Results for 'Michel Libéral'

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  1.  33
    Liberal Egalitarianism and the Harm Principle.Michele Lombardi, Kaname Miyagishima & Roberto Veneziani - 2016 - Economic Journal 126 (597):2173-2196.
    We analyse the implications of classical liberal and libertarian approaches for distributive justice in the context of social welfare orderings. We study an axiom capturing a liberal non-interfering view of society, the Weak Harm Principle, whose roots can be traced back to John Stuart Mill. We show that liberal views of individual autonomy and freedom can provide consistent foundations for welfare judgements. In particular, a liberal non-interfering approach can help to adjudicate some fundamental distributive issues relative to intergenerational justice. However, (...)
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    A Liberal Theory of Collective Rights.Michel Seymour - 2017 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Most states are multination states, and most peoples are stateless peoples. Just as collectives can behave as sovereign states only if they are recognized by the international community, liberal multination states must recognize stateless peoples in order to determine their political status within that state. There is, however, no agreement on the kind of principles that should be considered, especially under classical liberalism, which gives individuals preeminence over groups. Liberal theories that attempt to accommodate collective rights are often based on (...)
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    Taking Populism Seriously: A Conservative Ethos for Liberal Democracy?Michele Mangini - 2024 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 3 (2):178-195.
    Previous concerns about new democracies, as in the wake of the Arab Spring, have now been turned inside Western liberal democracies. These appear under siege because of populist movements which give vent to harsh economic and national identity claims. Among all liberal democracies the EU needs a re-elaboration of its core principles to gain more support from its peoples. I propose to examine a conservative view that preserves the core of liberal-democratic principles, while relying on an idea of ‘Transnational European (...)
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  4. A liberal cultural movement in Brussels in the last quarter of the 19th century, the" Flemish neo-Renaissance".B. Michel - 1998 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 76 (4):979-1020.
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    Liberal education: essays on the philosophy of higher education.Virgil George Michel - 1981 - Collegeville, Minn.: Office of Academic Affairs, Saint John's University. Edited by Robert L. Spaeth.
  6. Liberal biopolitics reborn.Michel Foucault - 2009 - Foucault Studies 7:99-130.
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  7. Moral exemplars in education: a liberal account.Michel Croce - 2020 - Ethics and Education (x):186-199.
    This paper takes issue with the exemplarist strategy of fostering virtue development with the specific goal of improving its applicability in the context of education. I argue that, for what matters educationally, we have good reasons to endorse a liberal account of moral exemplarity. Specifically, I challenge two key assumptions of Linda Zagzebski’s Exemplarist Moral Theory (2017), namely that moral exemplars are exceptionally virtuous agents and that imitating their behavior is the main strategy for acquiring the virtues. I will introduce (...)
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    La théologie de la libération.Michel Schooyans - 1976 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 7 (3):309-328.
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  9. Liber de Pomo = Buch Vom Apfel.Elsbeth Acampora-Michel & Aristotle - 2001
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  10. Women reading the Bible: An emerging diversity in service of liberation.Michele A. Connolly - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (4):438.
    An apparently simple answer to this question is 'diversity': there is a diversity of women readers, diversity of interests, diversity of methods and diversity of results of women reading the Bible. In this article I will discuss the complex reality of the diversity of contemporary women's reading of the Bible. I will discuss women readers under two headings, namely the everyday, non-academic reader on the one hand, and the professional, academically trained biblical exegete on the other. I will first suggest (...)
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  11.  21
    The unpublished manuscriptn art by Lèon Walras and the interventionism of the neo-liberal government.Michele Bee - 2008 - Idee 68:183-187.
  12. Liberating clocks: Developing a critical horology to rethink the potential of clock time.Michelle Bastian - 2017 - New Formations 1 (92):41-55.
    Across a wide range of cultural forms, including philosophy, cultural theory, literature and art, the figure of the clock has drawn suspicion, censure and outright hostility. In contrast, even while maps have been shown to be complicit with forms of domination, they are also widely recognised as tools that can be critically reworked in the service of more liberatory ends. This paper seeks to counteract the tendency to see clocks in this way, arguing that they have many more interesting possibilities (...)
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  13. Capitalism and women's liberation.Michèle Barrett - 1997 - In Linda J. Nicholson (ed.), The second wave: a reader in feminist theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 123--131.
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  14. Liber amicorum Jean-Yves Cherot: Le droit entre théories et pratique.Jean-Yves Cherot & Valérie Michel (eds.) - 2023 - Bruxelles: Émile Bruylant.
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    Character and well-being: Towards an ethics of character.Michele Mangini - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (2):79-98.
    The debate between liberals and communitarians has still left liberalism without a plausible ethics. The ethics of character wants to offer a solid connection between political theory and personal identity, stressing the ethical role of the invariables of character against modern subjectivist competitors, such as authenticity. At a political level the ethics of character leads us beyond resourcist conceptions of justice. Key Words: ethics of character • personal identity • virtues • well-being.
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  16. Duns Scot et le Liber de causis.Jean-Michel Counet - 2019 - In Dragos Calma (ed.), Reading Proclus and the Book of causes: Western scholarly networks and debates. Boston: Brill.
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    Multicultural Education as Fostering Individual Autonomy.Michele S. Moses - 1997 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 16 (4):373-388.
    This article attempts a philosophical defense of an autonomy-based approach to multicultural education. I contend that multicultural education is necessary in order for students to be able to develop personal autonomy. This, in turn, can empower students to effectively formulate their own version of the good life. The development of autonomy need not, as many critics claim, promote atomistic individualism. Rather, contemporary liberal autonomy strives for a balance between the individual and the community. In defending multicultural education, my argument relies (...)
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    Der Liber de consonancia nature et gracie des Raphael von Pornaxio.Karl Michel & Raphael - 1915 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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    Treading a Fine Line: Characterisations and Impossibilities for Liberal Principles in Infinitely-Lived Societies.Michele Lombardi & Roberto Veneziani - 2012 - B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 12 (1):24.
    This paper extends the analysis of liberal principles in social choice recently proposed by Mariotti and Veneziani (2009a) to infinitely-lived societies. First, some novel characterisations of inegalitarian leximax social welfare relations are derived based on the Individual Benefit Principle (IBP), which incorporates a liberal, non-interfering view of society. This is surprising because the IBP does not explicitly incorporate any preference for inequality, nor does it assign priority to well-off members of society. Second, some impossibility results are derived that highlight a (...)
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    Théologie et libération : quelle libération?Michel Schooyans - 1975 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 6 (2):165-193.
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    La condition cosmopolite: l'anthropologie à l'épreuve du piège identitaire.Michel Agier - 2013 - Paris: La Découverte.
    La mondialisation libère les uns et oppresse les autres. Et dans cette partition du monde, chacun est renvoyé à une identité prétendument essentielle et "vraie". D'où un véritable "piège identitaire", négation de l'autre et de sa subjectivité, parfois justifié par l'anthropologie - à l'opposé de sa vocation humaniste et critique. Face à ce défi, le regard contemporain sur le monde doit être repensé, en dépassant le relativisme culturel et ses "ontologies" identitaires. Dans ce livre, Michel Agier prend une position (...)
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    Recognizing Resentment: Sympathy, Injustice, and Liberal Political Thought.Michelle Schwarze - 2020 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    We typically think of resentment as an unjustifiable and volatile emotion, responsible for fostering the worst political divisions. Recognizing Resentment argues instead that sympathy with the resentment of victims of injustice is vital for upholding justice in liberal societies, as it entails recognition of the equal moral and political status of those with whom we sympathize. Sympathizing with the resentment of others makes us alive to injustice in a way no rational recognition of wrongs alone can, and it motivates us (...)
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    Introduction au sport.Michel Clare - 1965 - Paris,: Éditions ouvrières.
    Michel Clare est né le 21 février 1927 à Sceaux. Études secondaires, bachelier. Résistance et séjour au Maquis de Lorris à dix-sept ans. Puis sport pour guérir des déceptions d’après la Libération : athlétisme, champion de France du 800 mètres en 1949. De nombreuses fois international. Entre à l’Equipe en 1953 où il occupe les fonctions de grand reporter et spécialiste du ski. Auteur d’un livre sur le Ski (La table ronde). Lauréat de l’Académie des Sports pour une enquête (...)
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    Ethnographies of Neoliberal Governmentalities: from the neoliberal apparatus to neoliberalism and governmental assemblages.Michelle Brady - 2014 - Foucault Studies 18:11-33.
    This article is aimed at Foucauldian scholars and seeks to introduce them to ethnographic works that interrogate neoliberal governmentalities. As an analytic category ‘neoliberalism’ has over the last two decades helpfully illuminated connections between seemingly unrelated social changes occurring at multiple scales. Even earlier —in his College de France 1978-9 Birth of Biopolitics lectures, to be precise—Foucault began his engagement with neoliberalism as a dominant political force. Despite being more than three decades old, Foucault’s analysis of neoliberal rationalities remains fresh (...)
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  25.  7
    Rendre la raison populaire: université populaire, mode d'emploi.Michel Onfray - 2012 - Paris: Éditions Autrement.
    Pour la première fois, Michel Onfray prend la parole sur son initiative collective, heureuse et spectaculaire : la création, en 2002, de l'Université populaire de Caen. Pourquoi, comment, pour qui, contre quoi : armé de sa plus belle plume, enthousiaste et percutant comme jamais, il explique, défend et revendique ce projet un peu fou, devenu un incroyable succès... populaire. L'Université populaire de Caen en 2002 est avant tout une réponse à la situation politique du moment : la présence d'un (...)
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    Cassiodore, professeur de dialectique dans le Commentaire sur les Psaumes.Michel Ferré - 2004 - Philosophie Antique 4 (4):95-129.
    Having served for a long time under Ostrogothic kings, then removed from office, Cassiodorus (vith century) designed his writings for the members of the famous monastery that he founded at Vivarium. In his monumental Expositio Psalmorum, meant for the novices, he wanted to give his readers not only an exegesis of the biblical text, but rudiments of Liberal Arts too, especially of dialectics and logic. This paper intends to show Cassiodorus’ conception of an orthodox study of dialectics, and his pedagogical (...)
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    Fashioning feminism: how Leandra Medine and other Man Repeller authors blog about choice and the gaze.Michele White - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (3):351-369.
    Leandra Medine indicates that she wants the Man Repeller multi-author blog to ‘serve as an open forum for women to draw their own conclusions’ instead of making ‘any sort of feministic statement’. Medine renders feminism as amorphous and an individual choice but she has been widely lauded for offering a feminist engagement in fashion. Her practices and position, as I argue throughout this article, allow her to fashion feminism, including associating feminism with the man repeller style and replacing aspects of (...)
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  28. Jean-Luc Nancy: la communauté, le sens.Michel Gaillot - 2021 - Paris: Éditions Galilée.
    Par quelque lieu qu'on s'y engage, s'il y a bien «quelque chose» qui insiste dans la pensée de Jean-Luc Nancy--qui en constitue le coeur, irriguant et inquiétant tout le reste de son corpus -, c'est assurément la question de la communauté--sous les divers noms qu'elle peut prendre: «partage», «nous», «comparution», « Mitsein» ou plutôt «Mitdasein», «communication» «être singulier pluriel», «être-en-commun», «avec», «coexistence», «coexposition», «monde», «liberé», «finitude», «espacement originaire» de l'existence, «écotechnie» ou «techné des corps», «toucher», etc. La question de la (...)
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  29. Kant et la libération sexuelle.Jean-Michel Muglioni - 2024 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 74 (4):89-98.
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    History of Madness.Michel Foucault - 1961/2006 - Routledge.
    When it was first published in France in 1961 as Folie et Déraison: Histoire de la Folie à l'âge Classique , few had heard of a thirty-four year old philosopher by the name of Michel Foucault. By the time an abridged English edition was published in 1967 as Madness and Civilization , Michel Foucault had shaken the intellectual world. This translation is the first English edition of the complete French texts of the first and second edition, including all (...)
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    Sexuality: the 1964 Clermont-Ferrand and 1969 Vincennes lectures.Michel Foucault - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Graham Burchell.
    Michel Foucault's The History of Sexuality-the first volume of which was published in 1976-exerts a vast influence across the humanities and social sciences. However, Foucault's interest in the history of sexuality began as early as the 1960s, when he taught two courses on the subject. These lectures offer crucial insight into the development of Foucault's thought yet have remained unpublished until recently. This book presents Foucault's lectures on sexuality for the first time in English. In the first series, held (...)
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    Travail et loisir : Du loisir antique au loisir contemporain.Michel Bellefleur - 1981 - Philosophiques 8 (2):303-341.
    Le but de cet article est de développer une hypothèse macrohistorique au sujet de la représentation et de la réalité du loisir qui est la suivante : aussi longtemps que l'humanité n'a disposé que d'instruments de production pré-industriels ou prétechnologiques, une représentation ou conception relativement stable du loisir a perduré à travers de nombreux siècles : son existence a été justifiée en tant que mode de vie privilégié pour les classes sociales dominantes, en parfaite dichotomie avec le travail qui était (...)
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    Richard Rorty’s Ironic Liberalism.Michele Marsonet - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Research 21:391-403.
    This paper examines Richard Rorty’s “ironic liberalism,” arguing that it has no rational justitication. Rorty’s neopragmatism is first taken into account, tracing its origin and development to the political education he received in his youth. As is well known, Rorty defines himself as a liberal democrat, claiming that Westem liberal thought has produced the best form of political and social life which has ever appeared on our planet. However, if one asks why he is so positive about that, no answer (...)
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  34.  34
    Introduction to Bovelles' Liber de Sapiente.Michel Ferrari - 2011 - Intellectual History Review 21 (3):257-265.
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    Rawls et le droit des peuples.Michel Seymour - 1999 - Philosophiques 26 (1):109-137.
    RÉSUMÉ Je veux m'attarder à trois aspects importants du Droit des gens de John Rawls. Je veux tout d'abord montrer que cette oeuvre contribue à réfuter l’interprétation erronée selon laquelle Rawls souscrirait à une conception individualiste du libéralisme. Je veux en deuxième lieu souligner l’importance d'intégrer un droit des peuples au sein de la philosophie politique libérale. Le principe de l’égalité entre les peuples peut être interprété comme ayant un corollaire, à savoir, le principe du développement égal des peuples, et (...)
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    The pathos of distance: affects of the moderns.Jean-Michel Rabaté - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Jean-Michel Rabaté uses Nietzsche's image of a "pathos of distance," the notion that certain values cannot originate in a community but are created by a few gifted and lofty individuals, as the basis for a wide-ranging investigation into the ethics of the moderns. The expression of "pathos of distance" impressed would-be modernists like the American James Huneker and the Irish poet W. B. Yeats as they confronted the new in the arts. Later, it helped Deleuze and Barthes make sense (...)
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    Fourier, le Nouveau Monde Amoureux et mai 1968. Politique des passions, égalité des sexes et science sociale.Michel Bozon - 2005 - Clio 22:123-149.
    Le Nouveau Monde Amoureux n’a été publié qu’en 1967, un siècle et demi après avoir été écrit par Fourier. Fourier y analyse la société de son temps, critiquant sévèrement le mariage monogame et l’asservissement des femmes. Il élabore un autre modèle théorique et politique de société, l’Harmonie, fondée sur la disparition du mariage monogame, la multiplication systématique des relations amoureuses de toutes natures, et une égalité absolue entre les sexes. A sa publication, l’ouvrage de Fourier est reçu avec enthousiasme, comme (...)
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  38.  10
    Vingt ans de libéralisme en Wallonie et à Bruxelles : Du Parti Libéral au Parti Réformateur Libéral.Viviane Hascal & Michèle Detaille - 1981 - Res Publica 23 (2-3):345-358.
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  39.  43
    ELLIS, Marc H., MADURO, Otto, ed., The Future of Liberation Theology. Essays in Honor of Gustavo GutiérrezELLIS, Marc H., MADURO, Otto, ed., The Future of Liberation Theology. Essays in Honor of Gustavo Gutiérrez. [REVIEW]Michel Dion - 1990 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 46 (2):283-284.
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    Skill in action: radicalizing your yoga practice to create a just world.Michelle Cassandra Johnson - 2020 - Boulder, Colorado: Shambhala.
    Transform your yoga practice into a force for creating social change with this concise, eloquent guide to social justice tools and skills. Skill in Action asks you to explore the deeply transformational practice of yoga as a way to become an agent of social change and work toward a just world. Through yoga practices and philosophy, this book explores liberation for ourselves and others, while asking us to engage in our own agency-whether that manifests as activism, volunteer work, or changing (...)
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  41.  18
    Psychoanalysis and Solidarity.Michelle Rada (ed.) - 2022 - Duke University Press.
    Freud’s earliest hysterical analysands reported a shared grievance about psychoanalysis: while their individual suffering was conditioned by social circumstances, Freud could not “alter these in any way.” If psychic illness is tied to repressive external conditions that the psychoanalyst cannot change, how can a method circumscribed to the individual’s inner life offer liberation, even cure? Motivated by the hysteric’s desire for a better life and Freud’s commitment to our intersubjectivity in common, contributors to this special issue consider psychoanalysis as a (...)
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  42.  10
    The Writings of Jean-Paul Sartre Volume 2: Selected Prose.Michel Rybalka, Richard McCleary & Michel Contat (eds.) - 1974 - Northwestern University Press.
    The writings published here are not so much an epitome as episodes. But most do not digress. They mark the turns and turning points of a human style, the tropes of an expressive life embodying the changing tempos of an age. Until we fall silent, all of us are trying to say. These fragmentary efforts to speak to, rejoin, and help create a new community of liberated human beings constitute the epigraphs of Sartre's historical inscription.
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    The Spirit of Conscious Capitalism: Contributions of World Religions and Spiritualities.Michel Dion & Moses Pava (eds.) - 2022 - Springer.
    This book provides a constructive criticism of the emerging practice of conscious capitalism from the perspective of world religions and spiritualities. Conscious capitalism, to many of its adherents, represents an evolutionary step forward beyond the dominant neo-liberal paradigm, where it often appears that just about everything is for sale. Is conscious capitalism consistent with the values inherent in religious and spiritual world-views and does it provide a better fit for bringing out the best that business has to offer? This book (...)
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    BOURGEOIS, Henri, Libérer Jésus. Christologies actuelles.René-Michel Roberge - 1978 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 34 (3):315-316.
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    La répression des femmes coupables d'avoir collaboré pendant l'Occupation.Françoise Leclerc & Michèle Weindling - 1995 - Clio 1.
    Le bilan officiel de l'épuration ne mentionne pas la répartition par sexe des condamnations prononcées à la Libération. Pourtant, au 1er janvier 1946, 6091 femmes sont détenues pour fait de collaboration dans les prisons françaises, soit 21% des personnes incarcérées pour ce motif, et 54% de la population carcérale féminine. Ces chiffres nous obligent à penser la collaboration au féminin dans un cadre plus large que celui de la « collaboration de sexe », même si elle fut considérée par certaines (...)
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  46.  26
    An honest man?: Rousseau's critique of Locke's character education.Timothy T. Tennyson & Michelle Schwarze - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (4):435-456.
    John Locke's educational program has long been considered to have two primary aims: to habituate children to reason and to raise children capable of meeting the demands of citizenship that he details in his Two Treatises of Government. Yet Locke's educational prescriptions undermine citizens’ capacity for honesty, a critical political virtue for Locke. To explain how Locke's educational prescriptions are self-undermining, we turn to Rousseau's extended critique of Locke's Some Thoughts on Education in his Émile. We argue that Rousseau explains (...)
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    Inégalité(s) dans le discours de la presse française :usages discursifs et dimensions sémantiques d’un mot.Pascale Brunner & Michele Pordeus-Ribeiro - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 18.
    L’inégalité est une thématique sociale, abordée de façon récurrente dans les médias. Appliquant une approche de « sémantique discursive », nous examinerons l’usage d’inégalité(s) dans le discours de presse en circonscrivant les principales dimensions sémantiques du nom à travers ses fonctionnements préférentiels en cotexte, étroit ou élargi. Après quelques questionnements sémantico-référentiels autour du mot, l’étude du corpus – constitué d’articles issus des journaux Le Monde, Libération et Le Figaro – montrera qu’inégalité(s) fonctionne, à la fois, comme un lieu d’observation, d’évaluation (...)
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    Lagneau – métaphysicien sans l’être.Jean-Michel Muglioni - 2023 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 73 (2):7-22.
    La méthode réflexive caractérise une psychologie, métaphysique du sujet, qui n’imite pas les sciences d’objet et par laquelle la philosophie dépasse la simple conscience de soi déjà éveillée au monde et à soi, redoublant ainsi cet éveil pour accomplir l’homme en l’homme. Lagneau remonte à la source de l’évidence et rien n’est plus difficile, parce qu’alors la pensée ne peut plus compter sur l’évidence pour se comprendre. La philosophie ainsi pratiquée n’est rien en dehors de la réflexion en acte, jamais (...)
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    Le Liber particularis de Michel Scot.Oleg Voskoboynikov - 2015 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 81 (1):249-384.
    C’est la première édition critique du Liber particularis de Michel Scot, traité cosmologique latin qui constitue la deuxième partie de son Liber introductorius, rédigé entre 1220 et 1235 environ. L’édition est effectuée sur la base du ms. Bodl. Canon. Misc. 555 (collationné avec les mss Vatican, BAV Rossi IX 11 et Milan, Ambrosiana L 92 Sup), afin de restituer une version qui circula, sous une forme relativement stable, en Italie dans la première moitié du xiv e siècle. Dans l’introduction, (...)
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    M. Tullii Ciceronis de legibus liber I.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Petrus Ramus & Michel de Vascosan - 1580 - Ex Officina Michaelis Vascosani.
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