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  1.  19
    On morals or Concerning education.Theodoros Metochites - 2020 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Sophia A. Xenophontos & Theodoros Metochites.
    Theodore Metochites, a distinguished figure in the intellectual and political landscape of the early Palaiologan period (1261-1341), was born in Constantinople in 1270. The On Morals or Concerning Education is an extensive disquisition about the significance and status of cultural education (paideia) in the context of Palaiologan society. The oration might also be seen at least partly as an autobiographical narrative exposing Metochites's inner reflections and anxieties. The On Morals belongs to the genre of the protreptikos, a hortatory speech designed (...)
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  2. Paraphrasis in Aristotelis universam naturalem philosophiam.Theodoros Metochites - 1559 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Gentian Hervet & Charles Lohr.
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  3.  19
    Paraphrase of Aristotle, ›de Anima‹: Critical Edition with Introduction and Translation.Theodoros Metochites - 2022 - Berlin: De Gruyter. Edited by Börje Bydén.
    Theodore Metochites’ Aristotelian paraphrases (c. 1312), covering all 40 books of the Stagirite’s extant works on natural philosophy, constitute one of the major achievements of late Byzantine learning. This volume offers the first critical edition of Metochites’ paraphrases of the three books of the De anima, accompanied by an introduction and an English translation with an apparatus of parallel passages in Aristotle’s ancient commentators. The first part of the introduction presents and evaluates the sources for the text, consisting of thirteen (...)
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    Theodore Metochites on the human condition and the decline of Rome: Semeioseis gnomikai 27-60: a critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indexes.Theodoros Metochites - 2016 - Göteborg, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Edited by Karin Hult & Theodoros Metochites.
    "A critical edition, with English translation and notes, of chapters 27-60 of the Semeioseis gnomikai ("Sententious notes"), a collection of 120 essays by the Byzantine statesman and scholar Theodore Metochites (1270-1332).The edition is based on three manuscripts, which are briefly presented in the introduction. P (Par. gr. 2003, Paris) and M (Marc. gr. 532, Venice) were both written in the early fourteenth century; E (Scor. gr. 248, Escorial) is a sixteenth-century copy of M.After the edition, with accompanying English translation and (...)
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  5. Theodore Metochites on the human condition and the decline of Rome: Semeioseis gnomikai 27-60: a critical edition with introduction, translation, notes, and indexes.Theodoros Metochites - 2016 - Göteborg, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Edited by Karin Hult & Theodoros Metochites.