Results for 'Micro-Logic II'

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  1.  62
    Toward a Model of Functional Brain Processes II: Central Nervous System Functional Macro-architecture.Mark H. Bickhard - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (4):377-407.
    The first paper in this pair (Bickhard in Axiomathes, 2015) developed a model of the nature of representation and cognition, and argued for a model of the micro-functioning of the brain on the basis of that model. In this sequel paper, starting with part III, this model is extended to address macro-functioning in the CNS. In part IV, I offer a discussion of an approach to brain functioning that has some similarities with, as well as differences from, the model (...)
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  2.  39
    Implicational logics II: additional connectives and characterizations of semilinearity.Petr Cintula & Carles Noguera - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (3-4):353-372.
    This is the continuation of the paper :417–446, 2010). We continue the abstract study of non-classical logics based on the kind of generalized implication connectives they possess and we focus on semilinear logics, i.e. those that are complete with respect to the class of models where the implication defines a linear order. We obtain general characterizations of semilinearity in terms of the intersection-prime extension property, the syntactical semilinearity metarule and the class of finitely subdirectly irreducible models. Moreover, we consider extensions (...)
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  3.  30
    Classical logic II: Higher-order logic.Stewart Shapiro - 2001 - In Lou Goble, The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 33--54.
    A typical interpreted formal language has (first‐order) variables that range over a collection of objects, sometimes called a domain‐of‐discourse. The domain is what the formal language is about. A language may also contain second‐order variables that range over properties, sets, or relations on the items in the domain‐of‐discourse, or over functions from the domain to itself. For example, the sentence ‘Alexander has all the qualities of a great leader’ would naturally be rendered with a second‐order variable ranging over qualities. Similarly, (...)
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  4. Counterfactuals, Dispositions, and the Causal Modalities.Wilfrid Sellars - 1957 - In Herbert Feigl Michael Scriven & Grover Maxwell, Minnesota Studies in The Philosophy of Science, Vol. II. University of Minnesota Press.
    [p.225] Introduction (i) Although the following essay attempts to deal in a connected way with a number of connected conceptual tangles, it is by no means monolithic in design. It divides roughly in two, with the first half (Parts I and II) devoted to certain puzzles which have their source in a misunderstanding of the more specific structure of the language in which we describe and explain natural phenomena; while the second half (Parts III and IV) attempts to resolve the (...)
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  5. Notes Logic II.H. Kamp - unknown
    These notes contain the material covered in the second level logic course which has been offered at the Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung of the University of Stuttgart on an annual basis since 1992. The course is aimed at students who are familiar with the notation and use of the first order predicate calculus but have had little or no previous exposure to metamathematics.
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    Logics Ii: A Sociobiological Approach to Social and Other Logics.James Hill Parker - 1992 - Upa.
    The author attempts to link the social and biological sciences in a new way. It appears that there are Social Logics which are cross-cultural and seem to have a biological substrate. This book shows how the biological baseline can be used for research into social, cultural and other forms of organization. It includes three case studies which use Logics Analysis to illustrate how this method can be successfully applied to group structure and process. Parker discusses evidence for Social Logics through (...)
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    Croire et savoir: Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d'Autrecourt (review).Dallas G. Denery Ii - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (1):119-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Croire et savoir: Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d’AutrécourtDallas G. Denery IIChristophe Grellard. Croire et savoir: Les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d’Autrécourt. Paris: J. Vrin, 2005. Pp. 313. Paper, €38,00.Nicholas of Autrecourt has often seemed to be one of those philosophers doomed to be best known for everything but their own ideas. Famously, if inaccurately, dubbed "the Medieval Hume" by one of his first (...)
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    Algebraic Logic II. Homogeneous Locally Finite Polyadic Boolean Algebras of Infinite Degree.Paul R. Halmos - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (2):222-223.
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    Mechanizing logic. II. Automated map logic method for relational arguments on paper and by computer.Janet Rybak & John Rybak - 1984 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 25 (3):265-282.
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    Generalised logic. II.John Evenden - 1980 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21 (2):415-428.
  11. Logic, II. Demonstrative Inference : Deductive and Inductive.W. Johnson - 1923 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 30 (3):8-8.
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  12. (1 other version)Semantical Analysis of Modal Logic II. Non-Normal Modal Propositional Calculi.Saul A. Kripke - 1965 - In J. W. Addison, The theory of models. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co.. pp. 206-20.
  13.  74
    Non-Boolean classical relevant logics II: Classicality through truth-constants.Tore Fjetland Øgaard - 2021 - Synthese (3-4):1-33.
    This paper gives an account of Anderson and Belnap’s selection criteria for an adequate theory of entailment. The criteria are grouped into three categories: criteria pertaining to modality, those pertaining to relevance, and those related to expressive strength. The leitmotif of both this paper and its prequel is the relevant legitimacy of disjunctive syllogism. Relevant logics are commonly held to be paraconsistent logics. It is shown in this paper, however, that both E and R can be extended to explosive logics (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Many-valued modal logics II.Melvin Fitting - unknown
    Suppose there are several experts, with some dominating others (expert A dominates expert B if B says something is true whenever A says it is). Suppose, further, that each of the experts has his or her own view of what is possible — in other words each of the experts has their own Kripke model in mind (subject, of course, to the dominance relation that may hold between experts). How will they assign truth values to sentences in a common modal (...)
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  15. Hierarchies and levels of reality.Alexander Rueger & Patrick Mcgivern - 2010 - Synthese 176 (3):379-397.
    We examine some assumptions about the nature of 'levels of reality' in the light of examples drawn from physics. Three central assumptions of the standard view of such levels (for instance, Oppenheim and Putnam 1958) are (i) that levels are populated by entities of varying complexity, (ii) that there is a unique hierarchy of levels, ranging from the very small to the very large, and (iii) that the inhabitants of adjacent levels are related by the parthood relation. Using examples from (...)
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  16.  32
    The Poset of All Logics II: Leibniz Classes and Hierarchy.R. Jansana & T. Moraschini - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (1):324-362.
    A Leibniz class is a class of logics closed under the formation of term-equivalent logics, compatible expansions, and non-indexed products of sets of logics. We study the complete lattice of all Leibniz classes, called the Leibniz hierarchy. In particular, it is proved that the classes of truth-equational and assertional logics are meet-prime in the Leibniz hierarchy, while the classes of protoalgebraic and equivalential logics are meet-reducible. However, the last two classes are shown to be determined by Leibniz conditions consisting of (...)
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  17.  94
    Algebraic semantics for modal logics II.E. J. Lemmon - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (2):191-218.
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    Classical relevant logics II.Robert K. Meyer & Richard Routley - 1974 - Studia Logica 33 (2):183 - 194.
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    Rules in relevant logic — II: Formula representation.Ross T. Brady - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (4):565 - 585.
    This paper surveys the various forms of Deduction Theorem for a broad range of relevant logics. The logics range from the basic system B of Routley-Meyer through to the system R of relevant implication, and the forms of Deduction Theorem are characterized by the various formula representations of rules that are either unrestricted or restricted in certain ways. The formula representations cover the iterated form,A 1 .A 2 . ... .A n B, the conjunctive form,A 1&A 2 & ...A n (...)
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  20. Logical consequence in modal logic II: Some semantic systems for S4.George Weaver - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15:370.
    ABSTRACT: This 1974 paper builds on our 1969 paper (Corcoran-Weaver [2]). Here we present three (modal, sentential) logics which may be thought of as partial systematizations of the semantic and deductive properties of a sentence operator which expresses certain kinds of necessity. The logical truths [sc. tautologies] of these three logics coincide with one another and with those of standard formalizations of Lewis's S5. These logics, when regarded as logistic systems (cf. Corcoran [1], p. 154), are seen to be equivalent; (...)
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  21. Dynamic Epistemic Logic II: Logics of Information Change.Eric Pacuit - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (9):815-833.
    This is the second paper in a two-part series introducing logics for reasoning about the dynamics of knowledge and beliefs. Part I introduced different logical systems that can be used to reason about the knowledge and beliefs of a group of agents. In this second paper, I show how to adapt these logical systems to reason about the knowledge and beliefs of a group of agents during the course of a social interaction or rational inquiry. Inference, communication and observation are (...)
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    Semiconic idempotent logic II: Beth definability and deductive interpolation.Wesley Fussner & Nikolaos Galatos - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (3):103528.
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    Finitary algebraic logic II.Roger D. Maddux - 1993 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 39 (1):566-569.
    This is a supplement to the paper “Finitary Algebraic Logic” [1]. It includes corrections for several errors and some additional results. MSC: 03G15, 03G25.
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  24. Towards a Micro Realistic Version of Quantum Mechanics, Part II.Nicholas Maxwell - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (6):661-676.
    In this paper, possible objections to the propensity microrealistic version of quantum mechanics proposed in Part I are answered. This version of quantum mechanics is compared with the statistical, particle microrealistic viewpoint, and a crucial experiment is proposed designed to distinguish between these to microrealistic versions of quantum mechanics.
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  25. The Non-Categoricity of Logic (II). Multiple-Conclusions and Bilateralist Logics (In Romanian).Constantin C. Brîncuș - 2023 - Probleme de Logică (Problems of Logic) (1):139-162.
    The categoricity problem for a system of logic reveals an asymmetry between the model-theoretic and the proof-theoretic resources of that logic. In particular, it reveals prima facie that the proof-theoretic instruments are insufficient for matching the envisaged model-theory, when the latter is already available. Among the proposed solutions for solving this problem, some make use of new proof-theoretic instruments, some others introduce new model-theoretic constrains on the proof-systems, while others try to use instruments from both sides. On the (...)
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  26.  71
    On Fuzzy Logic II. Enriched residuated lattices and semantics of propositional calculi.Jan Pavelka - 1979 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 25 (7-12):119-134.
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    Axioms for tense logic. II. Time periods.John P. Burgess - 1982 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23 (4):375-383.
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    Fuzzy Horn logic II.Radim Bělohlávek & Vilém Vychodil - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (2):149-177.
    The paper studies closure properties of classes of fuzzy structures defined by fuzzy implicational theories, i.e. theories whose formulas are implications between fuzzy identities. We present generalizations of results from the bivalent case. Namely, we characterize model classes of general implicational theories, finitary implicational theories, and Horn theories by means of closedness under suitable algebraic constructions.
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  29.  10
    Redundancy in logic II: 2CNF and Horn propositional formulae.Paolo Liberatore - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (2-3):265-299.
  30.  11
    Parametrized Modal Logic II: The Unidimensional Case.Philippe Balbiani - 2023 - In Carlos Areces & Diana Costa, Dynamic Logic. New Trends and Applications: 4th International Workshop, DaLí 2022, Haifa, Israel, July 31–August 1, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. Springer Verlag. pp. 17-36.
    We consider a syntax and semantics of modal logics based on parametrized modal connectives with \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\exists \forall $$\end{document}-satisfaction definitions, we axiomatically introduce different parametrized modal logics, we prove their completeness with respect to appropriate classes of parametrized relational structures and we show the decidability of some related satisfiability problems.
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  31. Fuzzy Horn logic II.R. B.? Lohl├ Ívek & V. M. Vychodil - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (2):149.
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  32. Studies in Paraconsistent Logic II: Quantifiers and the Unity of Opposites.Newton Ca da Costa & Robert G. Wolf - 1948 - Science and Society 12:418-444.
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    Model constructions in stationary logic. II. Definable ultrapowers.Kim B. Bruce - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (2):257-262.
  34. Fuzzy Horn logic II.Radim Lohlavek & Vilem Vychodil - 2006 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 45 (2):149-178.
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  35. On definitions in Symbolic Logic II.H. Meyer - 1946 - Synthese 5 (7/8):353.
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    12. Transcendental Logic II.J. N. Mohanty - 2011 - In Edmund Husserl's Freiburg Years: 1916-1938. Yale University Press. pp. 213-255.
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    A PREFACE TO LOGIC (II) The Shift From Having to Discourse.Edward O. Sisson - 1931 - The Monist 41 (2):228 - 252.
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  38.  67
    A content semantics for quantified relevant logics. II.Ross T. Brady - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (2):243 - 257.
    In part I, we presented an algebraic-style of semantics, which we called “content semantics,” for quantified relevant logics based on the weak systemBBQ. We showed soundness and completeness with respect to theunreduced semantics ofBBQ. In part II, we proceed to show soundness and completeness for extensions ofBBQ with respect to this type of semantics. We introducereduced semantics which requires additional postulates for primeness and saturation. We then conclude by showing soundness and completeness forBB d Q and its extentions with respect (...)
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  39.  86
    Constructive Logic with Strong Negation is a Substructural Logic. II.M. Spinks & R. Veroff - 2008 - Studia Logica 89 (3):401-425.
    The goal of this two-part series of papers is to show that constructive logic with strong negation N is definitionally equivalent to a certain axiomatic extension NFL ew of the substructural logic FL ew. The main result of Part I of this series [41] shows that the equivalent variety semantics of N and the equivalent variety semantics of NFL ew are term equivalent. In this paper, the term equivalence result of Part I [41] is lifted to the setting (...)
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  40.  43
    Spatio-Cultural Evolution as Information Dynamics: Part I. [REVIEW]Zeev Posner - 2012 - Foundations of Science 17 (2):125-162.
    A view of evolution is presented in this paper (a two paper series), intended as a methodological infrastructure for modeling spatio-cultural systems (the design outline of such a model is presented in paper II). A motivation for the re-articulation of evolution as information dynamics is the phenomenologically discovered prerequisite of embedding a meaning-attributing apparatus in any and all models of spatio-cultural systems. An evolution is construed as the dynamics of a complex system comprised of memory devices, connected in an ordered (...)
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  41.  45
    The γ-admissibility of Relevant Modal Logics II — The Method using Metavaluations.Takahiro Seki - 2011 - Studia Logica 97 (3):351-383.
    The?-admissibility is one of the most important problems in the realm of relevant logics. To prove the 7-admissibility, either the method of normal models or the method using metavaluations may be employed. The?-admissibility of a wide class of relevant modal logics has been discussed in Part I based on a former method, but the?-admissibility based on metavaluations has not hitherto been fully considered. Sahlqvist axioms are well known as a means of expressing generalized forms of formulas with modal operators. This (...)
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  42.  49
    The Micro-Computer as Logic Tutor.Laurence Goldstein - 1984 - Teaching Philosophy 7 (2):109-114.
  43.  54
    Duality and canonical extensions of bounded distributive lattices with operators, and applications to the semantics of non-classical logics II.Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans - 2000 - Studia Logica 64 (2):151-172.
    The main goal of this paper is to explain the link between the algebraic models and the Kripke-style models for certain classes of propositional non-classical logics. We consider logics that are sound and complete with respect to varieties of distributive lattices with certain classes of well-behaved operators for which a Priestley-style duality holds, and present a way of constructing topological and non-topological Kripke-style models for these types of logics. Moreover, we show that, under certain additional assumptions on the variety of (...)
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  44.  39
    On witnessed models in fuzzy logic II.Petr Hájek - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):610-615.
    First the expansion of the Łukasiewicz logic by the unary connectives of dividing by any natural number is studied; it is shown that in the predicate case the expansion is conservative w.r.t. witnessed standard 1-tautologies. This result is used to prove that the set of witnessed standard 1-tautologies of the predicate product logic is Π2-hard.
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  45.  99
    MICRO-Foundations in Strategic Management: Squaring Coleman’s Diagram.Jack Vromen - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (3):365-383.
    In a series of joint papers, Teppo Felin and Nicolai J. Foss recently launched a microfoundations project in the field of strategic management. Felin and Foss observe that extant explanations in strategic management are predominantly collectivist or macro. Routines and organizational capabilities, which are supposed to be properties of firms, loom large in the field of strategic management. Routines figure as explanantia in explanations of firm behavior and firm performance, for example. Felin and Foss plead for a replacement of such (...)
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  46.  80
    On the chronology of Boethius' works on logic II.L. M. De Rijk - 1964 - Vivarium 2 (1):125-161.
  47.  57
    Abstracts from Logical Form: An Experimental Study of the Nexus between Language and Logic II.Joseph S. Fulda - 2006 - Journal of Pragmatics 38 (6):925-943.
    This experimental study provides further support for a theory of meaning first put forward by Bar-Hillel and Carnap in 1953 and foreshadowed by Asimov in 1951. The theory is the Popperian notion that the meaningfulness of a proposition is its a priori falsity. We tested this theory in the first part of this paper by translating to logical form a long, tightly written, published text and computed the meaningfulness of each proposition using the a priori falsity measure. We then selected (...)
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  48.  14
    Simplified semantics for further relevant logics II: Propositional Constants.Tore Fjetland Øgaard - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy.
    It is shown how to model propositional constants within the simplified Routley-Meyer semantics. Various axioms and rules allowingthe definition of modal operators, implicative negations, enthymematical conditionals, and propositions expressing various infinite conjunctions anddisjunctions are set forth and shown to correspond to specific frame conditions. Two propositional constants which are both often designated as “the Ackermann constant” are shown to capture two such “infinite” propositions: The conjunction of every logical law and the conjunction of every truth – what Anderson and Belnap (...)
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  49. For the most clearly understood models of (i) belief,(ii) how the impact of sensory experience changes belief, and (Hi) how beliefs together with desires influence actions.Meaning Logic - 1983 - In Alex Orenstein & Rafael Stern, Developments in Semantics. Haven. pp. 2--221.
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  50.  34
    Belief Fusion: Aggregating Pedigreed Belief States. [REVIEW]Pedrito Maynard-Reid II & Yoav Shoham - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (2):183-209.
    We introduce a new operator – belief fusion– which aggregates the beliefs of two agents, each informed by a subset of sources ranked by reliability. In the process we definepedigreed belief states, which enrich standard belief states with the source of each piece of information. We note that the fusion operator satisfies the invariants of idempotence, associativity, and commutativity. As a result, it can be iterated without difficulty. We also define belief diffusion; whereas fusion generally produces a belief state with (...)
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