Results for 'Monetarism'

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  1.  29
    Monetäre »Grundformen des ’Verstehens‘ der Welt«? Von Simmels Substanzwert zu Cassirers Darstellungsfunktion.Timo Klattenhoff - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2015 (1-2):159-169.
    Among many things, Simmel in his Philosophy of Money works out a cultural perspective on money. In reference to socio-historical examples, Simmel differentiates between the »Substanzwert« of those objects, which serve monetary purposes: Whereas the former quality stands for the equalization of material attributes and value, the later describes money's capability for universal exchange. With Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, we can argue that this a »revolution of the way of thinking«: Drawing a parallel between Simmel's »Sustains-« and »Funktionswert« (...)
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    The Oregonian ICU: Multi-Tiered Monetarized Morality in Health Insurance Law.Michael A. Rie - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (2):149-166.
    Resource finitude, cost containment, and a purchaser monopsony market have created public concern-about the moral and legal responsibility for quality assurance in health plans. Resource allocation and standards of care represent a clash of moral values in intensive care treatment. This essay advances a procedural model, based on legislation passed in Oregon, that could govern the incorporation of private sector health insurance plans in Oregon to assure democratic input from consumers, providers, and employers into a limited vision of individual entitlement (...)
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    The Fall and Rise of Keynesian Economics.John Eatwell & Murray Milgate - 2011 - Oxford University Press USA.
    During the 1970s, monetarism and the new classical macroeconomics ushered in an era of neoliberal economic policymaking. Keynesian economics was pushed aside. It was almost forgotten that when Keynesian thinking had dominated economic policymaking in the middle decades of the twentieth century, it had coincided with postwar economic reconstruction in both Europe and Japan, and the unprecedented prosperity and stable growth of the 1950s and 1960s. The global financial crisis of 2007-2009 and the recession that followed changed all that. (...)
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    The Meaning of Conservatism.Roger Scruton - 2014 - St. Augustine's Press.
    Book Description: First published in 1980, this contribution to political thought is a statement of the traditional conservative position. Roger Scruton challenges those who would regard themselves as conservatives, and also their opponents. Conservatism, he argues, has little in common with liberalism, and is only tenuously related to the market economy, to monetarism, to free enterprise or to capitalism. It involves neither hostility towards the state, nor the desire to limit the state's obligation towards the citizen. Its conceptions of (...)
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    Основні етапи еволюції державної економічної політики.Р. О Джура - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 72:180-189.
    The basics of the state economic policy and its evolution in socio-historical progress in civilization process are analyzed; the author studies the approaches substantiated in their time by such famous thinkers likeNiccolo Machiavelli, ThomasHobbes, JohnLocke, GeorgHegel, KarlMarx, JohnRawls; liberal substantiations suggested byAdamSmith, DavidRicardo, JohnMaynardKeynes, Ludwig von Mises, MiltonFriedman,Friedrich von Hayek, R. Cokhane in their works; utilitarian theory of social welfareby Jeremy Bentham, arepresentative of classical political economical schoolJohnStuartMill didn't deny the possibility and eligibility of state's interference in the economic processes; (...)
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  6. The Merchants of Heavenly Grace: On Academic Publication and Cultural Difference.John T. Giordano - 2023 - Meθexis Journal of Research in Values and Spirituality 3 (2):84-101.
    The increasing standardization, specialisation and monetarization of academic publishing is designed to foster quality in research and expression. But these tendencies also pose serious challenges to the expression of cultural difference, particularly with regard to philosophy and religious studies. Scholars from various cultural backgrounds outside of mainstream universities often find themselves marginalised when the quality of their work is judged through the metrics of mainstream academic publishing. Smaller journals which give a forum to local research are gradually disappearing or becoming (...)
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  7. Inventing the hetaira: sex, politics, and discursive conflict in archaic Greece.Leslie Kurke - 1997 - Classical Antiquity 16 (1):106-150.
    According to Xenophon, the hetaira "gratified" her patron as a philos, participating in an aristocratic network of gift exchange , while the pornê, as her name signified, trafficked in sex as a commodity. Recent writers on Greek prostitution have acknowledged that hetaira vs. pornê may be as much a discursive opposition as a real difference in status, but still, very little attention has been paid to the period of the "invention" of this binary. Hetaira meaning "courtesan" first occurs in Herodotus (...)
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  8.  80
    David Hume on monetary policy: A retrospective approach.Maria Pia Paganelli - 2009 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 7 (1):65-85.
    Monetary policy is a modern idea of which David Hume is generally considered a precursor. Moreover, thanks to Milton Friedman and Robert Lucas, he is often presented as one of the first and most illustrious endorser of monetarism. This paper argues against this view, and in agreement with Joseph Schumpeter, that Hume's contribution to economics, while not insignificant, cannot claim any real novelties. It offers an interpretation of Hume as a descendant of a pre-modern understanding of money rather than (...)
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  9.  31
    By "fancy or agreement": Locke's theory of money and the justice of the global monetary system.Luca J. Uberti - 2013 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 6 (1):49.
    Locke argues that the consent of market participants to the introduction of money justifies the economic inequalities resulting from monetarization. This paper shows that Locke’s argument fails to justify such inequalities. My critique proceeds in two parts. Regarding the consequences of the consent to money, neo-Lockeans wrongly take consent to justify inequalities in the original appropriation of land. In contrast, I defend the view that consent can only justify inequalities resulting directly from monetized commercial exchange. Secondly, regarding the nature of (...)
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  10.  14
    Erinnerung, Wertschätzung und das Recht zu vererben.Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (2):47-70.
    Für die zeitgenössische Philosophie ist das Vererben ein Vermögenstransfer, der unter Gesichtspunkten sozialer Gerechtigkeit zu behandeln ist. Diese Untersuchungsperspektive ist angesichts der massiven Verteilungseffekte, die das Vererben zeitigt, ohne Frage sehr wichtig. Allerdings lässt sie einen Punkt unberücksichtigt: Das testamentarische Vererben kann wichtige Beiträge dazu leisten, dass wir Verstorbene, denen wir zu Lebzeiten nahestanden, in Erinnerung behalten und wertschätzen. Hierbei ist der monetäre Wert der vererbten Güter nicht entscheidend. Wie ich in meinem Aufsatz darlege, lässt sich mit diesem Befund erklären, (...)
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  11.  20
    The Meanings of Money: A Sociological Perspective.Bruce G. Carruthers - 2010 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 11 (1):51-74.
    Money undergirds market exchange, but the social significance of money goes well beyond the obvious importance of its highly uneven distribution in modern market economies. In addition, modern money imposes an ostensibly precise and unidimensional valuation on social products, processes and relations that often conflicts with other modes of social valuation. In this regard, monetarization is a particular instance of quantification. Money’s status as an official economic metric is the result of a long, contingent, and uneven historical process. Given alternative (...)
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  12.  9
    Can the Institutional Theory of Art survive Zombie Formalism?Sarah Hegenbart - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 66 (1):98-106.
    Der Begriff des »Zombie Formalismus« beschreibt eine Form der Kunst, welche die Intention verfolgt, die Bedürfnisse des Marktes zu erfüllen. Gegenwärtige Entwicklungen des Kunstmarkts fordern die institutionelle Theorie von Kunst heraus, da es zunehmend fraglich erscheint, dass ›die Kunstwelt‹ – das Kernstück der institutionellen Theorie – noch von einem tiefgehenden Kunstverständnis anstatt von ökonomischen Interessen geleitet wird. Da die institutionelle Theorie ›die Kunstwelt‹ an sich sehr vage definiert, könnte diese auch wirtschaftlich orientierte Sammlerinnen und Galeristen einschließen. Wenn der monetäre Wert (...)
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  13.  23
    İbn Haldûn’un Ahl'k Düşüncesi Bakımından Money-Hedonizm.Muhammet Caner Ilgaroğlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1331-1347.
    According to Ibn Khaldūn, man is a social entity deeply influenced by the geo-economics-politics of the environment in which he lives. The effect is seen as so strong that nearly all of these structures in their relationship to human beings are dominated by it. In this system, we see human beings as a creature who is both able to adapt himself to the environment and able to evolve in this harmony. From the perspective of Ibn Khaldūn, man cannot be evaluated (...)
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    The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory (review).Christopher Ives - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):170-173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social TheoryChristopher IvesThe Great Awakening: A Buddhist Social Theory. By David R. Loy. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2003. 228 pp.In recent decades, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, the International Network of Engaged Buddhists, and other "Engaged Buddhists" have been responding to a range of social, political, and economic issues. To date, however, they have not coupled their wide-ranging and (...)
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    Marx and the Magic of Money: Towards an Alchemy of Capital.Michael Neary & Graham Taylor - 1998 - Historical Materialism 2 (1):99-117.
    We live in an age dominated by money. As capitalism has intensified and expanded as a social form, money has increasingly colonised the production and reproduction of the human condition. We live in an age of monetarism: an age in which social and political regulation are increasingly subordinate to the dictates of ‘sound money'. We live in an age of national lotteries: an age where millions attempt each week to garner enough money to ‘free’ themselves from the grinding agony (...)
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    Sind Marktpreise gerecht?: Eine Kritik am Van Parijsschen Ökonomismus.Heiner Michel - 2000 - Analyse & Kritik 22 (2):179-197.
    This article objects to two major economistic shortcomings of Philippe Van Parijs’s Real Freedom for All: (1) Van Parijs claims that market prices are the best metric for equal real freedom. This is challenged. Market prices admittedly are the best instrument for distributive purposes at hand. They are, however, a means of transport for supply and demand contingendes. Hence market prices are to be considered as an insufficient metric for equal freedom. (2) Van Parijs claims that Real Freedom for All (...)
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  17.  33
    Das Anreizargument in Wirtschaftsethik und Gerechtigkeitstheorie.Christian Neuhäuser - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 3 (2):9-48.
    Die Idee, dass vor allem monetäre Anreize das Verhalten von Wirtschaftsakteuren in gewünschte Richtungen lenken und sogar dabei helfen können, durch Leistungssteigerung zusätzliche Wohlfahrtseffekte zu generieren, spielt in der politischen Ökonomie seit ihren Anfängen eine zentrale Rolle. Es spricht sogar einiges dafür, dass dieser Gedanke das verbindende Glied der Ökonomik als Gesellschaftstheorie im Gegensatz zu anderen gesellschaftstheoretischen Entwürfen ausmacht. Dennoch halte ich dieses Anreizargument aus normativer Perspektive für unterentwickelt, wie ich in Auseinandersetzung mit der Ökonomischen Ethik bzw. Ordnungsethik nach Karl (...)
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    David Hume and Eighteenth Century Monetary Thought: A Critical Comment on Recent Views.Salim Rashid - 1984 - Hume Studies 10 (2):156-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DAVID HUME AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MONETARY THOUGHT: A CRITICAL COMMENT ON RECENT VIEWS To the argument that it makes little difference what precise roles were played by various actors in a great movement, and that the busy modern reader cannot be bothered to go behind the scenes of popular successes, the answer is simple: it is on the whole better to call men and events by their right names; (...)
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  19.  15
    Erlebniswert Olympischer Winterspiele in München 2018/ Experiential Value of Hosting the 2018 Winter Olympics in Munich.Katrin Werkmann & Holger Preuß - 2011 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 8 (2):97-123.
    Zusammenfassung Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, mittels der Contingent Valuation Methode den Erlebniswert der Ausrichtung der Olympischen Winterspiele in München 2018 sowie den Stolz, diese Veranstaltung in Deutschland zu wissen, für die deutsche Bevölkerung monetär zu quantifizieren. Die Stichprobe zur Erfassung der sog. Zahlungsbereitschaft umfasst 1.011 Personen. Diese wurden mit Fragebögen dazu befragt, was sie dafür zu zahlen bereit wären, dass die Winterspiele 2018 in Deutschland stattfinden. Die Berechnung der gesamten aggregierten Zahlungsbereitschaft der deutschen Bevölkerung erfolgt mittels zweier Szenarien, wonach (...)
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  20.  30
    Commodifying diversity: Education and governance in the era of neoliberalism.Andrew Wilkins - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (2):122-130.
    In this paper I explore the pedagogical and political shift marked by the meaning and practice of diversity offered through New Labour education policy texts, specifically, the policy and practice of personalized learning (or personalization). The aim of this paper is to map the ways in which diversity relays and mobilizes a set of neoliberal positions and relationships in the field of education and seeks to govern education institutions and education users through politically circulating norms and values. These norms and (...)
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  21.  13
    Geld und Preise.Simon Derpmann - 2021 - In Ludger Heidbrink, Alexander Lorch & Verena Rauen (eds.), Handbuch Wirtschaftsphilosophie Iii: Praktische Wirtschaftsphilosophie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 169-184.
    Die Philosophie des Geldes und der Preise befasst sich mit sozialontologischen Fragen der Konstitution und Natur von Geldvorkommnissen, sowie der Bedeutung und der Bedingungen monetärer Wertzuschreibungen. Eine zentrale Demarkationslinie konkurrierender Positionen verläuft entlang der Frage, ob Geldvorkommnisse Warenwerte repräsentieren oder Verhältnisse von Kredit und Schuld anzeigen. Darüber hinaus werden in der Philosophie des Geldes moralphilosophische und politische Fragen thematisch. So kommt Geld eine zentrale Rolle in der Organisation ökonomischer Kooperation durch Märkte und in der Entwicklung und Innovation wirtschaftlicher Produktivkräfte zu. (...)
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  22.  32
    The Neue Marx-Lektüre and the ‘Monetary Theory of Value’ in the East German Labour-Value Measurement Debate.Paula Maria Rauhala - 2021 - Historical Materialism 29 (2):29-60.
    Proponents of a monetary interpretation of Marx’s theory of value (monetäre Werttheorie) argue that one cannot estimate the amounts of socially necessary labour time that lie behind the prices, an interpretation usually ascribed to the West German Neue Marx‑Lektüre. As Hans-Georg Backhaus began fleshing out his monetary interpretation in the early 1970s, he referred explicitly to debate among economists in early‑1960s East Germany about the possibility of estimating quantities of labour value in terms of commodities’ labour content. In fact, scholars (...)
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  23.  21
    Business Cycle Theory.Lutz G. Arnold - 2002 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Business cycle theory is a broad and disparate field. Different schools of thought offer alternative explanations for cycles, often using different mathematical methods. This book provides academics and graduate students of economics with a compact and accessible exposition of business cycle theory since Keynes. The author places the main theories -- Keynesian economics, monetarism, new classical economics, the real business cycles theory, and new Keynesian economics -- in an historical context by presenting them in the chronological order of their (...)
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  24.  15
    Free Market Conservatism : A Critique of Theory & Practice.Edward Nell (ed.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    First published in 1984, this book carefully dissects and convincingly demonstrates that conservative economics is incoherent in theory and disastrous in practice. The three main schools of thought supporting "free-market" policies – supply side economics, monetarism and rational expectations – are examined in turn and each is found defective. Three case studies of conservative policy in action follow: Reagan’s U.S., Thatcher’s U.K. and Pinochet’s Chile and their courses are charted in depth. In addition, Robert Heilbroner and Edward Nell analyse (...)
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