Results for 'Martin Holy'

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  1.  29
    In Search of Allies for Postnatural Environmentalism, or Revisiting an Ecophilosophical Reading of Heidegger.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (6):603-621.
    This paper enhances postnatural environmentalism (represented by Steven Vogel) by highlighting and incorporating selected concepts from Martin Heidegger's ontology. In particular, I examine Heidegger's detailed analysis of the affinity between phusis and techne, the critique of ‘replaceability’, the problem of ‘proper use’, and his earlier concept of a tool structure. This analysis is aimed at grounding the metaphysical and ethical significance of technical artefacts. It shows that Heidegger can support postnatural environmentalism's claim that artefacts should not be jettisoned by (...)
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  2. A second Holy Roman Empire of the German nation? : Rome and the imperial visions of Kaiser Wilhelm II.Martin Kohlrausch - 2018 - In Wouter Bracke, Jan Nelis & Jan De Maeyer (eds.), Renovatio, inventio, absentia imperii: from the Roman Empire to contemporary imperialism. Bruxelles: Academia Belgica.
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    III. Holiness and Beauty in Modern Theories of Religion.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 65-103.
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    Political Theology as Theodicy: The Holy Spirit’s Performance in the Economy of Redemption.Martin Grassi - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (2):201-219.
    Although Political Theology examined mainly the political dimension of the relationship between God-Father and God-Son, it is paramount to consider the political performance of the Holy Spirit in the Economy of Redemption. The Holy Spirit has been characterized as the binding cause and the principle of relationality both referring to God’s inner life and to God’s relationship with His creatures. As the personalization of relationality, the Holy Spirit performs a unique task: to bring together what is apart (...)
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  5. WAITE, "The Holy Grail".E. W. Martin - 1962 - Hibbert Journal 60 (38):265.
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    Sainthood as Selfhood: The Dramatic Art of Becoming Holy.Jennifer Newsome Martin - 2021 - Newman Studies Journal 18 (2):5-22.
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    I. The Holiness of Beauty and the Beauty of Holiness Classical Western Formulations.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 9-32.
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    Being-toward-death in the Anthropocene.Madgalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 26 (2):263-280.
    “No one can take the other’s dying away from him,” as Martin Heidegger famously claimed, but what he was significantly silent about was that beings, both human and non-human, can mutually contribute to each other’s death. By focusing on the interrelatedness of deaths, this paper presents a reversal of the Heideggerian perspective on the relation between Dasein’s mineness and “being-toward-death.” Drawing upon the structural meaning of death, which consists in the fact that no one can replace me in that (...)
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  9. Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - New jersey: Princeton University Press.
    In this broad historical and critical overview based on a lifetime of scholarship, James Alfred Martin, Jr., examines the development of the concepts of beauty and holiness as employed in theories of aesthetics and of religion. The injunction in the Book of Psalms to "worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness" addressed a tradition that has comprehended holiness primarily in terms of ethical righteousness--a conception that has strongly influenced Western understandings of religion. As the author points out, however, (...)
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    The holy spirit and Christian origins: Essays in honor of James D. G. Dunn. Edited by Graham N. Stanton, Bruce W. longenecke and Stephen C. Barton. [REVIEW]Martin McNamara - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (2):286–287.
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    Heidegger's Support for Deep Ecology Reexamined Once Again: Ontological Egalitarianism, or Farewell to the Great Chain of Being.Magdalena Holy-Luczaj - 2015 - Ethics and the Environment 20 (1):45-66.
    It is said an attempt to reconcile Heidegger's ontology with the position of deep ecology finds the going rugged. Yet, I believe it is worth hiking this path once again to reexamine the connections between deep ecology and the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Significantly, we will see the importance of Heidegger's critique of the idea of the great chain of being.Taking the perspective of deep ecology requires us to consider whether Heidegger's being-centered approach can indeed justify “the equality of (...)
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    Czy to możliwe, że Heidegger był reistą? Próba rekonstrukcji Heideggerowskiej ontyki.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 13 (4):33-54.
    Is it possible that Heidegger was a reist? An attempt to reconstruct Heideggerian onticityThe paper aims to answer the following question: does Martin Heidegger’s ontology has its complement in some kind of onticity? In the attempt to reconstruct it, I show that Heidegger’s concept of being is combined with the reistic theory represented i.a. by Tadeusz Kotarbinski, according to which a being is always a thing. I argue that this is the result of the basic principles of Heideggerian being: (...)
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    V. Holiness and Beauty in Eastern Thought.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 136-163.
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    Identity of a Thinker, or Rereading Böhme and Heidegger on Dwelling (Wohnen) for Environmental Ethics.Magdalena Hoły-Łuczaj - 2024 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):31-42.
    The paper re-examines the work of Jakob Böhme (1575–1624) through the lens of environmental ethics. Specifically, it delves into the concept of dwelling (wohnen) as articulated in Six Theosophic Points (1620), The Six Mystical Points (1620), and On the Early and Heavenly Mystery (1620). To illuminate the significance of this concept for environmental ethics, the paper will juxtapose it with Martin Heidegger’s idea of dwelling. This comparative approach not only sheds light on the environmental-ethical implications, but also allows for (...)
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  15.  42
    The want of holy names.Martin Heidegger - 1985 - Man and World 18 (3):261-267.
  16.  27
    Shapeability – Aristotle on poiein-paschein and the other dimension of being in Heidegger.Magdalena Holy-Luczaj - 2022 - South African Journal of Philosophy 41 (1):37-48.
    This article discusses the gap in Martin Heidegger’s ontology pertaining to the transformative affectivity arising in the interactions between beings, particularly how this affectivity is responsible for changes in those beings. It thus explores the possibility of bridging this gap by including an additional dimension of being. For this purpose, it draws upon Aristotle’s concept of affecting/being affected (On Generation and Corruption, Book I), which aims to explain the origin of alteration in beings. The Aristotelian juxtaposition of action and (...)
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    Three Unpublished Scrolls Attesting to Pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina (16th century).Sergio Carro Martín - 2021 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 98 (1):221-245.
    This article presents the edition of three unpublished 16th-century scrolls preserved in the Palau Ribes Collection (Barcelona) that contain diagrammatic representations of the holy places of Mecca and Medina. One of them certifies the fulfillment of the major (ḥajj) and minor (ʿumra) pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca on behalf of a little girl, in what appears to be a certificate reused by removing the names of the original parties. The other two documents extoll the city of (...)
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    (p.m.) Pray for Good Crops.Martin Cohen - 2010 - In Mind Games: 31 Days to Rediscover Your Brain. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 59–59.
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    Preface.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. vii-2.
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    VI. The Contemporary Debate about the End of Art and the End of Religion.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 164-188.
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    Identity or Roots, Idol or Icon?Martin Beck Matuštík - 2006 - Radical Philosophy Review 9 (1):65-77.
    What does race add to class, as both are secular social categories? The difficulties of invidious nationalism and the conservation of races that would not foment holy wars of terror persist for both secular or postsecular theorists. Postsecular thinkers are in a stronger position than a secular theorist to challenge religiously inflected social integrations, invidious nationalism, and fundamentalism.Unmasking them as social formation proffers an external criticism, to speak of them as sacralizations of identity exposes them at the root. Secular (...)
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    Index.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 219-222.
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    Notes.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 197-218.
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    VII. Beyond the End of Art and the End of Religion.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 189-196.
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    Craig S. Keener, Gift & Giver: Mengenal dan mengalami Kuasa Roh Kudus, terj. Helda Siahaan & Nancy Pingkan Poyoh, Jakarta: Literatur Perkantas, 2015, 300 hlm. [REVIEW]Martin Harun - 2015 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 14 (1):141-144.
    Bertepatan waktu dengan Seminar Sola Scriptura bulan Maret 2015, dengan topik Miracles: The Credibility Of The New Testament Accounts, yang dibawakan oleh Prof. Craig Keener, oleh Perkantas diterbitkan terjemahan bukunya yang berjudul Gift and Giver: The Holy Spirit for Today (2001). Apakah eksemplar yang dihadiahkan kepada saya, akan bernasib sama seperti yang selalu saya kira terjadi dengan buku yang tidak dibayar, yakni tidak dibaca? Penampilan Keener yang sederhana, berbobot dan spiritual dalam seminar tersebut, menantang saya untuk membuka dan membaca (...)
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    The (Father Almighty) God We Worship: The Epistemological Role of Liturgy in Christian Theology.Martín Grassi - forthcoming - Sophia:1-16.
    In this paper I will argue that Christian theology is rooted in liturgical practices, being theology the theoretical reflection on the ritual practices of the Church. I will show that Christian Personal Theism stems from a liturgical practice by which we praise God as Father Almighty. Taking into account Eleonor Stump’s idea of _Franciscan knowledge_, and Nicholas Wolterstorff’s and Terence Cuneo’s works on liturgy and theology, I argue that God is deemed in our religious practices as a person to whom (...)
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    Intentional Actions and the Meaning of Object: A Reply to Richard McCormick.Martin Rhonheimer - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (2):279-311.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:INTENTIONAL ACTIONS AND THE MEANING OF OBJECT: A REPLY TO RICHARD McCORMICK MARTIN RHONHEIMER Roman Athenaeum of the Holy Cross Rome, Italy I N HIS ARTICLE, " Some Early Reactions to Veritatis Splendor," 1 Richard McCormick discusses my article on Veritatis Splendor and its teaching about intrinsically evil acts.2 He challenges my defence of the encyclical's views and poses some concrete questions for me. At the same (...)
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    Contents.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press.
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    II. The Emergence of Aesthetics and Religion in Western Thought.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 33-64.
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    IV. Aesthetics and Religion in Twentieth-Century Philosophy.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 104-135.
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    On the Christological Determination of Augustine’s Theology of Love.Martin Westerholm - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (1):84-98.
    This article seeks to show that recent deployments of Augustine’s theology of love as an alternative to, or resource within, contemporary liberalism are typified by attempts to use Christologically-grounded reconsiderations of the relation between the Creator and the creature to respond to the suggestion that Augustine cannot accommodate love of creaturely goods. It then argues that these attempts rest on abstract understandings of divine presence that issue from a breakdown of distinctions between Christology, ecclesiology and the theology of creation. It (...)
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    Introduction.James Alfred Martin - 1990 - In Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion. New jersey: Princeton University Press. pp. 3-8.
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    A persistência de formas da vida religiosa na modernidade (The persistence of forms of the religious life in modernity).Breno Martins Campos - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (27):1028-1041.
    O processo de desenvolvimento da história (e demais ciências) das religiões, com objeto e metodologia próprios, pode ser analisado por meio das discussões que aprofundaram as relações entre a defesa do caráter racionalista do homem ocidental e a persistência de formas religiosas de expressão no transcorrer dos séculos XIX e XX (bem como neste início de século XXI). Por meio do estudo da história da teologia e das religiões, são estabelecidos critérios para o julgamento das convergências entre movimentos religiosos, também (...)
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    Brauchen wir eine neue Friedensethik?: Der Kosovo-Krieg und seine Auswirkung auf die friedensethische Diskussion in der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland.Eberhard Martin Pausch - 2001 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 45 (1):17-28.
    The article claims that in the current situation there is no need for the Evangelical Church in Germany to create a new ethics of peace. Christian ethics of peace neither tends to bellicism nor to pacifism. Learned by the history of church, the EKD also rejects the traditional concepts of the holy or the just war. War can never be holy, not even just, but in certain situations warfare may be unavoidable or necessary. Cases of self-defense or the (...)
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  35. Games with filters I.Matthew Foreman, Menachem Magidor & Martin Zeman - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (3).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 24, Issue 03, December 2024. This paper has two parts. The first is concerned with a variant of a family of games introduced by Holy and Schlicht, that we call Welch games. Player II having a winning strategy in the Welch game of length [math] on [math] is equivalent to weak compactness. Winning the game of length [math] is equivalent to [math] being measurable. We show that for games of intermediate length [math], II winning (...)
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    Games with filters I.Matthew Foreman, Menachem Magidor & Martin Zeman - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 24 (3).
    This paper has two parts. The first is concerned with a variant of a family of games introduced by Holy and Schlicht, that we call Welch games. Player II having a winning strategy in the Welch game of length [Formula: see text] on [Formula: see text] is equivalent to weak compactness. Winning the game of length [Formula: see text] is equivalent to [Formula: see text] being measurable. We show that for games of intermediate length [Formula: see text], II winning (...)
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    O Papa Francisco e o encontro inter-religioso.Peter C. Phan & José Martins dos Santos Neto - forthcoming - Horizonte:703-703.
    From its very beginning, Pope Francis’s Petrine ministry has been full of surprises and he has been a man of contradictions. He has given hope to many, Christians, other believers, and secular humanists, especially with his pastoral approach of mercy, but he has also met with fierce opposition, even among the upper echelon of the hierarchy, some of whom have publicly attacked his orthodoxy and called for his resignation. In his teachings on evangelization, marriage and sexuality, ecology, and social friendship, (...)
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    “A Christian, Holy People” Martin Luther on Salvation and the Church.David S. Yeago - 1997 - Modern Theology 13 (1):101-120.
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    The Holy in Heidegger: The Open Clearing as Excess and Abyss.John W. M. Krummel - 2022 - In Richard Capobianco (ed.), Heidegger and the Holy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 5-26.
    In the last century and a half, many have lamented the loss of a sense of the holy (or the sacred)—das Heilige in German—that is, the condition of modernity that Friedrich Nietzsche called the “death or God” or what Friedrich Hölderlin poetized as the “flight of the gods.” Martin Heidegger, even while speaking of the forgetting of Being (Seinsvergessenheit) in the history of Being, and even as he had discoursed on the nihilism of modernity, appropriated this term, das (...)
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    Recenzja książki Magdaleny Hoły-Łuczaj Kształtowalność. Postheideggerowskie pytanie o inny wymiar bycia.Mateusz Waśko - 2023 - Principia 70:161-174.
    AbstraktPEŁNY TEKST: PDF References Heidegger Martin, Bycie i czas, przeł. B. Baran, PWN, Warszawa 1994. Hoły-Łuczaj Magdalena, Kształtowalność. Postheideggerowskie pytanie o inny wymiar bycia, Copernicus Center Press, Kraków 2022. Hoły-Łuczaj Magdalena, Radykalny nonantropocentryzm. Martin Heidegger i ekologia głęboka, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa–Rzeszów 2018.
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  41. Martin Buber. [REVIEW]O. P. A. McNicholl - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:243-243.
    The figure of Martin Buber emerges very clearly from this little book as that of a modern Hebrew prophet in revolt “against the complacent satisfaction of the sciences, against the triumph of relativism in the social, scientific and humanistic disciplines”, turning for inspiration to the mediaeval mystics of the West and to Hasidism, and preaching a way of life rather than a systematic body of doctrine. As such, he is more a philosophical anthropologist than a philosopher; he is preoccupied (...)
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    O que é isto – habitar, em Martin Heidegger?Everaldo dos Santos Mendes - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):195-199.
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    La filosofia e il sacro: Martin Heidegger lettore di Rudolf Otto.Annalisa Caputo - 2002 - Bari: Stilo.
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    Dialogue and Humanism in the Teaching of Martin Buber.Kalman Yaron - 1996 - Dialogue and Universalism 6 (5):73-78.
    Buber proclaims that 'in the beginning was relation'; that man is by his very nature a Homo Dialogus - incapable of realizing himself without communion with man, with the creation and with his Creator.Buber sought to anchor Zionism in what he defined as 'Hebrew Humanism': "the path of holiness" as opposed to "holy egoism".
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    Non-metaphysical theology after Heidegger.Peter S. Dillard - 2016 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Using Martin Heidegger’s later philosophy as his springboard, Peter S. Dillard provides a radical reorientation of contemporary Christian theology. From Heidegger’s initially obscure texts concerning the holy, the gods, and the last god, Dillard extracts two possible non-metaphysical theologies: a theology of Streit and a theology of Gelassenheit. Both theologies promise to avoid metaphysical antinomies that traditionally hinder theology. After describing the strengths and weaknesses of each non-metaphysical theology, Dillard develops a Gelassenheit theology that ascribes a definite phenomenology (...)
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  46. Reading elements of the later Heidegger as myth.Dominic Griffiths - 2007 - Phronimon 8 (2):25-34.
    The aim of this paper is to read Martin Heidegger’s later philosophy in terms of the assertion that themes such as the fourfold (das Geviert) and poetic dwelling could be interpreted as mythical elements within his writing. Heidegger’s later thought is often construed as challenging and difficult due to its quasi-mystical nature. However, this paper aims to illustrate that if one approaches his later thought from the perspective of myth, a different dimension of Heidegger’s thinking is revealed which is (...)
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  47. I and thou.Martin Buber - 1970 - New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons 57.
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  48. Annalisa Coliva on Wittgenstein and Epistemic Relativism.Martin Kusch - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (1):37-49.
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    Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx.Gianni Vattimo & Santiago Zabala - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Having lost much of its political clout and theoretical power, communism no longer represents an appealing alternative to capitalism. In its original Marxist formulation, communism promised an ideal of development, but only through a logic of war, and while a number of reformist governments still promote this ideology, their legitimacy has steadily declined since the fall of the Berlin wall. Separating communism from its metaphysical foundations, which include an abiding faith in the immutable laws of history and an almost (...) conception of the proletariat, Gianni Vattimo and Santiago Zabala recast Marx's theories at a time when capitalism's metaphysical moorings--in technology, empire, and industrialization--are buckling. While Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri call for a return of the revolutionary left, Vattimo and Zabala fear this would lead only to more violence and failed political policy. Instead, they adopt an antifoundationalist stance drawn from the hermeneutic thought of Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida, and Richard Rorty. Hermeneutic communism leaves aside the ideal of development and the general call for revolution; it relies on interpretation rather than truth and proves more flexible in different contexts. Hermeneutic communism motivates a resistance to capitalism's inequalities yet intervenes against violence and authoritarianism by emphasizing the interpretative nature of truth. Paralleling Vattimo and Zabala's well-known work on the weakening of religion, _Hermeneutic Communism_ realizes the fully transformational, politically effective potential of Marxist thought. (shrink)
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    What Should We Mean by 'Military Ethics'?Martin Cook & Henrik Syse - 2010 - Journal of Military Ethics 9 (2):119-122.
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