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    Listening comprehension in a new perspective.Johan F. Matter - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    From episodic to habitual prospective memory: ERP-evidence for a linear transition.Beat Meier, Sibylle Matter, Brigitta Baumann, Stefan Walter & Thomas Koenig - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    A qualitative study on patients' selection in the scarcity of resources in the COVID‐19 pandemic in a communal culture.Ervin Dyah Ayu Masita Dewi, Lara Matter, Astrid Pratidina Susilo & Anja Krumeich - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    The scarcity of resources during the COVID‐19 pandemic caused ethical dilemmas in prioritizing patients for treatment. Medical and ethical guidance only emphasizes clinical procedures but does not consider the sociocultural aspect. This study explored the perception of former COVID‐19 patients and their families on the decision‐making process of the patient's selection at a time of scarcity of resources. The result will inform the development of an ethical guide for allocating scarce resources that aligns with Indonesian culture. We conducted qualitative research (...)
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    Breadth of learning as a function of drive level and mechanization.Jerome S. Bruner, Jean Matter & Miriam Lewis Papanek - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (1):1-10.
  5. II Histoire ancienne (a suivre)/Ancient History (to be continued).F. Chapot, R. Gounelle, M. Matter, J. M. Prieur & F. Vinel - 2009 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 89 (3):432.
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  6. Filosofie e teologie.Marcia L. Colish, E. Matter, Massimo Campanini, Marco Rossini, Claudio Fiocchi, Irene Zavattero, Alessandra Beccarisi, Riccardo Fedriga, Silvia Magnavacca & Stefano Simonetta - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 61 (1):9-231.
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    Anselm and the Tradition of the "Song of Songs".E. Ann Matter - 1993 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 48 (3):551.
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  8. A propos de Quand notre monde est devenu chrétien (312-394) de Paul Veyne.Michel Matter - forthcoming - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses.
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    Alcuin's Questions-and-Answer Texts.E. Ann Matter - 1990 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 45 (4):645.
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    Cherished Comedy: Appreciative Listening and Positive Humor.Michelle M. Matter - 2021 - Listening 56 (2):157-166.
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    De cura feminarum.E. Ann Matter - 2005 - Augustinian Studies 36 (1):87-98.
  12. Fenella Cannell.How Does Ritual Matter - 2007 - In Rita Astuti, Jonathan Parry & Charles Stafford (eds.), Questions of anthropology. New York: Berg.
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    From Knowledge to Beatitude: St. Victor, Twelfth-Century Scholars, and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Grover A. Zinn, Jr.E. Ann Matter & Lesley Janette Smith (eds.) - 2013 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _From Knowledge to Beatitude _is a collection of original essays on the intersection between Christian theology and spiritual life primarily in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, especially in the Parisian School of St. Victor, which honors the influential work of Grover A. Zinn, Jr. Written by distinguished scholars from various fields of medieval studies, these essays range from the study of the exegetical school of twelfth-century St. Victor and medieval glossed Bibles to the medieval cultural reception of women visionaries, preachers, (...)
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    Gebetsparodien des hohen und späten Mittelalters.Stefan Matter - 2019 - Das Mittelalter 24 (2):370-389.
    This article addresses the possible conditions under which parodies of prayer could emerge and be transmitted in the High and Late Middle Ages. It aims to offer a systematic overview over the different forms of prayer parody in the German-speaking Middle Ages. After some preliminary remarks on definitions I suggest a typology of German-speaking prayer parodies and conclude with some general observations on the possible contexts in which such texts were used.
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  15. Hunger in America: A Matter.A. Matter - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (1).
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  16. Le Code Théodosien, de Constantin à Théodose II (312-450).Michel Matter - 2011 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 91 (2):143-169.
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    Saint-Martin, le philosophe inconnu: sa vie et ses écrits: son maître Martinez et leurs groupes d'après des documents inédits.Jacques Matter - 1862 - Plan de la Tour: Éditions d'Aujourd'hui.
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    The soul of the the Dog-Man: Ratramnus of Corbie between theology and philosophy.E. Matter - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
  19. The use of images blur as a depth cue.G. Matter - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 26--599.
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    Zum Einfluss des platonischen "Timaios" auf das Denken Plotins.Peter Paul Matter - 1964 - Winterthur,: Keller.
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    Bernhard Bischoff (†) and Michael Lapidge, eds., Biblical Commentaries from the Canterbury School of Theodore and Hadrian.(Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 10.) Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. xiv, 612; black-and-white figures and tables. $99.95. [REVIEW]E. Matter - 1997 - Speculum 72 (2):435-437.
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    Ernst Hellgardt, Die exegetischen Quellen von Otfrids Evangelienbuch: Beiträge zu ihrer Ermittlung, mit einem Kapitel über die Weissenburger Bibliothek des Mittelalters und der Otfridzeit. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1981. Paper. Pp. 13,260. DM 76. [REVIEW]E. Ann Matter - 1983 - Speculum 58 (2):554-555.
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    Giuliana Italiani, La tradizione esegetica nel commento ai Re de Claudio di Torino. Florence: Cooperativa Libraria Universitatis Studii Florentini, 1979. Paper. Pp. 147. L 4,500. [REVIEW]E. Ann Matter - 1982 - Speculum 57 (4):967-968.
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    Hegel in Berichten seiner Zeitgenossen. [REVIEW]Rudolf Matter - 1972 - Studi Internazionali Di Filosofia 4 (82):225-227.
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    Julian of Toledo, Opera, pars I: Idalii Barcelonis Episcopi epistulae, Prognosticum futuri saeculi libri tres, Apologeticum de tribus capitulis, De comprobatione sextae aetatis libri tres. Edited by J. N. Hillgarth. Historia Wambae Regis. Edited by W. Levison. Epistula ad Modoenum. Edited by B. Bischoff. Turnhout: Brepols, 1976. Paper. Pp. lxxxiv, 263. [REVIEW]E. Ann Matter - 1980 - Speculum 55 (3):624-625.
  26. Rabanus Maurus, In honorem sanctae crucis, ed. M. Perrin.(Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaeualis, 100–100A.) Turnhout: Brepols, 1997. Pp. cxxix, 343 plus black-and-white plates; black-and-white figures. Unbound color facsimiles and black-and-white drawings in separate folder. [REVIEW]E. Matter - 2000 - Speculum 75 (1):230-232.
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