dialéctica erística, el desarrollo de algunos postulados éticos sobre la conducta frente a la muerte, el auto-dominio y (...)
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  45. The divided soul and desire for the good in Plato's republic.Mariana Anagnostopoulos - 2006 - In Gerasimos Santas (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Plato's "Republic". Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 166--188.
    This chapter contains section titled: Plato's Argument for the Tripartition of the Soul Psychic Justice and the Composite Soul The Problem of Unjust Souls Desire for the Good.
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    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Combined with Aerobic Exercise to Optimize Analgesic Responses in Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.Mariana E. Mendonca, Marcel Simis, Luanda C. Grecco, Linamara R. Battistella, Abrahão F. Baptista & Felipe Fregni - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    The Tension of Time and Eternity.Mariana Alessandri - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (3):899-919.
    Scholars interested in Miguel de Unamuno’s obsession with Don Quixote usually refer to his Quixotism as a philosophy or “way of life” that Unamuno eventually outgrew. Unamuno himself called Quixotism a philosophy and an ethics, but he also called it a religion. This is the most accurate characterization of Quixotism, given how it functioned in both his works and his life. Unamuno’s Quixotism incorporates many typical religious features like a god figure, followers, worship, an idea of faith, an eschatology, and (...)
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  48. On whose authority? Soren Kierkegaard and Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz on christian truth-witnessing.Mariana Alessandri - 2018 - In Roberto Sirvent & Silas Michael Morgan (eds.), Kierkegaard and political theology. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
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    The Strenuous and Sufficient Task of Kierkegaard’s Religiousness A.Mariana Alessandri - 2012 - Philosophy Today 56 (4):434-448.
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    Diversidad cultural e interculturalidad: Propuestas didácticas para la problematización y la discusión. Materiales para la construcción de cursos.Mariana Alvarado - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 13 (1):108-111.
    El siguiente texto intenta abordar la relación existente entre los procesos de globalización-mundialización y ciertas concepciones de historia que le son solidarias. Para lo anterior apela a las reflexiones realizadas por Marc Abélès en Política de la supervivencia y Michael Hardt y Antonio Negri en Imperio. En ambos análisis se puede percibir la importancia que tiene la historia como soporte de los procesos globales que entremezclan lo político, lo económico y lo cultural, procesos que parecen avanzar, según el curso de (...)
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